𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻�...

Dantemuscot द्वारा

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What happens when one ninja is so selfish, he believes everyone exists to be killed by him? But mostly import... अधिक

First Sight ( Chapter 1 )
Not Good Enough ( Chapter 2 )
The Targets ( Chapter 3 )
Confidence ( Chapter 4 )
Relaxing in the Earth Country ( Chapter 5 )
Home Again ( Chapter 6 )
Welcome to Konoha ( Chapter 7 )
Bad Genin ( Chapter 8 )
The First Test ( Chapter 9 )
Mid-week ( Chapter 10 )
Second Test ( Chapter 11 )
Can't Stop the Rain from Falling ( Chapter 12 )
The Final Day ( Chapter 13 )
Luck Will Be Needed ( Chapter 14 )
Sharingan Vs. Sharingan ( Chapter 15 )
Under Commands ( Chapter 16 )
Importance ( Chapter 17 )
Unresolved Feelings ( Chapter 18 )
Nothing But The Truth ( Chapter 20 )
Untitled Part 21
A Leaf Jonin's Day ( Chapter 22 )
Welcome ( Chapter 23 )
Stand My Ground ( Chapter 24 )
Re-Awakening ( Chapter 25 )
Death's Toll ( Chapter 26 )
Gravestone ( Chapter 27 )
Quarell on Either Side ( Chapter 28 )
Frustration ( Chapter 29 )
Recieves Angst ( Chapter 30 )
Failure to Save ( Chapter 31 )
Costly Threat ( Chapter 32 )
Deception ( Chapter 33 )
Devistation ( Chapter 34 )
Sister Must Die ( Chapter 35 )
Un-Blooded Sister Thieves ( Chapter 36 )
Unplanned ( Chapter 37 )
Before Disaster Strikes ( Chapter 38 )
The Death of the Beloved ( Chapter 39 )
Unlived ( Chapter 40 )
Interuption ( Chapter 41 )
Lost Love Found ( Chapter 42 )
Memoirs ( Chapter 43 )
Hot Night ( Chapter 44 )
Show Down in Sound ( Chapter 45 )
The Day Finally Comes ( Chapter 46 )
Departion ( Chapter 47 )
The Love of a Mother ( Chapter 48 )
To be Saved ( Chapter 49 )
When the Husband's Away the Wife Will Play (Chapter50 )
Renewal ( Chapter 51 )
When the Lights Fade ( Chapter 52 ).END

Unspoken Emotions ( Chapter 19 )

1.2K 31 6
Dantemuscot द्वारा


Konoha was known for it's blooming sakura trees, and everyone loved to put on family heirloom kimonos to to set the mood back in time while families had picknicks under the sakura trees. Ura, however, was stuck inside the Hokage's mansion, waiting in his office while the Hokage had finally decided to get up from bed and go to the meeting she had arranged the day before. The kunoichi thought she would be able to get the meeting over quickly in the beginning of the mission so she could hang around for a week, but no! Apparently, the Hokage had known about the meeting before-hand and had arranged several events before her own meeting. So, Ura was at the middle of the week, three more days before she was obligated to go back to the Sunagakure.

Ura sat at the window-sill, wishing she were outside, having a picknick by herself under one of the sakura trees. The entire time Ura was in Konoha had brought up memories of her past, but she was informed by Ino that Sasuke was back in Konoha. From what Ino had furthered explained, he had been back for several years, but was unable to go any further in the Shinobi path due to the fact he betrayed his country. A part of Ura wanted to see him, but a part of her also said 'don't even try', Ura hated the Akatsuki, and Sasuke had joined Orochimaru, making him close enough to be one of the Akatsuki members. When Orochimaru and the others harmed Gaara by kidnapping him, Ura, Kankurou, and Temari did everything they could to get him. Sakura and Naruto had joined as well, Sakura helped Kankurou fight and defeat one of Orochimaru's puppet-men, and Naruto helped Ura find Gaara. It was that day Ura did not sleep or eat or take her eyes off Gaara when they returned him home. But, the one secret she kept from everyone, was that while Gaara was unconscious, Ura had kissed Gaara.

She blushed at that memory, even in Gaara's sleep, he felt the kiss that was given. Ura never spoke of that moment to anyone, and Gaara never asked what he had felt or what he dreamt he had felt. But, that same day, Ura vowed to never let anything happen to Gaara again...a vow she kept to that very moment. Over time, she began to release Gaara from her mind, her love for him fading to where it was shadowed by other emotions for different people.

"Sorry I kept you waiting."

Ura turned to see a blonde guy, around her age, walk in wearing the Hokage uniform, but his eyes told her he was still very child-like. She turned to him, with a serious stare then added, "I have a busy schedule that has to be kept up. But, we need to get down to buisness, i'm here to-"

"Pursuade me to allow free access between both countries," Naruto sat in his office chair, getting out the paper work for their meeting, "I know, I know... I've been told by almost all of my advisors about 60 billion, trillion, kwadrillion times."

