His Step-brothers Are Wolves...

By PissingoffHomophobes

150K 6.6K 498

Theodore "Theo" Johnson has lived with his father for 4 years since his parents divorce. He has always had a... More

"Sibling Bonding Time"
What Did I See?
Keeping it Secret
A Face From The Past
Alpha, Beta, Omega
History and Threats
Manipulative Apology
A Nightmare
Boredom With A Side Of Meeting
Save Me From Him
Very Own Spark
What It Means To Lead
A Warning Taken Lightly
Attack In The Night
One Falls Another Rises
Adjustment & Nightmares
The sweet smell
His First Heat
A Meeting Em & Ty
Taken Away
So Close, So Far
Back In Your Arms
Dr. Visit
Running into the Past
A love They Share
The Truth Of The Ring
Facing The Pack
Date Night
Set back
Em's Surprise
Traitor In Our Midst
Some Good News
Theo Takes Charge
A Heartfelt Chat
An Unexpected Twist
Authors Note: Very Important!!!
Austin's Spark
Next Steps
Mark of The Mate
Unforeseen Plans

Meeting The Stepfamily

11.4K 331 66
By PissingoffHomophobes

Theo fiddled with the newspaper ads in front of him, watching as his dad paced back and forth, glancing at his watch every now and again. Theo heard a few car doors shut, causing him to perk up and his dad to ready his outfit. His dad looked over at Theo with a tired smile, fixing his glasses.

  "How do I look, sport?" His dad asked.

  Theo chuckled, sitting up from the table. "Handsome?" Says Theo, questioningly.

  His father let out a small laugh. "Thanks for the encouragement."

  Theo threw up two thumbs putting on a sarcastic smirk. "Anytime, my man."

  The door bell rang and his dad rolled his eyes at him as he walked over to the door, opening it. In came Mary Jane Peterson, her hair up in a bun with some nice skinny Jean's on, a blue tank top and a loose jean jacket. She looked younger than his dad, which Theo didnt mind. She looked like she was in her late 30's and his dad was 46. Talk about an age gap.

  "Oh, Howard! This is such a beautiful home!" She says, putting a suit case down on the floor, getting to her tippy toes to kiss his dad on the lips.

  Today was the day they were moving in, which is why his dad was so antsy. Theo was just happy he got to miss a week of school for this. When the door opened wider, Theo was thrown for a loop when two boys similar to Theo's age walked in. The taller one had black shaggy hair against dark olive skin, his green eyes popping against his obviously dyed hair. He was pretty muscular, looking as if he worked out as a hobby. The short one was a couple inches taller than Theo, he had platinum blonde bearing silver hair that was short and gelled up. His eyes were a deep ocean blue popping against light olive skin. Both of them took Theo off guard.

  "Oh, these are my sons, Ezra and Austin. They should be about the age of your son." Mary Jane says, looking over at Theo.

  His dad shot back, throwing a hand over his shoulder. "Ah, this is my son Theodore. But he goes by Theo." He explained.

  The brothers looked over at him for a few seconds before finding interest in the house. Theo bit his lip, feeling uneasy. "Nice to meet you." Theo says, despite the unwelcoming brothers.

  Mary Jane smiled. "I've heard a bit about you. It's nice to finally meet you." She looked at his dad with a smile. "We have a lot to talk about, dear."

  He nodded, turning to Theo who was fiddling with his jacket zipper. "While we talk and the movers get things in, why don't you show Ezra and Austin around the property."

  Theo physically deflated where he stood, seeing Ezra and Austin share a look with him as well that looked mixed between "ew why him" and "let's ditch him" and Theo was fine with this. He nodded.

  "Sure. We can start outside if you guys want." Theo says, walking towards the door.

  Austin, the silver haired one, sighed. "A property tour, sounds exciting." He groaned out sarcastically.

  Theo rolled his eyes once he was turned away from them, walking out onto the porch, he heard the door close behind him, suddenly getting the anxious feeling in his stomach. He slowly made it down the steps onto the grass.

  Turning towards them he noticed they were a bit back, talking to each other. That irked Theo slightly. "This is the front of the house and behind we have our land. Beyond that is the forest. Its private property so we aren't allowed to go out there." Theo says, pointing behind the house.

  Ezra and Austin shared a look before folding their arms. "You can drop the tour. We are away from our parents." Ezra shot.

  Theo lifted a brow. "I was told to give you a tour. So I'm giving you a tour." Theo shot back.

