My Blue Eyed Boy

Galing kay naphtalie75

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A Childhood Friendship is ruined by a turned heart. Sinjen never expected it to happen, but the heart wants w... Higit pa

Bare With Me
Part II


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Galing kay naphtalie75


"You are finally here." Tony's voice came from somewhere in the apartment as Brian opened the door. "They wouldn't allow me to eat with out you. Oh Sinjen, you're here." he said as he rounded the corner and laid eyes on us.

"Sin." Mel said. "You didn't have to come." she said.

I went further into the spacious lounge ans toward her. "I saw Brian when i was going up to the dorm after my date. He offered to give me a ride." I told her. "Hey guys."

"Date? Another one? With who?" Brant asked.

"With Calvin douche." Mel had gone to cry on his shoulder just as i had guessed.

"Yes. Now we're co-douches Brant." Tony whooped.

"Pete," Kyle asked from the arm chair in the corner. "Why are we friends with this kid?"

"Beats me mate. It must be the sandwhiches he makes."

"Must be. You should try them Sin they're the best." I smiled at him and sat down next to him because the only other option was either of the three couples, Brian or Tony on the floor.

"How was your date?" he asked me. And here it started. He was automatically falling into the role he once had.

"Good." I said shortly. He simply nodded.

"Where did he take you?" Vanessa asked from her seat next to Brant.

"The zoo." I told her.

"Oooh sweet." Mell and Lisa cooed.

Tony huffed in laughter, "Typical kissing spot."

"What?" Van asked. "It's not." she argued. "Right babe?"

"Uhhh. Yeah right." Brant answered shifting slightly.

"Brant." she shouted hittinh his chest.

"Baby, it was our fourth date. It was fun."

"You said you liked animals." she accused.

"I do. But i also liked kissing you." he was honest, I'll give him that.

"You said you wanted to show mev the kuala." she huffed.

"I did babe." Brant tried to convine her. "It was my favorite when i was little because of it's claw. I wanted to show it to you because i like your claw." this got a chuckle from the boys around.

"And i'll bring them out in a bit if you keep treating me like an idiot." she warnes.

"Vanessa, listen. " Brant began. "I like kissing you. I also liked the kuala and wanted to show it to you. It happened to be that i could do both at the same place. Does that mean it either is a lie? No. So lets drop it. And Tony, one eye open man. Sleep with one eye open." This got a laugh from all of us.

"Can we watch the movie now?" Tony asked ignoring Brant.

"Press play T." Kev huffed in annoyance at the grown man acting like a ten year old boy.

"Thank you." Tony sighed.

I curled myself up on the couch and tucked my legs under me careful not to touch Kyle, as the intro song of the action movie we were about to watch played.

"He took you to the zoo." Kyle chuckled.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked him turning to see him shaking his head.

"A little presumptious of him don't you think? Being the second date."

"How?" i asked confused.

"Well the second date it like for hand holding and stuff. I mean girls genrally don't kiss on the first date because they're told it makes them look easy."

"Actually a kiss on the first date is fine as long as its at the end of the date." Lisa corrected.

"And anything before that doesn't make the girl look easy, it makes the guy look like a saex-addict." Van finished for her.

"Exactly." Lis agreed.

"Plus that was how this all started anyway, so it wasn't presumptious." I told him.

"Actually it was." Brant agreed with Kyle. "That kiss at the club was a 'take you to bed' kiss. But he ended up taking you on a date first, which meant it puts him all the way back at leevl one. Hand holding."

"Not if you're sure the girl likes kissing you as much as you like kising them." I aruged.

"Maybe not." Dean hedged. "BUt it does mean that all the males in her life have to watch him closer. And that it us."

"Guys. " Mel butted in. "This started off as sweet so don't make it annoying. Sin is a big girl."

"Mel." Tony caled after she had finished.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"Quiet." he said ina serious voice silencing the room. Who knew he had it in him.

"And he chooses to use it on me." Mel whispered in awe causeing the room to fill with laughter from the boys.

"Many sides tot he same dice." I stated also in awe but with quite abit of amusement too. We all fell silent after we had finished laughing and turned bcak to pay attention to the movie.

