Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers

161 10 2
By EmmalinaP


The Little Witch is nestled between my arms, sleeping soundly in my bed back on the spaceship, as we soar quietly across the galaxy. My body hums with warmth as my mind flits back over everything that's happened today. Watching Kamilla shamelessly flirt with Leon had me afraid she might replace me. The thought had horrified me. Gutted me even. After all the time I'd spent with her, she'd become so much more than I could've imagined. Her steady friendship was something I never really knew I needed. Kamilla somehow wormed her way into my life and became my best friend. All I knew for certain were two things: that I couldn't lose her to someone else and that I certainly couldn't let Death show up and take her in my stead.

I pinch the bridge of my nose tiredly, shame crawling up my shoulders as a slow sigh rolls out of me. I should have never agreed to that. Never planned to turn her over to save my own skin. She deserved better. A million lifetimes worth of better. And every part of me ached to give her that.

As her and I danced the night away earlier, I'd swore to myself that once Death finally showed up, I'd do everything in my power to keep her safe. After leaving the dance floor, Kamilla had led me to her guestroom and pulled off her mask, kissing me deeply as it clattered to the floor. When she finally pulled herself off me, her eyes were both tired and deliriously joyful as she began pulling the pins from her unruly hair.

"I'm so exhausted." She'd announced wearily as she magically transformed her dress into black shorts and a t-shirt. "It's been an emotionally draining day."

Kamilla crawled into her bed gesturing for me to join her and I obliged eagerly, allowing her to nestle her soft body against my chest. After I'd magically removed my suit and put on pajama pants, my skin began to sing as her smooth hands caressed my exposed chest. Everything had felt so perfect that I'd wondered why we hadn't done this sooner. Kamilla's violet eyes flicked over me curiously and she let out a long slow sigh, as if she too was thinking the same.

"This is nice, and way better than I'd imagined." Kamilla murmured softly, "We really should have done this a long time ago."

"Is that so?" I teased, grinning ruefully.

She'd nodded, her eyes sparkling ferociously in a way that I couldn't resist, so I focused my efforts on taunting her. "And what would you have done differently my Little Witch?"

She chuckled softly, her breath hot against my chest as she lifted her chin to face me. "Well for starters I'd have swept you off your feet when we first met, If I'd known you'd be this responsive to my smooth moves."

I'd chuckled, then nodded thoughtfully. "Yes but then I suppose if you'd done that, I wouldn't have come to respect and admire you, as I do now."

The little minx raised a suspicious eyebrow at me as her fingers trailed lightly against my forearm. "Hmmm..." She'd murmured soft and sultry, "does this mean the God of Mischief might actually see me as his equal?"

I'd given her a playful nudge, my gaze darting away introspectively. Maybe I do. Perhaps the Little Witch really has proven herself to be more. I'd thought to myself, before turning back to her, hoping she could see the truth in my eyes. "Yes. You are my apprentice no longer, but my partner. How does that suit you, my darling?"

Her lips parted slightly in surprise, as if she hadn't expected me to take her seriously. After a moment, she cracked a smile. "That suits me just fine." She murmured as she nestled herself close to me and closed her eyes, her tender lips still parted in a smile. Then after several minutes of silence, she asked slowly, "I can't stop wondering if Aelsa could have killed Nixx's daughter. Do you think she could have?"

"To be honest I'm not sure. But I don't really think murder is in Aelsa's nature."

Kamilla's worried eyes had searched mine for a moment, before adding, "But what if we imprisoned the wrong man? What if he was innocent?"

I shrugged, stroking her head calmly, "Don't worry so much Little Witch, even if he didn't kill his own daughter, he was still guilty of provoking a war." I paused briefly before continuing, "Either way, it doesn't concern us. We've our own battles to fight, we can't stop to solve every mystery we stumble across. There's a plan, remember? We've got to get the Necrosword so that we can protect ourselves from Lady Death. I'm not going to be caught unaware and give her the chance to take either one of us."

"Neither of us?" She'd asked quietly, her eyes wide with vulnerability.

