Point Of No Return ~ Uncharte...

By veritaea

2K 67 4

"It would seem," she began, as she stared down the barrel of the gun, "We have reached a point of no return."... More

[ Playlist; Lana Cliffs ]
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VIII

Chapter VII

84 5 2
By veritaea

  She is softly shaken awake by Victor. Seeing the sun had recently risen, and the soft lapping of the waves had replaced the sounds of the engine, she figured they'd arrived in Scotland.

  Lana uncurls herself from the chair, feeling her bones pop as she does so.

  Walking to the back of the plane, she saw Nate and Sam were already awake, and getting dressed warmly to combat the bitter cold.

  "Mornin'", Nate greeted her with a smile.

  Lana made an effort to smile back, finding difficulty in doing so as she was anything but a morning person. His words from yesterday hung in the back of her mind. She couldn't forget, even when telling herself it didn't phase her.

  "Morning, Drake," she replied, to which Sam also turned his head.

  Lana let out a chuckle. "I suppose I gotta get used to there being two Drakes now," she joked.

  She threw on her coat, which wouldn't be sufficient to keep her warm in this weather, but it was all she had.

  She followed the Drake brothers outside, jumping in the ice cold sea, before starting the climb up the cliff.

  It didn't take too long for the three of them to reach the top. Nate spoke with Victor using his walkie talkie while Lana took in the landscape.

  "It's beautiful here," she said, more to herself than to her companions.

  Sam looked up, he was trying to light a cigarette, which proved to be difficult with frozen hands, and replied; "Yeah." His eyes lingering on Lana's side profile for a moment, not longer.

  Nate walked up to them, tucking his walkie talkie in his pocket.

  "Let's go," he said ever so cheerful.

  His smile is temporarily wiped from his face at the explosion coming from the cathedral. The ground tremors at the impact, which the three of them could feel.

  ''At least we won't be anywhere near that,'' Nate said.

  Lana smiled halfheartedly while Sam's unlit cigarette hung limply from his lips, his frozen hands still rendering him unable to light it. Lana reached over, lit the cigarette with her own lighter in a swift motion, and started taking the lead towards the graveyard.

  Stiffling a chuckle, Nate followed the woman strutting down the icy hills, and Sam followed suit. The road towards the graveyard was no easy one, and soon they were climbing up and down the rocks.

  A small clearing came into view. Lana's brows furrowed at the sight of various equipment, clearly labeled with the word 'shoreline'. Her eyes widened one second after, as realization hit her.

  "Get down!" she ordered, and the men promptly listened. Taking cover behind a large boulder, they were met with bullets hitting away at the rock, missing their limbs by just a bit.

  "There's five of them," Nate stated. He risked another peek behind the boulder after a short pause revealed the men were busy reloading.

  Lana cocked her gun. "We're gonna have to get past these guys if we want to make it to the graveyard before dark."

  Sam nodded in agreement. The bullets once again whizzed past their heads, their angle changing.

  "They're moving up," Lana said, the haste evident in her voice. "We need to move, now."

  Without waiting for a reaction from the two brothers, she made her move. It didn't take long for the men to reload again. Lana quickly moved from behind the boulder, shot twice, and returned.

  "And then there were three," she smiled. Two bodies fell to the ground.

  Nate smiled back. "I like those odds a lot more," he said.

  Sam said nothing. He didn't dare say so, but he was impressed. Even in all his days in prison, he'd never seen someone this precise and calculating in such a life threatening situation.

  It was kind of... hot? He quickly shook the thought from his head. 'Not what we're here for,' Nate had said.

  The remaining three men were quickly disposed of. Lana stretched out her aching back after being hunched over for so long behind cover.

  "You're a good shot," she heard from her right.

  She smiled at Sam, the source of the compliment, and threw him a full magazine she'd taken from one of the shoreline men. "I got lucky. I wouldn't place your bets on me for the next shootout."

  "Let's hope there won't be one," he said, to which she agreed whole heartedly. Her smile made his heart skip a beat.

  He, too, remembered his brothers words from the previous evening. Even before he had met her, he had heard of the infamous Lana Cliffs. She'd charmed her way in- and out- of many heists and criminal rings, gaining enemies and friends alike in high places. She was the woman you were warned for, the kind that would take all you had and walk away skipping.

  And yet, she had such an angelic smile. Slightly crooked, but real. Genuine. It was hard for Sam to believe the things they said about her, yet he realized: that's why she was so dangerously successful.

  It wasn't as if he had any room to talk. He'd been far from a good boy in his early years, and had the list of girlfriends to attest to it. The thoughts bounced around in his head as their group climbed their way towards the graveyard, which was getting closer.

  Snow started to fall once they reached their destination. At this point, Lana was shivering so bad her teeth clattered. She tugged at the hat she'd brought, which wouldn't quite stay over her ears.

  Sam noticed. Never had he wanted to give someone his jacket like this in his life, but he refrained from doing so. She wouldn't accept it- and getting scolded by his brother a second time would wound his pride too much.

  "You okay?" Nate asked her. She nodded quickly in response, waving her hand around to show she was fine.

  Cold resentment still lingered in her chest over the way he spoke about her the previous night. She didn't want to feel that way towards her close friend, and the words he spoke were true, yet it hurt that he thought of her that way.

  The graveyard was filled with intricate tombstones. Lana let her frozen fingers run along the cement graves, as she and the brothers looked for the one belonging to Henry Avery.

  "Look," Nate said, as he showed her an old piece of paper. "It's supposed to have two swords- like these. A skull, right there, and the dates 1659 to 1699."

  "He didn't get old," Lana mumbled.

  "That's a pirate's life for ya," Sam said, faking a terrible pirate accent for good measure.

  Lana shook her head softly and let out a chuckle. Another thirty minutes went by, but the grave hadnt been found. This led to the brothers starting to bicker among each other.

  Lana wandered off. Listening to the constant fighting of the Drakes got old quick. Her eyes scanned the tombstones as she checked the dates and dozens of swords and skulls.

  Her attention returned when she found the correct dates on a huge tombstone, with the correct swords to match. She turned her head curiously, as the words on the stone read: 'Benjamin Bridgeman'.

Her fingers traced the skull on the tombstone. It was similar, but not turned to the side.

"So close," she whispered to herself. She fiddled with the skull until she noticed it come loose slightly. Her eyes widened and she quickly apologized to poor Benjamin Bridgeman, whose grave she'd just destroyed.

  A moment passed. Lana reached for the skull again, slowly turning it to the side until it matched Nate's piece of paper. She heard Sam and Nate approach from behind once the ground started to shake, and a staircase formed behind the grave.

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