Crossover Story

By whatever1401

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Barry Allen aka The Flash went to National City working with Supergirl aka Kara Danvers or her alien name was... More

Chapter 2: Get to know Barry Allen
Chapter 3: Earth-X
Chapter 4: Star City
Chapter 5: Central City
Chapter 6: Bring Back Barry pt.1
Chapter 7: Bring Back Barry pt.2
Chapter 8: Iris West Allen
Chapter 9: Legends
Chapter 10: Get to know Jackson Lance
Chapter 11: Jackson went to Earth-1
Chapter 12: Trouble in the Wave rider
Chapter 13: Oliver Queen met Jackson Lance
Chapter 14: New life
Chapter 15: Nate and Zari
Chapter 16: Bruce Wayne meet Jackson
Chapter 17: Red Kryptonite
Chapter 18: Recover Injured
Chapter 19: A new member of Team Flash
Chapter 20: Daisy and Rex new in town
Chapter 21: Lena Twins
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve party
Chapter 23: Married

Chapter 1: The Flash aka Barry Allen

552 9 0
By whatever1401

Barry Allen went to Star Labs going to take Cisco Vibe gun and went to National City to meet Supergirl on the DEO.

Wally saw Barry was finding something to get away his problem with someone else.

Wally: Barry what are you looking for?

Barry: nothing just Cisco vibe gun

Wally: what is a Vibe?

Barry: that thing can go a different earth

Wally: really

Barry: yes

Suddenly, Cisco went into Star Labs saw Wally and Barry.

Cisco: Hey, Barry have you seen the Vibe gun that I upgraded to fix the problem with

Wally walks over to Cisco and asks him.

Wally: Cisco??

Cisco: Wally why are you here??

Wally: sorry I thought I can help you find it whatever you are looking

Barry: Cisco I'm busy

Cisco: okay

Barry finally found the Vibe gun and press the button went inside the gate went to the National City.

Cisco: where is my Vibe gun go?

Wally: Barry just left and he takes your Vibe gun left Earth-1 went to National City

Cisco: What?

Cisco uses his Vibe power and opens a bridge but went he step into the gate he saw different Earth but not the Earth-38 which is National City.

Suddenly, Barry Allen arrives in National City but is not DEO is a different place, Barry looks around and saying is he is now at Luthor Corp building and Barry landing wrong place and time but supposed to meet Kara/Supergirl at the DEO.

A girl spotted me in someone's office.

Eve: Oh My God!! The security We have an intruder on Lena office come here quickly

Security: right on my way

Lena heard Eve is shouting with someone outside the office and she want to check out who it is.

Lena came out from her office saw a guy wearing a red suit with a lightning bolt symbol on his suit.

Lena: who the hell are you?

Eve: I'm sorry Miss Luthor he just came from out of nowhere

Barry: sorry I didn't mean to disturb you and I was about to leave

Security: stop right there!

Barry: Are you kidding me?

Security: I don't know who you are and where you come from

Barry: sorry I can't do that if I were you

Lena: what did you mean?

Barry runs with his speed faster and finally went to the DEO and he saw Winn and Kara's sister is working something to a metahuman like me.

Security: What the Hell--

Eve: Where did he go?

Lena: he is too fast to catch him

Security: don't worry Lena if he tries to come here I will get ready

Lena: thanks I will get going to the DEO to met Supergirl

Eve: you want to see Kara Danvers

Lena: yea I miss her so much

Eve: good luck

Lena: thanks

She left the Luthor Corp went to the DEO.

Meanwhile, Barry Allen walks around at the DEO safe and sound but Winn asks Barry why he is here not on his earth-1 at Central City with his family and friend.

Winn: Hey, Barry why are you here?

Barry: Kara want to see me

Suddenly, Kara came out from the practice room to training her good fight with new crime with she fights with other creatures who are coming on Supergirl on the next fight.

Kara: sorry I'm late

Barry: It's okay why are you all so sweating over your suit

Kara: I'm training with Alex

Barry: ah I see

Kara: Barry we have great news about someone is joining my team and fight along with me

Barry: who?

Winn: is you Barry?

Barry: me?

Kara: why are you not happy about this

Barry: nothing I just didn't tell Cisco about this or my wife Iris

Winn: we can make your second family right here at National City

Kara: we can do anything and feel like home

Lena Luthor Kara's girlfriend just enters the DEO and later she saw the same guy is wearing a red suit with a lightning bolt on his chest.

Lena: Kara why you never pick up my call

Kara: sorry I have a guest

Lena: who is he?

Kara: he is now working with us and his name was Barry Allen aka known as The Flash from Central City.

Lena: The Flash??

Barry: Winn you want anything to eat later I can buy for you

Winn: sure we can have a break time

Winn shouts to everyone " Break Time", and his friend reply back to Winn " alright Sir".

Barry: what you want to eat for your Lunch

Winn: I want you to buy some of your Jolly burgers from your Earth-1

Barry: sure I will be right back

Winn: get set go!!

Barry Allen runs to the speed force and went in to back to Central City and go to the Jolly burger buy for his friend from National City.

Later he buys the Jolly burger and went to the where is Cisco and Wally are trying to stop a robbery at the bank.

Barry: need some help

Cisco: where have you been

Barry: sorry I just help Kara with her job done with her friend at National City

Wally: did you go to Earth-38?

Barry: yea I did

Cisco: nevermind you just go help Supergirl and after you are done you can return back home with us and Iris

Barry: are you sure?

Wally: yea we got this

Barry: okay If you saw Iris ask her I love her so much

Wally: I will brother

Barry: just behave yourself and don't hurt anyone to get away around you expect for Team Flash

Cisco: thanks for the tips

The Flash went back to Earth-38 and saw Lena, Winn, Kara was waiting for Barry to return to his Earth-1 to get Jolly burger for Winn to eat for his break time with DEO people.

Meanwhile, at back to Star Labs Wally is confused about Barry can handle his job with Supergirl on the National City.

Wally: where is Barry going?

Cisco: he going to help a friend of his

Wally: did team flash know about this

Cisco: not yet

At the DEO building finally, Barry returns to give Winn his food and share it with others.

Winn: that was fast

Barry: well Cisco didn't notice at all went I gone to Earth-38

Kara: what about your wife?

Barry: Cisco can tell her that I love her so much

Kara: I hope so

Lena: Kara can I talk to you in private

Kara: sure

Supergirl and Miss Luthor grab her arm and talk about Barry Allen and why he doing here at National City with Kara Danvers.

Kara: what it is you want to talk about

Lena: how long did you know him

Kara: relax he just a friend of mine from Earth-1

Lena: just friends??

Kara: Barry is married to Iris West Allen

Lena: oh he married

Barry Allen opens his mask and helps Winn his computer is hacked by his Evil toy man.

Winn: hey Barry I need some help here

Barry: okay no problem I will help you don't worried

Winn: where is Kara?

Barry: she at the wave rider with other

Winn: okay come on let finish this once it for all

Both of screaming at the toy man and suddenly they were totally made him gone inside the where he belong in the computer system.

We destroy the program inside the computer where the evil toy man hacked it.

Barry and Winn leave the room it all computer design and left goes to the wave rider and meet other.

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