"Neither of us. I will not let her get anywhere near you."

Kamilla smiled softly; sweet tempered and doe-eyed, as she beamed at me in gratitude, and then planted a gentle kiss on my lips. "Thank you, Loki." She'd whispered softly, her round lips only inches from mine. "For today, for yesterday and for always looking out for me."

Then a loud yawn slipped out from her perfect lips and she'd added, "I'm just going to close my eyes for a minute. But don't let me fall asleep. I don't want to miss a single moment of this."

"Alright." I'd nodded, my arms wrapping around her waist to pull her close as her breathing began to slow.

But to my chagrin, Sif had barged into our room, dressed in her Asgardian leathers, her pink lipstick smudged and hair slightly askew. She'd looked as though she'd just gone for a romp in the hay with one, or possibly two of the elves. And for the first time, since I could remember, I wasn't the least bit jealous. I simply didn't care.

"Oh, good. You're here too." Sif had announced flatly, as her annoyed eyes landed on me.

"It's time to head back to Klyntar, both of you need to grab your things and meet me on the ship in ten." As Sif turned on her heels and marched away Kamilla popped open a sleepy eye, muttering, "She sure knows how to make an entrance."

I'd let out a surprised laugh as something like hope began to blossom in my chest. Then I watched quietly as Kamilla pulled herself out of bed and began grabbing her things, pausing briefly to scribble something on a piece of paper, which she then left on top of the nightstand. When I'd asked her what it was for, she'd simply shrugged and told me it was a thank you note for Aelsa, Tirza and Bramble. Then, after we'd teleported back to the ship and climbed into bed, Sif piloted us away from Alfheim and into deep space. Kamilla had fallen asleep the moment her head hit my pillow sleeping soundly between my arms.

I stare at the window for a moment and once I'm certain that she won't wake, I pull out my compact mirror, eager to see my mother's shining face.

Frigga's eyes are soft and gentle as they meet mine expectantly, "Mother." I begin, nervous about what I'm about to admit. "I'm afraid I'm starting to fall in love and I haven't the faintest idea what to do about it."

"Oh, my darling sweet boy," My mother coos tenderly, her bright eyes full of warmth. "I was hoping this day would come."


I wake long before Kamilla does the next morning, my eyes lingering over her quietly as I lay next to her, and she finally stirs. Her violet eyes meet mine and she lets out a shy smile, "You're still here?" She teases softly, her words garbled slightly by her pillow.

"Of course." I mumble into her hair, inhaling her familiar scent of jasmine and vanilla. "Where else would I be?"

"I'm sure I don't know." She teases, her expression shimmering with mirth.

I sit up and push her unruly curls away from her eyes tenderly. "I have a surprise for you this morning."

Her eyes glisten playfully as her gaze travels down my exposed chest. "Is it a morning w-"

"No not that." I cut her off with a smirk. "I'd prefer we save that for a time where Sif isn't listening in on us from the other room."

Before she can guess again, I untangle myself from the blankets to summon the gift I'd bought at the market yesterday and remove the glamour keeping it hidden from view. Instantly a black and silver pair of boots appear glistening in my lap and Kamilla's eyes widen in surprise. The ankle boots glow slightly, their magic illuminating our room as I hold them out to her. "These leather boots were custom made by an elvish magician and will give you the power of sustained flight. These will make it easier for you to fly, so you no longer have to rely on your own magic to propel you."

Her irises dance in wonder and a wide grin splits her face as she sits up and takes them in her honey-brown hands. "You bought these for me?"

I nod, "Indeed. I bought them yesterday morning after I spent some time in the library."

Immediately she stops inspecting the boots and her eyes snap back to me. "Wait. You bought these before we made up? Back when we were still fighting and not speaking to each other?"

I shrug, watching Kamilla's eyes as they glisten in amazement. "I did. But let's not make a bigger deal than we need to."

I avert my eyes, feeling suddenly self-conscious, but to my surprise, Kamilla swoops forward and wraps me in her slender arms.

