Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm not gonna rush this but I am going to try and finish it soon before I have to deal with all my senior responsibilities lol. Plus I'm trying to work on my own original novel, and I've got ideas for other stories.


(Y/N) P.O.V

"Hey! Hey would you slow down please!" I yelled out trying to get him to stop but he seemed set on not being seen with me and escaping this new arrangement neither of us are fond of.

"Silence you insolent mortal! I am trying to think... Now here's what will happen." He said turning back to me quickly approaching.

 I began to back up. His steps were long and aggressive as he made his way towards me triggering my flight or fight. Every time he has been near it has been when he was threatening me so with this sudden aggression I didn't want him near me. He however continued until I was backed into to a corner with no way to turn. Once I had reached the spot I also realized it limited any movement of my wings. I glanced to the side to see that the hall was empty and it would be my only means of escape if he decided to change his mind about not cutting my wings off. He must of noticed I was looking to the side because he blocked my field of vision with his arm as I felt something cold touch apart of my wings. I looked up to him quickly realizing how close he really was. I would have been flustered if I wasn't terrified of the cold sharp dagger against one of my wings. If I'm honest I'd rather have both or none, if he only cut one and it ended up permanently damaged then I would just look sad.

"Pay attention closely... I do not like you or your kind. I have no intention of babysitting you like my supposed father said to. At this point he's looking to get me in trouble and you are the perfect excuse and most likely option to successfully pull that off. Not like the people around here need much convincing that I am apparently the root of their problems. So you shall do exactly as I say. We will leave when I say we leave, you will stay put if I command you to do so, we go where I want to go, and eat when I want." He finished while glaring at me. He leaned in close to my ear while pushing the blade closer so I was more aware of it whispering, "In short, you're now my bitch. If you want to keep these pretty little new wings of yours you won't tell anyone about this conversation got it?"

I nodded slowly indicating I heard everything he said and understood. He removed the dagger from its position and stood up straight turning back towards where he was going before I interrupted him. I looked down to the floor as I moved to follow him. I was about to open my mouth to ask him a question, but almost as if he had sensed it he cut me off before I could.

"I don't want to hear you speak to me unless I ask you a question is that clear? When others talk to you act normal, but do not make a sound around me unless I say you may. Let's head to your room now." He continued walking not even looking back to see if I acknowledged what he just said.

We made our way down the hall in silence. It seemed the farther we made it down the passage the more and more plain the hall began to look. He stopped in front of a door pointing to it. "This is my room. You may not enter unless I give you permission to do so, which will most likely never happen."

 He walked to the next door down throwing it open motioning for me to enter. I stepped into the room glancing at the simple but elegant design of the room and the fresh sheets on the large bed. I was so distracted by the room I had forgotten for a moment Loki was still there until he spoke again.

"This is where you will be staying. The farthest door is a bathroom, the next door a closet, and within a section of the closet is a book shelf that is stocked if you get bored. You will be spending lots of time in here so you better get comfortable. Dinner is in 3 hours be ready to leave by then or I will leave you here. Understand?"

I nodded again not making eye contact when suddenly a figure appeared in front of me forcing my face up to look at them. Loki stared back at me frustrated before stating, "When I ask a question you will answer me with a yes or no, I do not want to be constantly looking to you to figure out if you understand. Got it?"

"Yes." I answered simply.

"Good then we understand each other enough." He said before vanishing from sight.

I walked over and sat down on the bed carefully. I layed back studying the ceiling. I unknowingly let out a few tears of frustration from the whole situation I had been thrust into. It wasn't bad enough to find out you were adopted, an alien, and from a race that threatened the existence of many others.

I knew Loki struggled with new people from all the Marvel movies I watched in the other universe but I never anticipated it would be this bad. I sat back up wiping my tears already feeling the numbness set in from my allergy. I knew it would do no good to wash my face as the tears already left red irritated lines on my face. I wish there was someone of similar origin to me, maybe this whole water allergy thing was genetic, like our weakness.

As I thought all this over I just realized how hard this would truly all be. And I wasn't sure if I would be able to look Loki in the eye after our most recent interactions.


A/N: Well well well that was not how I was expecting it to go as I was writing my brain just went lets make him mean for the sake of character development. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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