"Come here Sin." Kyle said after ten minutes of my shifting.

"No thanks. I'm okay." I said.

"Come here Sin and lean against me and pu your legs over the arm." Kyle said twenty minutes later after more of my shifting.

"Im fine. Really. Just getting comfortable."

"The movie is almost over and you're still 'getting comfortable.' Come here."

"It isn't." I scoffed. "It's barely started." Kyle huffed in anoyance.

Ten minutes after that my legs were pushined out from under me and my body was being moved. "You're distracting." he said. "Bloody stubborn girl."

"Well now I'm uncomfortable. I was fine." I told him.

"Maybe, but i missed most of the movie already." he complained.

"But this is really uncomfortable. " I lied. I was sitting with my back against his side. My legs were bent upward and I was way more comfortable than I was in my previous position. But the thing that was bothering me was his 'muscular warm arm' wrapped around my waist holding me to his firm side.


"Let me go back. I wont move again." I promised. Their was silence for a minute before he huffed and stood up. Kyle arranged three cushions behind me before sittignon the floor.

"No don't do that." I protested.

"Shhh." Tony hushed me.

"I'll be still I promise." I told him.

"No. Now we are both comfortable and able to watch the movie in peace." he stated.

"Kyle. Come back and I'll sit still." I insisted.

"Sin. Leave him be." Brant told me.

"But-" I was cut off by the loomig form of Brian who picked me up and carried me to his seat and laid me down arranging my limbs. Then he went back to where i was sitting and sat down and Kyle took his seat back.

"I was fine there." I huffed not liking being made a skeptical of even if I did that myself.

"You have drama woman." Tony stated with his eyes glued to the t.v.

I puled my tongue at him, "I was fine." I insisted.

"I could feel you movements from all the way over here." Kevin said from next to me. I noticed that Mark and Ricky weren't here.

"What ever." I said and we went back to watching the movie.

About an hour after the movie ended and evryone got up to fill their popcorn bowls and get new snacks. The guys stretched on their way to the kitchen and bathroom while the three ladies just stood near their seats.

My phone rang and I smiled at the name that flashed on the screen with the picture of him with an open shirt at a work desk.

"Is that the picture he sent you?"

"As you can see." I rolled my yes at Tony who was suddenly behind me peering over my shoulder. He was a whole head taller than me.

"That looks like a guy used to getting hot sweaty regular sex Sin." he stated unhappily.

"And?" I asked as I made my way to the glass door that lead out onto the patio.

"What?" Kyle asked with a growl. I ignored them all and answered the phone.

"Hey." I smiled.

"I couldn't wait till later. I miss you already." Calvin said.

"Well you can call me any time you want." I assured him beeming.

"And will I be receiving and calls from you?" he asked and I could picture his smile perfectly. I had spent the day studying it and anticipating it's appearance.

"I'm sure I can make that happen with the promise of another date in the near future." I grinned.

"I'm sure we can make that happen? How does Friday sound?"

"Just great." I beamed. "What are you up to?" I asked him.

"Chilling with friends. You?"

"Same. We're binge watching movies." I told him.

"Rom Com's?" he teased.

"Action as a mater of fact." I told him.

"Okay. Okay. You're with guy friends then?" he guessed.

"Yes, but I really do prefer them over sappy love stories." I told him trying to convince him that when I said I liked action , It was not for his benefit. It was actually the truth.

"Mhhh. Would you like me to tell you I beleive you?" he joked.

"I wouldn't believe you. Why is it so hard to believe that I like them?" I asked him.

"Because you are too pretty to like violenec." he told me making me laughing.

"Thats very stereotypical don't you think?" I smiled. "That just because you think I'm pretty -"

"I don't think. Its a simple fact love." he interupted me. I ignored him except for the blush and huge smile he could not see.

"I couldn't possibly be telling you the truth about this little fact of myself. And anyway," I powered on. "I call it mortalmcombat, not violence."

"Okay then." he chuckled still not taking my word for it.

"We're starting the next one Sin." Van peered around the door.

"Go ahead." I told her.

