There's always light in dark...

By AyameHana_

104K 1.8K 612

Mitsuko Akuma is the child of light and darkness. She was left at the stairs of a church with two babies. One... More

Magic knights exam
My team is weird
First mission
Day with captains
The Dungeon
capital under attack
The kids are gone
The beach!
Crazy priest
Forest of witchs
Author note
Star festival 
Hot spring
Royal knight
Princess Mitsuko?
The building
Author note
Author note
Authors note
Author note
You guys came!
Mitsuko memories are being erased
Cute beasts and charlotte
Authors note

Royal knights exam

2.1K 40 11
By AyameHana_

"So because I'm not going to be in the exam until the end should I be like your helper or act like your helper?"I asked Julius
Today was the royal knights exam and there was ten minutes before it starts.
"That would be a good idea but what happens if one of your teammates don't make it in."julius said
"Good point. Maybe tell everyone I'm sick but I'm actually there the whole time."I said.
"I can do that. But you might want to hurry up and hide you only have five minutes left."
"Thanks julius"
I went outside and hide. Soon five minutes passed. And I heard feet steps.
"Wait where Mitsuko?"Asta asked.
I didn't know to be I heard him ask.
"Oh Mitsuko said that she couldn't make it and say she was really busy or something."julius said "now moving on the goal is to you and your team work as a group to destroy the other team crystal. You can break the other teams crystal how ever you please but make sure you don't get your crystal broken. Here are the teams."
"Cool I'm with mimosas and xerx? Who's he?"Asta asked.
"First round team 1 and team 2. Is xerx here"Julius asked
"Hi sorry I'm late."
I heard a man said.
"Who are you?"someone asked
"I'm xerx lugner"
"Okay let's the round begin."julius said.
I saw as xerx didn't do anything and slept the whole time. Asta has been fighting them. They all threw spells at him all at once in different directions. He then accidentally stepped now something which causes their spell to hit them back.
Xerx then appears next to Asta.
"You set off one of my spells." They the broke the other teams crystal and the next round was about to start. I couldn't hear it but they were arguing.
"Next round team 3 and team 4"Julius said
"Oh it's Yunos and noelle I guess they're on the same team. Yuno would probably go on his own making noelle and the other guy will be by themselves."I said quietly
"And start"
And I was correct. Yuno told them to protect the crystal as he started fighting the other two. Noelle didn't listen and went to break the other teams crystal but solid was there. Solid then casted a spell but noelle casted gets which was ten times more powerful than his. Her sea dragon came out and ate his spell and went to attack him. It hit him so hard that he hit the ground and his crystal was broken.
Good noelle I knew you could do it.

Yuno POV

This win is for you Mitsuko.
I walked back to Asta and the other.
"What the heck Yuno!"Asta screams
I then heard a little chuckle that sounds like Mitsuko. I then looked around to see if she was here.
It's probably in my head.

Mitsuko POV

"What the heck Yuno!"Asta screams at Yuno. I chuckled a little. I then covered my mouth.
Crap they can't know I'm here.
Next is luck team
Luck and his teammates decided to work together and make a weird weapon and it hit the other teams crystal.
I'll asked if he can be in the team. Luck is getting better with working with people.
Next was magna. Everyone on his team separated and went oh their own way.
That's gonna lose his chance to be in. And him arguing with everyone isn't going to help.
It was now magna vs Asta.
"It's not going to be you and the golden dawn boy it's gonna be me and luck in the finals!"
Magna started throwing balls of fire at Asta. Asta then reflected back knocking out magna.
Mimosas brother then surrounded the place with petals.
Asta and xerx trick mimosa brother and put him in a hole.
And now that magna and mimosas brother was out Asta took the chance to break the crystal sol hide in her giant.

