Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenari...

By thesleepymonster

906K 15.4K 12.3K

So, I'm bored and saw more of these female scenarios than male. Might as well give it a try. Basically, for m... More

First Encounter - Part One
First Encounter - Part Two
Meeting Again
Hanging Out
First Kiss
You're Sick
He's Sick
Sleeping Arrangements
Text Messages
Wearing His Clothes
He's Jealous
He Pranks You
You Prank Him
Getting Hurt (nothing too bad)
Meeting Your Sibling/s
Neko/Inu Reader
Dark Link - Part One
Dark Link - Part Two
Lazy Days
Waking You Up
Lovey Day
Q and A
Q and A
incorrect quotes
Offenderman - Part One
Offenderman - Part Two
Splendorman - Part One
Splendorman - Part Two
School - Part One
School - Part Two
Clone M/N - Part one
Clone M/N - Part Two
Candy Pop - Part One
Candy Pop - Part Two
Candy Pop - Part Three
You're Drunk
Zalgo - Part One
Zalgo - Part Two
Zalgo - Part Three
Meeting the Parents
Jason the Toymaker - Part One
Jason the Toymaker - Part Two
Jason the Toymaker - Part Three
He's Drunk
Rake - Part One
Rake - Part Two
Rake - Part Three
Part One : Odd
Part Two : Crazy Ex
Part Three : Escape / Rescue
Kagekao - Part One
Kagekao - Part Two
Kagekao - Part Three
Neko/Inu Boyfriend
Small Note
Puppeteer - Part One
Puppeteer - Part Two
Puppeteer - Part Three
M/R got Horns/Wings
Beach / Pool Day
Allergy Season
Meeting Other Creepypastas
Calling You by Your Full Name
Boyfriend Turns into the Opposite Sex
Babysitting Sally
He's Clingy
Body Switch
Bloody Painter

Catching You Cry + Comforting You

11.2K 146 75
By thesleepymonster


The moment you got home, you dropped everything by the door and sighed shakily, rubbing your eyes to avoid any crying or tears welling up. Then you saw Offender on the couch, hat covering his face, and in what looked like his pajamas. You sniffed and walked to his sleeping form before moving on top of him, legs on either side of him, and laid your head on his chest.

He seemed to wake up since he chuckled quietly. "Long day?" He asked, making you hum. He kissed your head and set his hat aside. "Well, let me help y..." Offender paused what he was saying when he cupped your cheek and felt wetness. He was startled to see tears going down your cheeks. "M/R, what happened?" He asked, using his sleeve to clean your cheeks. 

"I just had a frustrating day." You said quietly and sniffed. "I'm just not in the mood today. I'm sorry." Offender sat up a little and leaned against the arm of the couch, cupping your cheeks. "Hey, don't apologize. I was only messing around." He said, seeing you close your eyes as tried to hold any tears. 

"What do you want me to do?" He asked, forehead against your's. You gripped his shirt and sighed. "Just hold me as I try to clear my head a little."

Offender hummed with a small nod. "Works for me." He said. You nodded and laid your head on his chest, feeling him run his hand down your back, up to your neck, playing with your hair a bit then down you back again. You melted under his touch and sighed quietly, already feeling a little better.


Hoodie is never surprise if you were crying. You never really hid the fact from him. It always depended on why you were crying that got to him. Today, it worried him. He got back early from his business,  to see you on the floor in the living room, sniffling and crying. "M/R!" He rushed beside you, taking your hand into his. You grabbed him and hugged him tightly, your cries not ceasing. 

"M/R, what happened? Was I gone that long?" He asked, managing to pull from the hug. You sniffled and looked at what you were wearing. A suit with the few buttons on top undone, and your tie just hanging on your neck. "You missed a funeral." You said, slurring just a bit making him raise a brow. "Are you drunk?" He asked, looking around to see an alcohol bottle next to you. "Oh, M/R." He said but you shook your head, ruffling your hair.

"I just wanted to...cry and drink a little. Sooo, I did." You closed your eyes, sniffling a bit. Hoodie sighed a little before standing up. "Let's get you to bed." Hoodie held his hand out to you which you looked at before grabbing it. He helped you to your feet only to say a small 'woah' as you started to sway. "Okay then." He muttered, picking you up and carrying you bridal.

