I can take care of you (under...

By fairytailfreak937

333K 7.9K 2.4K

The boy who lived , the golden boy , the saviour , Harry Potter. But is he all that he appears? No one knows... More

Chapter 1: FREAK!!!
Chapter 3: Settling in
Chapter 4: Feelings and revelations
Chapter 5: The sorting hat
Chapter 6: Potions , explosions and screams
Chapter 7: Weasel
Chapter 8: The Tri-what now
A/n: Sorry 😅
Chapter 9: Did you put your name in the goblet?
Ask the Character
Chapter 10: Did you put your name in the goblet - part 2
Chapter 11: Help the Elf
A/n: Poll~
A/n: Editing and Re-vamping
Chapter 13: ~Dragons and a forest Nymph~
A/n: 50K special
Chapter 14: Elves like Tattoos
Chapter 15: The Unforgivable Curses
Chapter 16: Catch me if you can
Character/Author Q&A
Chapter 17: Pieces of the Past
Chapter 18: Yule Ball
Chapter 19: Vampire
Chapter 20: A Murder and a Vision
Chapter 21: Return
Chapter 22: Smoke and Mazes
Chapter 23: Recovery
A/n: Poll
A/n: important

Chapter 12: Nightmares

6.2K 209 28
By fairytailfreak937

A/n: I made a mood board for Sev~ I hope you like it.
⚠️Warning⚠️ - angst , bully , referenced child abuse

Severus sighed as he flopped onto his bed in his private quarters. It had been a tiring but enjoyable day. Sure there had been a few mishaps but overall Severus thought that the day had gone well. Sebastian had been smiling the whole way home so he felt a sense of accomplishment however he was still worried about how Sebastian would cope with the Triwizard tournament. The staff had been informed about the first task and needless to say Severus was none to please. Who even came up with the idea of letting school children showdown with Dragons? Actual fire breathing Dragons. Mother Dragons to boot , not only would these dragons be agitated at being chained up but they would be fiercely trying to protect their clutch of eggs. One of which would be a fake golden egg that the champions would have to snatch up. Severus let out a frustrated groan as he closed his eyes trying to sleep. He willed the Images of Sebastian being torn to shreds or burnt alive by dragons to leave him alone. When he finally managed to doze off , his peaceful slumber didn't last because the usual plague of nightmares had started.

Severus's memories

A 13 year old Severus sat in one of the many hogwarts bathrooms crying into his sleeves. He was covered in painful cuts and bruises and a stinging hex had hit him in the chest and the face making it hard to breath and see.  He tried to wipe the tears away with his sleeves but as fast as he did , more tears Came streaming down his face. He whimpered in agony as he gasped for air. He didn't hear the footsteps of someone entering the bathroom. It was a tall blonde haired teen. Lucius Malfoy. The boy was very attractive with long blonde hair pulled into a loose ponytail tied with a green ribbon , and silvery-blue eyes that reflected the moonlight. The boy kneeled down and petted Severus's hair. "Who was it this time..." he said , a hint of venomous anger lacing his words. He didn't take kindly to people hurting his friends. "The usual two plus half of griffindor..." Sev whispered in a pained voice. Lucius growled angrily before gently scooping Severus up. "Let's get you out of this filthy bathroom." He huffed. He carried Severus to the hospital wing to be healed then he held his hand all the way to the dorms. Severus blushed. Lucius sat on the bed pulling Severus next to him and cuddling up to him. Severus wasn't really used to affection but he'd started to get used to Lucius' random displays of affection and he'd even started enjoying it. So he cuddled into him. They ended up laying down , Severus was curled against Lucius' chest. Without realising it they had gotten closer to each other's lips until it just sort of happened. Lucius leaned in and kissed Severus. Severus blushed but kissed back. They decided to keep it a secret for now but rumours spread fast in Hogwarts and people had found out that they were now dating. Severus found himself pinned to the floor while a Griffindor used a Piece of broken glass to etch the word "Faggot" into his forearm. No one could hear him screaming and crying due to the silencing charm. They left him to bleed in the bathroom. He glared at the offending word that now permanently marred his skin. He didn't even get a reprieve when he went home for the holidays. It was back to his absurd father. Now with no mother to console him he felt no happiness. Just pain. Almost the second he was home his father threw a beer bottle at his head. He ducked and flinched as it shattered raining glass on him leaving him with cuts.