Though he was a Kage, Ura was a bit surprised to how much difference Naruto was compared to Gaara. Naruto was more lenient about his way of talking to people and making them feel comfortable talking to him. Gaara, on the other hand, liked to approach a conversation with making the person more panicy and timid to speak with him about almost every topic there was under the bright sun. Ura was a bit confused why anyone would want some as immature as Naruto as their Hokage, but if everyone loved him, he had to be something right.

"Well since you know why i'm here, maybe you could make my job less hard and just grant the permission," Ura sat in the chair in front of the oak desk, crossing her legs to get comfortable.

"I will, besides, Gaara's my friend, i'd do a lot for him. Besides, I can trust your country now, I know you guys wouldn't invade us again," Naruto signed the pact and handed it to Ura, "So..how's mr. grumpy doing anyways?"

"Just being plain ol' Gaara, showing his fangs off to everyone," Ura sighed as she put the pact and put it in her hari bag, "The usual..."

Naruto eyed her, then said with a sly smirk, "You know... Sasuke's been looking for you, Lee told him that you were back and he asked me if I knew where you were. I think he wants to hook up with you, ma-"


"Aw c'mon, give the U-"


"What if I told you he has a bi-"



"No. Absolutely not, Naruto! You know very well that I will not tolerate the Uchiha after his mentor nearly killed Gaara!" Ura stated as she stood up, "The Uchiha is dead to me, if he was weak enough to join Orochimaru, then he's not good enough....." Ura stopped, the realiziation that she was about to say what Gaara told her a long time ago.

'not good enough'

The three most dreaded words implanted in Ura's mind ever since she was just a beginning Genin on Gaara's team. Ura clenched her fist, then glared at Naruto, "I don't want to see Sasuke...for a long, long, long, long time."

Naruto backed off, he'd get Sasuke to her, somehow. Ura and Naruto were not the closest of friends, but they were still friends, and Naruto could see how wounded Ura was over the years of not recieving the love she wanted. From the very beginning, Naruto had known how much Ura loved Gaara, and he felt bad that she was deprived from something so pure and loving as the truest of emotion that could be given by two people. He walked over to his friend and smiled, "Fine...but for the rest of your time in Konoha, enjoy what you have here."

Ura nodded and then went to the door, before she left, Ura turned her head slightly, "Naruto...you've been kind to me..."

"Yeah well...that's what a friend is supposed to do for his friend, I always have your back if you ever want to come back to Konoha," Naruto said to her, then she left.

Ura walked out of the mansion and back to her own shrine, just to put the pact in a safe place so she could do whatever her heart desired for the rest of the day. She placed the pact in one of the loose floor boards, then went back outside to enjoy the fresh, cool air. It has been awhile since Ura had seen the cherry blossoms in the sky, they almost seemed like pink rain at first, drizzling down from the high sakura trees. What Ura really wanted to do was sleep in the sakura tree, to feel the soft blossoms caress her fast as she slept soundly.

So that was exactly what she was going to do, Ura walked to the sakura trees near the middle of the village, where everyone was gathered with their family. Ura found a vacant tree, climbed it, and found a branch that was at medium height, and was perfect for taking a nap on. She got comfortable against the middle of the tree, leaning her back against the thick wood, and stared at Konoha. For the longest time Ura had believed this land was enchanted with the beauty it was given, like there was magic in the ground that gave Konoha such an elegant fragrence in the air. Whatever it was, Ura wished that same elegance was in her own village, not just sand storms and high winds.


"I'm sorry Gaara, but I don't know her name!"

Temari was getting even more frustrated with Gaara's annoyance on who the mystery woman was. She was about to just tell him it was Ura, until she saw an open mission in Konoha sitting on Gaara's desk, so Temari grabbed the scroll and said, "Give me this mission and i'll tell you who she is."

Gaara, who was eager to know the name, signed the parchment and waited, "Now tell me."

"As soon as I get back, I will," Temari then disappeared, leaving Gaara angrier than ever.

Temari flew off to Konoha on her fan, her mission was just to deliver the scroll she had to one of the Konohanian Jonin to give to their Kage. A simple task, but Temari had to get away from Gaara, he was driving her insane! She landed at the gates to Konoha in less than an hour, Temari had flown at top speed just to leave her village. The kunoichi fumbled with her fighting kimino to get her i.d. out, but the guard Jonin said, "It's alright, Sand Ninjas are allowed in without showing a pass."

"Really? When did this happen?" Temari put her hands on her hips in a womanly fashion.

"About two or three hours ago, the representative for Sand pursuaded the Hokage to allow free-passage between both countries," the Jonin shrugged, "I think that's a great idea if you ask me."

"Yeah..." Temari walked into the village, a bit impressed Ura was able to complete her mission.

The kunoichi looked around, wondering if Ura had left Konoha yet, but Temari knew Ura wouldn't leave the village she was in love with. So, to Temari's conclusion, Ura was still in Konoha. Temari walked around the village, a bit confused to why Ura loved this place so much. To Temari, it was too cool, the sun was not as bright as it should be, and there wasn't enough wind. It frustrated the kunoichi that this place was the only place Ura loved to be in, besides her own village.

