All In (GirlxGirl)

By novelistic_mind

63.5K 3.4K 543

This is part 2 to my story (Temporary love) please read Temporary love first in order to understand the whole... More

Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 16

1.6K 113 24
By novelistic_mind


"You guys are having a grand opening party?" Racheal asked as she entered my office.

"Yeah. We back in action sis." I said happily. Thanks to Brandy this was all now possible. We had yet to still find where Brain had hid the money he stole from us. We wasnt going to turn him in until he did that act. We still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But he was really the bad guy to us. But although we lost out on a hell of a lot of money we still were going to get that back and then some. Again. Thanks to Brandy.

"That's great news. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you."

"You inviting Brandy to this event?" She asked. I froze at the mention of Brandys name. Not because she mentioned her but how she mentioned her was what got me at pause. I looked at my sister to see a smile on her face. Not just any smile but a bright lustful smile. Did my sister have the hots for my girlfriend?

"What?" She said confused at the look I was giving her. Nah I was trippin. Racheal isn't even gay. But I could admit that she and Brandy did get close. That was good. I wanted her to be close to my family because she wasn't going anywhere. Shaking the thought from my head I said.

"Nothing. But yes I'm inviting Brandy. Its because of her that I get to even do this grand opening."

"Shes a cool person. No wonder you two are friends." I smiled. My sister really liked her. Good.

"Yeah." I agreed. "But I see you two getting close also. You've become really good friends huh?"

"Yeah. And she is great at her job to. When she put her mind to something she takes off with it."

"Tell me about it." I said with a laugh. I thought about how she just packed the clothes she had and came with me back to Florida. All the time she wanted me to stay there in Texas with her and when she said she would come with me back to Florida she came with no hesitation. She definitely was not afraid of change. She welcomed change with open arms. That's where me and her was different. I wasnt a big fan of change but I felt I was getting a little better at it. Hopefully.

After we were done decorating the place up a bit i made my way home happy that I was going to be able to spend more time with Brandy but as I was entering she was exiting. She looked at me suprised to see me standing there.

"You're home early. A lot early... it's only one in the afternoon."

"Yeah well not work yet." I looked at the folder in her hand. "Off somewhere I see." She nodded.

"Yeah work. I'll be back. You're going to be here?" I could only nod. My baby looked beautiful in the dress she was wearing. But I just seen Rachael at my office. I assumed Brandy was off but not wanting to be noisy I didn't question it. "I'll see ya." She hurries out the door but quickly came back. "Come here." She pulled me to her kissing me. She pulled back looked at me making me laugh then kissed me again. The girl was silly. "One more." She said then kissed me again.

"Go to work. You're going to be late." She hurried out the door. Then a thought came to me. Swinging the door open I yelled. "How are you getting there?"


"What car?" She pressed a button and I heard the sound of a car unlocking. How did I not see that car not far from my own? "Yours?" I asked.

"I'll talk to you about it when I get back." She said hurriedly and I nodded closing the door. Sighing I make my way into the kitchen. I was starving. I stop short when I see how clean the kitchen is. It was never too dirty in here because I never really cooked but I could tell that Brandy just recently cleaned it. Going to the refrigerator I open it and smile when I see leftover food there. Pulling out the food I warm it up and eat. Alone. I almost forgot how boring and lonely it was here. Working was consuming a lot of my time. After I finished eating I made my way to the livingroom where I flipped on the tv and found a movie but before I could get into it, it was watching me sleep instead. I woke to someone calling my name. I look to find Racheal standing in the entrance of the livingroom watching me.

"You work too much you know that?"

"Story of my life." I sat up. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to Brandy, but I see she isn't here."

"She said she had to work." I said then frowned. How was she working if Racheal was here in my livingroom? "You got her running errands or something?"

"No. Brandy is off work today with me." She said and my frown only depend.

"Why she tell me she had to work today then?"

"Maybe realtor work? That girl is always on the go." I looked at her suprised.

"Shes working two jobs?" She nodded her head. "Since when did she get a realtor job?"

"I don't know. She didnt go into deatails with it. But she did say she had a client. Two actually."


"Yes. Girl where have you been? This girl has been on a ball."

"Work. I guess." I say with a frown. I wondered what else I missed. Not wanting to get depressed over the thought I went back into the kitchen to warm up more food. "Hungry?"