"You could've called." Hoodie said but you poked his chest. "You were busy but since your here...don't go..for awhile." You muttered making him quiet but he nodded. "Yeah, I won't leave for awhile." He said, kissing your forehead.

You sniffled as the tears started to well up the go down your cheek. "I'm n-never gonna see them a-again." You cried, grabbing his shoulder. "Don't worry, M/R, just cry if you need to." He whispered into your ear. "I'm here for you."

Laughing Jack-

You felt something on the blanket making you sniff and move the blanket a little to see a small stuff animal. You looked to the side to see your boyfriend who was smiling sweetly. "Hey." He said.

With a small sniffle, you went back under the blanket and rolled onto your side. Lj watched you face away from him and he shook his head. Then you reached out of the blanket and grabbed the stuff animal, taking it into the blanket.

"Hey, want me to come in?" He asked, poking your back. You grumbled something he didn't understand. He waited a few moments, sulking a little till you lifted the blanket. He gasped and happily and got under the blanket, hugging you from behind.

You hugged the stuffie to your chest while Lj hummed quietly. "Want to tell me what's wrong?" He asked, making you shake your head. "It's nothing." You whispered, feeling him rub your arm.

Lj was tossing candy into a bucket when you came home, went straight to your room, and closed the door. It didn't take him long to follow you and go in to see you crawling under your blanket and see you shaking under, small whimpers making him stick to your side of the bed.

He hugged you closer. "Am I allowed to stay under with you?" He asked, chin on your shoulder. You were quietly for a moment but nodded, clearing your throat. "Please, stay." You whispered and Lj gave a small nod. "I will." 

BEN Drowned-

BEN was playing a game when you came back into your room and he smiled with a small chuckle. "You finally decide to end the call." He paused his game to look at you but his eyes widened a little. You were in tears, looking a bit dazed. "M/R, what happened?" He asked, about to get up till you waved your hand weakly.

"I..I just want to sit while you play or something..." You said quietly, wiping your cheeks but more tears came down. "Is that okay?" You asked with a small sniff. "Does that even need an answer?" He retorted making you walk and sit next to him, grabbing the pillow from your bed, and set it on your lap.

"Want to tell me what happened?" He asked, pushing resume and continued to play. You leaned your head on his with a quiet sigh. "That was (F/N)." You said, closing your eyes. "A friend of ours passed."

BEN paused his game and grabbed your hand. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking at you making you shrug. "Not really. I just want to be right here for a bit and watch you play." You said. "I don't know." You muttered, rubbing your eyes.

"You know, that's what will happen." BEN said, kissing your hand. "Just sit right here then. Once you're ready to talk, let me know." He whispered, making you nod and lean your head on his as he started to play again. BEN could tell when you started to cry since you started to grip his shirt and nuzzled into his hair. If it made you feel better, then he didn't mind.

Ticci Toby-

"Hi." Toby said making you hum, glancing at him then at your schoolwork on the table. He gave a small confused noise and sat on the chair next to you. "Everything good?" He asked, grazing his fingers on your cheek. You sniffed and looked at your notes before rubbing your eyes. "Yeah, everything is fine. Just got to study for all those tests coming up." You muttered, leaning against your hand.

He hummed before nudging you a little. "M/R, you're crying." He said, seeing your eyes widen and you touched your cheeks before looking at him. He was right. You were in tears and they weren't stopping. Toby smiled a little and tilted his head. "Everything is totally fine." He said with a little sarcasm.

You clenched your jaw before looking at your lap. "I'm just a little worried if I'm gonna pass all of these tests." You scoffed, wiping your tears. "That is the dumbest reason to be crying." You said with a dry laugh.

"Actually." Toby started, moving your phone into your hand. "It's normal." He whispered. You read whatever he pulled up to see he was right. "Wow." You whispered, looking at him. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Nothing." He said before grinning. "So, since I don't have anything to do today." He shoved the papers away from you, some even landing on the floor, and he grabbed your hand. "You are not gonna study anymore. Instead, you're gonna come with me. How does going to take your frustration out on a punching bag sound?" He grabbed your hand then your car keys, and walked out with you. Then came back in to grab your shoes while you laughed a little. 

