Hurt and Abused

By bluehoney

780K 22.8K 2.4K

After being abused by her father for years, Celine is sent to a boarding school where she meets a group of gu... More

Hurt and Abused
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 & 5
Chapter 6
0Chapter 7: Celine
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Celine
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
Hurt and Abused Christmas Part 1
Hurt and Abused Christmas Part 2
Hurt and Abused Christmas Part 3
New Story Alert!

Chapter 8

29K 886 133
By bluehoney

Hey guys!!!! Long time no update... I know school and life have been full of drama, but i'm back and I really hope you're enjoying the story.

        I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Cheri rolled over and I grabbed the phone, walking out of the dorm.

    “Hello?” I said, not completely awake.

    “Hey hun, how are you?” I stiffened.

    “What?” I said; I pictured her frowning

    “Is that any way to talk to your mother?” I grunted.

    “Well, anyway, the reason I’m calling is because I’m coming to the parent meeting thing. Isn’t that what it’s called?” I sighed.

    “Why now?” She stopped like she was thinking about it.

    “Hmmm, I just thought it would be fun.” With a ‘’ta ta’’ she hung up the phone. I stood out there for a few minutes trying to keep calm. She never came to one of these things since I first started coming to this school, and now here she is wanting to come to a parent meeting because she thought it would be “fun”. Groaning, I turned and walked back inside slamming the door behind me.

    Celine was standing at the counter and jumped. She turned to look at me.

    “You okay?” she asked. I looked her over, she was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and some short shorts. I looked at her for a little bit longer, then nodded, going into my room.

            *            *            *

    When I woke up again, Cheri was gone. I walked in the front and Celine was sitting on the couch with Pierce and the rest of the guys talking and laughing.

    “When did you guys get so close?” They all looked up at me.

    “When Celine wouldn’t cry because she was eating a Hot Pocket.” I gave them a confused look but Celine hit Crooks upside the head.

    “It was a good Hot Pocket and I wasn’t going to cry  just because you wouldn’t. A man is extra-manly when he shows his emotions openly.” Eight jumped up.

    “A man is extra-manly when his farts can knock people out!” Everyone’s eyes widened and jumped up except for Celine. No one explained to her how Eight got his nickname.

    “Run!” I yelled. Everyone either ran into my room or Celine’s room and closed the door. I didn’t know if Celine had gotten out in time, but my question was answered when I heard:

    “Noooo, I CAN’T BREATHE!” I held in the laughter. After a few minutes, we walked in to find her on the ground. Eight was standing over her.

    “Guys, I think I killed her.” We all looked at Eight.

    “Man farts really can kill,” Crooks said. I walked over to Celine and sat next to her.

    “Somebody get me some water.” Pierce brought some water over and I poured it all over her face. She sat up gasping.

    “DUDE! What the hell was that?!” She said coughing. We all laughed and she stared at Eight.

    “Do you work for a stink bomb company or something, because you should.” Eight laughed and pulled her up in a hug.

    “I’m just happy you’re not dead.” She hugged him back.

    “Just because I’m awake and breathing does not mean I’m notdying slowly.” He laughed and squeezed her tighter. I pulled him away.

    “C’mon, guys, let her breathe; she just got hit by Eight’s fart.” Everyone moved back.

    “So what are we doing today since we have no classes?” Cage asked. I shrugged.

    I saw Pierce looking at Celine. She stood.

    “I’m going to take a shower to get the stink off of me. Hope you guys have fun.” She gave a small wave and went to the bathroom.

    We all sat there waiting for her to get done. After the boys explained how they had all bonded, they refused to leave without her. She took forever though. Not as long as Cheri, but she still took long. She walked out with a  long sleeved black shirt that had “Stains” by Janus on it.

    ‘What are you guys still doing here?”  She asked. They all smiled and motioned for her to come on.

    We had to stop by my dad’s office to get a pass so that we could  go off campus.  He gave me the keys and some money.

    “Alright, you guys. Ready?” I asked, walking back outside, looking over at Celine. She nodded, smiling.

    “Lets go!”

                *            *            *

    In the car, everyone was talking about what movie we were going to go see.

    “Alright, Celine, Frozen or Ride Along?” She shrugged.

    “I don’t know. Wait. Aren’t you a bunch of boys? Why do you wanna go see Frozen?” Crooks spoke up.

    “Because it won an Oscar.” She laughed and that’s when I realized that I like the sound of her laugh.

    “Okay, since Frozen won an Oscar, then we’ll see Frozen.”

    At the movies, Celine looked like she was about to burst with excitement. Pierce had to steady her.

    “Why are you so excited?” She smiled and clapped her hands.

    “Because, I’ve never been to the movies before! The building is so big!!” she said in awe, sounding like a kid. We all looked at her in astonishment.

    “You’ve never been to the movies?” I asked. She blushed and looked at her feet.

    “No. I never got the time.” She sounded really sad when she said it, so I walked over and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

    “It’s all good. We’ll make it fun.” We paid for our tickets and went inside ordering popcorn and candy. I got Celine a slushie and her face instantly lit up. She smiled up at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

    We were looking for places to sit, but couldn’t find any for all of us so the guys basically abandoned us for a seat at the top. I rolled my eyes and we sat closer to the screen. I don’t think Celine minded though because she still had this excited look in her eyes.

    Once the movie started she sat up in her seat, staring wide-eyed at the screen. The music started and it reminded me of the first time I went to a play with my mom. I was so happy to see all the singers and dancers. Then she took me behind the curtains and introduced me to all the actors. I had the best time. Looking over at Celine, she was smiling at the little snowman, Olaf, singing about summer.

    Towards the middle of the movie, I reached into the bucket to get some popcorn. Looking down, I saw that she had some scars on her wrist. I pulled her arm closer and pulled the sleeve up.

    “Celine...” I said, looking into her eye. I saw how wide it was and how scared she looked. I stood up.

    “Celine, what is this?” She pulled her arm away and ran past me out of the theater.  “Celine!” I got a few looks from people, but ignored them and ran after her.

    I found her standing on the side of the building, holding her hands up to her head.

    “Celine,” I said, getting closer. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

    “Go away.” I shook my head and stepped closer. I walked over and grabbed her arm.

    “What happened? Why do you have all those cuts on your arm?” She snatched her arm away from me.

    “It’s none of your business.” she looked at me with hard eyes and turned to walk away.

    I walked back inside only to be met by the guys. They gave me worried looks.

    “Where’s Celine?” I shook my head and shrugged.

    “I don’t know, she just walked off.” Pierce gave me a hard look.

    “Which way did she go?” I pointed to the direction she went and he took off that way. I got the keys and we all followed Pierce so that when he found Celine we could take her home.

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