The Lady Who Caught My Eye

By MisunderstoodSoul15

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He always dreamed to have a family... . . . But he was deemed to be dangerous and unstable... . . . They turn... More

Prologue: The Last Dance of the Loner and the Crowd
Chapter 2: Deadly Happiness
Chapter 3: The SOULS That Are Lost But Found Their Way
Voting Session
Chapter 4: A Trip to the Park

Chapter I: Let the Show Begin

5.9K 163 291
By MisunderstoodSoul15

Error woke up to the sound of people talking, he turned to the side from where he can hear them. His sight is a bit blurry so he can't make out who are the people talking.

"Do... think ... right?" The voice from the blue blob asked a colorful blob. Error tried to squint his eyes to see. He groaned as he tried to sit up. The colorful blob noticed him and gently tried to put him back to bed. "No... Sir you're..." the colorful blob said but he sat up. "W-where am I?" Error asked still trying to see who is the colorful blob.

He heard a door being opened, he turned to where he heard and saw a white blob with blue blob following behind. "You are at a hospital, Sir... You are very injured when Sir Fresh found you" the doctor said as he notices Error is trying to squint his eyes. "Sir... How many fingers that I'm holding up?" the doctor asked holding three fingers up. Error squinted his eyes more. "W-wait... It is a bit blurry but I can make it out... Three? Right?" Error said after it cleared a bit.

"Well... You are correct but are you maybe near-sighted?" the doctor asked again but this time notice that the voice is like a Sans. But calmed down since their movement are subtle like they don't know him and is really a patient in need of help. "Yes, what happened? All I remember is blurred images" Error said as he half lied and half truth. Well the last thing he really remember are blobs and magic attacks.

"Well... I was walking home then I heard a crash in the alleyway and I saw you heavily injured so I called 911 to get an ambulance while I tried to stop the bleeding as much as I could before they took you to the hospital" the colorful blob said and Error noticed that his clothes kind of remind him of the parasite but the shades are softer than the parasite who is fond of neon shades.

"I have called Mr. Erratum to see if he knows you, the doctors said they cannot any papers about you so Mr-" the door is opened by a tall black and red blob carrying a blue and orange blobs. That is when Error felt it, the feel of destruction. Error focused on the black and red person as they put the blue and orange blob. Error knew it was another destroyer. "B-brother... Brother!" the said person wrap it's skeletal arms at Error hugging him.

"Act with me..." Error heard the other said and went with the flow. "B-brother..." Error said as he slowly raised his hand at the other's back, forcing his tears to come out easily, he bit his lip and clutched the other's clothes like a lifeline. "BROTHER!!!" Error cried like a baby even though it's only a act. The skeleton in front of him let go of the hug and wiped his tears as he cried.

"It's okay... Shh~ shhh~ brother's here, you don't have to be scared anymore, I'm here nothings going to hurt you" the taller skeleton cooed out as Error cried. "C-can we be a-alone for a few minutes?" the skeleton asked the others while Null and Void stayed as they left.

The skeleton turned to him and introduce himself. "Hello... Little Error... My name is also Error, a (Forced) God of Destruction but in this world my name is Erratum Glitch Miscalculation, you might need a new name so I can put it in the code, you can also do that right?..." Erratum asked Error. He nodded and as Erratum said he needs a new name, 'What might be a perfect name?..." Error thought as he look around, "Variance Figment" he murmured but the other heard. "Are you sure about that it means discrepancy illusion?" Erratum asked him preparing to put it in the code. Error nodded as Erratum put in the codes making a story for it as well to make it more believable.

"Now for your age? You look like 20-22... Lets make it in the middle... What's the height of your Ink? Or Nightmare? I based my age since I'm taller than mines" Erratum said but Variance said "Make my age 19 since I'm a bit smaller than them, they are a head smaller than you and I'm at your middle ribs, so 19 I guess... " as he shivered at the memory of the two looming over him. But blushed as he remembered a certain lover of his, looming over him.

Erratum kept quiet when Variance turned butterscotch yellow on the right and sapphire blue on the left. He smirked as he remembered Coach Error as he talked about Art Teacher Ink or Outer when little Killer was walking around him or when CC. Palette when he thinks about L. Goth, all of them are turning to their SOUL color.

"Back to business, we need to think of a way how to bring you out of here as soon as possible so I can take you home with the kids" Erratum said as he motioned his hand down. Variance look down to see the blobs that he saw. "Even though you're near-sighted the one in blue is my oldest, Null, if you might see them he is a Sans. Then the one in orange is Void, if you can see them, he is a Papyrus, my youngest" Erratum said as he looked around for the others clothes. He saw a black jacket at the side, he took it and search it's pockets to find what he is looking for. Variance's glasses.