Dark Link-

When Dark came by, he didn't see you anywhere. "M/R?" He called out, looking around before he checked your bedroom to see a slightly shaking lump on your bed, under the blanket. Then noticed your phone on the ground making him tilt his head as he picked it up. "M/R, is everything okay?"

He turned your phone on and saw multiple messages and missed calls from a few of your friends making him a little confused. "Baby boy, what's going on?" Dark asked, looking at you but saw you still hadn't emerged from under. 

"Baby?" He questioned, moving to your side of the bed. He could hear your sniffles and slightly muffled cries. He went to lift the blanket but you grabbed it and kept it down. Dark blinked and kneeling on the floor and rested his arms on the bed. "M/R, you have a few missed calls from your friends." He said quietly.

"I-I know...but I don't want my phone right now..." You said, not moving an inch. Dark gave the blanket a small tug but you weren't letting him lift it anytime soon. You didn't want him to see you like this. "Baby boy, what happened?" He asked, laying his head on his crossed.

You quiet except for the sounds of sniffling and hiccups till you cleared your throat quietly. "Me and some friends just got some news that someone close is g...g-gone." You stuttered, shoulders shaking as you gripped your blanket. "Dark..."

"I'm still here. Not gonna go anywhere until I know you're okay."

"That might take some time." You said, wondering what he would say.

Dark sighed quietly and slowly slipped his hand under your blanket. "Then good thing I don't have plans for some time." He said, smiling when you held his hand tightly. 

Homicidal Liu- 

"Fucking tie..." You muttered, so tired of trying to get the knot to work out. You looked in the mirror before scoffing. "I'll have (F/N) help me. She's knows how to do this." You said to yourself, nodding a little, still having a little trouble to wrap your head around the day. 

It was the day of a funeral for someone and it was hard to believe that they were gone.

As you left the bathroom, you jumped when you saw an unexpected guest. "What the hell, guys! Knock next time!"

Liu looked at the jacket that was on your bed then you. "What's going on?" He asked, making you clench your jaw and grab it before your shoes. "Nothing, I just got somewhere to be in a few." You stated, setting your shoes by the couch then got your suit jacket on. 

"M/R-" Liu started.

"It's nothing, Liu." You interrupted, sitting on the couch. Of all days they would come back, it would be today. You didn't want him to see you like this. Kinda just wanted to hurry out the door before Liu or Sully did see anything.

"That's absolute bullshit, bunny!"

You didn't say anything. Just put your shoes on and grabbed a few more things. Liu watched till you were about to leave, grabbing your arm. "M/R." He said, waiting for you to turn to him. "Are you going to a funeral?" He asked softly, making you turn your head to him instantly. "So what if I am!" You felt the tears run down your cheeks and sniffed. Liu's eyes widened a little since it was new seeing you cry. It was just rare for him to see. 

"It just hurts..." You muttered. "I was hitting a punching bag, trying to feel a little better but..." Then you were being hugged tightly. "M/R, I'm sorry." He  whispered, kissing your temple. You stood frozen for a moment before grabbing his jacket, crying quietly.

Jeff the Killer-

Both of you were just messing around in the kitchen, flinging cake batter while waiting for the cake you made to finish baking. "Aha! Got you!" Just as Jeff cornered you against the counter, your phone rang making you both groan. "Let it just go to voicemail?" You suggested then it went quiet. 

You both looked at each other then phone. Jeff opened his mouth to say something but your phone started to ring. "Get it." Jeff said, moving so you could reach for your phone. "Don't boss me around, okay? It's just my mom. Check on the cake." You said, leaving the kitchen to answer the call from your mom.

Jeff did as he was told, muttering what you said, and leaned against the counter. He listened to you talking to your mom till you went absolutely quiet. He assumed the phone call ended and you would be in the kitchen in a few seconds. 

You didn't though. 

He waited for a couple minutes before walking out of the kitchen to see you on the ground, tears going down your cheeks as you were crying quietly. "What the hell? Are you okay?" He asked, quickly sitting on his knees beside you. You shook your head as you shut your eyes tightly. Jeff grabbed your phone from your hand and tossed it aside, holding your hand. "Hey, tell me, what's going on? Do I need to kill someone?"

