Love is unbelievable (A Justi...

By HondaDevil1997

33.7K 562 30

Joyce Braun, the 17 year old daughter goes on tour with her dad, Scooter Braun, who manages Justin Bieber. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Authors Note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Authors Note
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 30

387 6 0
By HondaDevil1997

Joyce POV:

Josh hugged me tightly. I really missed him. He is my best friend since kindergarten. "I really missed you." he said and kissed my cheek. I saw Justins face. He was jealous as hell. We let go and I introduced Josh to Justin. He acted that he was happy to meet him but I saw the look in his eyes. He wasnt happy at all. Josh went meeting the rest and walked out of the bus. I looked at Justin with Unbelieve. "Justin, you are way too jealous. Ive havent seen him for 3 years!" I said angry. He walked to me. "Im so sorry Joyce. I dont want to loose you." he said. He kissed me softly. I kissed back and pulled away. "Its that you are so damn handsome, and that I love you, otherwise I would kick you out." I said and walked out of the bus. Josh walked to me and kissed my cheek. "Still on Youtube?" I asked. He nodded. Justin also.came out of the bus. Justin walked to Fredo and walked away with him. Josh asked to come with him to starbucks. I agreed and we walked together to Starbucks. We both bought a frappuchino. We talked about when we were younger. A few fans and we gave them our autographs. We took a few photos with them and we finished our frappuchinos.

On the way back we talked about what happened lately. When we arrived at the bus Justin also was back with Fredo. "You guys had fun?" I asked and Justin came to me and smiled. He pecked my lips and held my hand. Josh was way taller than Justin that was obvious. Justin had to leave soon again. His concert started soon. "Good luck Justin." I said and pecked his cheek. He kissed my lips and he stepped into a SUV, together with my dad. Fredo and the rest came with them so me and Josh were alone. We sat down in my room and we talked about how much we missed eachother. I slapped him playfully and Josh started to tickle me. "Josh stop!" I said giggling. Then we accidently fell on eachother. He looked my eyes and came closer. Oh shit, he is going to kiss me. He kissed me tenderly and I.kissed.back. We went into a makeout session. This felt so so.good, his strong arms around me, his lips.making me crazy. Then I came out of my daydream. I pulled away. Shit shit shit! I cheated on Justin. "Sorry, this is wrong. Why Im so stupid." I said and I backed away. How am I going to say this to Justin? I just cheated on him by kissing my bestfriend. "Joyce Im so sorry. I it." he said. I stood up and went with my hands through my hair. "If Justin finds out, then Im loosing him. He will.never forgive me for this! Never." I said and Josh walked to me. "Im really sorry. Im having a crush on you since highschool. I couldnt tell you." he said and his eyes were.full of regret. "I have to tell.this to Justin. He will throw me out and he will kill you." I said and I started to cry. I dried my tears when I heard everybody come back. Josh hugged me.and walked out of my room and walked to his.

Justin came in my room and saw that I had cried. "Whats wrong baby. What happened?" He said worried. He held me in his arms. Im gonna tell him. He will hate me."Iknow that you will hate me and will throw me out after what Im gonna tell you." I said softly. Justin looked at me. "Tell me." he said softly. "Well, Josh and I were talking and then I slapped his arm playfully. Then he started to tickle me and we fell on eachother. Then it happened. He kissed me. And I kissed back. I FUCKING KISSED.BACK." I said crying. I saw Justin looking at me. "He kissed you?! And you kissed back?!" he said with rage. He hugged me tightly and kissed me softly. "You cant help it honey. I dont blame you babe." hesaid and he held me tight. "This cant just break us. He seduced you. You couldnt" he said and he dried my tears. "Youre okay with it?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, you were honest with me. Thats what matters Joyce. You dont a secret to me. We are always honest to eachother. This kind of things happen. But still, Im gonna kick Josh his ass." he said and let me go. He ran out of the room. I saw him running to Josh his room and knock om the door. Josh opened and got a fist on his jaw from Justin. "Justin dont! He is.way too strong for you!" I said panicking. But it was too late. Josh gave him a punch back full in his ribs. Josh punched knock out. I ran to Justin and took.him in my arms.  I cried softly and tried to wake up Justin. Then Josh pulled me away from him. "Let go Josh, now." I threatened. He let me go and I ran to Justin. He woke up in my arms. "You okay?"I said worried. I tried to keep him awake. Then Fredo walked in.

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