After all these years (Katsuk...

By LevvinaLily

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[COMPLETE] Sequel of Lifeline (Katsukixreader) If you have not read the prequel than this will NOT make any s... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Pretty Great
Chapter 2: I can do this..
Chapter 3: Morons
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: Huh?...
Chapter 6: how could I say no
Chapter 7: I Wanna Talk
Chapter 8: Eventful
Chapter 9: 17 Missed Calls
Chapter 10: Fucking Slut
Chapter 11: Forgotten Aquatintance
Chapter 12: Good One
Chapter 13: Here Goes Nothing
Chapter 15: Fucking Dumbass
Chapter 16: You're Weird
Chapter 17: Yeah, yeah
Chapter 18: It's A Promise
Chapter 19: Never Going To Leave You
Chapter 20: I Know
Chapter 21: Tonight
Chapter 22: Believe It
Chapter 23:Probably..
Chapter 24: Night Dork
Chapter 25: A feeling of satisfaction
Chapter 26: Its Time
Chapter 27: Hello
Chapter 28: I've got a lead
Chapter 29: Hunter
Chapter 30: His name...
Chapter 31: Sure
Chapter 32: Petty Bastard
Chapter 33: The beginning of the rest of our lives.
Authors Note

Chapter 14: Loved

1.6K 47 100
By LevvinaLily




"Hello, (Y/N)?"

'AGGGGHHHHH!!!! HE ANSWERED!!!! Okay (Y/N). Play it cool'

"..hi katsuki. Can we talk?"

"Yeah, definitely"

"I mean like, in person" you mumbled.

"Uh, okay. Are you free now?"

"Yeah, wanna meet me at the park?"


"Be there in 20 minutes, if you're late I'm leaving" you spoke sternly

"Okay by-"


"Fuck. I cut him off when he was talking" you facepalmed.

'That phone call was so awkward (>'~'<)'

Making a lot of noise as you moved, you clambered off your bed and began to rummage through your wardrobe for an appropriate outfit.

'It has to be hot but also look like I'm not trying to impress anyone... this is hard (-'_'-)'

Eventually, you settled on a monochrome black outfit consisting of black jeans, a black turtleneck, black Tim's, black gloves and a warm black coat.

The journey to the park didn't take very long, you got there especially quickly as you used your quirk. As you neared the playground you could see someone standing there but as you got closer you could tell it wasn't katsuki, just a random guy out with his dog.




You looked down at your phone to check the time.

"23:34, where is he? It's been almost half an hour"

You rubbed your hands up and down your arms as your breath cooled in the air forming little clouds which were visible in the yellow streetlight.

'Ten more minutes...ten more and if he's not here I'm leaving'

Another five minutes down and you were seriously giving up on him coming so you decided to get ready to go home.

As you turned to leave you saw a tall figure approaching with a soft blonde head top.

"I thought you said you'd be gone if I was late?"

"I-Uh... had a change of heart" you mumbled sitting back down onto the bench

As he came under the streetlight you could see how tired he looked. There were bags under his unusually dull-looking eyes and he looked totally drained, as if he hadn't slept properly in weeks.

"(Y/N) can I please explain." He sat next to you

"Go ahead. I'd love an explanation. Explain to me why her shit was all over your apartment katsuki. Why were her underpants under your bed? Why was her bra wedged in your sofa? Heck, why did your hoodies all smell of her cheap perfume? Go ahead, and please don't insult me by lying to me okay" you tried to keep your anger to a minimum but it was clear that you were obviously still pissed.

"(Y/N) I promise you nothing happened between me and Celeste-"

"Was she in your apartment?"

"Well yeah-"

"So you lied before when you told me you didn't know how her shit got there huh?" You screwed up your face in fake confusion.

"No it wasn't a lie I-"

"Okay then elaborate"

"Would you just fucking listen!" He snapped with an irk mark popping off his forehead.

You fell silent, sitting back into the bench with a blank expressionism your face.

