
By chambreduloup

195K 3.8K 4.1K

Harry and Draco share a secret bond, unknown to everyone, including themselves. It only makes itself present... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

15.5K 294 336
By chambreduloup

The car journey was silent on the way home. Draco had himself curled up on the seat, knees up to his chin, and body slanted as it rested against the door. He tilted his head onto the cool glass window, closing his eyes and focusing on the little bounces caused by the uneven road.

He opened his eyes and glanced over at Harry, noticing that his eyes were glassy with tears and his knuckles were white on the steering wheel. "Love?" He whispered, reaching over to rest his hand over Harry's on the gearstick, intertwining their fingers slightly. "Hm?" He jolted and wiped his eyes quickly and sniffing. "Pull over." Draco nodded to an empty crook at the side of the road, usually a parking space.

"Darling- hey, look at me." He said, tone softened.

Harry unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to face Draco, tears threatening to fall.

Harry decided that it wasn't really working, him trying to hold in his tears so he didn't bother anymore. He let them fall. "I-I'm so s-sorry baby! I'm so sorry!" He cried, falling forward, head pressing into Draco's shoulder as the latter cradled his head. "Shhh, no, no no no." Draco cooed, "It's not your fault, my love- okay? Look at me", Harry lifted his head, "See? Look- I'm fine! Don't worry!" He insisted, wrapping his arms around Harry's midriff. "I'm so sorry-"

"Hey- Don't be sorry, it's okay." Draco carded his fingers through Harry's tangled hair.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He whispered into Draco's wool jumper.

"You didn't, darling!" He insisted, once again.

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Promise me you're okay."

"I promise."


It was around midnight by the time they had got home, the traffic wasn't particularly heavy, but they did stop off at a Drive-Thru as Draco was craving McDonalds, not the usual wizard consumption, but tasty, nevertheless.

Draco linked his pinky finger with that of Harry's as he unlocked the door to the house, chucking the keys on the little table next to the door, and instantly pressing himself into Harry, relishing in the warmth that erupted from Harry. "I'm okay." He whispered into Harry's cotton t-shirt. Harry didn't reply, but instead, picked Draco up, carrying him like a baby with his hands supporting Draco's arse, and carried him into the living room. Harry laid him down on the couch, climbing in behind him and pulling Draco against him. "What're you doing?" Draco chuckled, pressing back into Harry, slightly grinding his arse against Harry's flaccid cock. "No stop." Harry whined, "I don't wanna hurt you." He kissed Draco's neck.

"You're not gonna hurt me, okay?"

"Fuck, baby." Harry bucked into Draco's clothed arse, a small moan escaping Draco's lips.

"Draco, I-I can't. Not tonight." He said softly.

"It's okay, alright?" Draco could see that Harry was close to tears as he turned around. So, he closed the distance between them, brushing hips lips across Harry's teasingly, before pulling away, only for his bottom lip to be snapped back with a growl of "fucking tease" in his ear.

Draco grinned as he leaned back in and kissed Harry properly this time. He pushed Harry back into the sofa, breathing deeply, slowly introducing tongues. He parted Harry's lips with his tongue, before ruthlessly shoving it in, yet still being gentle. He made light work of intertwining the hairs on Harry's head with his fingers, tugging softly and teasingly, making Harry want to scream internally.

"Baby, baby please. Stop. B-before I-"

"Shut up" Draco kissed him again.

"Wha- What?"

Draco planted an evil smirk on his face, biting his bottom lip, "I never said you had to fuck me. Why not make me come in my pants?"

"oh fuck yeah"

Harry slid his hand down Draco's heaving chest teasingly, tugging on the hem of his shirt, and pulling it up over his head. He discarded the shirt on the floor and brought his thumb and forefinger to the hardened buds of Draco's nipples. He teased them, circling his index finger around the surrounding skin, but never touching the tip, causing Draco to whine and wriggle.

"God, I love the sounds you make." Harry growled, Draco released a feral moan in return. Then, Harry gave up on the teasing, flicking the tip of one of Draco's nipples with his finger, rubbing circles over the hard bead with the flat of his finger, causing Draco to cry out and arch into it. His chest rose and fell vigorously, every exhale brought with a high-pitched, breathy moan. His nipples had always been sensitive, and he loved them being touched and teased. It always made him randy, instantly. "Fuck! Harry!" He delivered, still writhing as Harry shifted Draco's body, and switching his attention to the other, neglected nipple.