"Temari? What're you doing here?"

Temari looked up at the sakura tree above her, staring up at a pair of tan colored eyes, "I have a mission, Ura...but that can be done later, what're you doing up there?"

Ura leaped to the ground, "I was getting some sleep, but when I heard you stomping beneath me, I woke up."

"Shut up, i'm going to finish up my mission, then we're hitting a bar, I need some sake," Temari grumbled as she took Ura's wrist.

In a few minutes, Temari had completed her mission, now all they the two kunoichis were going to do was hit one of the local bars. Temari took off her head band at Ura's rented shrine, and left her fan there, then forced Ura to take off the bandages, her head band, her hari bag, and her two umbrellas. Ura didn't want to go to a bar looking like a common woman, but Temari didn't want any of the men to be afraid of them.

"Explain to me again why you want to go like this?" Ura gave Temari a mean stare, obviously angry at Temari's choice.

"Because I wanna get layed tonight by some stranger when i'm too drunk to stand up on my own, and you need to loosen up and have a good time," Temari stated, "But either way, i'm getting layed by someone tonight."

Ura sighed, Temari had a thing about roughness in bed, she didn't like sentimental men or how sensitive they were, she liked it hard. Temari was picky though, she wouldn't sleep with any man that comes on to her too easily, she likes a fight. Ura didn't care tonight though, she knew Temari would be ok in the morning, all Ura wanted to do was get some sake in her, then leave. They found a convienent bar that looked about good enough to go in, so Temari and Ura entered to see a lot of men laughing and carrying on about something.

As soon as the two women walked in, most eyes were directed upon their entrence to the bar, where Temari ordered them some sake. For most of the three hours they spent there, Temari had too much sake and was joking with a man named Shikamaru, while Ura drank alone in the corner, hiding away from the other men. Ura wasn't a flirtacious girl anymore, all she wanted now was just to go on the path she had paved before her.

Her vision began to get a little blurry, and everything began to move one it's own, Ura had a feeling that the sake was running to her head. She was just about to get up, until she sensed the presense that she hadn't felt in a long time. The presense was very close, too close for comfort...

"Well, look who came back from the sandy pit."

"Uchiha... I see Naruto dragged you back from Hell...saving your ass again," Ura turned her chair to face Sasuke.

Sasuke and Ura shared a long glare, Ura didn't care how he had felt about her in his past, Sasuke was considered an enemy for life. Then, Sasuke went back to his own sake, "What brings you back to this place?"

"None of your buisness, that's what..." Ura grumbled as she gulped down some more sake, "Besides, why would you care? Are you going to try and kill me like you nearlly allowed my Kage to die too?"

The Uchiha glared back at her, ready to strike her while she didn't have any weapons on her, but when Sasuke saw the fierce wound in her eyes...he didn't even give himself the chance to do any more harm on her, "I didn't want that to happen... Like you didn't want your country to invade Konoha."

Ura didn't make a snide comment to that, if he was able enough to compare that situation to her own, then...she'll believe he didn't want it to happen either. She grudgingly gulped down another glass of sake, "I came here for a mission to bring both countries free-access on both sides. My mission is complete, so in a way, i'm celebrating it so I can go home in a few days."

Sasuke felt that she was opening up a bit more time, so, to make their conversation equal on both sides, he willingly allowed he to learn a few new things about himself as well. He then added, "I'm training to become an ANBU leader, the test for me is in a month."

"Why do you want to be an ANBU? That stuff is too crazy for me," Ura began to feel a bit more lightheaded than she wanted to feel.

"Because it's something I feel I want to do in my life, to become a higher Shinobi and to repay my debt to this country," Sasuke drank some more sake, "But this is my fourth test, the others I have failed or the other team leaders saw I was not ready for that position yet."

"Meaning, they don't trust you," Ura felt her face flush, but drank some more sake anyways.

"Exactly," Sasuke, too, began to look flushed in the face, gulping down some more sake like Ura, "None of the leaders trust me...and they have a good reason to hold it against me for the rest of my damned life."

Ura, to her own surprise, felt sorry for Sasuke, he had to pay for what he had done for the rest of his life. She had betrayed Lee's trust by allowing him to be endangered by the other Sand Shinobi and Sound Shinobi, but she was able to get his trust back. But Sasuke...his betrayal is blocking his path as a Shinobi of Leaf... Just like how Ura had felt, when she was a Genin, that if anything blocked her path to Gaara...she would do anything to break it down, Sasuke was still trying to get to be an ANBU team leader. She moved her hand slowly over to his, waiting for his approval, when he did not resist her on-coming hand, she placed it on top of his own, "I can trust you...Sasuke..."

Sasuke remembered how she woke up him when the invasion happened...if he hadn't of waken up, he would have been as good as dead. In some way, he felt he had owed her something, but when a feeling began to emerge, