Right Realm, Wrong World (Boo...

By QueenieCalista

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Lloyd makes a wish, and not to y/n's surprise, they end up somewhere other than Earth. They get sent to a dif... More

The Wish
The Streets of Ninjago City
Sensei's got the Munchies
Meeting Lloyd on the Bus
Beating the Bully
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 1
Chomped on by a Hungry Hippo
What a Mess
The Ice Emperor
An Unexpected Return
The Really Bad Idea
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 2
A Painful Aftermath
Bad Dreams
Strangers in Paris
Holding Out For a Hero
Love and Hate
Going Home
Thank You!

Uh, Oh

995 49 45
By QueenieCalista

—————Movie y/n's POV————-

"Y/n, look!" Lloyd says, pointing towards a vehicle coming our way.

"At least we're not alone in this forest of giant hippos," I mutter.

"Dr. Bravestone! So good to see you!" The man in the car says to Lloyd as he approaches.

I blink. "What?"

"Ruby Roundhouse!" the man says, turning to me. "You're looking well!"

"Excuse me?" I say, then look down at my chest. "They're not that round..."

"Hurry, Jumanji needs your help!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lloyd asks.

"Hurry, Jumanji needs your help!" The man repeats.

"I don't get in cars with strangers," Lloyd replies.

"Hurry, Jumanji needs your help!"

I step forward and shake the man's shoulders aggressively. "Stop staying that!"

"Hey, y/n..." Lloyd suddenly says, pointing to the place where we landed a couple minutes ago.

I stare at the spot, and then I realize what caught Lloyd's attention: four other people.

"Maybe they know what's going on," Lloyd wonders.

"Or maybe they're just as confused as we are," I say.

"Hey!!" Lloyd shouts at the strangers.

"What are you doing?!" I hiss. "What if they're dangerous?"

Lloyd raises an eyebrow and gestures for me to look at them again. The girl with red hair is covering her boobs self consciously, the middle-age fat man is freaking out like a girl, the short guy with a backpack is yelling at the tall guy, and the tall guy looks like he's about to cry. They look like a mess.

"Okay, maybe they're not dangerous, but they're definitely a strange group of people," I say.

Lloyd calls out to them again, and they head up to where we are.

"Hi," the girl says like she's on the brink of a panic attack. "Do you know where we are?"

"We were just about to ask you that," Lloyd answers.

"Are you a part of the game?" The tall guy asks.

"Game?" Lloyd and I repeat.

"Are you non-players or did you get sucked into the game, too?"

"Well, we got transported here through a DVD player, so close enough," I mutter.

"Are you saying we're in a video game?" Lloyd asks.

"We're pretty sure... I mean, we only just got here, but... yeah. I'm Spencer, by the way. That's Fridge, Martha, and Bethany."

"I'm Lloyd, and this is y/n."

"Bethany?" I say after a moment. "What... how..."

"I don't look like this outside of the game!" Bethany exclaims defensively. "This is just my avatar."

Lloyd and I look at each other. "We don't have avatars."

"Lucky!" Bethany complains. "You guys got to keep your good looks!"

"Hey, who's that?" Fridge asks, pointing at the guy in the car, who's still repeating the same line over and over again.

"That's just some weird guy who thinks y/n and I are 'Dr. Bravestone' and 'Ruby Roundhouse.'"

"But... that's us!" Martha says, referring to herself and Spencer. "Those are the names of our avatars!"

"He must be really confused, then," I mumble.

"Or maybe he's an NPC," Spencer suggests. "A non-player character."

"Hurry, Jumanji needs your help!" That guy repeats again.

"Argh! How do we get him to shut up?!" I exclaim.

"I think we have to get in the car," Spencer says.

"Okay, then what?" Martha asks.

"Then we have to save Jumanji," Spencer answers. "And then we go home."

———-Series Lloyd's POV————-

"Stop it, Lloyd!" Nya says, interrupting my train of thought. "Why are you so distracted?"

Well, maybe its because I'm pretending to be the alternate version of myself and I'm freaking out inside! I think, but of course I can't say that out loud.

"I'm just tired," I lie.

"Ooh, I think Lloyd has a crush," Kai says teasingly. "Guys only have looks like that when they're smitten."

"I do not!" I protest. It's true though; y/n, the one I love, is much more than a crush. She's my soulmate.

Hmm... I wonder if Other Lloyd and Other y/n are soulmates, too, I think.

"You can think about girls later, Lloyd," Nya says. "Right now we need to focus on training."

"Yeah, we haven't been very good at fighting lately," Cole adds.

"Hey! We aren't that bad!" Jay defends.

"Actually, Cole is correct," Zane says. "We are not very competent defenders of the city."

"Alright, students!" Sensei calls as he joins us in the training area. "It's time for your Spinjitzu practice. But first, stretches!"

"Stretches? Really?" I mumble. I don't remember having to do any of these back with Other Sensei.

I get bonked on the head with Sensei's stick. "That looks like the confused monkey. Focus!"

I roll my eyes and do as he says. After a long and boring stretching session, we're finally told to do our Spinjitzu practice.

"Okay, here goes nothing," Jay says, and starts spinning around like a maniac. He falls flat on his face.

"Are you serious?" I blurt. "You guys can't even do Spinjitzu yet?"

Everyone stares at me blankly.

"What, can you?" Cole asks.

"Um, yeah. Obviously."

"Let's see, then," Kai says, crossing his arms. He doesn't believe me.

Without thinking, I turn around and do Spinjitzu. It wasn't until after I saw Sensei's mouth drop open that I knew I f*cked up.

—————-Series y/n's POV————-

(<<<<rewind about thirty minutes<<<<)

After Lloyd and the ninja head off for the day, I start looking for something to do. I hate sitting and doing nothing; I want to be productive.

I head down the street, where other students are walking towards the bus stop. I see someone with a familiar hairstyle, and when I see her face I spastically jump five feet in the air.

"Harumi?!?" I shriek, and dodge behind a building to get out of sight. "What is she doing here?"

Nadakhan, who's lamp is attached to the sash tied around my waist, appears next to me. "It appears she is a student."

"Yeah, I got that much! I just didn't think she'd be in this universe," I hiss. "Argh! I hate that girl."

"Yes, she doesn't seem like a very nice person," Nadakhan replies. "You don't have a bad history with her, do you?"

"Well, she kind of tried to resurrect evil Garmadon and she also threatened to steal my man, so no, I don't like her very much."

"Oh, come on. She can't be the only girl to want your boyfriend. Why so much distaste?"

"I don't know, I guess I was just paranoid due to her seducing Lloyd in the show. I've also been waiting for Akita to come along," I sigh. "Sometimes I wish we could just deal with the whole never-realm season and get it over with."

"Your wish is yours to keep."

My eyes widen as a bunch of mountains appear behind Garmadon's volcano in the distance, and snow fills the air. Just when I didn't think things could get any worse, Akita appears right next to me.

"What's going on? Where am I?" She asks.

I turn to Nadakhan, annoyed. "I hate you, you know that?"

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