Time Has Gone : Second.

By tourabu

728 31 6

This story kicks off from the first book, Time Has Gone. It continues about the story of Mori (Y/N), or curre... More

A/N : 1


69 3 1
By tourabu

It was a few days after the incident with Fyodor.

As (Y/N) was walking down along a corridor at a mall, she saw two suspicious characters near the glass panes. One was wearing a mascot, while the other was from the guild, Poe.

She sneaks up behind them and tapped on their shoulder, they turned and she smiles sweetly at them.

"You know, you make a pretty good detective!" the one in the mascot says cheerfully, while Poe looks to the other side.

"What are the two greatest mystery detectives doing here?" she asked and Ranpo took off his headpiece in surprise.

"How did you know that it's me?!"

"You forgot about my abilities..." she giggled.

"Ah, yes. The ability to copy, but fear not! My abilities can never be copied by you!" Ranpo announced when Poe saw a message that was left for him.

"Ranpo kun, look at this! It's the final manuscript for the novel!" he gleefully shouted and Ranpo quickly ran beside him to snatched the envelope away.

"Let me see it!" he shouted but a body was suddenly seen outside of the glass.

They heard gasps and screams, then someone shouted that the unknown man just jumps off the building.

(Y/N) was dumbfounded, she had two of her hands across her mouth. It's not like she hadn't seen people die in front of her, she was in shock when the three of them saw how the man turn to look at them.

"Hurry!" Ranpo ran pass her and dragged Poe along.

She followed the pair downstairs and ran towards the dead body. The face was unrecognizable, blood splattered everywhere on the ground.

The trio was stopped by a police officer who happens to be around the area, (Y/N) hid behind Poe since she is a member of the Mafia.

"It's you!" the police shouted, making (Y/N) to shrugged at who the man was pointing at.

Ranpo, somehow, had some ideas up his sleeves. He went to hug the police, but in the end, he started tickling him to death.

"Hey, let me go, detective! Lemme go! Stop tickling me!" the officer laughed as he tries to stop Ranpo from his tickling.

"Please help Minouchi san!" the female police begged at Poe who notices something.

"Hm... I'm trying to figure out why Ranpo kun is suddenly... So happy..." Poe says quietly but it was picked up by (Y/N) standing behind him.

"Suspicion number one, the police got here too quickly..." he continues and (Y/N) nodded her head in agreement.

"We were hurrying down from the upper level, and got here at the same time as the police..." she says to Poe.

"Why? One possibility that I can think of is..." Poe trails off and looks at the mischievous grin of Ranpo.

"Because the culprit reported it! In advance!" Ranpo started waving his hands up in the air.

"They wanted the police to seal off the crime scene so that I wouldn't be able to touch the corpse!" Ranpo posed for the people to see.

"So, it wasn't a suicide... A Rat pushed him off to shut him up?" (Y/N) getting interested in the case, even if it wasn't her business.

"Nope and nope!" Ranpo grins at her and continues with his accusation.

"Look at this..." he pointed to a shoe.

"Is that the victim's shoe? Did it come off when he hit the ground?" Poe asked.

"No. It was pointed in the wrong direction and it was too far away. It came off while he was falling..." he spoke of his reason about the shoe.

"Not before he fell?" Poe continues to ask.

"No. When we saw him from the window, he had both shoes on..." Ranpo stated, surprising Poe and (Y/N).

"You noticed that in that brief moment?!" Both yelled.

"Of course I did!" Ranpo was proud of himself and puffs out his chest.

"From the wear on the shoe, he liked these shoes and wore them often. So it wouldn't be easy to come off. So, how did it come off as he was falling?"

"I see! Now I know why you looked so happy just now!" Poe exclaimed happily as he grabs Ranpo's hands.

"I only get half of what you just deduced..." (Y/N) says, hanging her head down in defeat.

"Isn't it great?!" Ranpo laughed again.

"Hey, what's going on? Care to explain?" Minouchi asked, worst than (Y/N), he couldn't understand every single word Ranpo says.

"These shoes were not his favorites. They were put on his feet just now before he was pushed off!" Ranpo explains.

"But I thought you said that it was his favorite pair?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, people change..." Ranpo replies with a sly smirk.

