Not Love At First Sight || Th...

By luke_luzar

957K 23.9K 4.2K

Tharn and Types relationship is far from love at first sight. Tharn is out going and makes friends with... More

2. Not All Secrets Are Bad
3. Jealousy Becomes You
4. You
5. Tar
6. Cake
7. Why Am I Like This?
8. Sleep With Me
9. I'll meet her
10. I Don't Have a Girlfriend
11. It's a Guy
12. He Wanted Tharn
13. He Wanted Tharn Pt 2
14. Gone
15. Three Hours Before
16. As Long As He Needs
17. Four Days Later
Let's Discuss
18. I Love You
19. I Love You Pt 2
20. Are You Hungry?
22. Special Guest
23. It's Not Fair
24. Good Boy
25. I'm Leaving Him
26. The Truth
27. In The Doghouse
28. No More Questions
29. Verdict
30. The End
New Story

21. Shower

22.7K 596 140
By luke_luzar

The next morning, Type woke up, in his own bed, cold.

He turned slightly. Tharn had rolled over so many times throughout the night that he was now cacconed in the cover.

They had pushed the beds together, because one twin size bed was not enough for two grown men. Type though using only one cover would force them to be closer during the night, but Tharn clearly had other ideas.

He growled and reached over, using all of his strength to try and pry the cover from around Tharn.

"Give me some. You don't need all of it."

He kept pulling and Tharn began to stir, pulling the cover back.

"I'm cold." He complained in his husky morning voice.

If Type wasn't so annoyed at him for stealing the covers, he would have melted. Instead, he kicked Tharn softly in the leg.

"You have enough body heat to warm an entire house. Give me some." Type whined.

Tharn laughed and sat up quickly, moving closer to Type and engulfing him.

"Let me warm you up."

Type slapped Tharn's arm but laughed slightly. "No. I change my mind. I'm going to take a shower. Let me up."

Tharn put on a frown and looked up at Type. "We've only been together one day and you're already tired of me?"

"Yes. Now move." He pushed on Tharn's chest for a new seconds before Tharn gave in and moved off of him.

Type stood up, grabbing a plain white t shirt and some shorts.

"You know," Tharn said with a devilish smile. "If we both take off all of our clothes and huddle up really close together, we'll conserve body heat."

Type laughed. "And then have you take all of the cover and leave me naked? Not a chance."

Tharn groaned and laid back in the bed. "How about taking a shower to save water?"

Type smiled and gave him a shrug. "It's only right for the environment."

Tharn smiled and jumped up, grabbing Type and dragging him into the bathroom.

Type let out a laugh at how quickly Tharn undressed them.

"You are to horny." Type said slapping his shoulder.

Tharn laughed and wrapped his arms around Type's waist, pulling him close as the warm water ran down their skin. "You love it."

Tharn placed a chaste kiss on Type's lips, then another on his jaw, then another on his collar bone.

"Thank you." Type said quietly.

Tharn smiled and held his head back up. "For what?"

"For not giving up. For going to my parents house even though I'm sure you must have been nervous."

Type wrapped his arms around Tharn's shoulders, running his fingers through Tharn's wet hair.

Tharn laughed and shook his head. "Anything for you."

Type welcomed the kiss Tharn placed on his lips. "I'm still hurting a little, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun."

Tharn smiled. "I knew you loved it."

He pushed Type backwards, his back hitting the cold wall. Tharn moved forward, pressing his entire body against Type's. Their lips found their way back to each other, moving in unison until Type let a soft moan escape.

Tharn moved his lips down Type's jaw, to his neck and collar bone. He sucked lightly, leaving a few pink marks that would eventually turn into dark hickeys.

Type rubbed Tharn's shoulders as his eyes fell closed. Tharn moved his hand down Type's chest and stomach to his v line. He let's his fingers play a little before moving then down farther to grab his member.

Type let out a gasp and dug his nails into Tharn's skin.

He moved his hand up and down it, letting the water help. Type moaned and pressed on hand to the side of his neck, moving into his hair, pulling it slightly.