You shook your head and grabbed his sleeve. "I-It's nothing." You lied, trying to stop your tears but they just kept coming. "It's obviously something!" He exclaimed, taking your hands into his. You put your head on his shoulder making him stop all movement and look at you. Jeff took the hint and wrapped an arm around you.

"You don't have to tell me until you want to." He whispered, getting a nod as you cried quietly.

Eyeless Jack-

Ej was confused when he woke up to not you beside him. He faintly remember your phone ringing persistently and you getting up to answer but he doesn't recall you coming to bed. He glanced at the time and groaned quietly. "What is that boy doing?" He asked himself, getting out of bed and going to the kitchen, wondering if that's where you'll be. 

Not surprising, he found you on the counter, sitting quietly while staring at your phone. The bottle of alcohol in front of you though, that was new. "Babe." He called, seeing you jump a little before turning to him. You gave him a half-smile before laying on your back. "Ej." You slurred, reaching your hand to him.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked, grabbing your hand. You bottom lip twitched a little before you sniffled, covering your face. "Ej." You whimpered before you started to cry. He was startled since he never seen this drunk part of you. "Hey, hey, M/R, what's wrong?" He asked, slowly sitting you up. 

You leaned against him, gripping his shoulder, eyes shut. "Someone..I knew...d-died..." You whispered, nuzzling into his chest. He wiped the tears that had fallen, only to be replaced with new ones. He clenched his jaw for a moment before sighing quietly. "Talk to me about it in bed, okay?" 

With an agreeing nod, Ej picked you up from the counter, carrying you bridal style to your room while you talked with small hiccups and cries. He got you laid down and you covered your face with your arms. He climbed into bed next to you and letting you grab onto him, continuing your quiet talking.

Candy Pop-

Candy didn't come by for a couple days and when he came back, he was not expecting to find you looking completely exhausted. You felt worst than you looked, The whole week felt like it went longer than anything else. You were stressing on some bills that weren't clearing up and you were wondering if you were gonna get your assignments turned in. You just couldn't wait for the week to come to an end.

It did with a good end. Still, just so exhausting.

Your bag was dropped on the ground, keys on the couch, and you kicked your shoes off as you walked to your bedroom but before you could get far enough, your front door opened.

"Hey, M/R, you home?" Candy asked, grinning widely as he looked around for you. Then when he did, he raised a brow. "M/R, you look like shit." He said, arms crossed as he tilted his head. You bit your lip before walking to him quickly, resting your head on his shoulder. 

"This week has been shit." You stated, closing your eyes tightly. "I just want to cry and yell. I even went to a friend's house to use his punching bag." You said quietly, wiping the tears you finally decided to let go.

Candy stood there stiff before wrapping an arm around you while his other hand wiped your cheek. "Come on, babe, sometimes you just need to cry." He said with a smile, making you nod. "Yeah, I know." You replied with a small sniff.


You gulped a little as Slender stood in front of you. "S-Slender..." You stuttered before closing your eyes as you felt him wipe your cheeks slowly. "What happened?" He asked, tilting his head. You opened your eyes slowly and smiled a little. "I thought I locked my door." You said.

"Don't change the subject." Slender decided to visit after a couple days away from you and saw you in tears in the living room. "What happened?" He asked again, cupping your face but you looked away, eyes watering against your will. "It's nothing, Slender." You lied, grabbing his wrist. 

"Please, don't lie to me." He pleaded and felt you squeeze his wrist. "I just had a frustrating day." You answered, looking back up at him. "I'm fine, really."

Slender sighed with a shake of his head. "M/R, you were in tears. You still are." He said, making you bite your lip. "I don't know why. The day ended on a good note. Why do I still feel like this?" You asked, closing your eyes tightly as you grabbed his hand. 

"Everything will be alright." He said quietly. "Why don't we get you changed into more relaxed clothes?" He asked, getting a small nod from you. "Yeah, that sounds good." You said as you closed your eyes. 


"Love, you won't believe what has ha..." Zalgo started as he entered the house, only to stop his words when he saw you dressed in a suit, in front of the couch, head lowered. "M/R?" He questioned, rushing to you. "Hey, hey, love." He said, nudging you gently, sighing in a small amount of relief when you groaned quietly. 