"That night me and you got into an argument at the bar, after you left I stayed behind and continued drinking."

"Mhm" you hummed disinterestedly, resting your head on your fist

"I got really really drunk and she came back"

"Yup" you popped the 'p'

"Everyone else I knew had left and I tried to drive home"

"Are you fucking stupid you should've just ordered a taxi" you groaned pinching the bridge of your nose.

"I was VERY drunk"

"Okay, then what happened?"

"She drove me home. I must've just fallen asleep when we got there"

"And that explains everything how?..."

"After her shit turned up and you left I called her to see what the fuck was going on and she asked me how you liked your presents-"

You sat up slightly in the bench with a look of fury across your face.
"So you're tryna tell me that this BITCH planted her shit across your apartment just so I'd find it and break up with you?!"


"Fucking psychotic little cunt" you spat under your breath as you crossed your arms angrily




You both sat in a weird silence as the wind rustled through the moonlit trees.

"(Y-Y/N) do-"

"Don't worry I believe you katsuki" you sighed looking at the ground as you ran your hand through your (H/L) (H/C) hair.


"I believe you but I don't think we should get back together"

You instantly saw his expression drop

"(Y/N) I-"

"This keeps happening katsuki.. every time things are good, every time we're happy, something happens" you spoke frustratedly, biting your lip to stop you from crying

"That doesn't matter, we can make it work!" He spat turning his body to completely face you. "I can-!"

"It's not you katsuki!"

He looked taken back

"Every single time, you had done nothing wrong. I should trust you-I do I promise you, but every time it counts I believe the lies that I'm told." You shouted resting your head in your hands.

"Just shut the fuck up for a second" he huffed. "The first time someone literally transformed into me and tricked you. And with Celeste, her shit was everywhere, any logical, self respecting person would listen to their common sense and come to the same fucking conclusions you did!"

"But katsuk-"

"Look at me"

"I can't do this" you whispered standing to walk away."

"I said fucking look at me!" His voice cracked, echoing in the vast night sky as he too stood up.

You stopped in your tracks and turned to face him, tears dripping down your cheek.

He took a step towards you and placed his hand softly on your cheek.

"Hey.." He moved his body closer until his chest was pressed against yours. 

"You still love me don't you?" He whispered leaning his face towards yours, shortening the distance.

You took in a shaky breath as his lips ghosted your own.


His tongue tasted like salted caramel as it glided into your mouth. Like a reflex, your eyes slowly fell closed as you melted into his touch.

You felt a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach as his free hand snaked it's way around your lower back and without another thought, you lifted one hand onto his shoulder and placed another on his chest.

"Hmm?" He hummed still waiting for your response as he reluctantly pulled away.

"Of course I do you moron" you sniffled

"Then it shouldn't matter what others try to do to us" he smiled sweetly as he wiped your tears away with his thumb "as long as we end up back together"

He cupped both your cheeks and planted a soft kiss on your forehead before pulling you into a protective hug.

"Yeah..." you smiled weakly.

The hug lasted a while, it didn't seem like it but it did.

"Gee Katsu, you've turned into a softie" you mumbled into his warm jacket

You felt his body stiffen as you spoke.

"Oh really?!" He hissed with a sinister look on his face. The once warm and endearing hug became a death lock which you were struggling to escape.

"Heh! Who's soft?!" He mocked as he crushed you in his arms

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry you're not a softie! I'm sorryyyyyyyyy!!!!"

"Tsk. Wanna come back to my place?" He smirked releasing you from the hug.

"Why the hell are you smiling like the Cheshire Cat you frickin weirdo" you blushed twisting your head away from him.

"Because, I have my fucking dork back you shitty girl" he grumbled in a low voice.

"I heard that" you teased as you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers with his.

"Shutup you moron, I think you're time without me sent you crazy, you're hearing voices" he huffed squeezing your hand a little bit and rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever mr tuff guy" you smiled.

It wasn't exactly how you thought this little meet up would end, but hey, you weren't about to complain [^v^].

