Chapter 3

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"Well you have some unknown element in your blood, and it seems you are still growing? But not you as a whole but your back, you seem to be uhh growing wings." Tony says bluntly trying to speed things up for the sack of wanting to learn more.

"Great so not only do I have a rare allergy, a rare blood type, but now I'm growing wings that's not possible."


Bruce's P.O.V

I just keep staring at the screen. I know I should be helping Tony try and explain this all to this poor girl, but I still can't wrap my head around it. She appears so normal but she is extremely different. I don't know how it is even possible for someone to develop wings and not know it's happening. Wait maybe she could tell it was happening but didn't know that was the reason for it. I look over and see the poor girl trying to convince Tony he's wrong. I should probably step in now and send Tony and Peter out in the hall for a moment.

"Uh hey Tony why don't you and Peter go make a snack or some dinner and bring it back here and I'll talk to (Y/N). It's 5:30 already and Miss Fisher must be hungry after her long and confusing day of traveling."

"You sure you got this Bruce?"

"Yah yah I do no worries you two go ahead."

"Alright Peter let's go make some sandwiches. We'll be back in half an hour, six o'clock sharp, just tell Friday if you need us sooner."

"Okay Okay now get going." I watch as they finally both leave the room. Good now that they are gone maybe I can try and ease her anxiety about this whole situation. "So (Y/N) lets forget what Tony said all of it and work up to that point okay? I'm going to ask you a few questions and I'm going to need you to answer honestly."

"Okay I'll do my best sir. I don't know how much I can help with all of that though." she says motioning to the screen.

"Hey I said lets not worry about that at the moment. Also Just call me Bruce. Okay first question, how long have you known about this allergy to water?"

"About 3 years I found out when I was 15 and I don't know if any of my relations have had it because I am adopted."

"Oh your adopted? Hmm that may be able to lead to some answers. Okay so it's an allergy you developed in your teen years, do you know when it's normally developed or any of it's statistics?"

"It's normally developed in a child's earlier years like 6-8 and they tend to grow out of it. There are less than 100 known cases on my Earth."

"Oh wow that's rare. Okay moving on from the water topic in the last six months to a year have you been having shoulder/ back issues or any pain?"

"Yes my Rotator cuff and upper back actually hurt quite often, I always assumed it was an issue from years of gymnastics so I never bothered to get it checked."

"I could understand how you would assume that. But was the pain like a sharp pain or an ache or like a growing pain."

"Now that you mention it it was like a growing pain."

"Okay so let me try and be a little better at this than Tony. So your blood is different from anything I've seen it could be something that was injected or something you were passed from your parents. Which being adopted and not knowing any of your blood relations it could come from them. Then the next thing is you have known about the wings growing you just didn't know it was wings. You realized the pain now we have a reason for it. The anomaly in your blood could be connected to the new limbs you have growing."

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