"I don't deserve you Loki Odinson." She murmurs softly, her face buried in my neck.

I lean into her, feeling my heart fill recklessly with long-abandoned hope. "Nay, Little Witch. It is I who doesn't deserve you."

She shakes her head, "I shouldn't have been so jealous of the Norn stone, it's just that-" She pauses briefly, her eyes suddenly averted. "It just kept calling to me. Needling under my skin; it's hum a melody I couldn't shake. I wanted it so badly I wasn't thinking straight."

My eyes flick over her curiously, “The Norn Stone called you? As in you audibly heard its song?”

She nods solemnly. “Why, did you not hear anything?”

I shake my head, “No. Not at all. I’ve never heard of that happening.”

“What does it mean?” Her brows knit together in worry, as she bites at her lip.

“I haven’t the faintest idea.”

Her eyes fill with concern and she drops her gaze away from mine. “I think I’m starting to lose my sense of sanity.” She mutters softly.

I cup her chin in my hands, her skin soft against my calloused hands. “You’re just as sane as I am. So you’ve nothing to fear.”

She sighs as I plant a tender kiss on her forehead. “Don’t worry Little Witch, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.”

She pulls back from me flushing slightly, her countenance brimming with devotion, as her curious little eyes search mine. "Why do you insist on calling me a witch? I'm a sorcerer just like you."

I let out a soft chuckle, my hands reaching for hers; her palms are smooth and warm as I hold them in my own. "Because you showed up one day, like a beacon of hope and told me my future. And only the Norn Witches can do that."

Immediately Kamilla's lips spread into a crooked smile and she leans in to kiss me, her lips tender and delicate, even as her eyes burn with passion. I pull her into me my lips burning feverishly with her touch, every part of me aching for more of her. But suddenly she breaks the kiss and pulls away from me.

"We'd better get out of bed now, or else we never will." She whispers coyly as the slips out of my grasp and begins to undress. I don't take my eyes off her as she pulls off her t-shirt and lets it drop soundlessly to the floor. My pulse spikes as Kamilla removes her shorts until she's standing before me completely naked, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Then she slowly slips on a bra and panties and I place a pillow over my lap and grip it tightly to keep from lunging for her as she continues to tease me, her movements slow and sultry. She slips on her enchanted armor and transforms it into fitted leggings and a low-cut blue shirt that very obviously exposes her small breasts. No longer able to contain myself, I leap forward and pin her to the wall aggressively, a low growl crawling from my throat.

"So that's how it's going to be is it?" I hiss, my voice wild with desire. "You think you can just tease me all morning?"

The Little Witch's eyes dance with unquenchable delight as they meet mine and in one swift movement, she pushes herself into me, grinding her hips into mine. "I do." She coos provocatively, "And I expect you to behave as the perfect gentlemen, I know you to be."

My lips curl into a wicked smile and a low moan escapes my throat as my hands explore her body greedily. All I can feel is my body burning with ecstasy as her hands caress my skin. But to my surprise, she sidles away from me breaking our embrace, causing cold air to rush in and fill her place. My body cringes at the loss, and I move to pull her back to me, but she holds up her hand firmly.

"No, you were right earlier. Our first time together should be perfect. Not something we have to keep quiet because Sif is nearby." Then she moves to the bedroom door and swings it open, "Come on, let's get you some breakfast."

The kitchen is empty as I cook us a simple quiche, the cooking time sped up drastically with my enchantments. Once we finish the meal, Kamilla asks me to teach her one of my mother's forbidden spells and after explaining the importance of extreme carefulness, I oblige her.

"These spells and hexes cannot be undone." I warn her carefully, as her eager eyes read over my mother's list of spells. "And they can be very harmful to you, if done incorrectly."

She nods, studiously. "Understood."

After she's studied the scroll for a few minutes, I begin to explain the finer details of how to correctly cast the hexes and what exactly they do. But eventually Sif comes sauntering into the kitchen and I vanish the scroll of spells before she sees it. Sif's arms are folded over her large chest as she plants herself between us and the doorway.