You headed over to Katsuki's house and showered and changed into one of his hoodies with a pair of his boxers, which you were glad to confirm did not smell like Celeste's shitty perfume, but had a sweet aroma of vanilla and caramel.

"Yo! Dork! What's taking you so long?!" Katsuki howled from his living room.

"Jheeze, give me a break would ya?!" You yelled back.

"Hey Katsu"

"Yeah?" He mumbled looking up from the tv.

"Move over a bit" you pouted looking at his long legs cast across the sofa

"Like hell I will, I'm comfortable" he smirked

"Tsk. Fucking jackass" you huffed walking out of the room

"Waitttttt! (Y/NNNNN)!!"

"What" you groaned turning back


You let out a grunt of frustration as you stomped back to your boyfriend.

"What d'ya want?" You slapped your hands on either hip as you stood in front of him.

"Turn around a sec"


"Just do ittttt" he whined like a little kid

"God! Fine!" You frowned turning around and crossing your arms

You stood there confused for a second until you felt two large hands grab your waist.

"H-hey?! Katsu-ha! Katsukiiiiiii!" You snickered as he pulled you down into his lap and laid back down into the sofa with your head on his chest.

"Now you can stop moping" he growled freeing one hand to change the channel as the other rested over your shoulder and across your chest were you held his hand smiling.

"What d'ya wanna watch?" He yawned

"Before I wake" you hummed pulling his hand to your face as you fiddled with his fingers.

"You do know that's a horror right?" He spoke quizzically

"Yeah? So what?"

"Tsk. Whatever, fine by me."

'The truth is you missed being able to clutch onto him and hide in his chest when you were scared and this was the PERFECT opportunity (*v*)'

As the movie started you completely fell in love with the little boy who played Cody.

"Noooooo katsuki! he's so cute!" you wailed staring at the adorable child

"Tsk. He's not that cute" he huffed smiling discretely at your reaction to the kid.

As the movie got darker, you found yourself snuggling deeper and deeper into your boyfriend, to the point where your head was now resting in the crook of his neck and your arms and legs were wrapped around his torso, like a koala on a tree.

This didn't bother him though. You didn't actually know this but he loved when you cuddled him after getting scared, it was actually one of the main reasons he always insisted on watching horror movies.


At the end of the movie, when the kanker man was revealed to be Cody's mums cancer, you couldn't help but cry. It was so darn cute.

*spoiler over*

"Wanna watch anything else?" You smiled up to your boyfriend before kissing him lightly on the chin.

"You choose dork... I'm probably gonna fall asleep soon anyways"

"Okay... how about homewards bound?"

"The dog movie?"

"And cats" you corrected him

"Yeah, that's fine. Put it on"

Around half an hour in you had drifted off into a deep, deep sleep.


Light snores filled the room and I looked down to see that she had fallen asleep. When I took in her peaceful expression I couldn't help but smile.

'I really missed this shit'

I allowed my free hand to wander through her messy locks as she dreamed.

"Well" *yawn* "I just might actually get some sleep tonight..."


My face twitched as I felt something tickle my nose.

'What the?..'

I opened my eyes to see that (Y/N)'s hair was covering half of my face. She looked peaceful. She was drooling a bit but it wasn't that much so I didn't mind.

I moved my hand to touch some of her hair behind her ear when her body shifted and she groaned slightly.

"Hmm" I chuckled staring down at her. I couldn't help but smile.

'This time nothing's gonna happen. If anyone even thinks about doing shit, I swear to fuck I'll blow their ass up'

I pulled up my phone with my free hand to check the time... 11:45

I stared back down at her babyface before letting out a deep sigh

"(Y/N)~...(Y/NNNN)~..." she buried herself deeper into my chest

"Wakey wakey dumbass~" I hummed as I stroked her hair.

"Uhuh" he mumbled in refusal

"C'mon dork, you gotta get up" I sighed cupping her face with my right hand and lifting her chin so she'd face me.

