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There once was a child who was found in an alley way with nothing but a name, (Y/N) (L/N). The night she was found a lovely family was walking past an alley way when they heard the quiet cries of a child. Out of the family of three the 5 year old boy was the first to hear the cries. He tugged on his mothers shirt to alert her of the noise.

"Mama, Mama I think someone is crying over there. Should we see?"

"Alright sweetheart I'll have Papa check it out okay?" She turned to her husband asking, "Do you mind?"

"Of course, just stay here for a moment." He wandered down the alley way when the cries got louder. He looked carefully around the garbage bins to see a small intricately hand woven basket. Inside was a small no more then 3 month old child. With a blanket that looks as if it were made out of gold thread. He picked up the basket with the child and returned to his little family.

"It's a small child, only seems to be about three months old only left with the name (Y/N) (L/N). Based on what child was left in the family seemed wealthy so why would they just leave?"

"Papa? Why would someone leave a baby? Could we keep her?"

"I don't know why someone would leave her alone Felix, but we will bring her home for tonight at least. Does that sound okay with you honey?"

"Yes here why don't you hand her to me let's see her to see if she will stop crying."

Mr. Fisher handed the infant to his wife and she instantly stopped crying and stared up at the kind, lovely women with curious eyes. "She is beautiful come on we should get home I'm sure she is hungry babies eat a lot you know."

"Mama when I was little did I eat a lot?"

"Yes Felix and you still do you silly little boy."

(Short time skip)

"Now Felix I hope you understand that babies tend to cry a lot so until we can go somewhere I'm going to need you to be patient with little (Y/N). Crying is their way of communicating until they are able to talk."

" Okay mama I understand I'm okay with that. Could I please hold her?"

"Sure but you must be very gentle and sitting on the couch do you understand me Felix?"

"Yes mama! Okay I'm ready!" The little boy states excitedly as he sits on the couch as his mother hands him the tiny girl. "Hello there little (Y/N), I have always wanted a sibling would you like to be my sister?"

"Now look I think this is the best Felix has ever behaved. Maybe we should keep her? I mean we always did want another child, a girl even for that fact this seems like a gift."

"I agree tomorrow morning we will go to the adoption agency and see if we can make her officially ours and then she will be (Y/N) Fisher."

"Yes! I get a sister!"

Now the family was overjoyed to welcome there newest auditions. What they did not know was were she came from or the future she would hold. They didn't know her full potential or the trouble she would go through. But they did know that she was special and a gift, and time would only tell how her life would play out.


Welcome to my new story! I plan to also use this story to bring awareness to certain allergies that happens to be very difficult to deal with and not well known at all. Aquagenic urticaria and cold urticaria, the allergy to water and allergy to cold. These are really weird and difficult allergies for the people who deal with this, and there are not many studies for it. I personally have Aquagenic urticaria and my best friend has cold urticaria so I thought writing this would be fun and informational! The main character will have both allergies that will be a big factor into the story. Thank you for choosing the book, Love - Talia

The Outcast (Loki x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя