The Outcast (Loki x reader)

By Spidergirl_1225

903 35 29

(Y/N) Fisher was a girl who had many secrets. She grew up in a world where the Avengers were just comics and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

121 6 4
By Spidergirl_1225

(Y/N) Pov

"(Y/N) get up we need to leave in half an hour."

"Why? Where do we need to go at 6:30 am it is a Saturday!"

"(Y/N) you have another doctors appointment today! And don't tell me you can't today because we have rescheduled three times, and if you say no you will not go see that movie with Hannah." By the end of this my mother was at my door about to turn on the lights.

"I'm up! I'm up! Why do we need to go in the first place though anyway?"

"(Y/N) I know you hate going, but your medication is just not working fully anymore. Oh and don't forget to take your medicine now, because it is raining outside."

"Okay thanks mom I'll be ready in an hour." 

Finally rolling out of bed my feet hit the floor. I dragged myself into my bathroom and went into my cabinet looking for the medicine that I have been taking for about 2 years now. I look at the bottle thinking how this could even be possible. How can someone have aquagenic urticaria, an allergy to water, like how does that even exist? But it is what it is. I walk into my closet looking for my favorite pair of ripped jeans and my rain jacket. After I got dressed and ready I grabbed my umbrella and my phone and walked to the kitchen.

"(Y/N) honey I made you and your brother some pancakes!"

"I'm right here no need to yell. Good morning everyone I'm going to have to take the pancakes to go, because mom is already in the car. Oh and Felix shouldn't you be at work?"

"Actually I have an audition for a movie today so I'm not going to work today."

"Cool good luck! Alright goodbye everyone." I said as a grabbed my stuff and ran out to the car.

(Time skip to the doctors)

"(Y/N) Fisher"

"That's me. Where is Dr. Sylvia?"

"She has recently fallen ill and will not be able to return for the near future. So I will be taking over from now on. My name is Dr. Allen, Mary Allen, so tell me what seems to be the issue with the medication you are on now?"

"Well it does not work for as long as it used too and I still get slight reactions to water. And when it rains or is extremely humid out and I don't have medication my eyes swell and it's difficult to breathe I begin to cough and sneeze."

"Okay so here's what we shall do for now I am going to up the dosage of the medication you take daily to two times the day, order you an epi-pen, and continue the other medication at night ok? Also I haven't received your medical papers quite yet how old are  you?"

"18 as of last week ma'am." That's strange why wouldn't the doctor have any of my paper work that doesn't seem normal. "Oh also lately my back has felt as though it has growing pains ever since after a shower on my birthday last week. Do you think that has to do with the water?"

"You shouldn't worry to much about that just take some pain medication you could just be sore from something. I shall see you again soon Ms. Fisher."

"Have a good day Dr. Allen." 

That was quite strange something seemed off with Dr. Allen. I could just be paranoid after all I don't like change it scares me. But she did seem kind of unprofessional I mean what doctor doesn't have a patients paper work on hand. Well maybe their printer was not working or they were out of paper? But she had a computer. Okay I need to stop over thinking this because if I...


"What! Oh sorry mom I just zoned out for a moment."

" Yah you almost ran into the car door instead of opening it." She said laughing as she sat down in the car.

"Oh I didn't even realize we reached the car." I stated looking around only to see a hooded figure watching from around the corner. When I blinked they were no longer there. Wow I think I need sleep I'm being paranoid and seeing things.

"So I'm going to drop you off at the movie theater so you and Hannah can go watch that new Jumanji  movie and I'll pick you up after okay?"

"Sounds great mom thanks!"

(Time skip to after the movie)

"I still like the first one better but that one was funny too."

"Yah I definitely agree with you Hannah, but it was still good and it was great too see you."

"It definitely was great to see you. Well I drove so I'm going to head on home or do you want me to wait with you?"

"No I'll be fine don't worry about me, you head on home because you still have quite a drive before you reach home."

"Alright see you later! Text me when you get home okay?"

"Will do. Bye Hannah."

I watch Hannah walk towards her car as I turned and began walking home. My mom earlier said she could pick me up but got an emergency work call so I decided I would just walk since the movie theater was only five minutes away from my house. It was getting really dark out so I decided to pick up the pace. I felt like someone was following me so I began to speed walk. As I was about to grab my phone someone behind me cleared their throat.

"Are you (Y/N) Fisher?"

"Um no I believe you have the wrong person." I stated quickly before turning away.

"No I believe I have the right one. You are coming with me." The man grabbed my arm and threw me towards the wall as I was about to hit it I went right through it. Falling to my face on the ground seeing the wall behind me and the man walking through. 

"What the hell is going on here!"

"Well lets just say we aren't on your Earth anymore. Welcome to New York of Earth 1 where you belong."

"Okay you are insane. Help someone help me!" I screamed then I felt something rush by me to look up and see the man stuck to the wall with a web looking substance.

"Believe me now? Just turn around." The hooded man said before disappearing into thin air.

"Are you okay ma'am?"

I turned around to see who I should be thanking to see Spider-Man hanging upside down in front of me. "Okay what the hell is going on? You are fictional!"

"I'm as real as can be I can promise you that. Could I swing you home just to make sure your safe?" He asked as it began to rain and my skin began to itch.

"First, that man said now I'm on a different Earth apparently and I'm kind of allergic to water so I need to get inside a building now."

"Okay well I guess we are going to Stark Tower, hold on tight."


Hello everyone! I have time to write now that it's Spring break and I get a week off after that because of the corona virus. I hope you all stay safe and wash your hands. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know it is starting off slow, but we are about to pick it up, because hey you just met Spidey! So others must follow...

(word count 1232)Uneditted

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