Pokémon Trainer Red x Reader:...

بواسطة mishiro99

5.7K 113 38

I wrote this several years ago when I was still in high school... Good times (I'm in uni now). When I wrote i... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Final)

Chapter 2

816 15 6
بواسطة mishiro99

I woke quickly, getting out of bed as soon as my eyes opened. Today was the day. I was going to be getting my Pokémon! I hurriedly and excitedly got dressed and gathered my bag. Before running downstairs, I took a quick glance in the mirror. 

I had thrown on my usual attire—a turquoise tank top with gray hems and a pink pleated skirt and socks that matched my top, with my bag slung across my chest. I thought for a second, thinking my outfit was kind of bland. I took off my socks and grabbing my scissors off my desk, I carefully snipped the elastic off of the tops. When I put them back on, they slouched a little. 

I looked around the room. I needed a little something... Aha! I grabbed a hat I had gotten from my aunt and threw it on. I barely said "good morning" to Mom as I rushed out the door. "I'm so proud, my __________'s getting her very own Pokémon," I could hear her say as I began toward Professor Oak's lab.

As I was walking, I heard a loud noise. Startled, I jumped and let go a little yelp. I looked for the source of the noise, when I saw a blur behind some trees. As I moved in to get a closer look, a creature jumped out from the trees and attacked me! 

It was a strange yellow creature, probably a Pokémon. It was holding a pendulum, slowly swinging it back and forth, staring at me menacingly. As it crept toward me, I began trembling in fear, and I tried to run, but my legs wouldn't move, my eyes glued to its beady ones. Just as it was about to lunge at me, I was rescued by a brown blur that knocked over the terrifying creature.

As I sat on the ground, disoriented, I heard the two creatures fighting. After about a minute I heard loud footsteps rushing toward me. As the figures came into focus, I saw Red running toward me, and Green not far behind. Red skidded to a halt next to me and knelt to my level. "__________! Are you okay?" His face showed genuine concern.

I sat up, and tried to explain what had happened, but I couldn't get one word out, I was so shaken. Red took my hand to calm me, not sure of what else to do. He looked at Green, wordlessly asking him to take charge.

Green went in front of the two creatures fighting and threw out a Pokéball. "Go, Bulbasaur!" he exclaimed. "Red, go get help!" Before I knew what was happening, I made eye contact with that creature one more time and everything suddenly went black.


When I came to it was just me and Green. Green was returning his Bulbasaur to its Pokéball, praising it. I sat up again. "Green! What's going on?"

"Oh, __________, you're not dead, thank goodness..." he sighed in relief. "Can you tell me what happened?"

I explained to him what had happened, and as I talked, he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hmm... I think you were attacked by a Hypno. And, this little guy here was the one that saved you, he's an Eevee. He's not very strong... probably only level 5, and the Hypno was too strong. Even so he took on the Hypno, and I had to step in with Bulbasaur. If that Eevee didn't do that... Gosh, I don't even want to think about that. You're my best friend, __________."

"Ah, gee..." I looked at Green, who knelt in front of the fainted Eevee.

"We have to get to a Pokémon Center, fast..." Green picked it up.

"There she is!" I heard Red say from a distance, as well as a few other footsteps.

"Oh, __________," Mom rushed up next to me. "What happened, are you hurt?"

"Come on Mom, I'm fine," I tried to stand up, but I was still weak, so I stumbled a little before falling to the ground again.

"I think I know what happened." Green stepped in. "That Hypno attacked __________ with a Confusion attack, and then a Hypnosis." He then explained everything else.

Eventually, I could feel the effects of the Hypno's attacks wear off and stood up, finally feeling fine. Everyone sighed in relief.

"I'm okay, guys... I'll be okay, but we have to get that Eevee to a Pokémon Center!" I gently took the Eevee from Green. "I'll carry the Eevee, Green, and come with me in case any wild Pokémon attack."

Red popped in. "Should I come, too?"

"No, we'll be fine. Do you have your Pokémon yet?"

"No, but..." Red dropped his head sadly. "I was going to let you choose first..."

"Go ahead," I encouraged him as Green and I headed toward Viridian City.

As Green and I walked, he seemed to be periodically chuckling to himself.

"What is so funny? You're acting like I have lobsters coming out of my ears." I asked.

"Oh nothing, nothing."

I continued to poke and prod Green until he yelled out, "Red likes you!" and covered his mouth quickly with a cheeky grin.

I felt my face begin to grow hot. "Wh-what?" I stammered. "Did he tell you that?"

