Seto Kaiba One-shots BOOK 1

By dani_sd

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♥♥♥ Seto X Diana Kaiba (Father-Daugther) ♥♥♥
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♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto (YU-GI-OH + WINX CLUB CROSSOVER)♥♥♥
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♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Gardner ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Wheeler ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto: Stronger Then She Seems ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba x Diana Wheeler ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
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♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
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♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Kaiba ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥

420 6 0
By dani_sd

Everyone knew Seto Kaiba as a cold hearted jerk but what they didn't was that deep down there was a sensitive part of him that if possible only one special female could bring out and that's exactly what happened when Marik went crazy and threw Diana Muto off the edge of the blimp, making her scream as she caught herself on the metal barrier

everyone: Diana!! *rush to the edge*
Kaiba is leaning over the edge trying to reach and help Diana back up.

Diana reached her hand up towards his as well but the hard wind was blowing it back making fear even more spark inside of her as she realized how death awated her bellow

Kaiba grit his teeth seeing the fear in Diana's eyes and leans even further as he keeps holding his hand out to Diana.
Yami: Kaiba, be carful! *yells reacting quickly*

At that moment however as Diana grabbed the edge with both hands as she pushes herself up while the Pharaoh got an instand idea to create a human chain as he reaches for the metal post with duke as they held thistan and joey who helped kaiba by holding his legs as he reached over the edge better as he grabbed Diana under her arms while bringing her into his chest which made the other males pull them both back as everyone now fell to the floor

Joey: that was some quick thinking Yugi.
Duke: yeah, a human chain...I can't believe you thought of that
Tristan: *nods* man, that was intense, its a good thing you reacted and thought of something so quickly.
Tea: is everyone okay? *asks as she checks on the boys and Diana*

Meanwhile Kaiba doesn't hears anything his full focus is on the female still held pretty tight in his arms and against his chest

The Pharaoh however only gave them thumps up as he lay in pain due to a ripped muscle as Diana cried silently as Kaiba sat on his knees and looked to the side to see Yugi's state as well

Kaiba: looks like you hurt yourself, Yugi, were gonna have to get you checked out along side Diana.
Yami blinks a little surprised but quickly snaps back to normal and gives him a nod.

Yugi in spirit form however realized he would have to stay in the puzzle for a while and only now understood that Kaiba was going to delay the finals due to Diana and The Pharaoh being both majorly injured both physical and mental

At the mention of her brother being badly injured was the only time Diana snapped back to reality as she wanted to help him while seeing he was barely able to get up

Duke: what about the finals?
Kaiba: i think its Obvious that they will be delayed until both Yugi and Diana are in full health again.
Tristan: now those are wise words.
Joey: for once i agree with Kaiba.
Tea: our friends health are more important now.
Yami gives Diana a gentle smile silently telling her he's okay and that he's more relieved and happy that she's okay.

Diana doesn't believe him tho, so she gets out of Kaiba's grip and rushes to help her brother back on his feet

Kaiba frowns as he gets up back on his feet as well fallowing Diana.
Yami: i'm fine, sis. I'm more worried about you right now, after all you were hanging on for dear life literally. *says trying to get up on his own but its pretty clear he's in much pain and has even trouble getting up*

Diana frowns as tears still run down her face before her arms snake around his waist while her face hides in his neck

Yami frowns at that as he wraps his arms around her as good as he can, the Pharoah can feels his heart break seeing Diana so broken for the first time.

Diana: You know I love you very much don't you? *asks against his neck she helps him up and her arms tighten around him as they walk towards the elevator with Kaiba*

Yami: Of course i know and you know that i love you very much as well. *says as try's not to put to much of his weight on his sister as he walks*

Diana help him as much as possible tho and later the same night Kaiba walks in Yugi's room after the Pharaoh's muscle was reajusted and was begining to heal as he held his sister who was asleep against his bare chest while he was in a half siting position with tears running down his cheeks from everything Diana opened up to him about and it was like he was having a hard time taking it all in while begining to blame himself for not shielding her from the world and asking himself how was he going to save the world if he couldn't protect even her from the world itself

Kaiba: *his eyes widen at what he sees but he snaps out of it pretty quick and gentle clears his throat not wanting to wake Diana up* Yugi?
Yami: *heard his name and looks up to see Kaiba* Kaiba, what bring you here? *asks as he wipes away his tears while whispering so he doesn't wake up his sister*
Kaiba: i just came to inform and check on you. I was told and informed that you have two ripped musles on each leg and on each arm. Witch means no moving around for a while. *whispers back* also i owe you a thanks.
Yami: your thanking me? Why?
Kaiba: if you hadn't thought of something so quickly...who know what would have happend to her. *says his eyes going to Diana*
Yami: don't thank me Kaiba. It was a group effort.
Kaiba: still, i owe you.