"And, Ranpo kun knows these shoeprints..." Poe said and everyone turned towards the cape-wearing detective.

"Of course, I-" he stops, eyes wide open, staring at the ground.

(Y/N) looks at him, a worried frown was spotted on her face as she asked him what was happening.

"I... my... my ability is gone..." he says.

"What, Ranpo kun?" Poe stares at him and Ranpo started making a fuss and sat in a corner.

"What do you mean?" Minouichi questioned, but the other two halted themselves in explaining.

"My ability is gone! Ka-poof! No more!" Ranpo starts throwing a tantrum as a crowd starts circling them again.

Minouichi ordered the female police to keep the pedestrians out of the perimeter and start barking orders through his walkie talkie.

(Y/N) and Poe just tilt their heads at Ranpo. They knew that, since in the beginning, Ranpo doesn't have an ability. But they played along as if an adult to a child.

"I want snacks!" Ranpo exclaimed and walks away from the humiliation of being canceled out of his ability.

"I wanna go home!" he stated and walks into another direction.

The two followed him, they noticed he was looking around like he was lost. Who was actually lost and they had to bring him to the agency.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance..." (Y/N) called out when she opens the door.

"(Y/N) san!" Atsushi shouted happily, as he and Kyouka ran to her sides.

"Kyouka chan, Atsushi kun... how are you?" She smiles at them.

"We're... as you can see... frustrated. Kunikida is in jail for the so-called killings during the search for the virus user..." he explains and watched Ranpo stomps to his desk.

"What's wrong with him?" he asked.

"He said that his ability had been canceled out during an investigation..." she explains and heard someone in the office snorted.

"Ranpo kun~ please eat the snacks that we bought for you in your secret safe~ you need energy for your ability~" it was none other than...

"Dazai..." (Y/N) calls out, earning a "yo!" and a weird smirk from the suicidal associate.

"Dazai... the last I checked, he doesn't..." she was cut off by Dazai giving her a peck on her lips.

Her face glowed red and you might see steam coming out of her ears as everyone in the office stares at the duo.

"I know, but he thinks differently~" he grins at her.

She hung her head low in defeat. She hated how Dazai and Chuuya had that power to make her into a blushing mess.

"(Y/N) chan, will you please come with me?" Dazai asked as he pulls her wrist to an empty room.

"W-what do you want?" she questioned him, still not facing him.

"I want you to listen carefully to what I'm about to say to you... it's about Fyodor..." Dazai changed his voice into his serious one, the one that she remembered when Odasaku just died and he had told her about leaving Port Mafia.

She looks at him, noticing his serious facial expression, she nodded and her blush dies down.

"I might get caught by the government... and I want you to stay safe during those times..." he explains and her eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" She whispered out.

"Ango gave me a heads up... the battle between the government and us are going to start..."

"B-but... you can't be serious? A-Ango wouldn't..." she trails off before remembering what Ango had done to Odasaku.

"He might... so, remember to stay safe. If I was caught as to how I predicted, I might be next to Fyodor as one of the dangerous criminals with abilities. Then either you or Chuuya might get caught, because of your history..."

"Dazai... no..."

"Listen, please..." he begged and grabbed both sides of her arms, she nodded slowly as he continues.

"There is a rat or two, still running freely out there. They might want to get their hands on you as it was Fyodor's orders to bring you to him. I don't want to lose you..."

"Dazai, I won't-" before she could finish what she was saying, Dazai uses his two hands and hold onto her face, then as sudden as it was, he kissed her.

Her eyes grew wide at how Dazai was treating her, knowing that she was engaged to Chuuya, but that didn't stop him from giving her that kiss which he tries to hold it back.

He releases his grip on her and opens his eyes, looking at her doe-liked eyes. There were tears forming in the corner of her eyes, threatening to fall down if she blinks.

"Listen to me, for once..." he whispers to her and gave her another gentle kiss.

After that short-span attention he gave her, he moves away from her and went out of the door. Placing that mask back on his face and grinned at his fellow coworkers in the office.

(Y/N) laid her gaze down and her fingers tracing her lips. She doesn't know what to do after that happened. She was stuck in her endless thoughts until Fukuzawa spoke up to her.