"Here it is..." Erratum said as he gave it to Variance who took it with a thanks. Variance wore it so he can see everything clearly now. He looked at Erratum, Erratum has more chips and scars than him but it looks like they are healing nicely. Then he look at the two, it was quite refreshing to see that they are different from the others.

"Now... After a few days, you will be released as what the doctors say but if I heal you now they might find it suspicious so we need to wait, okay?" Erratum stated as Null tugged his pants. " Daddy..." Null called, "What is it little terror?" Erratum asked as he looked down. "They are coming..." Null said looking at the door. Erratum nodded as he pats Null's skull.

The door opened now that he can see clearly. The doctor that is checking up on him is a MedicTale Sans.

The colorful blob is a FreshTale/UnderFresh Sans, Fresh but this one looks like a nerd with his glasses and shy too, it was quite nice change.

The blue blob is actually a Toriel, an UnderTale one, looks like she is a nurse some sort.

"Thank you, Fresh for finding my brother, you don't know how much I miss him, how long I tried to look for him" Erratum said as he looked at Fresh with a smile. " N-no problem! M-mr. Erratum! I'm just happy that you have found you brother! " Fresh said shyly at Erratum's smile. " Thank you, thank you so much" Erratum repeatedly said as he held Fresh's hand.

"Oh! I forget to introduce myself, I'm Dr. Medic, you personal doctor since I am assigned to you" Medic took out his hand for a hand shake, Variance took it.

"Okay... Since we found out that Mr. Erratum is actually your brother you can go with him now and I found your birth certificate, do want a copy, you too... Mr. Erratum, I have found your birth certificate also, would you also like a copy?" Medic said as he held out two certificates which is a shocker for Erratum since he knows he should have no certificates at all, even if he put it in the codes. Thank goodness he knows how to lie through his teeth.

"Yes... Please that would be greatly appreciated..." Erratum said as Medic nodded and went out to make a copy. " That's great, Variance! We can go home soon! " Erratum said as he nuzzled Variance fore skull. "Daddy! I want to know uncle!" Null said as he held his arms up wanting to be carried. Soon Void followed the motion. Erratum smiled as he took the two. "Null... Void... This is my brother, your uncle" Erratum said as he explained to them who is Variance. As Variance and his children talk he look to see the time. It was already 8:27 P.M, he look at Fresh who is sleeping on the couch, the Toriel already went home.

He looked back at Variance, who caught his eyes. Emotions poured out his eyes, understanding what happened. No words are needed. They understood each other perfectly. Void notice something about Variance. He noticed that Variance had a glowing dark blue body and a small white soul in the middle of the stomach. Void crawled out of his father's hold and crawled to Variance then stopped at the stomach patting it gently. Variance is trying to figure out what the smaller one want that's when he remembered, he was pregnant before he fell through the VOID. In panic he lifted his gown and look down to see the soul is still there.

Erratum was shocked to see that Variance had a small monster SOUL in his stomach. He smiled but is shocked that Variance cried. 'Does he not want the child?' Erratum thought but does not want conclusions so he ask but stopped when he heard the others muttering. "They're alive"... "Thank goodness they're alive" Variance smiled as he hugged his stomach, smiling gently. 'Looks like he really wants them... but who is the father?' Erratum thought about it the SOUL is still small to get the parents SOUL or mix of it.

At this time Dr. Medic came back with the copies and some news. "Okay... Sirs... I'm back with the copies and some news" Dr. Medic said as he caught the attention of both skeletons.

"Sir Variance, do know who is the father of your children?..." Dr. Medic asked Variance. Variance nodded but in a sad way, " Yes... I know but I don't know if he still okay, there was a fight before I escaped, he protected me..." Variance said before trailing off looking at the sides. " I don't even know if I can see him again" he bit his lip and trying not to cry. Null and Void hugged him as Erratum patted his head. Dr. Medic nodded in understanding, after all it hurt if you lost your lover in a hurtful way.

"Okay... I won't asked anymore question but you must take care of yourself since you're the only parent that can take of your litter" Dr. Medic said as he wrote something on the clipboard and gave it to Erratum. "He will need this medicines" Dr. Medic said as he left to tell that Sir Variance can go now. Erratum look at the paper. "SOUL supplements, Health supplements, lots of food and sleep not till the next four months" Erratum muttered as he read the paper.

