Harsh War (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

518 23 6

A war broke out, a war that some soldiers grew up with. A small unit of specially chosen soldiers are sent on... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.

Chapter 4.

63 3 0
By VoltronMoon



I also uploaded Chapter 3 before this. 

"shit" Pidge cursed as she stood in the semi made doorway in the cave, standing before a group of rebels who just stared at her. She was just meant to pop her head round, checking if its safe to go on but Lance pushed her by mistake trying to take a look himself and here she stood with the other four males staying hidden behind the cave wall. 

"Little miss" A kind old voice making her glance around the room before seeing a taller older male who would be the same age as her mother. 

"Looks like I got the wrong room, Just point me towards the exit and I'll be on my way" Pidge replied, her teammates holding back their laughs. 

"Little Miss, We bring you no harm. I promised you and your brother I would protect you both long ago remember" Thace spoke up and Pidge took a deep breath. 

"I do remember such promise but I also remember you agreeing with my brother who started to lose his true self when fighting in the war and followed him into battle while neither of you listened to my warnings. Was the blood shed worth it" Pidge hissed back and thace frowned in shame. 

"we made a mistake but You reminded us of the rightful path to take, You came to that battle just to throw us Hope once more .... My blade says Matt" Her brother spoke with a sweet smile as he lowered his cloak hood walking towards her. 

"So you chose the to accept the Knife instead of forgetting your true self" Pidge smiled softly as hope filled her eyes as she looked to her brother. 

"Yes I am Matt the son of the Holts and a brother to the sister who never gave up on me and saved me long ago. I owe you my life and so do my men and I'm sorry my sister. I forced you to take such a harsh and unfair path in life, I left you to walk while you suffer within each step alone" Matt replied with a sadden smile and looked to his now slightly older sister who changed so much since she was fourteen. 

"Matt, I know the laundry man told you I'm in a Unit now, let us leave" Pidge sighed and looked to the floor. 

"ah so you knew the laundry man was a rebel spy but how" Matt asked crossing his arms.

"He called me a sir when we first met and well once he didnt give me my bra for the first time, he grope me to see if my tits were real. After punching him, It was clear he was a rebel who worked under you. Now why do you have a spy in the base" Pidge replied placing a hand on her hip.

"the rebels work for neither sides and are formed from people of both sides of this war. We wish to stop this war and save as many as we can. Those who dont wish to join us we sent to a safe location where they can live without war like mum once dream off. We have spies all over the place giving us the needed information on who to strike before the war gets worse, we do as much as we can even if its just a little" Matt explained and pidge nodded before hearing Lance yelp and the other four stand behind us. 

"That axe is sharp" Lance groaned and rubbed his bum while Pidge frowned at how they just exposed themselves and losing any hope in escaping.

"I told you not to lean on me or your catch my axe" Hunk sighed as he rubbed his neck nervously. Thankful the five found their weapons and all their stuff before reaching this room.

"nice going lance, you just got us exposed" Keith grumbled and crossed his arms.

"Please let us know why you captured us and promise not to harm anyone in my unit" Shiro spoke up and gave pidge a worried glance but she nodded letting him know she was ok. 

"Ah so this is your unit, You really do enjoy hanging out with different people but then you were a strange one too" Thace smiled and Pidge rolled her eyes. 

"Dont worry Shiro no harm with come to you, I shall not harm friends to my sister. I just captured you not knowing you were the Unit sent to find answers on the enemy, we captured you since we heard the best Unit would be sent and well we need you help" Matt replied and Shiro lifted an eyebrow.

"our help" Pidge asked confused. 

"yes but before I say anymore. I have a question for my sister" Matt sighed.

"Wait SISTER" Lance screamed in shock as he only now started to listen.

"He called her sister more then once idiot" Keith replied annoyed. 

"so um pidge you never told us you had a brother or he was a remember .. well you never told us anything about yourself. Wait is pidge your real name, it did always sound strange but suited you at the same time.  Wait are you a spy" Hunk mumbled as he panic.

"No Hunk, I'm not a spy .. I just keep my past hidden and Pidge is my name now" Pidge sighed and turned to her unit.

"You said you had a question for pidge" Shiro said with worry as he looked to Matt.

"What name is written" Matt asked as he pulled out an old but well looked after hand knife with a green handle. 

"The name I was given but gave up, She lives in my memories" Pidge whispered and took her old blade from her brother hand. 

"understand, well if you follow me we can talk somewhere more private" Matt smiled and started walking.

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