"Whats that?" Calvin asked.

"Nothing was just telling them they could start with out me." I told him.

"Did you wanna catch the next movie?" he asked. "I'm not keeping you am I?"

"Not in ayway that I don't want you too." I assured him.

We chatted for about another thirty minutes before we said goodbye and he joined his friends and I caught the movie in the middle.

"That was a long chat for two peple who just saw each other." Dean comented.

"Yes. This coming from the same guy that called a certain friend of mine for two hours straight , straight after he droped her off. After the first official date." I remined him.

"Well I had to get as much as I could while her guard was down in the remaining time of the romantic mood. Whats his excuse?" Mel hit his chest playfully.

"Catch me unaware did you?" she joked.

"It was the only way." Dean smiled at her and kiss the grin off her face.

"Can we please get back to the movie love birds." Lis said. I watched her for a moment. Her crossed arms. The fact that she wasnt sitting on Pete's lap like she had been. The larger gap between them. Petes arm now where near her. I didn't know the two very well or anything about thier relationship. But all the signs spelt trouble in paradise.

We watched movie after movie till two am and decided we would all just crash here. Brant and Van took Ricky's room, who had come in with Mark at around twelve from their shift at the hospital, because it had a double bed. Brant opted for Kev's single bed with Mel, getting wide eyes from my dear beautiful friend. Mark then decided that because it was made a couple thing , that Lis and Pete should take his bed.

That left me with the boys in the lounge. This I didn't mind. But Mel and Lis had tried to get the people deciding who went where to put the girls together. Pete and Dean of course won this battle.

"So being the uncoupled girl Sin you get first pick." Kev said. There were three double bed matresses, I don't have a clue where they came from, on the floor. Which meant two a matress. I chose the one on the far end.

"Alright. So you'll sleep with Kyle because you guys know eah other better." kev decreed.

"Cool." I was stopped by the look Kyle gave me and the thought of putting any thoughts in these boys heads that they might choose to ask, from saying no.

I pulled off my bra, my belt and my shirt before getting into bed and taking off my jeans. I wouldn't beable to sleep in them.

"If any one takes these from here. I will kill." I warned giving Tony in particular a firm look getting the surrender signal from him.

The lights were switch off but Kyle wasn't in bed yet. I was dosing off when my eyes fluttered and saw his dark figure approaching the matress from the direction of the kitchen. I felt the matress depress whenhe sat on it and then lay down under the blankets.

"Are you asleep?" he asked.

"Almost there." I told him. There was silenec for a minute before I felt him turn and face me then speak.

"Do you remember when my mom stopped letting us sleep on the same matress whe we camped out in the lounge, after my twelf birthday?"

"Yeah. Pubity and all that." I chuckled.

"Yeah. But you would jump in anyway saying we couldnt whisper from so far away."

"Yeah. I'm sure she new about that even though I got up early and moved to my matress. Or we got up early together." I smiled at the memory.

"She did." he chuckled. " When I was packing for Uni she said; 'And don't be letting girls sleep in your bed Kyle. I'll know like I know Sin slept on your matress.' I laughed so hard."

"She always new more than my mom did."

"I doubt that. You mom knew, but my mom liked us knowing she knew." he chuckled.

"Like she knew it was us who had thrown those water balloons from the tree making it look like the neighbours kids." I reminded him.

"We were in so much trouble. I still don't get why she didn't stop us when she saw us climb up with the ballons or tell my sisters not to walk under the tree."

"They had probably given her sass sometime in the week." I guessed laughing.

"Yeah, probably." he agreed.

"We had a good child hood." I said sleepily.

There was no answer for a while before Kyle's agreement came quietly, "We did. The best."

I woke up in the morning against a hard chest. Cliche I know. But it happened. The sun was shining through the large windows and the glass door that led to the pation. It looked like day sun not morning sun so I didn't think it was earlier that ten.

"You always did wake up wrapped around me." Kyle said into the top of my head quietly. The other were still sleeping and it looked like no one had been up.

"As if I was the only one. I could never get up with out waking you with how tight your arms were wrapped aroung me."