"No, buuut I can tell," he said matter-of-factly. He gasped. "You like him, don't you?"

"Err... Uhh..." I couldn't lie to him. "How can you tell?"

"Well, he always wants to be around you. That morning he came to your house and asked for a tour of the area? I was already awake. He could have come to me, but he came to you first."

"That doesn't mean anything," I sputtered.

"Okay." He said dismissively. "The focus is on you now. You like him!" He was teasing me, just like Mom.

I felt my face growing hotter and hotter. "Sure, he's cute, but..." Thankfully, we had just arrived in Viridian. I ran up to the Pokémon Center and went in.

"Hi, __________!" Nurse Joy greeted me.

I gently laid the Eevee on the counter and told Nurse Joy what had happened. She took out a Pokéball and put the Eevee inside, then placed it in the healing machine. "Here you go!" She handed me the Pokéball. "He was just fainted, that's all."

"Wait, hold on. This isn't my Eevee." I said, sending it out of its Pokéball. "I'm going to Professor Oak's lab today, to get my starter, not this!"

Green watched as the Eevee rubbed on my leg affectionately. "I dunno, __________, he seems to have taken a liking to ya..."

Eevee chirped happily.

I sighed. "I wanted Squirtle..."

Eevee suddenly became sad and his ears dropped. It hung its head sadly.

"Come on, __________ look at him..." Green tried to convince me.

I couldn't say no to the affectionate furball at my feet. "Fine, all right."

Eevee brightened and danced around me happily. I smirked. He was adorable... I felt bad for being resistant to being his trainer, hoping I hadn't hurt his feelings. I returned him to his Pokéball and walked out of the Pokémon Center with Green, on the way back to Pallet Town.

"__________!" Red ran up to me as I walked in Professor Oak's lab. "I waited so you can choose first."

As he said this Green raised his eyebrows at me. He's just being nice, I thought, scowling at Green. "Aw, that's really nice of you, but apparently I have a starter already."

"Huh?" Red was confused. "What is it?"

I sent Eevee out of his Pokéball. "Eevee!" the furry brown quadruped cried.

"Whoa, cool!" Red marveled at Eevee, who thrust out his chest proudly. "Hmm... let's see... I have a choice of Squirtle or Charmander..."

"I would choose Squirtle," Green said. "It's the second best one, by far... Second only to Bulbasaur!"

I scoffed and leaned in toward Red, whispering to him, "Choose Charmander, its fire type gives it an advantage over Bulbasaur's grass type."

"All right then," Red smirked, "I'll choose Charmander."

Green looked at me angrily. "Hey!"

I chuckled, making a face at Green as Professor Oak gave Red the Pokéball. 

"All right!" He turned to me. "Hey, __________, how about a battle?"

"Sure," I replied, and I sent out Eevee. "Vee!" he chirped, ready to battle.

Red sent out Charmander. "Char Char!" it cried.

"Okay, Eevee, use Tackle!" Eevee did so with enthusiasm.

That started the battle, and with my experience with using Snubbull, and a critical hit, I won against Red easily.

"Nice job," Red congratulated me.

"Thanks, I couldn't have done it without Eevee, though," I said, the Pokémon chirping proudly. "Well, on to Viridian City, I guess. See you guys!" I rushed out of the lab. I decided to stop and say goodbye to Mom before I left.

As I walked in the house, Mom greeted me by thrusting an armful of Items at me. "These might come in handy," she explained. "Bye, now! I know you're going to change the world for the better."

"Okay, Mom. Bye." I hugged her and as I opened the door, I saw Green and Red running toward me.

"__________... Wait... Don't go yet," Green panted.

"What's up?" I started putting the stuff Mom had given me in my bag. Some Pokéballs, some Potions, a Town Map, some other stuff, and Running Shoes. I slipped them on.

"Well, going on a Pokémon journey can get lonely," Green began, "So we wanted to know..." Green pushed Red in front of me and nudged him.

"If you want to come with us!"

"Hmm..." I thought it over. I had always imagined taking my journey by myself, but... Green was annoying but I couldn't help but love the guy. He was like the brother I never had but needed. And Red... It sure would be nice to be able to get to know him better.

"Come on, we have two tents for the three of us, and it will be FUN!" Green tried convincing me. He added out of earshot of Red, who was apparently oblivious, "And Red will be there..."

I flicked his temple, irritated. "Sure, I'll come along!"

"Hooray!" Green and Red cheered together.

"On to Viridian City!" Green cried as we marched off.

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