Draco arched into Harry this time, as Harry had leant down and brought his mouth to the nipple, lapping and sucking on the sensitive skin, causing Draco to whimper and moan. Draco tightened his fists into Harry's raven head of hair when he felt his balls draw up threateningly. "Ha-Harry! 'm gonna cum- oh yes!!" He whined as he reached dry orgasm, followed closely by a wet one, leaving his jeans and pants soaking. He bucked his hips as the aftershock hit him, scrabbling for purchase on Harry's shirt, fisting it tightly as he moaned breathlessly. "Fuckin 'ell. Thank you, love." He whispered, cock still jerking in the tight restraints of his jeans.

"God, you're gorgeous." Harry said, pulling Draco into him as he kissed his forehead. "That was quick." He said, surprised at the speed in which Draco came. "Mmhm." Draco replied, intertwining his limbs with those of Harry's. He leaned up to kiss Harry's lips softly, taking his time to explore his mouth with his tongue, being gentle. He wrapped his fingers around the back of Harry's neck as the latter did the same, inhaling deeply.

As the pulled apart, Draco realised, "Oh! Shit! I'm sorry! You didn't come."

"Oh I did." Harry smirked as he undid his jeans, pulling them with his underwear, away from his skin to reveal Harry's flaccid cock, submerged in a pool of pearly white cum, stringy and thick, coating his underwear too.

Immediately, Draco untangled himself form Harry's embrace and knelt down on the floor, yanking Harry's hips and rubbing his jeans down. He brought his mouth to Harry's cock and began to suck the remaining cum from the tip of Harry's cock, and all the excess that spilled over, acting as a vacuum. Harry moaned aloud, bucking his hips at the sensitivity.

Draco pulled his mouth off Harry's cock with a pop as Harry slumped on the couch.

"Come here." Draco jerked his head, urging Harry to curl up against him.

He crawled over, discarding his jeans and shirt on the floor, laying down next to Draco in only his boxers, and curling his arms around Draco's slim body.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

And so, they slept.


Draco's eyes shot open, the familiar nauseating feeling flooding all his thoughts, clouding his mind and vision. He needed to get up, get to the bathroom quickly before he chucked up the contents of his stomach all over the rather expensive carpet beneath them, or, on Harry.

Harry's arms were wrapped around Draco's waist, breathing softly into Draco's neck. "Harry? Harry? Move!" Draco urged, startling Harry awake, muttering confused incoherents towards Draco. Draco worked on removing Harry's arms, but all that did was cause Harry to tighten his grip.

"Please, Harry. You need to let me get up."

"'M sleepy— don' w'nna get up."

"Harry, come on. I'm going to be sick!" Harry removed his arms from around Draco quickly, although it was a bit late for that now as Draco lurched forward, emptying his stomach all over himself and Harry, his stomach convulsing as he gagged.

His eyes became ready as he looked at the state of himself, Harry, and the couch.

"I'm s-so sorry." He whispered, covering his mouth with one hand, furrowing his eyebrows as he breathed hoarsely.

"Oh, my love, don't worry about it! It's okay!" Harry untangled himself from Draco and stood off the couch, the vomit that pooled where Harry's figure dipped into the couch now running down onto the floor and into the seams of the sofa. He shook his hands, splattering the smelly fluid onto the couch. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up then." Harry held his hand out, waiting for Draco to take it.

Of course, Draco being the drama queen he is, didn't take it, and instead started to cry, and in turn, causing Harry's heart to melt, willingly picking Draco up, as if he were a child, and carrying him towards the bathroom.

"Can I have a shower?" Draco asked innocently, speech muffled by Harry's shoulder his face was currently pressed into.

"Course you can, sweetheart." He rubbed Draco's back soothingly as he knocked the shower on, turning the temperature slightly too hot, just how Draco liked it, and lifted him into the bathtub. Draco's muscles instantly relaxed at the sensation. He twisted his neck and his back, removing and untangling any knots formed in his muscles from the awkward sleeping angle from the previous night.

