The Prince and The Pauper

By Millie_Astral

13.7K 415 445

Astral and his twin brother Black Mist are both princes overruling the Human World with their father, King Go... More

Prologue: The Disaster
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 16

337 10 7
By Millie_Astral

Astral fell to the ground with a painful grunt. He cursed slightly and looked around for what could have done that. Nothing was seen, but he swore he could feel something on his right ankle. He felt that general area. It has some sort of goey, jelly-like feel to it. Strange. Was it removable?

He tried pulling on the object, but it wouldn't budge. Seeing as though it was jelly, it was strange that it felt solid when he pulled.

"Strange..." Astral pulled out his sword. "Let's see if it will yield to lightning." He struck the jelly, but it just went hard again.

Even weirder...

Suddenly, a roar sounded through the halls. Astral stiffened at the sound of a hungry predator.

~.Human POV.~

Yuma silently crawled through the tight space. It was like an air vent, except it was all stone and it smelled mustier. Still, it was much better than being in that room with the dead bodies!

There was nothing exciting going on, which was better than anything going on. It meant he was safe for now. What about Astral? Was he doing alright? Well, iy was best not to worry too much. The prince could handle himself pretty well. After all, he had his lightning.

Yuma laughed to himself. Why am I worrying, anyways? Maybe it was the threat of impending danger hanging over him. This place was intricately designed to keep intruders from finding the main room and possibly destroy them. He already knew that from his little walk around the halls.

~.Captives POV.~

There were two screens showing different things. One was with Astral, and the other was with Yuma. Akari could see what the both of them were doing while she was waiting her turn to be tortured or something, which she did not take joy in. She sat against the wall with a bland expression. She refused to show that Shila woman cat thing that she was afraid because it would show them that she was weak. Of course, that also backfired. It made them eager to get her "inner strength" or whatever that was.

She knew they were trying to break her, though. By showing her this and the possibility of her brother dying, they were trying to break her. She wouldn't give in, though.

"So, why are you showing me this?" Akari asked. "This is pointless. I know for a fact that this isn't just for entertainment."

"Oh, but it is for me!" Lady Shila giggled. "There's nothing better than watching the loved ones of my captives suffer!" She laughed a squeaky laugh and continued to watch the screens.

~.Royal POV.~

Astral readied his sword, looking around for anything that may have produced that sound. Was it a dragon? A darkling? Something along those lines? Or was it something completely foreign, something he had no idea how to defeat?

The head of a lion emerged out of the darkness. It was yellow with some blue striped on its head, above the nose. The mane was blue at the outside, melting into a red. It had large fangs and red eyes. Its paws were gargantuanwith dark blue and yellow stripes. Its claws were light blue, and it's ears looked like that of an elf's.

Surprisingly enough, this creature had wings on its back, yellow close to the body and violet-red at the ends. It had the body of a goat at its rear end with a tail that ended in a snake's head. This was nothing like he had ever seen before. It could only be classified as a chimera. It crackled with electricity. Obviously, it was immune to any and all electric attacks, which could not be said for Astral.

Astral gulped, gripping his sword tightly. He wouldn't even be able to touch it! He couldn't use his brother's sword because he didn't command the flames! There was nothing he could do but dodge it, and he couldn't even do that because he was tethered to the damn ground!

He growled. "Well, I guess the only way is to defend..." he grumbled. "I'm sure nothing I will do can harm you, so it is better if I tire you out." He grinned. "I have a lot of stamina. I can last for a long time."

The chimera roared in response. Then, it talked in a growly voice.

"I am Wattchimera," it said, "and I will make sure you never come alive again! You will rue the day you ever touched that lightning!" He extended his mighty wings and roared again.

Astral braced himself for what he was sure to be a challenging fight.

I'm going to end it there. Short chapter! So, today is Thanksgiving! Please, tell me what you're all thankful for! :3 Little spoiler, someone dies next chapter >;D

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