"Not planning on using those on anyone I know, are you?"

I shake my head as Kamilla replies with a grin, "Of course not Sif. We would never."

Sif's expression softens when her eyes meet Kamilla's and she cracks a playful smile. "So... you guys seem to have had an interesting night last night."

I swallow, not looking forward to Sif's usual tongue lashing, "It's really none of your business." I quip at the same time that Kamilla replies, "Yeah, we made up."

Sif's eyes are darting back between Kamilla and I suspiciously until Kamilla strolls up to her and takes her by the hand gently. "He actually apologized and I... well, we're making it work. I do wish you'd be happy for us."

To my surprise Sif's expression grows soft and she relaxes her defensive posture. "I am happy for you, Kamilla. Just worried that's all."

Kamilla nods vigorously, her luscious curls bouncing wildly behind her ears. "I totally appreciate that, but you don't have to worry. We're gonna be okay." She pulls Sif in for a tight hug.

"Everything is going to be just fine." She adds beaming brightly, as she releases Sif. I watch carefully as Sif's expression grows increasingly more tender towards Kamilla, and I can't help but wonder just how close these two have gotten in the last few days.

"I hope you two didn't eat all of whatever I've been smelling. I'm famished!" Sif declares, her tone dismissive, as if she's already moved on.

"It's a recipe from Earth, I think you'll find it quite satisfying." I reply, grateful for the change in subject. As Kamilla hands her the remaining slice of quiche, I decide to do some probing. "So, when are you going to admit that we've obviously passed both of your tests?"

Sif shrugs, replying between mouthfuls, "I've already told you all you need to know. Once we reach Klyntar, the Agents of the Cosmos will put it to a vote to decide if you've passed the trials or not."

I roll my eyes. Dutiful Sif. Always obedient and never the rule-breaker.

Kamilla nudges me, her expression full of confidence and anticipation as she murmurs softly, "Don't worry Loki, we obviously passed."

"And when exactly will we be arriving on Klyntar?" I inquire, hoping it's sooner rather than later, we've already been away for far longer than I'd anticipated.

"We've passed through a few of the portals, so we should arrive around six o-clock."

Satisfied, I turn to leave, but Sif's muscular arm snakes out in front of me blocking me from the exit.
Her gaze is fierce as she lowers her voice in a low hiss meant only for me. "If you harm her, I will destroy you."

"I've heard that before." I retort hastily, then catch myself, shaking my head, "I won't." I add somberly.
She drops her arm and nods approvingly, "Good." Then without another word, she exits the kitchen, returning to the front of the ship.

Kamilla watches the exchange, her eyes wide as I gesture for her to follow me back to our bedroom. We spend the next several hours curled up in bed watching several episodes of Dr. Who, as we soar across the galaxy. We decide to eat lunch in bed, scarfing down a meal of steamed apple and sausage dumplings I conjured for us magically and afterwards we lay quietly, staring out the window at the various planets and stars as we pass them by.

"What was your favorite and least favorite thing about Earth, when you were there?" Kamilla asks me gently, her wide eyes swirling with curiosity.

"That's easy, my least favorite part was the humans. They're wild animals. Forever devouring the weak, stuck in their ways; clinging desperately to rules and tradition as if that will protect them from their frailty. Humans are so devoted to doing things a certain way, it both blinds and destroys them." I shrug, still feeling guilty about trying to take over Kamilla's planet. "In my youth, I thought I could fix that. I thought if I took away their freedom, I could make everyone a bit more like me. Make things a bit less orderly and introduce a bit of chaos. But I was wrong." I clear my throat, not liking the reminder of my failures. "Anyways, let them cling to their laws and superstitions, it's not my problem anymore."

Kamilla frowns, "Hmm, sometimes I felt like making things right back on Earth, was a burden only I could carry. But after a while, it wore me down and I realized it wasn't my responsibility to fix the world."

I nod, stroking her honey-brown hand in mine tenderly. "Of course not darling. The only thing you need to do, is stay here with me."