"Nooooooooooo" she whined

"Yessssssssssss" I laughed


"Why are you tryna kill my comfort?!" You frowned as you reluctantly tore open your eyelids.

"It's already quarter to twelve" he grumbled in his husky morning voice.

"Just let me cuddle you" you complained tightening your hold on him

"(Y/N) I'm serious we gotta get up" he huffed

"No we don't" you smirked planting a light kiss on his chest.

"We can just stay here together" and another on his neck

"(Y/N).." he growled

"Just for a little while" you whispered breathily into his ear before pecking him on the corner of his jaw.

"Tsk." He grabbed your face and squeezed your cheeks together before lifting his body so the two of you were now sitting up and pulling your face forward, pressing your lips against his. "Are you done now?" He smiled

"Just give me a proper cuddles first" you demanded like a spoilt brat.

"You're really not making this easy" he growled hiding his nose in the depths of your hair.

"I know" you smiled against his skin. "Why'd you even wanna get up so bad?"

"Uh, (Y/N)? We have work?!"

"Wha?! No we don't?!?"

"Yes we do!"

"Nuh-Uh" she shook your head violently

"Yuh-Uh!" He retorted

"No, Eijiro said you could have the day off and Hunters been begging me to take a break for ages"

"Yeah, yesterday was the day off you moron!"

"Who are you calling moron, moron!"


"AAAGGHHH!!! Wait, one minute" you spat as you pulled Katsuki's phone off of him.

"What're you-"


He held his hands up in surrender.



"Hey Bakubro!"

"Hey Eijiro!"

"(Y-Y/N)?!? Wait, you're on Bakugou's phone...are you guys back together?!!!" You could hear the excitement in his voice.

"I dunno Katsu, are we back together?" You teased shooting him a taunting look

"Tsk. Don't say stupid shit" he scowled

"What? So no answer?" You snickered

"YOUR FUCKING MINE DAMNIT!!!" He howled as his cheeks flushed red.

"Well then Eijiro, I guess we are" you smiled "oh! Can katsuki have today off? Or does he need to come back into work?"

"NO! I've been telling him to take it easy pretty much since you broke up with him! I had to force him to take yesterday off, by all means, have him!"

"Great! Thank you Ei" you smiled "byeeeee"



"See" you grinned

"Alright dork, what d'ya wanna do now that you've got me all to yourself for the day" he yawned

"Nothing right now, I'm tired" you whispered as you nestled your face in the crook of his neck.

"Hah, so I'm just your pilllow huh?"

"Nahhhhhh, we can watch a movie whilst we wake up" you spoke into him


Katsuki put on the wedding ringer and you turned back around onto the position you were sitting in before (payed back between his legs with the back of your head resting on his chest).

As you expected, he started to mess with your hair like he always does, it was kinda soothing though so you didn't mind. You pulled his other arm back down over your chest to hold his hand, which was FREEZING!!!

"Jesus Katsu, your hands are freaking cold!"



"What're you doing?!" He spoke with shock as you put his hand through the neck hole of your hoodie and rested it on your bare boob.

"They're my hand warmers? If you don't wanna use 'em then feel free to move your hand" you hummed nonchalantly

His face tinted a deeper red colour as a smirk tugged at his lips.

"Fuckin weirdo"

The two of you sat like that for the whole movie, to be honest you were shocked that he hadn't tried to have sex with you yet, not that you minded (relationships aren't only skin deep naughty readers (-'_'-))

It felt nice to have him back, you felt protected, comfortable, safe... you felt loved

I finally brought you guys back together 😁. To be honest I wanted to do it sooner but I didn't want the whole thing to seem rushed. You're gonna be meeting a new character next chapter😏... if I remember to put her in.

But yeah, I just wanted to say that the reason I'm sometimes late to post is because I've made like a self imposed rule that each chapter has to be 3000+ words and it can take me a while to get there when writing filler, Sozzles. Buttttt don't forget to vote and comment if you're enjoying the story😘


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