Diana whimpers in her sleep however as a few tears run down her cheeks from her closed eyes

Both males frown at that as Kaiba walks closer and takes a seat beside them.
Kaiba: why the tears yugi? As far as i know you never cry.
Yami: Kaiba, everyone cries and that includes me and you as well.
Kaiba: Seto is fine. Anyway why were/are you crying?
Yami: because my sister opened up to me and told me things that i still can't believe she had to go threw so much. I should have bin there to protect her...but i wasnt...
Kaiba can partly understand how Yami feels sins he has Mokuba talking about the younger Kaiba a bit after Seto entered Yugi's room Mokuba walks in as well.

Meanwhile Diana calms down a bit in her sleep as Kaiba sits down by her waist and rubs her back while Yamo striked her hair

Mokuba gently knocks on the door but still loud enough for Seto and Yami to hear.
Kaiba looks up and upon seeing his little brother he smiles a little and motions for him to over witch the younger boy does.

Diana then wakes up as her eyes open slowly just to smile at the sight of the Kaiba brothers around

Mokuba: *notices* Oops, sorry Diana, I didn't mean to wake you. *says feeling a bit guilty*

Diana: It wasn't you. A nightmare woke me

Mokuba: oh.
Kaiba: what was it about? *asks crful and gently*
Yami: you can tell us Diana.
Mokuba: only if you want to, you don't have to. *says as his older brother picks him up and puts him down on his lap*

Diana: I'd rather forget about it since you're all here I can tell it wasn't important *says as she hugs her brother's waist a bit tighter*

Yami: as you wish my dear sister. *says hugging back a bit tighter*

Diana: How are you feeling? *asks in wonder of his damaged muscles*

Yami: i'm fine, my arms and legs hurt but other then that i feel fine. What about you?
Kaiba: Yugi, you have two ripped muscled on each leg and two on each arm.
Yami: *rolls his eyes saying* and thanks Seto.

Diana: Seto hass a point. How are you fine with soo much damage?

Yami: Diana, your my sister. Like i said before i worry about you more then i do about myself, i would do it again if i had to.

That however doesn't go unpunished due to Diana hiddng him in the face with a pillow

Yami: Hey, i'm being serious here, I'd rather be/get hurt myself than have to lose you. Seto what if that was Mokuba back there would you do the same thing that i did?
Kaiba: of course, without a second thought. *says wrapping his arms tightly around his younger brother not wanting to think about that*

Diana: He did in a way *says as she sits up and slaps her over the head*

Kaiba: Ouch, why did you slap me? *asks looking at her*
Mokuba and Yami share amused looks trying not to laugh as they watch that.

Diana: Look I'm grateful you saved me but getting hurt in the progress is what I don't like. You were both idiotic. I mean there was a safe rope in the same pole you used to hold each other you gits

Kaiba and Yami: well at that moment you were more important and we weren't really paying attention to details.
Mokuba: even thou their both idiots you just have to love them. *says with a smile looking at Diana*

Diana: I do love them but it's annoying when they don't think much

Mokuba: can't disagree with you there but they are our brothers after all.
Kaiba and Yami: Hey!

Diana: Oh calm down you twits *says as she pecks both of their lips*

that's all it takes for Mokuba to start laughing
Kaiba: so you find that funny huh? *says getting a smirk on his lips as his hands move to Mokuba's sides*
Mokuba: *eyes widen* Seto, dont you dare.
Kaiba: to late little bro, you asked for it. *right after that he starts tickeling Mokuba who starts laughing hysterically*

Diana laughs at that as well while moving more against her big brother's chest as she kisses his heart just as Joey comes in the room with Mai, Tea, Serenity, Trisan and Duke

as Joey, Mai, Tea, Serenity, Trisan and Duke enter the room their eyes widen in surprise and shock not having expected the older kaiba to be there.
Tristan: hey yugi.
Joey: rich boy? what are you doing in Yugs room?
Kaiba: i could ask you the same thing Wheeler.
Mokuba: so what brought you guys here?
Tea: i think you can guess that one mokuba.
Serenity: *nods* we wanted to check on Diana and Yugi.
Duke: so how are both of you feeling? *asks they walks closer*

Diana: I'm much better but these two idiots are a whole other story

Kaiba and Yami roll their eyes, shake their heads at that with soft smiles on their lips.
Mokuba chuckles at that by now Kaiba has stopped tickeling him.
Mai: well, that's good to hear.

Diana: You okay there Mokie? I know Seto can be a huge pain in the ass sometimes

Mokuba: *hums a yes* i'm good, great even, It has bin a while sins we've bin able to do something like this. You know now that i thought about we have Three pairs of siblings right?
Yami: your right Mokuba.
Tristan: hey, he's right.
Joey: there's Yuge and Diana, Me and Serenity and lastely we have Rich boy and Mokuba.
Mai: its actualy sweet.
Tea: i agree, just looking at them would make you want to have a sibling of your own. *says with a smile*

Diana: Yeah but it comes it a price cus you can't pair with your siblings in a duel if they don't know much about the game. This is exactly way I prefer to watch my brother and Seto play together because they are less annoying and make me smile more just by watching them joke around

Mokuba: i agree with that, i love watching my brother and yugi.
Tea: of course everything has a price.
Mai: make sens.