Kamilla chuckles in response, her cheeks flushing brightly. "And what about your favorite thing from Earth?"

I shrug, pushing the iPad aside. "Why, the theater of course."

She gapes slightly, "Seriously? You mean the theater, as in Broadway shows and musicals?"

"Exactly." I pause, "Why, do you not like plays?" When I realize that she's not joking, I add, "How can you not like the theater from your own planet?"

She shrugs, "I guess I've just never made much of an effort to sit through an entire play."

My eyebrows shoot up in disbelief, "So you've never seen The Phantom of the Opera, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Wicked, or even Chicago?"

"Nope. Never."

"But they're so good!" I exclaim turning on my side so that I'm facing her directly.

Her eyes glint mischievously, and her hands begin to stroke my jaw slowly, "You know what else is good?"

"Me?" I reply deviously, my eyes flashing darkly.

Kamilla shoves me lightly, "Hey, you stole my line!" She teases playfully.

Rather than respond, I hold her gaze so fiercely, that her cheeks begin to flush and her eyes dart away from me. I give her a wide smirk, "I win!" I gloat as I instantly leap forward and start tickling her stomach with my tongue. Kamilla violently twists her body to get away from me, but I pin her down with one arm and continue taunting her, licking and nipping at her exposed stomach. "Oh no, Little Witch. You're not getting away that easily!"

Her expression narrows in mock fury, but then she begins to laugh uncontrollably. "That's.... that's not fair!" She squeals giddily.

Suddenly Sif's commanding voice comes booming out of the loudspeaker. "Listen up lovebirds, we're about to pass through the final portal and then we'll be landing on Klyntar. So, finish up whatever nonsense you've gotten yourselves into and get your fully clothed asses to your seats."

Kamilla's eyes slide back to mine, my body still pinning her to the bed. "Busted." She quips in a sing-song voice as her violet irises shimmer in delight. I respond by doing the only thing I can do; I dip my head low and kiss her deeply. Heat rushes through me, pulsing wildly with delight as her arms find their place around my waist. And suddenly I feel like I'm floating far above it all, happy as can be until a familiar voice sounds in my mind.

She is the enemy! Ikol's sharp voice screeches in my mind. Just as I predicted she betrayed you once and she'll do it again! You must not trust her! This lazy infatuation will destroy you!

I pull away from her, breaking the kiss, my chest squeezing in pain. "We should get ready to land." I announce quietly, careful not to expose the war that's going on inside my head. Kamilla grins softly, her lips swollen and her expression hazy as she nods dreamily. "Uh, huh."

Then she shakes her head and lets out a laugh, pulling her messy hair into a bun. "I guess we keep getting carried away."

I nod, "Yes, we really aught to be sneakier." I tease as I carefully straighten my black slacks and thin blue sweater. Then we quickly make our way to the cockpit and slip into our seats, buckling ourselves in as we descend onto the red planet. After landing in front of the cube shaped white building that serves as the Agents headquarters, the three of us disembark quietly.

"My dearest friends! I assume you've returned triumphant, brimming with tales of glory and intrigue!" Hoder calls out from the building's entrance jovially the moment we step off the spaceship. The sky around us is dark, the sun surrounded by red-tinged clouds as it begins to set into the horizon.

"Well?" Hoder probes enthusiastically as we approach him, his blonde hair gently ruffled by the evening breeze.

"It went swimmingly." I reply confidently as I take Kamilla's hand in mine and pull her close. Even with Ikol's endless fear fueling my thoughts, I can't stand the empty space that's come between Kamilla and I. She leans her slim body into mine as we walk, squeezing my hand lightly and I let out a contented sigh as I savor the warmth of her touch.

"I think you'll find that we aced your challenges quite admirably Hoder." I announce proudly, far too happy to bother trying to rub it in his pointless face. But Hoder doesn't seem to hear my response, because his bright eyes keep looking us up and down as his eyebrows waggle playfully. "So, Loki's charmed another one, has he?" He announces to no one in particular.

