Chapter 23

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IKNOW 2 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! :). I hope you guys like it.


Justins POV:

I heard giggling and laughing in the house. I open the door and find Joyce playing with Jaxon and Jazzy. They are having a tickle fight. I knew Joyce was easy to tickle. When the kids saw me they stopped. Then saw Joyce that I was standing in the hallway. She looked like she had seen a ghost. So she is the new babysitter. Jaxon and Jazzy go off her, and run to me. They hug me and I give them a bearhug back. Joyce stood up and she sat down into the couch. Jazzy ran to her, and asked:"Justy and Joy back togewer?" I saw the pain in her eyes. "No sadly not Jazzy." she said softly. Jazzy gave her a kiss on her cheek, and went back to playing, so as Jaxon did. "Why you didnt tell me that you are the new babysitter?" I said. She sighed. "It was your mom who asked me Justin. The kids love me." she said, and said my name with a angry tone. She stood up and went to the kitchen. I saw that she maked her delicious lasagne. I walked to her, and wrapped my arms around her waist. She gasped and pushed me away. "Leave me alone Justin." she warned. I didnt listen. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the kitchen. I know she liked my arms around her. She just denies it.

Joyce POV:

When I felt Justins arms around my waist I gasped. I didnt expect this. One side of me wouldnt push him away and one side would. So I pushed him away. That kiss on my cheek did make me blush but I didnt show it. I put the lasagne in the oven and set the timer. I walk out of the kitchen and I see that Justin is outside in the pool with some friends. I dont blame him, its beautifull weather. The kids wanted to swim so I brought my bikini anyway for the case that they would want to swim. I changed the kids in their swimsuits, and put mine on too. It was a normal bikini, not slutty, not boring. I went to the shallow part of the pool and helped them in. I saw the boys looking. "Whats wrong with you guys!?" I say irritated. The kids played in the pool, and I still saw them looking. But when I saw Justin coming out of the house I was looking too, but not for long. Damn, that boy has a 8-pack. I continue playing with the kids, untill they are tired of it. When they said they were cold, I got them out of the pool and gave.them towels. I dry them off, and changed them in their normal clothes again. They wanted to play on the trampoline, so I still could swim and watch them play. I took a dive into the pool and came out. It was becoming cold for me too so I changed fast in a shorts and a tanktop. The kids were still playing on the trampoline. I heard Jazzy say that she wanted to go off the trampoline so I helped her off. Jazzy wanted to go off too so I helped him too. I took the kids inside and gave them something to drink. I walked back to the pool and showed the boys the middlefinger. I walked back in and I heard them say:"Damn that girl is tough." I laugh when I hear it. I see that the buzzer has gone off and I takd the lasagne out of the oven. I set the table quickly and give the kids a bit lasagne. I help them if its still too hot.

When the kids say they were full, I changed them into their pjs and let them see their favorite cartoon. When thats finished, I let them brush their teeth and check if they did it good. Then I take them to bed and read a bedtime story to them. After the story I see they are asleep. I silently leave the room and go downstairs. I clean up the table and walk back to the pool where the guys still are. I walk to my sunchair and sit down. I see them look at me. What the hell is going on!? After a half an hour I go back inside. I see the boys leaving, finally. I sit down on the couch, and turn on the tv. I see Justin coming in, in his swim shorts. I looked at him. "What was that at the pool!?" I said a bit mad. "Well the guys were impressed of you." he said. What the actual fuck!?

Justins POV:

The guys really were impressed by Joyce. They keep asking me if I could get her number. To be honest, I was too, and she was also by me, even she didnt show it. I could it see in her eyes. She has an amazing body. I laughed when she showed us the middlefinger. But how much care she had for Jazzy and Jaxon, amazing. She would be a awesome mother for our kids. When they boys left I walked in, and she asked me:"What was that at the pool?" with a mad tone. I said that they were impressed by her. She shook her head. She sighed. I left the room. I couldnt stop thinking about her. How she looked in the pool, damn. She really gives me a boner, Selena doesnt. My first time, was with her and it wasnt even special. No feelings at all. I blush at that thought.

Joyce POV:

I dont believe him. They just wanted to get my number and use me. I dont think so. I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I take a sode from the fridge. But before I know I feel a pair of soft lips in my neck, and a pair.of muscled arms around my waist. I bite on my lip, trying not to moan. I know its Justin. For sure. But he keeps kissing my neck and goes to my sweet spot. Oh no. "Justin stop." I say holding in a moan. I heard him chuckle. "You have influence on me Joyce." he said huskily. Oh shit. I make me loose of him and walk to the guestroom. I call my uncle that I.stay here and he is fine with it. When I hang up I see Justin standing in the doorway. "What you want Justin?" I say sighing. I sat down next to me and massages my neck. "I know that you need me and I need you. Dont hide it." he said softly. He did let me relax. I dont know how. "Not after what you did to me Justin. Yiu really hurt me." I say softly. "Im so so sorry Joyce." he said. But before I could answer he kissed me with so much passion and hunger I was shocked. I was too much in shock to kiss back. Though I wanted to. When he got his lips off mine he went to my neck. "I know you like it." he said huskily. I pushed him off me as fast as I could. "Justin stop. Dont push it. You are pushing me." I said softly. He looked at me and nodded. "Joyce I know you still have feelings for me. And I still have them for you. Give me a chance. We need to keep us a secret." he said and he cheek. "Justin, I dont know." I said softly. I hope he wasnt lying."I want to try it, to have a secret relation. But I dont want to push it okay." I said and I saw him smiling. He kissed me again and I kissed back. I missed him so so much. "Joyce, I never meant to hurt you. You are the love of my life. Selena hates kids. You dont. You are so much better than her." he said smiling and pecked me.on the lips. I never thought this would happen. Never.

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