Severus gasped and opened his eyes. He cast a temperus charm and realised it was already morning. He hated the short nightmares that plagued him. He sympathised with Sebastian. Speaking of he decided to go see how his son was doing. He ran a hand through his hair so he looked less ruffled before strutting out the room his robes billowing behind him. He entered the slytherin common room. The slytherins were used to this as Snape often came in to check on them periodically even before his son attended the school.
Slytherin was actually known for having the most cases of child neglect and abuse , the second being Hufflepuff. So naturally Snape was always checking in on them making sure they were okay. While he'd never been great at comforting people he had his ways of dealing with the students who needed help. Even if it was just making them hot chocolate after a nightmare , it helped the students feel safe. Only the slytherins and a few others knew this side of Severus Snape. Most people saw him as a grumpy old dungeon bat but those who knew him knew that he cared , he just had a hard time showing it. He saw that a lot of his slytherins were gathered in the corner. He walked over to see what was wrong and was met with the sight of Sebastian curled on the floor. He was unconscious but was breathing normally and had no evident injuries. Draco was knelt next to him shaking his shoulder gently and calling his name trying to rouse him. "What happened?" Severus asked. Draco sighed. "I don't know...we we're talking and then he just collapsed and now I can't wake him up." Draco pouted at his unconscious boyfriend. "Seb wake up this isn't funny you're scaring meee..." he whined but still nothing from the raven teen. "I swear to Salazar if you don't wake up I'll steal you're sweets and you're books and those weird muggle metal discs that play music!" He frowned when even threading to steak Sebastian's favourite objects didn't rouse him. "Maybe if we threaten to kidnap Draco he'll wake up?" Pansy suggested , receiving a scoff and a half assed eye roll from the blonde. "Normally I'd entertain you all with my show of dramatics but I just want Sebby to wake up right now..." he mumbled looking downcast. During the amusing failed attempts to get Sebastian to open his eyes Severus had gone to get Poppy. He returned with her and she started to check him over. Draco chewed his nails out of nervousness until Blaise and Pansy grabbed his hands to restrain him. "You really need to break that habit." Pansy said softly. Madame Pomfrey smiled again Draco as she finished examining Sebastian. "He's alright. It seems Sebastian just had a magical overload that's all. His magic is extremely powerful. In fact he has one of the most powerful magical cores I've seen in a very long time. All that raw power is hard to contain especially when he has such a tiny body. Without an outlet for it it's built up and has put him in a temporary magically induced coma." Draco looked like he was going to faint at the mention of a coma. Even Severus looked scared. "You can fix this I presume?" He asked trying to keep his voice steady. Poppy smiled. "Of course. I just need to absorb the excess magic that's built up. I recommend finding a way for him to burn off the excess magic when it starts building up though , a room he can practice magic in without anyone getting hurt is all he needs," she said as she pulled out a wand. She muttered an incantation and bright green raw magic energy started flowing from Sebastian's body into her wand. When she was finished she released the magic energy which exploded in a small green firework. Sebastian's eyes fluttered open. "Why am I on the ground...?" He mumbled in confusion as he sat up instantly being engulfed in a bear hug by Draco causing him to squeak in surprised. He was crushed against Draco's chest as Draco rambled about how worried he was. Sebastian half giggled half coughed. "Okay Draco Baby I love you but my ribs are about to become dust" he wheezed. Draco let go of him. "I'm sorry I didn't meant to hug you so hard but you scared me to death! Don't you ever do that again. Or else!" Sebastian giggled. "Or what Dray Dray? You're father will hear about this?" Draco tried to think of a come back but failed and started giggling. "Okay you got me on that one. But seriously scare me like that again and I'm confiscating all your sweets and you don't get cuddles for a week." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't be able to commit to not giving me cuddles for a week , and if you dare to try and take my sweets I'll hex you to have ginger hair like a Weasley~" Draco let out a mortified gasp. "You wouldn't." Sebastian smirked and Draco just pouted like a kicked puppy. "Fineee....just promise to be careful...I was really worried." He whispered turning deadly serious. Sebastian smiled gently and hugged him. "I don't know what happened yet but whatever it was I promise I'll try to avoid it?" Draco blinked realising Sebastian hadn't been told what had happened yet. "Oh right. You had a magical overload which put you in a temporary coma. So to help you control your extremely powerful magic we need to sort a training room for you." Sebastian hummed. "That would explain a lot actually." Severus raised an eyebrow at his son's statement. "Care to elaborate?" He asked. Sebastian blushed shyly. "I was practicing the exploding charm for Flitwick's homework...but it went out of control. I was confused because I said the incantation right and did the wand movement perfectly fine. I guess it was because I had too much magic built up." Severus sighed. "You're lucky you didn't get burned." He gave Sebastian a gentle hug. "Please exercise more caution the next time you practice dangerous charm spells. Especially if you've built up extra magic." Sebastian nodded in acceptance. "Okay I'll be careful I promise." He hugged Severus once more before allowing Draco to help him up off the ground. Satisfied that everything was okay now Severus left to go mark the first years homework. He already knew he'd have a headache within the first five minutes of the task so he was mentally preparing himself as he walked back to his private Quarters. His mind started to wander to a certain snowy haired elf. Maybe when he'd finished marking he could go visit Ryo.
*Later that Day*

Sebastian sighed as he wandered around the castle. Draco had to go tutor some hufflepuff first years who were struggling with potions. He couldn't find Blaise or Pansy and he didn't know Izora , Destiel or Adrien well enough time go hang out with them on his own so he was alone. He was bored and lonely without Draco. Lost In his own thoughts he didn't hear two mischievous red heads come home behind him until it was too late. He squeaked in surprise and fright as he was grabbed by the waist and Dragged into a storage cupboard. He whirled around ready to hex the fuck out of whoever had kidnapped him (he presumed it was Ron decking to use him as a punching bag again) however he was met with the grinning faces of the Weasley twins. Two of the only Weasley's he still trusted. They were currently struggling to contain their mirth. "Bloody hell you look like you've just been kissed by a Dementor!" George chortled. Fred Giggled poking Sebastian's Cheek. "Awe poor thing nearly had a heart attack when we pulled him I. Here Forge~" George smiled. "Just like a true cat Gred."  Sebastian shook his head at the two. "Um can I ask why you're here?" George smirked. "Straight to the point like a true slytherin ain't he~" Fred nodded.