"Thats instinct. You can't blame me for that. Put something in my hand and I'm going to hold it tight enough that it doesn't fall." he chuckled.

"Same old excuse. Just another day." I told him smiling. This was how it started, but I didn't have the heart to pull away. I didnt need to though. Right? I had Calvin who I really like so I didn't have anything to worry about. Plus this wasn't the same Kyle. He was older. And added to that as Kelly said we wouldn't be spending so much time together.

"You still pull blankets." I told him.

"How would you know with how dead you slept? You were in my arms before I fell asleep."

"You could have woken me up and told me to move." I told him.

"I could have." he agreed. "But I didn't mind. Plus what was the point when you would end up right back here." he smiled.

"You know there is very littled distance between you stomach and my fist Kyle." I said.

"Go ahead doll and try it. Boy stomach versus man stomach. Experiment 1." he stated tensing under my heand and arms.

"Well well well." Tony's sleep voice came from his matress near Kyle's side. "If the two love birds havn't made up with a singlenight of cudlling."

"Douche." kyle clapped his head. Tony laughed and got up and made hus was down the passage. My heart of course had galloped, but that was totaly due to nerves at questions being asked not anything else.

"He is a great friend to have but he works on a persons ever last nerves." Kyle said as I rolled onto my side of the matress.

"Thats what makes him a good friend though, isn't it? His ability to lighten the room. If you were all like Brant then you would never be avle to be friends."

"And what pray tell dear, do you mean by that?" Brant asked from the far side of the room on the matress with Kev.

Kyle and I laughed, "Don't read too much into it sweetheart. I hope our child has you solemn demeaner. " I teased."We didn't get that cake yet, care to go down and find out about it?"

"No way in hell." Brian growled causing me to laugh.

"She is a darling that one. Why not?" I asked chuckling. I only got a grunt in response.

"Darling? Baby? Cake? What the hell?" Kyle was must have gone pale white during our banter because the colour was slowly returning to his face.

"Tina." Brian stated simply.

"Oh." Kyle chuckled. " That makes sense." he breathed a sugh of release. I looked at him inquestion.

"I didn't know which one of you to kill." Kyle said with a laugh before standing up and going to the kitchen. I watched his bare back go and couldn't help but notice how tone it was. He was definately a man and not a boy.

"He got shaken for a bit there." Brian stated staring intently at me.

"I wouldn't know why." I said turning back to Kyle's form in the kitchen.

"So you are sticking to the story that you two didn't date in high school?" he asked.

"I didn't tell such a story, but yes. We didn't date in high school. I out grew our friendship." I explained. The only thing that out grew a friendhsip with my blue eyed boy was my emotional status. It was updated from friendly love to the sappy kind.

"I don't buy the out growing ypur friendship part, but the no dating I give payment. I wont ask though if you don't want to tell me."

I stared at Brian and saw understanding. He knew and he got it.

"He doesn't know and I don't want him to. I wont tell anyone, I don't talk about it." i said softly. Brian nodded then stood up and followed Tony's direction down the passage.

The circle of people that knew were growing and that didn't bode well for keeping this locked away. I needed it to stay locked away though, it had to. I wasn't going to run again. And i was determined about that and once I set my mind to something I seldom went back on it. So this couldn't get out because there was no running for me.

"You okay?" Kyle asked coming to the mattress with two bowls of cereal.

"Fine. Just thinking." I told him accepting the bowl. "Thanks."

"Welcome." he sat in the couch near me and started on his.

It was only Kyle in the room so I stood up and pulled on my jeans. I didn't feel like wrestling with them under the blankets. I buckled up and put my belt on. Then I went to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

"You okay?" It was my turn to ask Kyle when I came back and he hadn't touched his cereal.

"Yeah. Fine." he said and started eating. Okay then. He was acting weird.

"I'm not pregnant with Brian's baby you know." I told him. "We were just joking."

"Yeah. " Kyle turned to me and nodded. "I know the Tina story." he went back to eating.

"Cool. So you have nothing to worry about." I told him.

"Yeah I know. Brian would take care of you if that were the case anyway." he said not really paying attention to me so I left it and ate quietly.

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