"Perhaps." Kamilla replies coyly, quirking her head to lean it on my shoulder. "That's not going to be a problem now, is it?"

"Oh no of course not, Kamilla! It's no problem at all." Hoder quips, waggling his eyebrows once more.

I scoff, "Honestly Hoder, you truly are a scoundrel."

Kamilla teases coyly, "You make a move on Tarna yet, sweet Hoder?"

Hoder stiffens briefly, but then he laughs it off, his voice light and playful. "Don't worry, I know better than to ruffle her feathers."

Kamilla regards him carefully her expression incredibly tender. What does she see in that over-muscled babbling buffoon?

"Maybe you should give it a try and be honest with her about your feelings. You never know how things might work out." She adds, side-eyeing me with a happy smile.

Hoder's expression softens and he shifts awkwardly on his feet. "You really think I should? I've tried before in the past but that only seems to strengthen her resolve against me."

Kamilla shrugs, her violet eyes heartbreakingly tender, and even though it's directed at Hoder, I know I'd do anything for her, if she ever looked at me that way.

"I don't know, but it can't hurt to at least try."

Hoder beams brightly in response, but before I can stop him, he leaps forward and swoops Kamilla into a ferocious hug. "Perhaps you'll finally tame him eh?" He teases, "It's about time we have a good addition to the family."

Kamilla's cheeks redden and once Hoder releases her, she blurts, "Slow your role, Hoder. We're not getting married or anything, we just barely started dating. No need to jump to conclusions."

Hoder chuckles good-naturedly, "Of course, of course. All things in due time."

I raise a coy eyebrow at Kamilla, "So we're dating, then are we?"

My eyes flick over her smugly and she laughs, planting her hands on her hips, her lips quirking deviously. "Oh, is that not what you were trying to say when you confessed your feelings for me last night?"

Hoder barks out a laugh, before clamping his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with excitement as if he's watching a soap opera unfold before his eyes.

I ignore him, reaching for Kamilla to pull her tight body close to me as I lower my voice to a husky whisper. "Perhaps we should retire to the bedroom right now so we can better determine our feelings for each other."

Kamilla's cheeks begin to heat in response and her eyes sparkle wildly as they search mine, until suddenly Sif interrupts us by clearing her throat loudly.

"I hate to spoil the fun, but if you'd like to get a decision from the Agents before nightfall, we'd best get things moving." Sif announces as she swings open the front door and enters the seamless metal building.

From the corner of my eye I notice Hoder's face split open with a wide grin and his eyes beaming at us happily, before he chuckles quietly to himself and follows Sif inside. "Come on you two. You'll have plenty of time for that later."

Kamilla cracks a half smile and sighs, pulling away from me slightly. "They're right." She croaks, her voice hoarse, before lacing her fingers with mine and dragging me inside after them.

Need for her whooshes inside me and my pulse races, but I force myself to relax as I school my expression. The worst thing I could do right now is to lose my composure in front of Sif and Hoder. So I force myself not to think about her body, as we follow them down the winding corridors into the control room full of computers where Tarna and Myntril are busy at work staring into their enormous computer screens.

Tarna's dressed in maroon and black leather as she peeks up at us, briefly glancing away from her screen. "Back so soon?" She mutters under her breath, her green skin glinting in the neon light. "How lucky for us all."

Myntril nods his white hairy head when he sees us, quietly acknowledging our presence. By the Norns, these fools still can't even manage basic manners! How terribly basic.

Sif whispers something into Tarna's ear quickly, then leans against the desk behind her and swings around to face us. "Alright now that we're all here, the four of us are going to vote on whether or not you should be allowed to become an Agent of the Cosmos."

"That should be an easy vote." I croon smoothly, "Since we both defeated the Fire Demon's and saved the Elves from the brink of war."

Tarna's fierce eyes slide over to me, her gaze penetrating me so deeply that I instinctively want to throw something at her smug green face.

"Yes, but that's not all of it, now is it?" She cocks her head to the side, her eyes growing dark. "Sif sent us several detailed messages informing us of your every steps. So, we know exactly how you fucked things up."

