The Run/Hunt

By TooAttachedAsAlways

85.4K 3.8K 430

The kingdom Stiles, Derek, Scott, and Isaac live in is screwed up. They separate the humans until they are t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Eighteen

2.4K 129 16
By TooAttachedAsAlways

A/N I'm back after ages, and I'm really sorry about that. But I know what I want to do with this story and how to finish it, so that's what I'm gonna do. 



"The Queen isn't taking any visitors at the moment," her personal maid says, standing in front of the closed door to Queen Talia's office. "Unless you have an appointment." 

"Get out of the way, Jen," Derek growls. "I have every right to see my mother." 

"Besides, we have new developments," Lydia says. "Developments that the Queen would definitely like to hear about."

Jen hesitates for a moment before nodding and opening the door. "Your majesty? Your son and his group of friends wish to have an audience with you."

"Fine. Let them in." 

I link fingers with Derek's and we walk in. "Hello Mother," Derek greets, pulling me to the two seats in front of the Queen's desk. "We have news about Stiles's family." 

"I see. What is it?" 

"Lydia very kindly did a DNA test for Stiles," he says and Lydia passes over the sheet of results from the test. "As you can see-" 

"I'm 100% a Stilinski. No asshole-werewolf blood in me."

She sighs as he reads through the results. "I suppose a major apology is in order, Stiles." She locks eyes with me. "I'm sorry for assuming the worst of you. I'm highly protective of all my children, and that includes you too now, and I've failed you." 

"Thank you," I say, wholeheartedly accepting the apology. 

"Where did you hear about that rumour anyway?" Lydia asks. 

"Jennifer told me."

We all turn to look at her, and she looks like she's absolutely fuming. "I did what I felt was best for the royal family."

"And what was that?" Derek asks, standing up. "To attempt to force me to reject my mate? In what universe does that benefit you?" 

She opens her mouth, about to speak, but doesn't. 

"Jennifer," the Queen says. "Tell us, that's an order." 

She sighs. "I was given incentives."

"By who?" 

"The Argent's."

"Of-fucking-course," Derek spits. "You'd be promoted right? Get a raise? Nice, new room."

"I'd become a duchess."



"Jennifer," the Queen cuts in. "I have trusted you, kept you by my side for over a decade, and this is what you decide to do with my trust?" 

Her head drops in shame. "I'm sorry."

She sighs. "Unfortunately, an apology isn't enough for this situation. You caused me to distrust my son's mate, because I trusted you." 

"I understand."

"You're no longer a member of my staff and cannot enter this palace again. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Leave now, please."

With no other words exchanged, Jennifer leaves the room and then - assumedly - the castle.

"Now. Onto the Argent's issue," the Queen continues. "I think, we should hold a ball. To celebrate the end of Derek's mateship to Stiles." 

I stand up alongside Derek and we both turn to the Queen, simultaneously shouting, "what?"

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