  Ezra scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Look, we have eyes. We can see where we are going. Let's just say you gave us a tour and just go our separate ways. I dont particularly like you. So let's just drop it."

  Theo shot his head back, folding his arms. "You only just met me."

  "Exactly short stack. So let's just keep the family biz for when our parents are near." Ezra snapped, walking past Theo with Austin following behind. Theo scoffed, watching them go to a car and start emptying the trunk.

  Theo fumed where he stood and instead of standing there and dwelling on what was said, Theo stomped into the house and up to his room, closing the door, he made his way to his laptop.  Immediately he pulled up webcam and called his best friend.

  After a few rings, she answered, her face popping up on the screen, looking as if she was ready to run a marathon.

  "Yes?" She asks, folding her arms.

  "They arrived." Theo groaned.

  She shot back, fiddling with her strawberry blonde hair, trying to put it into a pointy tail. "Oh, and how are they?" She asks.

  Theo scoffed, bending back on his chair. "Rude. They were so blunt and to the point." He says, reaching for his rubix cube and started fiddling with it.

  "Well at least you have your match. You are the king of bluntness, Theo." She chuckles.

  "Exactly! I cant have competition, Em!" He snapped.

  Em rolled her eyes, reaching for something out of frame. "Siblings are meant to be competition, Theo. What were you expecting? For them to bend over backwards for you?" She asks.

  Theo groaned. "No, but I wasnt expecting assholes." He mumbles, watching her put on her exercise jacket. Theo raised a brow. "What are you even doing?"

  She sat down on the chair, fixing the jacket. "I'm about to go on my jog. Want me to come pick you up so you can go with me?" She asks.

  Theo smiled. He loved going out on runs and jogs because it helped clear his mind. He nodded. "Sure. We can hit Murray Park." He said.

  She smiled. "Sweet. Be there in 10 to pick you up." She said, before closing the window, ending the call.

  Theo didnt waste time. Throwing his jacket and t shirt off, he reached for his athletic wear shirt on and some joggers. He walked into the bathroom, taking off his glasses and putting in his contacts. Once they were in, he put a beanie on over his dirty blond hair. Exiting the bathroom, he put his nearly falling apart running shoes on and grabbed his phone, throwing it into his pocket. Once he was ready, he opened his door and made it down the steps. His father and Mary Jane were sitting at the island discussing wedding plans while Ezra and Austin were leaning against the counter.

  "Where ya going, sport?" His father asked, catching all of their attention.

  Ezra and Austin looked confused as to why he was dressed like that. Theo opened the fridge and grabbed one of the water bottles. "Oh, Uh Em is coming to pick me up." He said.

  "Oh, you guys going for your run?" He asked.

  Theo looked over at Ezra and Austin who had an eyebrow raised at him. He gulped. "Yeah. Heading to Murray Park." There was a honk outside and Theo smiled, quickly jumping towards the door. "I'll be back soon!" He says, turning towards the door.

  "Be safe!" His father shouted.

  "Always am!" He shouted back before opening the door and disappearing. He quickly made his way down the driveway, seeing Em texting away on her phone. Theo rolled his eyes, walking to the passenger side he opened the door and slid into it.

  "You got ready fast. That must be a new record." She teased.

  Theo chuckled. "Just get going. I need to be back by dinner." He says.

  She put the car in reverse. "Yes sir." She says, backing out of the driveway. Once on the street they made their way to the park which was only 10 minutes away by car.

  "Oh, I know you have missed a week of school, but want to hear the tea?" She asked, looking back in her rearview mirror.

  Theo shrugged. "Why not. Spill."

  "So Jessica Wright, the lead cheerleader is pregnant and guess who the father is?" She says, waiting for Theo to answer.

  Theo shrugged, shifting in his seat. "Mason Long?" He asked.

  Em shook her head, sucking in her lips. Theo tried again. "Jon Mohan?"

  She shook her head again.

  Theo gave up, pointing at her. "Tell me. I'm in suspense." He teased.

  She squealed, making a turn at the light. "It's Kyle Smith. The biggest Math nerd in the senior class."

  Theo's eyes bulged. "Kyle Smith?! You cant be serious."

  "I'm dead serious. She really has fucked everyone in the school." Em spat, pulling into the parking lot.

  Theo chuckled. "Well it's a good thing I'm gay. Even if I wasnt I still wouldnt hit that. Shes probably got some nasty things going on." Theo scrunched his nose up just thinking about it. They pulled into a space and Em turned off her car, facing him.