"Not if you cooked it." She said and I just laughed. I was not ready to crack jokes right now.

"You not even funny. But no Brandy cooked it."

"In that case I'll eat."

"Ha ha. So how is your business  coming along?"

"Great. I thank Brandy all the time for taking the secretary position. Without her it would have set me back big time."

"It seems she helping everyone huh?"

"Yeah. Even Yolanda." My ears perked at Yolandas name.

"Why do you say that?"

"They just been spending a lot of time together." She said with a hunch of her shoulders. "Shes with her pretty much everyday. I bet that's who shes with now." I folded my arms across my chest. What was she getting at?

"So what are you saying?"

"I don't know. Just... they're both gay..."

"You think they're sleeping together?"

"Its possible. I mean they're both gorgeous..."

"Brandy is not sleeping with her." I said finding myself getting defensive.

"Why are you mad? It's cool that they're together..."

"Not its not."

"Oh really? And why not?" I froze at that. Damn. Was I caught? Could I tell my sister the truth? The reason they couldn't be together was because I was with Brandy? I was in love with her. And I wasnt going to let anyone take her away from me not even the gorgeous Yolanda herself. "Nancy?" I came to and my frown deepened. "Are  you going to answer my question?"

"I just think they dont make a good couple is all." I say with a hunch of my shoulders.

"Why not?"

"I just don't okay. Let's just drop it."

"You like her?" I tense up wit that and swallow hard. I play it off.

"Of course I like her. Shes living with me isn't she?"

"Right. But you got all defensive like you have a crush on her or something."

"Well I don't. You like her or something?"

"Yeah." She said and I finally turned to face her. She smiles that same smile she smiled back at my office. That lustful smile. Okay so I can't be wrong. My sister liked girls.

"Is there something you want to tell me Racheal?" I asked folding my arms across my chest again.

"What do you mean? All I said was that I liked her."

"You have a crush on her?" She hunched her shoulders and I arched my brow at her. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing." A smile was playing at her lips and she wouldn't stop staring at me. I turned back to the microwave when it beeped. I suddenly heard a door closed. That had to be Brandy. I look over my shoulder to find Racheal making her way towards the door. I begin tending back to the plates. I wondered if Brandy was hungry also? I followed behind Recheal shortly after.



Boy did u have great news to tell Nancy. I couldn't wait to get inside. I closed the door to the car looking just as the door opened. There stood Racheal. I was actually happy to see her. I could tell her and Nancy the good news. She met me half way.

"Why the big smile?" She asked.

"Oh nothing. Ya girl just sold her first house. It's no big deal..." I said trying to play it cool. Who the hell was I kidding. I was ecstatic.

"Congratulations." She said pulling me into a hug. I happily embraced her back. Damn we needed to celebrate. She caught me off guard with the next thing she did. She kissed me. I quickly pulled back looking at her in shock.

"Why the hell did you kiss me?" I looked at the sound of a gasp. "Nancy..." She rushed back in the house. "Nancy!" I called. "Fuck." I begin to go after her when Racheals voice stop me.

"What's the problem...?"

"Imma fuckin kill you..." I say and she looks at me in shock. What the fuck did she thought I was going to say... I rush inside to find Nancy. She wasn't hard to find she was sitting on the floor leaned against the wall. She had tears in her eyes.

"Nancy..." I knelt down in front of her. "Nancy. It's not what you think baby." I could hear as Racheal entered the house. But I didn't care if she heard us. I couldn't lose Nancy because of her horny ass. It was time for both there secrets to come out. At least to each other. "Baby I didnt kiss her..." she finally looked at me.

"Do I look stupid to you? I just seen you two kissing."

"She kissed me. I didnt kiss her." I reached up caressing her cheek but she moved from my touch. I sigh. And all I wanted to do was tell her my good news. It seemed I could never do that when it came to her. It was always something stopping me. "Nancy, I would never cheat on you baby." Tears slid down her cheeks and I sighed again. "Nancy. You are my everything. I wouldn't fuck that up. Please believe me baby."

"Why did you two kiss then?"

"I didn't kiss her baby..." looking over my shoulder at Racheal I said. "Can you tell her please?" I stood and watched as she took a step towards Nancy. They both looked confused.

"Shes telling the truth. She didn't kiss me, I kissed her."