"We know that..." - Fred
"You are in fact..." - George
"Harry..." - Fred
"Potter..." - George

Normally Sebastian would be laughing at their routine act of finishing each other's sentences however the contents of what they were saying had him caught of guard. "W-Who's Harry P-Potter...I don't know a Harry Potter." He stuttered out. Fred rolled his eyes. "You're really bad at lying Mate. Anyway relax , we won't tell anyone. We figured there must be a reason and if you're not comfortable telling us that's okay. We're here for you when you do want to talk. We also want to apologise for our twat of a brother. I have half a mind to hex him into a slug." Fred muttered angrily. George rubbed Fred's back to calm him down. "Anyway to make up for it we have something to show you~" George grinned as he and Fred grabbed Sebastian and exited the cupboard. They dragged him out of the castle and into the forbidden forest. Sebastian was bewildered but he trusted Fred and George. They came to a stop. In a clearing people were running round with fireproof charmed poles and were poking crates. Then the wooden crates covers were pulled down revealing Dragons trapped in tiny cages. For some reason Sebastian could sense that they were all females. His theory was confirmed when one Dragon (A black spiky dragon he recognised from Draco's dragon book). A Hungarian hungtail , uncurled herself revealing a clutch of eggs. She released a torrent of flames into the air. Sebastian felt her anguish and fear. "Stay back! Stay away from my babies! Poke me again and I'll burn you , egg thieves!" Sebastian blinked. Did he just understand the Dragon? Sebastian wasn't sure what to make of this. He'd only just gotten used to being a parslemouth , it had taken fighting a basilisk to prove he wasn't a dark wizard and even then some individuals still thought he was evil. How would they react to him speaking to dragons? Could he really even speak to dragons or had he imagined it? Parsletongue was the language of serpents. Dragons were reptiles but they weren't serpents. So he shouldn't be able to understand them. He was snapped out of his stupor by the twins. "You good? You've been frozen staring at them for 10 minutes at least." Fred asked gently. Sebastian nodded weakly. "Yeah I'm fine....is Dumbledore insane or stupid? Students fighting dragons when experienced Dragon handles have to work as a group to handle one dragon?" He asked them. "I'd reckon he's lost his marbles." George agreed. "We only found out about this because Charlie's one of the handlers. The staff know about it. We heard you're father swearing at Dumbledore. Dumbledore said he'd lose his job if he told you though so he had to keep quiet. I don't think I've seen the dungeon bat look so angry before. Not even when he's teaching first years~" the twins laughed. Sebastian knew they were joking so he wasn't too offended that they'd called Severus a dungeon bat. "Thank you for warning me about the dragons and for keeping my secret. You guys are the best~" the twins grinned. "You're most welcome Kit~" George teased. He'd just came up with the nickname on the spot. Sebastian flushed in embarrassment but giggled nonetheless. "Maybe we can rope you into helping us prank you're father~" Fred hinted. "Sure. As long it's a harmless prank. But maybe after I've figured out how to avoid being roasted and devoured by angry dragons." The twins walked him back to the school grounds before disappearing to probably go prank someone. Sebastian shakily walked through the corridor , he needed a nap after finding out he was going to fight a dragon. He bumped into Draco who'd finished tutoring the first year hufflepuff's. "Hey baby~ Seb? Are you okay...you're really pale." He asked worriedly putting the back of hand against Sebastian's forehead feeling for a temperature. Sebastian sniffled and buried his head into Draco's shoulder as he started to cry. "Drayyy....the first task is Dragons...how do I fight a dragon? I'm gonna dieee..." he whimpered into Draco's shoulder. Draco frowned and embraced him. "Shhh we'll figure something out okay. Let's go to lunch and then we'll go to the library for some research." Sebastian nodded and let Draco guide him to the great hall. Draco's insides churned. As much as he loved dragons and thought they were beautiful and magnificent creatures , the idea of his boyfriend facing off against one was not comforting in the least. But for Sebastian's sake he was trying to remain calm and not have a melt down. He prayed they would find something useful in the library that they would be able to use to beat the first task. He didn't want to think of what would happen if they didn't find anything. He shuddered at the images that crept up.
Words: 2854
A/n: I know in the stories it's Hagrid that tells Harry about the dragons but I couldn't figure out how to incorporate that into the story so it made more sense for Fred and George to tell him. Who do you think will be the next person to find out Sebastian's old identity? Goodbye kittens 🐱❤️💚❤️💚🐱

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