" When are we going to go home?" Variance asked Erratum as he looked away from the paper. "We can go now if you want to..." Erratum said as he walked up to Fresh shook him gently to wake up. "W-what?..." Fresh sat up as he rubbed his eyes. "What is it Mr. Erratum?" Fresh asked. "We are going home now, if you want I can take you home" Erratum offered but before Fresh can decline. " I insist, it is the only thing that I can do for now" Erratum said as he took out his hand.

" Well... Since you offered... Mr. Erratum, I accept" Fresh said as he took Erratum's hand. Erratum smiled as he turned to his family, all of them are smiling. "Shall we go then?" Erratum said as he carried Null and Void since Variance can't carry while he is injured but then again he is also an Error meaning he is also a stubborn ass if needed. "Let's go" as he change his clothes in a fast manner.

They went out with no problems at all, Variance is holding onto to Erratum while Fresh followed behind smiling after all this is the first time he saw Mr. Erratum smile widely. He never smile this happily in school only a grin or a smirk never a smile. It made him feel warm inside. They walked out the building not knowing that Dr. Medic is watching them through his office. "He is fine Lord Judgement, he is being taken care of by another Error as you said it would happen especially when Fate has no hold in this Universe" Dr. Medic said to no one but an answer replied. " Good... No need to follow him anymore by the way have you seen Karma's favorite child, his champion yet" the voice said. " No... My Lord" Dr. Medic sighed for he doesn't still know who is it. "It's fine, don't worry about it just be prepared for the battle in three years" as the voice disappeared. " Yes... My Lord" Dr. Medic replied then continued to his work.

Meanwhile with the Group.

Erratum drove Fresh home to his house. Before driving to their apartment. Erratum carried the four and walked through the stairs to the fourth floor, into their apartment. He opened the door and went to the living room. He put Variance and the kids down gently at the sofa and look at Variance asking for permission to heal him. Variance nodded and Erratum started healing him to full health then feeding the SOUL with the same magic as their father.

"So... This will be awkward but this is needed as I might need to watch you for a while, you need to come with me to school" Erratum said bluntly and Variance just nodded... Well they are both fucked up in their minds so no need to worry over there... Yet.

Erratum put Null and Void to bed, so they can sleep. It took a while for them to sleep but they did. Erratum went into the living room to his surprise Variance is sleeping peacefully as he hugged the pillow on the couch. Erratum smiled as he carried Variance to the Masters bedroom. Erratum put him to bed Variance instantly cuddled at a pillow, he put a blanket around him and fed the little SOUL again so Variance does not wake for the rest of the night. He went to his worktable and started to make the orders that he needed to deliver on time. He smiled as he felt all of their SOULS beating calmly.

Meanwhile in the other Multiverse that Variance left.

When he left everyone is cheering that the destroyer is gone even his old family when they heard the news, everyone is happy.

Everyone but a single skeleton away from everybody else is crying for the one who holds his SOUL imprint, his soulmate, his lover and his children. He is in the Anti-void crying at a doll of Error, his lover.

Soon a portal opened, a Toriel went in... ReaperTale Toriel to be exact. "What do you want?..." The skeleton asked not turning at all, still focused at the doll. "My child, I know it is too late to say sorry for not realizing it sooner but it is never to late to find him..." Life said as she looked at the skeleton with pity and sadness. "What do you mean by that?..." The skeleton said as he turned his head slightly. Life felt guilty when she saw those eyes. They were hollow no eyelights can be seen but she continued to speak on what she is there for.

"My child Error is still alive some-" the skeleton cut her off. " Even if he is alive I will never see him again... I don't know where he is or if he is alright but all that I wish is to see his beautiful smile once last time, to feel his warm hugs and to see my litter gets born that is all I wanted..." The skeleton said Life can't help but feel more guilty with the new group that went in to destroy what is left by the destroyer, they can't help but feel there sins crawling on there backs.

"But that damn CREATOR ruined it all" He said as he took a doll from the box that looks like Ink. The said skeleton gasped quietly as he watched the other skeleton threw it on the ground. "WHY?!!! WHY?!!! WHY CAN'T HE JUST LISTEN TO ERROR?!!! WHY JUST CAN'T YOU LISTEN TO HIM JUST FOR A SECOND?!!!" The skeleton screamed at the doll that he threw, not noticing the real skeleton is crying silently in the back. The group tried to keep quiet. "Why?... Just why?... Why are you so selfish?... Why can't you just see that... That Error is saving us all... That he just wants a family... Our family?...." The skeleton muttered as he sank back down feeling weak from crying. " Why does it have to be him?... I almost lost him once Life, he tried to break his SOUL many times but it just got back together. It always pains me to see him hurting everytime Inks creates. Everytime that he has to leave me just to go destroy for balance. It always hurts to see him keep it in everytime Inks creates..." The skeleton said not knowing the two new groups came. Ink and the Original Council and Nightmare's Gang.