"Don't you need a shower too?" He asked.

"Yeah. Mind if I jump in?" It was more of a statement rather than a question, clearly, seeing as he was completely undressed and stepping into the tub with Draco, while he was midway through his sentence.

"Good god, Potter! You stink!" He exclaimed, cornering his nose and wavering his other hand.

"That's what inside you." Harry said.

Draco pouted, not happy with the response he got, which rewarded him a spank on the arse and a thorough snog. Draco parted his lips, allowing Harry's tongue to slide against his own, giving him a chance to explore the familiar surrounding his tongue was now accustomed to. Harry inhaled deeply, releasing his breath through his mouth, right into Draco's, who whimpered breathily, a low moan following suit. Draco stopped himself, pushing Harry against the shower wall after he'd washed himself and stepped out of the tub, with a sly smirk on his face. He desperately wanted Harry to duck him right then and there but it was much more fun to make him wait for it, perhaps, even beg.

He heard a muttered "Bastard." From behind the shower curtain as he wrapped a soft white towel around his waist, chuckling as he strolled out of the bathroom, rushing downstairs to cast a quick Scourgify on the couch and the carpet before heading back upstairs to get changed.

He had another appointment with Granger today, but this time, he was alone. "Harry?"

"Hmm?" Harry answered, not looking up from the newspaper he was reading whilst curled up on the armchair in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants.

"I have another appointment with Granger today, but she wants me alone, just to make sure everything is okay." Draco said.

"Okay, when is it?" Harry inquired, looking up from his newspaper this time.

"I have to leave in twenty minutes." He said.

"Do you want me to drop you up there?"

"Yes please." Draco walked over to Harry. Judging the newspaper out of the way, he curled himself into Harry's side, closing his eyes.

"You okay?" Harry asked softly, stroking his hair in soothing chicles atop his head.

Draco nodded in response. He wrapped an arm around Harry's stomach, running his thumb lightly across the smooth skin, focusing on nothing in particular.

Harry lifted Draco's chin, and leaned down, pressing his lips gently to the latter's. It was a chase kiss, before Harry whispered softly, "Let me take you out for dinner tonight?"

Draco smiled up at Harry, baring his teeth, "Okay." He agreed, taking Harry's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers. They sat there, not speaking, but just enjoying each other's company, before they had to leave for St.Mungo's.

"We have to go." Draco said, well- mumbled.

"Are you going to be okay?" Harry asked warily.

"I'll be fine, Harry. It's just a checkup. Besides, I trust Granger." He said, kissing Harry's lips before walking round to the hallway to put on his shoes.


Draco never, and I mean never, wore his pyjamas out of the house, unlike Harry. But, on this occasion, he did. He wore a loose-fitted white t-shirt, with a pair of Harry's black sweatpants, and his old, beaten up grey jumper, that he wore, everywhere. Harry that is.

Draco only ever wore it when he was nervous, this being one of those times. The black sweatpants, however, were a different story. Draco loved Harry's sweatpants mainly because they were so comfy. And they smelt of Harry. Harry's scent was on them, one which never failed to make Draco happy.

Draco sat in the car, curled up in the seat, waiting for Harry to come out of the house. He was freezing, considering it was the beginning of December. They much preferred to take the car, it was far more relaxing than going via floo. As Harry got into the car, he gasped, "Jesus, Draco! It's freezing in here! Why did you turn the heating on?"

"I didn't know how to!" Draco confessed.

"It's alright, it's on now, might take a while to get started though." Said Harry.

When they arrived at the hospital, Draco kissed Harry goodbye. Well, it was more of a snog with far too much tongue than anything else but a kiss nonetheless.

"I won't be long." Draco said into Harry's ear quietly as he opened the door and stepped out. He walked round to the driver's seat where Harry had rolled down the window.

"Wait." Harry stopped Draco walking as he pulled him back to the window, yanking his face down and kissing him once again. Draco couldn't help but chuckle at Harry's antics. "I'll be back soon, and you're picking me up, okay? Good." He didn't wait for a reply, instead, he made his way into the hospital and straight to Granger.

He knocked on the door to the room he was in previously, startling when Granger opened the door rather quickly and unexpectedly. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She chuckled and allowed Draco to step inside.