You rubbed your eyes and looked over at Zalgo with confused and tired eyes. "Zalgo?" You questioned with a small yawn. He nodded, cupping your cheek, seeing your eyes slightly red and puffy. "What happened?" He asked, making you sniff.

"I, uh, just got back from a funeral..of someone close.." You said, rubbing your eyes with a small sniff. "I guess I came home and cried a little more before falling asleep."

Zalgo rubbed your neck with a small hum. "Yeah, it seems so." Then he noticed your eyes starting to water. "You have more to spill." He stated, making you wipe your eyes with a small laugh. "I guess so." You muttered. "I thought you weren't suppose to be home for another few days?"

He studied you a couple more seconds before pulling your head to his shoulder. You sat there for a moment before grabbing his shirt tightly, crying quietly. "That doesn't matter right now." He whispered, rubbing your back. "Just use my shoulder as long as you need." 

Zalgo didn't know what else to do, other than sit there as you clutched onto his shirt. 


You couldn't tell Splendor about the stress. Some things happened, now you're behind on some bills. Splendor has been off doing what he does. You continued on as usual. It's just the weight of stress on your shoulders and it just felt like it was getting heavier and heavier. Even after you got everything squared away, it just stuck on you.

Splendor came by and wasn't really confused to not see you home. You were either at school or work and he decided he'll pick you up whenever you text him. He went to your room and stopped when he saw a lump in your bed. "M/R?" He called out, making the lump jump. 

"Splendor?" You said, slightly muffled.

"Are you alright?" He asked, walking to the bed and sitting by you. With a small sniffle, you cleared your throat. "Yeah, I'm good." You said, instantly knowing Splendor would know and he did. He sighed quietly, tugging the blanket a little. "I don't believe you." He whispered making you bite your lip. Then you slowly came out from your blanket, sitting up.

Splendor saw the dried tears on your cheeks and sighed a little. "M/R, what happened?" 

You sniffled and shook your head, wiping your cheeks. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I just fell behind on some things and...and I'm good, you know?" You said with a small and fake smile, but the look on his face said it all. "I need hug." You whimpered, making him open his arms. "Come here." 

That's just what you need. His arms wrapped around you and you started to relax, tears coming to a stop, and that overwhelming feeling was gone. "Your hugs are magical." You stated, making him chuckle quietly.


"M/R, what happened?" Masky asked, cupping your face while you sniffed and wiped your cheeks. "Nothing. Just can't believe this week is over." You said before laughing a little. "The week is over and I'm crying over nothing." You said, but Masky could see the bags under your eyes and rubbed his thumb on your cheek. He guessed that you probably stressed yourself to your limit.

You looked at him before sniffling. "I thought I would feel relieved but I still feel so drained and overwhelmed." You said quietly, making him sigh before smiling a little. "Okay, come on." He grabbed your school bag from you.

"Hey! What are we doing?"

"Absolutely nothing." He stated. You raised a brow before letting out a small confused sound when he tugged your sweater off you, leaving you to blink. "Nothing?" You questioned and yelped when he nudged you on the couch then moved your legs on it. "Spread your legs." He ordered, making you blush and stare at him. "What?"

He took his mask off with a small huff. "Spread your legs." He repeated, staring down at you.

You did as told and he laid in between them, head on your chest, and sighed deeply. "You have no idea what your limit is." He said, making you bite your lip. "So, I'm gonna be your personal teddy bear since I am here now." Masky muttered, closing his eyes as he nuzzled into your collarbone.

Hesitantly, your hands touched his head and smiled a little when he hummed a little. "You don't mind?" You asked, brushing your fingers through his hair. "If you start questioning it then I'm gonna move." He stated, lifting his head a little to look at you.

"No, no, it's fine." You said with a small smile, patting his head. He laid his head on your chest again and you breathed a small sigh of relief.

Jason the Toymaker-

Jason heard you come in and watched you drop your bag on the ground before making your way to the couch the face-planted on the couch. He raised a small brow and sat in front of the couch. "M/R?" He questioned, poking your head. A small and muffled groan was the only response he got.