"I always asked him if he is okay but he always said he's fine even though he is hurting" the skeleton continued his story while hugging the Error doll. "Then the moment came when we made love, we didn't know what we were doing but it felt nice but the next morning, we did nothing but cuddle all day... The next few weeks came he started vomiting up magic, getting tired more easily and not to mention that Ink went on a creative spree, making it more harder for him to catch up so in the end he went home, his SOUL hurting for he did not destroy any AUs..." The skeleton kneeled in front of a box and rummaging through it looking for something.

"I told him that we can go to Alphys for a check up. When we got there, he was welcomed very warmly not just by me but everybody else. The news that Error was back even just for a check up made them happy after all Error explained why he destroys AUs, so they went to visit him, while Alphys is doing check up. Want to know what did she tell us?" the skeleton took out a photo and raise it up for everyone to see. "He was pregnant... Error was pregnant. I was so happy when I heard it but Error wasn't. Want to know why?... " The skeleton trailing off but pointing at the Ink doll. " Because of him... Because of the creator, he told me that he is happy that he is pregnant with our litter but he cannot do his job and if he did then the babies might get hurt so I help him a bit distracting Ink for awhile it work but came in the betrayal of the Dark Sanses... He came crying then went to his room, I followed him asked him what happened, he told me how they believe Ink more than the one who protected them from the unfairness, he cried and it hurt to see him crying like that so I told him, that even Nightmare and the others left him. I will always be there for him and our babies..." The skeleton trailed off but he rummage the box where all the Sans and Papyrus are took them one by one. He placed like the last battle, where each one is placed then place his own doll at the back of the crowd where he was, as he remembered.

He put Error's doll isolated, from everyone, no one by his side. The group behind him grew more and more as they were worried for the Original Council then at the Bad Sanses. When they saw the doll is placed they felt guilty. "This is the sight of the battle as you can see no one by his side, no one but himself. I planned to apologise after the battle but I didn't expect that he would open a portal to the VOID. He fell through the VOID with our babies! And it is all because of that damn CREATOR!!! All because of his stupidity! All of his stupid AUs! All of his selfishness cost me my soulmate's happiness!" The skeleton shouted at the dolls and he took the Error doll gently and said " And all because of me... If I convinced the others to stop... He would still be here by now... Right here in my arms... With my babies being happy..." The skeleton trailed off again but he cried holding Error's doll tightly.

"I'm sorry, My Angel... My Sweet Ruru... But wherever you are I hope you are happy cause if you are I'm happy, my dear..." The skeleton went silent. " Looks like I won't be able to see our babies get born" he went quiet. Ink was about to speak up but a portal opened. Core! Frisk came out of it with the UnderTale Chara and UnderSwap Frisk, Switch, following her. The newcomers glared at people behind him. "Uncle..." Chara said softly looking warily at the skeleton behind their Uncle...

"What is it... Kiddo's?" The skeleton asked looking at them. " I have good news and bad news" UnderSwap Frisk said. " What's the good news first?..." The skeleton asked as he had his head down. "Dunkle Error is alive!" Core! Frisk said. "Uhuh... The bad news is he is in a different Multiverse right..." The skeleton said losing hope once more. " Well... That's true but we can still go and find him... Uncle... ScienceTale Chara, Acid, and ReaperTale Chara, Chaos, have a plan... They plan to make an Error finder and we will use it to go to him!!!" Switch said excitedly but he was cut off. " Even if you can do it, it will take years to complete and make sure it works and not to mention, there are too many people too transfer... If you finish it early... It is already too late... We only have seven months left... It is kind of funny... Because by our last day of the seventh month... If I calculated correctly, it will be the time for Error to give birth... I can't believe it our last day... Will be my childrens birthday... It really is funny..." The skeleton bit his lip, to stop himself from crying but the dam broke.