"Fucked up?" Kamilla protests, "What are you talking about?" She asks, even as my expectations deflate. Well, this isn't good...

Hoder's expression is suddenly full of regret and tender sadness as he surveys us carefully. "We uh...we know that Loki cheated, by trying to steal the Norn Stone for himself."

"Yeah but he was only-" Kamilla protests a hint of panic filling her voice, but I cut her off.

"No, it's okay, Kamilla, you don't need to cover for me." Then I fix my gaze on Tarna, suspecting that she holds the most sway within the group. "I make no pretenses, I did try to steal the stone for myself, but when asked to turn it over to the All-mother's I did so promptly, without objecting."

Kamilla nods eagerly, her eyes wild. "Yeah, he did the right thing in the end."

Sif shakes her head, her expression grim, "We know. But it was too little too late. By trying to steal the stone, he has disqualified himself. He's shown us that he cannot be trusted. That he can neither resist temptation, nor his own deceitful nature." Sis pauses, before appealing directly to Kamilla, her tone softening, "How can we trust him to be bonded to the Klyntar and keep it from feeding on his selfish emotions and destroying everyone if he can't even control himself now?"

Familiar anger begins to churn inside me as Kamilla continues to plead my case. "But you really can trust him. He just made one mistake, that's all. He wasn't going to keep it forever."

Tarna shakes her head firmly, her short black hair jostling behind her pointed ears. "It doesn't matter, we do not trust him, nothing can change that now." Her purple veined nose crinkles with disdain as she turns to face me. "You are a villainous snake and always will be. Therefore, you are denied membership and will never be allowed to join our ranks."

"So that's it?!" I roar incredulously, not bothering to hide the fury from my voice. "After everything I've done for Alfheim and Vanaheim over the last few days, you deny me!? After we risked our lives to kill every last Fire Demon and served as Queen Aelsa's servant you dare refuse me!?"

"I am truly sorry, cousin," Hoder offers apologetically, "but we simply cannot trust you with information or access to the Klyntar."

"Perhaps if you were more trustworthy, then we could share Knull's location with you. But you have failed your tasks." Tarna snaps, her voice stern. "And we do not give out second chances."

Rage burns up from my toes to my fingertips, unspooling my fragile composure as my magic threatens to rip through me and burn everyone in sight. "You've been planning this all along, haven't you!" I roar.

"No that's-" Sif protests, but I cut her off. "I never even had a chance, did I?"

Ikol was right, they will never stop hating me!

Tarna crosses her bony green arms across her chest as Sif clenches her jaw tightly and shakes her head as if once again I've proven her suspicions right.

"No that's not true at all." Hoder intercedes gently, "I was really hoping you would be able to join us. I am sorry that it has to end this way. But you knew the risks."

I let out a low snarl, my mind thinking over all the horrible things I could do to them with my mother's forbidden spells. "You will all regret this! I will drown you in your own entrails, and then I will burn this place to the ground!"

"Loki." Kamilla whispers softly, placing a gentle calming hand on my shoulder. "They're not worth your time, we don't need to sink to their level. Let's get out of here."

I take a deep breath, feeling soothed by her gentle touch and let her guide me out of the room. My thoughts are racing as she silently leads me to the guestroom I stayed in the last time we were here and she doesn't speak again until she's shut the bedroom door behind us.

The windowless room is exactly as I left it, the blue blankets made up nicely and a small dust free lamp sitting on the desk in the corner.

"I'm sorry Loki. I didn't think they would do that." She says softly, her eyes brimming with sadness as she reaches out for me. But I move away from her, too angry to let her tame me with sweetened words.

"I did exactly what they asked!" I roar, my rage boiling over. "I played their little game! And this is how they repay me?" I begin to pace the room angrily, my body aching to do something truly wicked. "Will they never trust me!?" I shout bitterly, "No matter what I do to earn their favor, they still despise me! They still only see me for my mistakes! I just can't win with them!"