"Doll? You'll suffocate like that." He whispered, starting to poke you a couple more times till you finally moved till you were facing him. His eyes widened at the side of your teary eyes and pointed. "M/R.."

"I was managing to breathe. No need to worry." You said with a small sniffle and smiled.

"You're crying." He said quietly, making you hum in confusion before touching your cheeks and laughed a little. "I am." You sniffled, wiping your face. "I didn't even realize it." You muttered, your eyes starting to water more.

Jason blinked before tapping your hand. "What happened? Who did this?" He asked, making you lay on your side with a scoff. "It's been a day. That's all." You said, sniffling a bit. "Don't worry about it." You said, grabbing his hand as you smiled a little but you looked like you were ready to sob.

He stared at you for a couple moments before laying his head on the couch. "I'm gonna stay put till I'm not worried." He stated, making you laugh a little and pat his head. "Thanks, Jason." He smiled before holding the teddy bear he finished up. "This is also for you." You laughed a little and set the bear by your stomach. "Thank you."


He had no idea what to do. This was different from when you were drunk that one time. When you texted Rake, saying you needed to talk, he thought it was like one of those times you needed to rant. He didn't expect to see you on your bed, in tears. Rake hid in the hallway quickly, trying to think of what to do before sighing quietly. "Just ask." He mumbled to himself then entered your room, knocking on the door. 

You looked over at him before sniffling. "I thought you were busy." You said, wiping your cheeks. Rake hummed before going to sit on the edge of your bed. "You said you needed talk. So, I came as quick as I could."

With a small nod, you played with the blanket that was wrapped around you and glanced at him. "I just needed you here." You said, a few tears going down your face. Rake moved on the bed and wrapped his arm around you. "What happened?" He asked, making you sigh shakily.

"Just got news that someone I knew had died." You said quietly. Rake nodded slowly before patting your back, a little awkwardly. "I'm sorry to hear." He said, a bit stiff making you turn to him. "Rake?" You asked, seeing him gulp a little and look at you. "Yeah?"

"You know, you could just hug me and I would feel a little better." You said. Rake blinked before tilting his head a little. "Really?" 

"No, not really." You said making him rub his neck. You leaned your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. "But a hug would be nice." You whispered. Rake hugged you closer, kissing your head. "I'm sorry I can't be more help."

You hummed and shook your head. "You tried and you're here. Just..don't go anywhere for a bit." You requested making Rake nod. "I'll stay put then."


Kagekao held your guys' devil of a kitten in his arms while he watched you kicked your shoes off and slipped under the blanket. "Kitten?" He asked, not getting any response from you. He was just playing on the ground with (K/N) till you walked in. Waiting for a word from you, he didn't get it. You just walked passed and straight to your bedroom.

"Kitten, is everything okay?" He asked, moving closer to the bed. When he still didn't get a response, he looked at (K/N). "It's our job to cheer him up." Then he moved the blanket so he could move under with kitten in hand. 

You looked at him before wiping your teary eyes. "Kagekao, if you here to make fun of me or something, it's not the time." You muttered, sniffling a little. Kagekao tapped your cheek, getting your attention. "Wha.." You came face to face with a little kitten who went and bit your nose. "Ah, that's not what you're suppose to do." Kagekao said, pulling the kitten back and face him. "Cheer him up, remember?"

With a small smile, you reached and gave (K/N) a small pet. "We need to teach her not to do that anymore." You said quietly making Kagekao nod. "Yeah, we do." He retorted, letting the kitten go. You sniffed and sighed quietly, eyes growing blurry as tears started to well up. "I am so done with today." You muttered, petting (K/N).

"Yeah?" He questioned, making you nod. "Yeah, right now, I just want to curl up and not bother with anything." You said, closing your eyes.

"Then let's stay under this blanket for however long you want. This devil can run around with her toys." He said, opening the blanket and (K/N) ran out. You smiled, grabbing his hand. "Thanks, Kagekao."

.   .   .

.   .

I'm not very good with emotions like this or the actions of comforting. I tend to just bottle up certain feelings and just leave them alone. My search history throughout this chapter though. Lot of tips and that.


I hope you skeletons enjoyed it. Also hope you guys had a good day/night. 

See you all in the next update.

Zero out!

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