Diana: And speaking of prices. There is a price for lack of sleep as well and it's time to let my brother rest *says as she crawls to the end o the bed besides Kaiba*

the gang share looks agreeing with her.
Joey: She's right.
Tristan: yugi needs his rest.
Tea: come on everyone.
Mai: i think we could use some shut eye as well. *says as they start walking and leave the room*
Yami: Diana, if you want and feel more comfortable your welcome to spend the night here.

Diana: I wish but Seto and I have something to take care of before we go to our own rooms *says as she presses a kiss to her brother's lips when she sees his pout*

Yami: fine. *his pout doesn't stay for long* you better not try or do anything funny to my sister, Seto. *says narrowing his eyes a little half joking half serious*
Kaiba: relax Yugi, i won't and wouldn't do anything to your sister that she doesn't like or want.
Yami: Diana, if he does anything tell me right away okay?
Mokuba watches with a smile

Diana: And do what in your state? You can barely even sit on your ass

Yami: that is a secret and just so you know i have my ways or i find ways, sis.

Diana just rolls her eyes before covering his face in lipstick kisses

Yami smiles wide while Mokuba and Kaiba start chuckling and laughing.

Diana: Now sleep sweetheart and I will give your muscles a proper rub in the morning

Yami: now that sounds like music to my ears. *says with a smile*
Meanwhile kaiba has lifted Mokuba of his lap and back onto his feet as he himself stands up as well beside Mokuba

Diana: Sweet dreams then big bro *says as she presses her lips to his before walking out with Kaina and Mokuba after which she hands her card pass to Mokuba* Now it's your turn short stuff. My room in yours for tonight

Yami smiles as he kisses back and watches as they leave his room.
Mokuba: *takes it* i can sleep in your room tonight? Cool. *grins as hugs Diana before hugging his brother* goodnight Diana and Seto.
Kaiba: *hugs back* sweet dreams Mokuba.

Diana smiles as them as Mokuba runs off
Diana: You happy now? You've been begging me to stay the night with you for days after all *says as they head to Kaiba's room*

Kaiba: very happy.

Diana: You want a muscle rub as well? You seems very stressed after what happened earlier

Kaiba: i would like that and indeed i have bin stressed.

Diana as she sits on his ass once they enter his room and as he lays down on his stomac shirtless while Diana herself stretches her fingers

Kaiba cant seem to keep his eyes of off her

Diana grins at him as she begins to rub her hands over his back before applying pressure to see when he will react

Kaiba lets out groan telling Diana the pressure is just enough to feel good

Diana: Okay now that we are alone do you mind telling me why you nearlt fell because of me?

Kaiba: i was trying to save you before your brother got a better idea to do that.

Diana: And do you envy him because he did?

Kaiba: No way, he's your brother. i'm just really glad your safe and sound...when i saw Marik throw you of off the edge of the blimp...i...I...*try's to find words to explain*

Diana: Just spill Seto. You've been my best friend for years and I see no reason for you to be tongue tied

Kaiba: alright fine...*takes a deep breath* I love you okay, more then just best friends.

Diana: I already knew that Seto. The thing is why weren't you both thinking how I will feel if one of you dies there?

Kaiba: we weren't going to die there Diana, dont you get it? your freaking important to us, how can we think of anything besides saving you when your life was literally hanging on the line.

Diana: Because if anything had happened to you I would have died from a broken heart. Without your knowlege I tried ending my life once because I car had once ran over Yugi

Kaiba: right, well lets stop thinking about the bad things that happen and focus on the time we spend with her loved ones. I know your having a hard time after what happend...the fear i saw in your eyes...i felt my heart stop..i even started freaking out. I think you can tell i changed a little after what happend sins i'm getting along with your brother pretty well now. But anyway that's not important whats important is that were all here alive, kicking, save and sound. Were all here and that is not gonna chance. Marik will pay for this trust me.

Diana nods as she finishes the massage she was giving him before he rolls over and let's her slide next to him

right after it he wraps his arms around her bringing her close against his bare chest while holding her tightly like he will lose her and never see her again.

Diana: You know what I can't get is how a smart guy like you couldn't figure I fell for you ever since you became my best friend *says as she snggles into his chest*

Kaiba: sometimes i wonder that myself,

Diana: Look don't take it personal but you men are idiots when it comes to love

Kaiba: i'm not because i know its true. *says kissing the top of her head while keeping his tight grip on her*

Diana: I do love you dearly, you know that don't you?

Kaiba: of course i do and i love you very dearly as well Always have Always will.

Diana as she presses her lips to his before falling asleep with her heart against his cheest while she listened to his racing heart

Kaiba: *smiles as he kisses back and thinks* i can't believe this all really could i not notice that she was in love with me during all this time...i'm sure even her brother knew about it. God i really am an idiot sometimes but i'm also the luckiest guy in world cuss come on what guy wouldn't want to date an amazing girl like Diana. She's everything a guy would want but i'll make sure she stays with me and i wont let what happend happen ever again. i promise you Marik your gonna pay for what you did. i'll keep her safe, i'll protect her, i'll do anything for her just like i would do anything for Mokuba *watches Diana sleep before letting sleep claim him as well his arms stay wrapped tight around his lover that he isn't planning on letting go of anytime soon*

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