"So, how are we feeling today?" Hermione asked, once they had both sat down opposite one another.

"Not the greatest, I must admit. I was sick again this morning, been happening for weeks now, and now I feel all nauseous."

"Right, I see. I have some potions to help with the morning sickness, but I do have something that you need to know." She said, her tone becoming much more serious now.

"W-What is it?" He asked, clasping his hands together nervously.

"You see, yourself and Harry, are two extremely powerful wizards. And the chances of a male wizard getting pregnant are very slim. You, however, managed to become pregnant, and with a very strong uterus developing." She began.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand the issue." Draco admitted, utterly confused.

"It's not exactly an issue per say. I-it's more of a... precaution, if you like. See, when I was looking at your test results, I noticed that you had been getting extremely ill during the day, mostly when Harry was at work. You got this nauseating feeling when he wasn't around. But, when Harry got home, you were perfectly fine."

"Right?" Draco urged her to continue.

"Yourself and Harry share a very rare bond between the two of you. It's called the Phoenix Bond. Only one other pair of wizards are known to have possessed that bond. They were Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald."

Draco's eyes widened in shock. "O-oh my god." He breathed.

"As soon as Harry finds out about this pregnancy, the effects of the bond with start to set in within Harry too. When you are out of reach of one another for a period of time, you begin to become very sick, which is exactly what's happening here. Over the course of the pregnancy, you will become more protective of each other. Extremely protective, sometimes even aggressive to those that touch your other half, even just a pat on the back can set the other off. This is uncontrollable without a specific potion that needs to be taken. You'll also growl at those who get too close to Harry, and eventually, you'll acquire wings."

"Wings?!" Draco gasped. He buried his face in his hands, "fuck, fuck, fuck."

"What on Earth am I going to do?!" Draco cried.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'll help you through this. Okay?"

He nodded, face blotchy and wet.

"Do you have any potions to help with the nausea?" He asked, nose blocked from the sniffling.

She smiled sympathetically towards him, "Regulus Black is a Potions Master, he's brewed a version of wolfsbane that removes the major symptoms."

"Thank you." He smiled at her.

"I'll have Regulus send them over while Harry is at work."

The rest of the check up went smoothly, Granger just explained what was going on, and Draco found out he was almost a months pregnant. She talked through the bodily changes he would start to experience later on in the pregnancy, but stopped there as Draco started feeling extremely ill and asked Harry to collect him.

"Here, take this. It'll help." She offered a small vial of a purple coloured potion. He swigged it back and grimaced at the taste, rewarding a laugh from Hermione.

"Thank you, Hermione." He kissed her cheek before Hermione discharged him.

"No problem, that's what I'm here for."

Harry was waiting outside, sitting in the car he had parked directly in front of St.Mungos.

"Hi, baby." Harry greeted as Draco exited the building and he led him on the lips before climbing in the passenger side of the car.

"Hi, darling. I'm alright! Granger said that I was all good." Draco said, buckling his seatbelt.

"That's great!" Harry smiled, leaning over to kiss Draco properly.

Harry began to drive back to Grimmauld Place, before Draco stopped him and redirected his journey.

"Can we buy a Christmas Tree?"

"Course we can!"

"Can we get one now?"


Draco smiled in delight, crossing his legs on the seat and intertwining his fingers with Harry's.

"We never had a Christmas Tree at home."

Draco hadn't specified what home meant, but Harry knew he was referring to the Manor.

"That's why we're getting the biggest one. Let's spend a Christmas at home this year." Harry suggested, making Draco smile.

"Yeah... please." He said, rather innocently.

"Come on then!" Harry smiled as he pulled into a parking space mat the Christmas Tree centre.


The next hour was filled with streams of impressive expletives from the brunette as a direct result of Draco's admiration for the Christmas trees. Which happened every single year.

"Oh, Harry! Look at this o— wait! Wow! Look at this one! We have to get this one!- wait- no, this one!" Was what filled Harry's ears since they got there.

He did love Draco, it's just, Harry was an impatient person, and Draco was being an absolute pain in the fucking arse.

a/n: why is there so much sMUTTTTTT I need to stop and get on with the story hehehehe!

Anyway I'm glad you're liking the story! Next chapter is in the making at the moment :)

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