Mini time skip to the brothers fight

Now it was finrals turn again and he's vsing his brother. Oh no. Langris left his teammates and went to fight his brother. Langris threw balls of his magic at finral but he canceled it. I smile. But things got serious langris threw more balls at him and five of them hit finral and made holes threw him.
"You weak and useless. That's why you must die!"langris raised his hand.
"Light and dark magic:hells angel wings and Dark magic:reapers blade"
Me,Asta,magna,and luck was right in front of him.
Asta has his sword,magna had his bat,luck had his claws,and I had my blade at his neck.
"Take one move and I'll make sure you burn in hell langris."I said
"Finral!"noelle yelled
"Someone help him"Vanessa said
"The weak must die."langris said
I took away my blade.
I chuckled a little bit. Making everyone look at me.
"Mitsuko"Everyone said
"Sorry Julius."I said
I then kicked langris into a wall.
"Shut the hell up langris"I said
I walked over to finral. "Everyone leave right now"I told them. They nodded their head.
"Okay doc lets do this. Light magic:healing ray of light"I started healing. I turned my head around to Asta and langris about to kill each other.
"Light magic:wipe of light and dark magic:wipe of darkness."I hit both of them away from each other only for Julius to trap them.
"Julius this is back firing real quick"I told him
"Yeah. This isn't good."julius said.
"What magic knight tries to kill someone after the fight is done."
"I don't know but the next round needs to began its Asta vs langris."
"Like hell im going to let Asta fight that monster."I yelled
"Mitsuko I know you care about Asta a lot just like or other friends but it still in to go on."
"If things get out of control again then you can stop it however you please."
"the next round start."julius said to everyone.
Everyone was back on the building.
"Mitsuko when did you get here?"yuno asked
"I was here the whole time."
"Then why aren't you in the royal knights exam."
"You'll see"
The round start and langris left his teammate again. He then started yelling at Asta about hows he's a commoner. Langris then hit xerx but he had trap on his body so he didn't get hurt.
"I heard enough if you want to live then you should bow to my feet or keep you commoner mouth shut. Good for nothing commoner."
Langris yelled making his magic balls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) go at Asta. Asta made his demon side come out.
"You can call me names how much as you want. But you won't be laughing when you see my power."
Asta cut threw all of his magic.
"Here I'll burn it into you." Asta pushes his sword into langris making him not to be able to use his magic. Asta drop him all the way to his crystal.
" Detroit smash!" Asta then used langris body to break his crystal but what Asta didn't know langris also broke Asta crystal at the same time.
I stepped back from everyone and ran off the edge.
"MITSUKO!"everyone yelled.
"Light and dark magic:hells angel wings"
I flew to Asta.
"It's a tie"
I got to the floor where Asta was and open my arms.
Asta then fell into my arm from exhaustion.
"I'm proud of you Asta."I told him in his ear so only he can hear. Soon everyone else came.

I took him to the infirmary so he can rest I then walked back outside to Julius.
"He's fine just tired."I told everyone
"Okay now the finrals Yuno team vs rill team. Please head to the battlefield.
"I believe in you Yuno you got this."I told him
"I know"
"Stop doing that"I jokingly punch his arm.
His team and rills was now on the battlefield.
"And a surprise because it's the final."Julius said "you might wonder why Mitsuko wasn't in any of the rounds well that's because she's in her own team to defeat the final two teams."
"That's not fair. She shouldn't be on her team alone"people who didn't know me at all said.
"We believe in you Mitsuko."Vanessa said
"Thanks"I smiled.
"Okay before we began Mitsuko is only allowed to use 1 of her special in her grimoire. Okay now let's began."Julius said
I was in the middle while rill was on my right and Yuno on my left.
I saw that two of rill teammates tried to attack me.
"We don't want to hurt you because your a girl and have one one to help you but we need to win so we'll go easy on you."one of rill teammates said
I ran up to one of them and round house kick him in the face making him flying over where noelle was.
I then ran to the other and kick him in the stomach making him hit the wall.
"Sorry but I want to fight Yuno and rill without anyone in our way."I said with mereoleona smile.
"Mitsuko"rill and Yuno said at the same time.
"Oh hi guys."I waved
"I can't wait to paint you Mitsuko"rill told me and started throwing attacks at me. And then Yuno did the same thing. I started dodging them.
"I was saving this for Mitsuko and Asta but it's fine."Yuno said and change his appearance.
"God I was saving this spell for Yuno and Asta but you'll do fine too rill. Light and dark magic:hells angel" my appearance then changed as well.

"Let's have fun."I said with the devils smile. I flew up to Yuno and kicked him to the ground but he caught himself before he hit something. I then flew to rill light speed and punched him making him almost hit his crystal.
"Let's dance with the devils and angels shall we."i said
They started throwing attacks again. Rill decided to do something powerful. But because of that he broke his crystal.
"So it down to me and you Yuno."I said we both were on the ground.
"Look Yuno I love and care about you but I can't have you win so bye!"I flew light speed to his crystal and held out my hands to hit noelle and his other teammates in the stomach with a ball of light.
"Sorry noelle!"i said
I then wrap my leg with dark magic and kicked yunos crystal.
"The winner is Mitsuko"Julius announces
I picked everyone up that was on the battlefield and put them in the circle.
"Light magic:healing ray of light" I healed them so there wasn't any pain.
I walked up to sad rill. And open my arms.
"Mitsuko!"rill cried "I lost again.
"That's okay you did fine."I told him.
I let go of him and walked to Yuno. I then hugged him from behind.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you"I said in his back.
"It's fine. You deserve the win."Yuno said with a sigh
"To make it up to you I'm the captain of the royal knights so you'll do fine."I told him and walked away before he can asked any questions. I went to Asta and hugged him on the bed.
"I'm sorry Asta!"I said
"It's fine Mitsuko. It's just I wish it was me,you,and Yuno in the finals. But I failed you" Asta said with a breaking voice
"No you didn't you made me really proud."
Yuno walked in and was about to turn around.
"I wouldn't lose to you Yuno or Mitsuko just watch me"Asta said
"I'll like to see you try."Yuno then walked away and I stay there with Asta until we went back to the base.

(The longest chapter so far with 2010 words.)

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