She jumps at the voice and quickly greeted the man.

"What happened to you?" he asked, perceiving that she might be in trouble.

"Ah, it was nothing. Dazai was asking me to do a double suicide with him again. Ha, ha..." she giggled nervously before bowing to him and left the agency's office.

She slowly walks down the path to head back to HQ and along the way, her thoughts started to run amok again.

She racked her hair back like how her father does, making her looked more like a model than a member of Port Mafia.

She continues her journey back to HQ, with those sentences running through her mind.

"Fyodor's orders were to bring you to him..." she can hear Dazai repeating that in her head.

"What does Fyodor want from me?" she asked as she got into the elevator and heads up to the executives' floor.

Her thoughts were halted when the elevator doors slide open to a few levels below the executive floors, revealing Akutagawa, Higuchi and the members of the Black Lizard. She glanced at them and bowed as a greeting, while the rest followed this simple gesture - Hirotsu notices that she was thinking a lot.

The doors slide open again and (Y/N) nodded her head towards the group, before she disappears into her office.

Hirotsu basically brought her up and he knows that something has been bothering her. Akutagawa picked up on it and turned to his superior.

"Is there something wrong with (Y/N) san, Hirotsu san?" the teenager asked, Hirotsu shook his head and began to walk towards Mori's office.

"Akutagawa senpai?" Higuchi calls out to him.

Akutagawa ignores her, having his thoughts in a mess. He very much acknowledges what was happening in HQ, it's just that - he couldn't place his finger on it.

While (Y/N) sat at her desk, she placed two hands to cradle her head. Asking herself question after question.

'Why does Fyodor wants me?'

'What do I have that he needed his "Rats" to come after me?'

'Why is it just me?'

"Just... me..." she whispers softly to herself as her eyes widen to the last question.

"Was it because of my ability?" she asked herself again as she leans back to her chair and looks up to the ceiling.

'If it was for my ability, wouldn't Chuuya get caught too? We basically have destructive abilities...'

She strained her eyes to look at an odd-looking dot that she managed to find on the ceiling, directly above her desk.

'I guess all of this thinking, actually made me noticed small, little things like that dot...' she thought to herself and pull out her cellphone.

She looked at her phone as she was staring up to the ceiling like she was reading or texting something - before her eyes widen.

She was actually using her phone's camera to detect if that dot was ominous and, she was right. There was a red glowing dot coming out of it and she goes back to normal.

Acting as if she was looking through emails again, sliding her fingers to text her beloved - who was just next door.

"You know, there's a dot on my ceiling..." she typed out before leaving her office and head to her father's office.

Ougai was having a meeting with Hirotsu when she barged into his room without knocking. Ougai was about to scold her, in the end, went quiet when he saw her walking towards Elise.

He watched her kneeled down to her height and started whispering into her ear. Elise was grinning and quickly ran out of the door.

"Can you tell me, what's going on around here?" Ougai asked, annoyed that his daughter isn't giving him respect.

(Y/N) gave him a look then glance back to the door after hearing a crash.

"What the?! An invasion?!" Ougai asked and stood up with Hirotsu.


"(Y/N) chan~ here you are~" Elise's voice was heard and came into the room again, placing a spy camera into her hand.

"Thank you, Elise chan..." she smiles and patted on the little girl's head.

"Father, did anyone went into my office?" she asked.

Ougai gave thought about it but shook his head since he was out of the compound for a few days during the virus attacker hunt.

"Maybe we should ask security..." Ougai advised, but she shook her head.


"There's a rat or two with us..." she repeated the words from Dazai to him.

Ougai's eyes widen and sat back down in his chair.

"Don't worry, come here..." he calls for her to him.

"I'll be here to protect you, no matter what..." he gave her a hug and for a moment, she relaxed into the hug - before she pushed him away.

"I'm old enough to look after myself. And if you want to find me, I'll be in Chuuya's office!" she stomps her way out of his office door.

Hirotsu snorted at him for the little stunt he pulled at his daughter.

"Don't forget this, boss. Your daughter is an executive for Port Mafia, she isn't as weak as you think she is..." Hirotsu snickered, making Ougai's face turn red.

To be continued...

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