The skeleton cried for an hour till he slept still crying after a while 30 mins, Chara and Switch spoke. "Since when all of you came here?" Switch asked as Chara called Solar, OuterTale Chara and Chaos. "What do you mean Little One?" Life asked as she felt guilty on what Error's lover is saying about. "We came to see if we can destroy what is left by the destroyer..." Nightmare said as Core and Chara in front of the tired skeleton and Switch gathered the dolls in a box and everything Error owned in a larger box before going in front to protect him. "Over our dead bodies!" Chara and Switch took out their knives. " But is it true?..." Ink asked. None of the two answered and they will not answer. "Yes... They are true..." Chara and Switch turned to see UnderTale Toriel with some of the Charas. "Mom... Since when did you..." Chara trails off and Toriel just answers. " Ever since a Genocide route happened... Error was visiting you for a day then going to give you a doll my child, I accidentally mistaken him for Sans so I went up to him and he was startled...I was too for he is not Sans..." Toriel went silent before continuing.

" He strung my SOUL up in fear... But quickly let me go as soon as possible. He doesn't want to accidentally kill me..." She went silent as her next sentence feared after all they should not know other than the Sanses right... "For I am the Original right..." Toriel said calmly... Too calmly. Life stared at her eyes. Toriel stared back in disappointment. "I always thought that being a god or a goddess have a thought on always the right judgement, but it seems I was wrong" Toriel said in disappointment as she look at Life. " You are no different from the rest of this Multiverse until you realize your mistake... Right? " Toriel said as she went up to the skeleton and carried him... Her SOUL clenched at the sight of the skeleton in her arms. "But you did not broke the heart of just this skeleton you broke the hearts of many" Toriel said as she look at her AU's Sans, Classic.

"Sans... What is the schedule of Papyrus training?" Toriel asked as she held the skeleton tightly to keep him warm. "Monday to Friday, 8 o'clock A.M to 5 o'clock P.M, Saturday and Sunday is when he visits Undyne for cooking lessons... Why?" Classic asked not seeing where this is going. " Have you ever noticed that he became less messy when cooking or when the fact that Undyne is a messy cook herself and can't even clean without breaking anything..." Toriel said Classic can't still see where this is going to. "Where do you think he will learn it from?" Toriel said waiting for an answer. "From you? " Classic said unsure. Toriel chuckled with disappointment, "Wrong answer Sans... Another chance..." Toriel said as she pulled a string beside her, a hammock went down, she put the skeleton in it and since it's Error's magic, the hammock seems to recognize, the SOUL imprint of Error and it wrapped around him like a cocoon. It raises itself up in the air with the skeleton, away and safe from a fight if happens.

"It was fr-" Classic was cut off by someone that he doesn't want to accept to betray him. "It was Error, Sans..." Classic turned his head to the side where the answer came from and saw his brother, Papyrus. "P-papyrus! Y-you shouldn't be here, Papy. It's dange-" Classic went to Papyrus as he cut off by Papyrus. "What... Dangerous...?" Papyrus said in a dangerous tone. "Tell me... Brother..." Papyrus said as Classic felt his sins crawling on his back. "Is the one you deemed dangerous, hurt us Originals yet?" Papyrus asked Classic as he got answers. " No... Bu-" Classic is cut off. "Did he even destroy an Original?" Papyrus continued. "No... Not yet... Bu-" Again he is cut off. "Last question, Brother... Did you even get to know him even for a little bit? " Papyrus asked. Now they felt all of their sins crawling on their back. Classic cannot answer that for he doesn't know the answer. Sure he didn't know about Error but Ink told them Error's destroys for fun not to mention Nightmare's gang proved it also. "As I thought brother, you didn't even get to know him like I did and the rest, looks like it to late to give him this" Papyrus said as he went to Toriel with a bag, he opened it for them to see books about pregnancy and how to take care of babies. "It is such a pity that you drove an innocent to suicide not to mention a pregnant one" Papyrus trailed off. " If you just get to know him a bit Brother... You might get why he feels lost, when his husband is not with him" Papyrus said as he looked where the skeleton sleeps in.

"Well... Brother... What's your answer?" Papyrus asked but Classic just went silent. "I think this game is getting boring, don't you think Blue? " Papyrus said while looking at the side. Stretch turned to looked in fear as he saw his brother with hollow eyes. "I agree Endemic, it is getting boring..." Blue said as he took off his scarf to show a line where Chara sliced off his head many times. "B-blue... What are you?..." Stretch was lost for words when Blue spoke like he is getting bored, really bored. "What happened Blue?" Endemic asked. "Chara went to a genocide route once again and I killed her but taking the soul first, after all we don't want Switch to die, Error would be mad... " Blue said ignoring his brother and letting his brother know what he did. "Well he is one of Error's favorite students, of course he would be mad" Endemic said. Chara facepalms and motioned her hands to them, "Both of you are idiots... Everyone of his students are his favorites" Chara said as they nodded. They turned their attention at the group who is staring in shock. They just can believe it the two of the most innocent are not so innocent. "W-what do you mean, you're getting bored?" Raspberry asked. " Well... What I said is what I meant... I'm getting bored of being killed again and again and again..." Endemic said Classic is shocked but it soon turned to anger. " So you just enjoy my pain of just seeing you die in front of me! Again and again! " Classic glared at Endemic but what Endemic said made his SOUL hurt.