My body slumps down on my bed tiredly and my eyes flit over to a long, jagged crack in the bedroom wall that I never noticed before. The crack snakes halfway up the smooth wall, its edges sharp and uneven; the only imperfection in an otherwise perfect room. It stands out starkly against the rest of the unblemished surface, its failure to measure up screaming at me in damnation. Its brokenness disgusts me. So ugly, so hideous, so tarnished beyond repair. My fury builds into a raging storm and I find myself hating that crack with every fiber of my being; hating it fiercely, because I know it reflects the ugliness inside me.

Suddenly I feel Kamilla's soft hands on my shoulders stirring me from my self-loathing, "I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be treated this way."

I hang my head bitterly, "Yes I do. I am a monster and I always will be. I am defective and as much as I try to hide it, people still reject and condemn me. I am unlovable, and incapable of love."

"That’s not true." She coos, her voice incredibly tender.

"No it is. The Mindstone showed me. It revealed everything about who I was and confirmed my deepest fears." I drop my head into my hands, despair clouding my thoughts.

“Don't you think maybe it was lying, and manipulating you. Just like it does to everyone else?" She prods carefully.

I shake my head, "No, I already knew that it's my fate to forever play the villain."

Kamilla moves to face me and tilts my chin up, forcing me to look her in the eye. "No, it's not." She coaxes, her warm eyes staring deep into mine as if she never wants to look away. "None of those things are true. You are not the villain in your story! And besides fate isn't a real thing."

"Yes, it is." I counter, "The Norn Witches weave all our fates, and for some reason they've cast me as the perpetual villain. Never deserving of forgiveness or of second chances."

"Then we'll find them and force them to write you a new story."

I scoff, "Oh sure we'll just waltz right up to the most powerful witches in the known galaxy."

When I realize that she's actually serious about finding them, I let out a long sigh, "Look, I've tried to reach the Norn Witches to ask them several questions, but they never let me into any of their sacred pools and they continually refuse to answer me."

Kamilla's warm palm strokes my cheek in small circles that makes my chest feel lighter. "Well, we'll find a way somehow. But for now, let's just focus on one problem at a time. Besides, there is still a bit of good news."

This catches my attention, "There's good news?"

"Well sort of." She replies her eyes darting to the floor self-consciously as she fiddles with the hem of her shirt. "Okay, don't get mad, but the last time I was here I was offered a chance to join the Agents. But only on the condition that I steal the scroll of spells away from you and turn them into Hoder."

I throw my hands up in dismay, "Of course they don't trust me with them! Of course! Well, if they think they can steal my inheritance, they've got another thing coming!"

Kamila shakes her head at me, placing her palms flat against my chest to steady me. "No, no of course we're not going to give it to them, silly." Her eyes glint mischievously, and her lips quirk into a crooked grin. "We're going to make a fake copy and give them that instead."

I grin, catching on quickly, "Then I'll act as if my spells have gone missing and play the victim."

She nods, "Exactly, and they'll make me an agent so I can be your woman on the inside. I'll win them over and find out everything we need to know about where Knull is imprisoned and how to find the Necrosword."

I grin wickedly, taking in her eager expression. "Have I told you lately, how much I adore the way your devious little mind works?"

She bites her lips, feigning innocence. "Not recently." She quips as she leans close to me, her lips hovering just inches above mine.

Still seated on my bed, I crane my neck to look up at her, my eyes focusing on her plump, soft lips. All I can think of is the taste of them on mine; the taste of freedom and glory all wrapped up on a warm summer's breeze. I lean close to her and take a taste, catching her lips with mine and nibbling lightly. Glorious ecstasy trills through me as she swoops in and kisses my sorrows away, her lips both salty and sweet as my hands caress her backside. She moans softly against me, the sound driving me mad with lust and making me desperate for more, but before I can get my fill, she breaks our tight embrace.

Her eyes are glinting recklessly and she's panting slightly, but she uses her magic to summon a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen and passes them to me. Her swollen slips slide into a sly, sultry smile that pierces me through my chest.

"Let's get to work, then."

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