Right Realm, Wrong World (Boo...

By QueenieCalista

29.2K 1.1K 863

Lloyd makes a wish, and not to y/n's surprise, they end up somewhere other than Earth. They get sent to a dif... More

The Wish
The Streets of Ninjago City
Sensei's got the Munchies
Meeting Lloyd on the Bus
Beating the Bully
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 1
Chomped on by a Hungry Hippo
Uh, Oh
What a Mess
The Ice Emperor
An Unexpected Return
The Really Bad Idea
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 2
A Painful Aftermath
Bad Dreams
Strangers in Paris
Holding Out For a Hero
Love and Hate
Going Home
Thank You!


1K 46 37
By QueenieCalista


This morning I walked outside and thought it was really warm out, but then I checked the temperature, and it was minus ten degrees with the windshield. I'm sick of Canadian winters.

Random shoutout to SynchroPinja because I think she's awesome. Oh, and also to Nighttimebeauty0901 for the wonderfully written stories!


————-Movie Lloyd's POV———

I am so fed up with my dad. He cut himself out of my life and he doesn't even regret it! He left my mom when I was just a baby because he didn't have the patience to take care of a kid!

I hate him. I hate him.

I steer my mech into our base and jump off. I rip my mask off and toss it to the ground angrily.

"I wish I hadn't been born!" I shout, trying to diffuse my emotions. Nobody else from the team is here yet, so I don't feel awkward with showing my anger. After punching the wall a few times, I feel a little better, and go get ready to return to school.

————Movie y/n's POV————-

After the fight with Garmadon and the green ninja, I hear the school bell ring. I don't want to be late for my next class, so I hurry back into the building.

"I'm not late!!" I shriek as I slide into the classroom, even though I arrived 10 minutes after class started.

The teacher ignores me and continues explaining something on the chalkboard. I find a seat next to Rumi.

"What'd I miss?" I ask her.

"Nothing much, just some basic math equations. Why were you gone so long?"

"I wanted to see Garmadon and the ninja," I reply, even though I actually left history class to see where my new friends went.

Rumi gives me a confused look. "We see them all the time around here."

"I... uh... I've never seen them in person before," I lie. Truthfully, I've met all the ninja. I just haven't seen their opponent.

"Rumi! Pay attention!" The teacher calls.

"Sorry Mr. Holland."

"Ahem. Now, class, if a spider swings from one building to another at these heights, what is the distance between the points? Use the Pythagorean theorem."

When nobody answers, he calls on me.

"Y/n, how about you?"

"I didn't raise my hand..."

"Just give it a try."

"Well, I would, but I didn't understand a word of what you just said," I reply, referring to what he explained on the board. "What language were you speaking? It sounded like utter cr*p to me."

I hear snickers around the classroom.

"Detention, Miss y/n!" Mr. Holland shouts, but his focus shifts to the door as Zane, Kai, Nya, Lloyd, Cole, and Jay shuffle into the room. "And since you six were late without a reason, you can join her."

"Aw, man! Not again!" Jay exclaims.

"I don't want to deal with any of you seven right now. Down to the principal's office!"

"That's harsh, dude," Cole protests.


"Okay, okay!" we all say, and start leaving.

I pick up my backpack and exit the room, but I stick my head back through the doorway for a second. "Seriously, though, what language were you speaking?"

Mr. Holland throws a chalkduster at me, but I dodge it just in time.

"Argh, I can't believe we got detention again!" Nya remarks. "That's the third time this month!"

"That's the third time this week for me," Lloyd says. "Teachers hate me just as much as the students do."

"That's not fair," I say. "What'd you ever do to them?"

"I was born," he shrugs sadly.

I gently place a hand on his shoulder, and turn him to face me. I pull him into a hug, wishing I could take away his pain. He doesn't deserve this.

"What was that for?" Lloyd asks once I pull away.

"I know you don't feel this way sometimes, but you matter," I say. "You mean so much to your friends and family, and now you've got me, too."

Lloyd doesn't seem to know how to react. He doesn't reply, and just turns away.

"Alright, what did you do this time?" The principal asks as we enter the main office.

"Actually, we didn't do anything worth detention," I say. "These guys all came in late, and I was just struggling with a language barrier."

"Fine. Miss y/n, you are excused. As for the rest of you—"

"Hey, wait! That's not fair! All they did was come in late!" I interrupt.

"It was my fault, sir," Lloyd says. "I made them late."

The principal smiles. "Well, then. The rest of you may leave. Lloyd, you will fill out the rest of detention on your own."

"If he's staying, I will too," I say, crossing my arms. "Nobody around here seems to have an integrity, but I sure do."

"No, y/n, you don't have to—" Lloyd says, but he gets interrupted.

"If that's what you want, so be it," the principal says. "Follow me."

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