"Like when you tried to kill Error... Again and again... Brother" Endemic looked straight to his eyes expected an answer. Classic went silent once more he can't blame his brother after all it is true. He'll be a hypocrite once again if he did. He is acting like he's not the one at fault. He look down in shame, "That's what I thought" Endemic said before turning his attention to Blueberry, Toriel and the Charas and the Frisks. They are talking about something important. So what's the plan? " Endemic asked, they made sure that the other groups is listening. "Well... We planned to make an Error finder and use it to transfer us to him, Acid and Chaos already planned it. But they need the materials which will take for two months if we Dump by Dump since we can't get all of it in one place" OuterTale Chara, Nova, said as she pulled out the lists of materials out her inventory. The list is quite normal size of a notebook but the number of materials isn't.

"The others have already trying to find some materials while on a genocide route, we still haven't got even 1/4 of it, most of the materials that can work is on ScienceTale but Acid's Frisk, Radon, is on Pacifist route so we can't get some of them" UnderLust Chara, Hearts, said while she rubs her arms.

"Then we cannot find any wires that are working, we can only find unusable wires" Nova said. They heard stirring, they looked up to see the broken skeleton waking up. Toriel pulled the string that is behind her. The hammock went down as the skeleton inside woke up. "Oh... Hey... Guys..." He muttered still not noticing Ink and the Council, Nightmare and the Gang. He slumped down not knowing what to do without Error. "What are you guys talking about?" The skeleton asked the ones in front of him.

"Well... As we said we plan to make an Error finder so it can take us to him..." Endemic said seriously. " Or we can just jump in the VOID and pray that some God can take us to him" The skeleton muttered but they heard him. "Or we can wait for the LAST DAY and pray that we can still be alive" the skeleton said crossing his arms still slouching. He sighed at the thought, he heard something from behind, he turned backed to see Ink and the Council and Nightmare and his Gang. "I see you finally know now..." The skeleton stood up, turned around and walked up to Ink. "What are you waiting for... Aren't you supposed to kill me?" The walked up to him arms open ready for a hit. "Well... Do it! Kill me! Didn't you say the ones who are with the destroyer are traitors that should be killed! What are you waiting for hit me!" The skeleton said angrily at Ink who fell to the ground crying. " I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't know about the balance! Error did-" Ink said but he is cut off, " Shut the F*** up! Error tried to make you listen to him! But Noooo! You are too 'caught' up on being an obnoxious individual that only cares for his side of the story! And no one else's story! You only care for what you believe and never listen to Error who is crying for MERCY!" the skeleton screamed as he grabbed Ink shirt. " So why are you even feeling guilty! When you're the one who drove to his suicide! When you're the one who put my husband's name on your plate on who need to die for the sake of the multiverse! Are you happy?!" The skeleton screamed then punched Ink on the face, he didn't stop. It required for Endemic and Blue to pulled him away from Ink. Stretch and Classic pulled Ink away from getting hurt any more. "I'm asking you! Are you happy now?! Tell me Ink!"

Insanity, Hatred, Sadness and Anger shone in the skeleton's eyes as they look at Ink and the people behind him. Life wanted to vomit but she can't, there is too much of everything in the other's eyes. Tears flowed down, but she stood tall and went in front. Ink looked at her with guilt also. Soon he stood straight also. Letting the other scream at him and the others. Nightmare went in front beside Ink. He's at fault also then the Gang and the council followed standing tall. After a while the skeleton went tired to scream or shout at them, he went limped still crying while hugging Endemic. "I-I know that we can't change the past but please let us help you... You don't have to forgive us! But let us repent for our wrongdoings" Ink said. " W-why should I believe you?!" The skeleton screamed at him, he can't take it anymore. Ink looked sadly at the skeleton and sincerely pleaded...



And that's for Chapter 1 guys I'll try to update soon. Just going to ask guys.

Do you want lemons in here or not?




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