Tharn stepped back a little, taking in the view. He let his hand continue to move slightly. Type looked desperate and desirable. He loved it when Type looked like this.

Type's mouth formed words, but no sounds came out. Tharn still understood what he was trying to say, though.

Tharn smiled and dropped to his knees slowly. Type's fingers found their way back into Tharn's hair, tangling themselves as he prepared himself for what was coming.

Tharn leaned forward, kissing Type softly on his v-line, moving farther and farther down. He stuck his tongue out, sliding his slowly up the length of Type's member.

Type jerked and let out a soft moan. Tharn didn't waste much more time before enclosing Type's member in his mouth, the warn salvia sending a different kind of shiver through Type.

Type let out a small whine, throwing his head back a little.

Tharn bobbed his head, slowly at first before speeding up and then going back to being slow. He was edging Type. Bringing him closer before pushing him back again.

A knock sounded at the door to their dorm. "Type?"

They could barely make out Techno's voice.

Techno called his name again. "Type?" He knocked once more. "You're brother told me you came back."

When he didn't receive and answer back, he opened the door slightly, peeking in.

He saw the two beds pushed together and heard the water running in the bathroom.

"Type? Are you in the bathroom?" Tharn pulled back, looking up at Type.

"D-don't stop." Type said, pulling him closer again.

Tharn wrapped his mouth back around Type's member, sucking him harder this time.

He used his most stable voice to holler back to Techno. "Be out in a second."

When Tharn slightly grazed the hot skin with his member, Type had to quickly cover his mouth with one hand so Techno would be able to hear the loud moan that had manifested itself.

Type gave no warning that he was close before letting the hit liquid flow out of him, into Tharn's mouth.

Tharn swallowed with a smile and Type let out a shaky breath, falling to his knees.

Tharn laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Let's go see what the cockblock wants." Type whispered, which was all he could do.

Tharn laughed again and helped him up. They shut the water off and Type quickly got dressed. Tharn had brought no clothes in their with him so he wrapped a towel around his waist.

Type exited first, greeting Techno who smiled wide. Tharn exited a few moments later and Techno's smile changed to confusion.

"W-what?" He looked between to two. "You were both in the bathroom? Together?"

Tharn gave Type a small smile. Type rolled his eyes in return. They had yet to tell Techno.

"Yes. Together." Type answered. "What do you want?"

Tharn smiled and grabbed some clothes, making his way back into the bathroom. He figured he would let Type handle his best friend.

"The bathroom." Techno had trouble forming a sentence with all of his confusion. He was just gesturing back and forth with both hands. He finally gasped. "You the bathroom.....I interrupted." He placed a hand over his mouth.

Type raised his hand and slapped him on the side of the head. "Are you broken? Tharn and I are together. Now, what do you want?" He asked.

Techno smiled and nodded his head approvingly. "You're brother told me you were back, so I thought I'd come see if you and Tharn made up. But, I can see you two clearly have."

Type raised his hand, again, as a threat. Techno flinched away.

He didn't get to finish the job, though, since his phone began ringing. Type pointed a threatening finger at him, to which Techno raised his hands in surrender.

He walked over the the nightstand, picking up his phone. He was surprised to see who was calling and hesitated to pick up before ultimalty pushing the answer button.

"Mom?" His voice was quiet.

"Type. I didn't think you would answer." She said, still trying to gather all of herself.

"Uh. Yeah. What is it?" He asked. They hadn't talked since he left after he told them he was gay.

"Look, I know I didn't exactly react the best when you told me you're, you know. Anyway, that boy that came to our house after you left, Tharn or something, it wasn't hard to figure out you two are an item. And," she paused for a moment. "You're my child. I want what's best for you, even if I don't understand it or if I can't accept it right away. So, I called to invite you back to the house for dinner. You can bring Tharn with you as well. In fact, I want you too."

Type held back a few years and nodded his head, even though she couldn't see. "O-okay. We'll be there."

His mom gave him a small chuckle. "Great. And we'll have a special guest. I know you'll be excited to see him."


Thoughts on this chapter?

I wanted to make this one longer since the previous one was so short. Get ready.

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