  "Because you're gay it makes you a great gossiper." She teased, pinching his cheek. "Come on."

  They both got out and immediately started stretching out their muscles. Once that was done, they started on the path, both of them getting into serious mode. Theo put his headphones in as well as Em before both of them started jogging. When Theo jogged, he liked being by himself and Em knew this. She would always go ahead of him or behind him but never stayed side by side.

  They jogged around the entire park, Theo enjoying the way it felt to be out running again. He hasn't been out for nearly a week so getting going felt amazing. They ran until the sun started setting. Once it was setting, they started making their way back to the car, drenched in sweat.

  "Man I havent been on that heavy of a run in a couple months!" Em shouted, collapsing into the driver's seat.

  Theo did the same, taking off his beanie and running a hand through his drenched hair. "I feel." He says breathlessly.

  Em started the car and in silence, they made their way back to Theo's house where she dropped him off. When he looked at his house, he noticed the movers were gone meaning they finally got everything in. Theo made his way up to his house, his legs feeling like jello as he walked up the stairs.

  When he opened the door, he was hit with the nice aroma of savory dinner. He walked through the door, seeing Ezra and Austin setting the table while Mary Jane and His dad were cooking in the kitchen.

  "Theo, you're back. Good timing." His dad said.

  Theo nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to take a shower." He announces, catching Ezra's glance.

  "Okay. Dinner should be done by the time you get out." Mary Jane says.

  Theo nods, making his way up the stairs. He walked into his room, closing the door, he threw his phone on the bed  before walking over to his dresser, grabbing a pair of basketball shorts and a blue t-shirt. Gripping them he turned towards his bathroom. When he opened the door, he noticed soemthing.

  Things were moved in his bathroom. His brush wasnt where he left it and his glasses were now on the opposite side of the sink. Theo felt annoyed, knowing one of the brothers were most likely in his room. Trying to ignore it he got into the shower, taking a quick one. Once he was done, he changed before making his way down to the kitchen, making sure to grab his phone.

  Once he was downstairs, he made it to one of the seats at the table, plopping down as he opened reddit. Ezra and Austin were also at the table, taking in the way Theo looked.

  "How was your run?" His dad asked.

  Theo shrugged. "Good. Em was falling behind today. It was obvious she hasn't ran since the last time we ran together." Theo smirked.

  Mary jane placed a casserole and salad on the table, taking a seat next to him. His dad sitting on the other side of him. "If you like running, are you in track at school?" She asks.

  Theo grew quiet, his eyes suddenly becoming distant. His dad snapped his head at Theo, a worried look in his eyes. Ezra and Austin caught this, both of them sharing a look. Theo gulped. "Uh... no I uhm... theres uh... it's a long story." He says, a lump forming in his throat.

  "Did something happen?" Ezra pressed.

  "Its soemthing we dont like to talk about." His dad said, looking over at Theo to see tears starting to form in his waterline. He scooted his chair out.

  "I've lost my appetite. If you will excuse me." He says, getting up and retreating to his bedroom.

  His dad sighed, hearing the door close. "I didnt mean to bring up something unpleasant." She says, looking at where Theo was sitting.

  His father shook his head. "He used to be in track, but he got involved with a boy and it ended up bad" He explained.

  "Theo's gay?" Austin asked.

  His dad nodded.

  "How did it end bad if you dont mind me asking?" Ezra says, curious about Theo's past.

  His father leaned back. "They dated for almost a year and a half, both of them were on the track team with Em. Theo seemed happy having someone to call a boyfriend, but it wasnt a very healthy relationship. I noticed it after a year that Theo was coming home with bruises and sometimes even bite marks on his body. As a parent it was hard to see. It turns out he was being abused by this so called boyfriend and when Theo went to break up with him he nearly beat him. Broke one of Theo's ribs. Of course the boy was sent to juvenile detention, but it still didnt help Theo. Everytime you bring up track or any form of the story he freezes like he just did." His dad finished, taking a drink of the red wine in his glass.

  "That poor boy. I had no idea." She says.

  The brothers looked at eachother again, both of them sharing a knowing look their mother knew too well. She shook her head. "Its okay, MJ. You didnt know." He said.

  She nodded. "Shall we eat?" She asks.

  He nodded, all of them digging in, but Ezra and Austin couldnt help but glance upstairs where Theo disappeared too. Worry creeping into their stomach. Trying to ignore it, they focused on the family meal, though they were going to confront Theo soon about the story.

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