"I didn't believe her when she said she had a girlfriend. I never seen her with anyone. If I'd known that you two where together I wouldn't have kissed her. I swear. I would never entenially hurt you sis. I'm sorry." Nancy nodded her head and I left them alone. They needed to talk.



"So, wanna tell me what's going on?" Racheal asked me? I hold my hand out to her and she pulls me up. I still lean against the wall with my head down. She places her finger under my chin making me look at her. "Talk to me Nancy. What's up?" I swallow then say fuck it. There was no way I could get out of this now.

"Brandy and I are dating. She's my girlfriend."

"Why were you hiding that?"

"Let me ask you this. You kissed her witch makes you gay right?" She smiles and nods her head. "Why didn't you say anything about your sexuality?"

"Our parents."

"Exactly." I said and we both nodded in understanding. She laughed.

"This is why you were so secretive. I wondered what was going on with you." I chuckled.

"You seemed to have held it together better then me."

"I guess. I'm at the point where I'm tired of hiding it though."

"I hear you."

"You're going to tell mom?"

"No." I said laughing.

"I might tell her about me. I won't say anything about you though. That's your decision." I give a nod.

"When you tell her let me know how that went." She laughed.

"I will." There was a pause then. "So you and Brandy huh?" I smiled.

"Yup. I love her so much. Shes an amazing person."

"I can see that. I guess I should tell you... I asked that woman out so many times and she turned me down every time. Even threatened to quit her job if I didnt stop. Of course I didn't take her serious though. Never once did I think that you two were dating. Damn shes good a keeping secrets."

"She is. I feel so stupid for asking her to keep this secret though. It's taking a toll on our relationship. I could feel it."

"Nothing should come in between your relationship Nancy. Not even our parents." I just nodded.

"I don't know why I'm so afraid to tell them."

"Because there Christians that's been raised to think same sex relationships was wrong. We were baught up the same way. That's why it's so hard." I nod. "Come here." She pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't know. I wouldn't have kissed her if I had known. I love you girl." I chuckle.

"I love you to."

"Is it safe to come out now?" We both laughed at Brandy's words. "Oh I forgot... you did just come out to each other. With y'all trapped in the closet ass." I just shook my head.

"That girl..." I go into the room shes in and shes just sitting on the bed waiting. She watches me as I make my way to her kissing her with so much need. She pulls me closer making me straddle her lap.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" I smile as I rest my forehead against hers.

"This is an I'm sorry for doubting you. For not believing you. I'm sorry baby."

"I know a why that you can make it up to me..." she grips a my ass and just as our mouth connects again we hear a throat clearing.

"Excuse me I'm still here." Racheal said and we laugh. I forgot all about her. I slid off Brandy and rest my head on her shoulder as we both give our attention to Racheal who was smiling from ear to ear. "Damn I would have never guess if I hadn't seen it for myself. My sister is gay." We all laughed. "When did you know?"

"Since forever. I was just afraid because of the way we were being raised. When did you know?"

"Same. Since forever. Why you think I high tailed it out of there when I got the chance. I went to college and didnt come back." We laughed.

"Damn this makes me wonder how I would act if my mother was still alive. Would I be scared to tell her I was gay?" She seemed to think about it for a second then said.
"Nope. I would have told my mom and I would like to think she would say "girl I know. That's dont matter to me. My mom wasn't a homophobe. In fact her bestfriend was a man who was gay. I called him uncle Peaches girl." We shared a laugh.

"Was that his name?" I asked.

"No. It was Patrick." We laughed harder. "I called him Peaches because it was the gayest name I could think of at the time. And it stuck. He actually liked it. It became his stage name. Let me tell you sista could sang. Uncle Peaches from Canada. You couldn't tell her nothin. I miss Peaches. I should go visit him some day."

"You are too much." Racheal said as she shook her head.

"Does this mean you're going to stop flirting with me now?" Brandy asked Racheal.


"Thank God." We shared another laugh.

"Why didn't you just tell me that you and my sister were dating?"

"Same reason I didn't tell her when I found out you were gay. It's not my secret to tell. I'm a true believer of things working out. Just have to give it time."

"So positive."

"You have to be. Now how about we eat. I'm starving."

I wanna thank everyone that's reading my story. Please vote and comment. Share if you like. Next series is about Yolanda and Rachael so please stay tuned for that. It's not the end to this story please continue to enjoy.

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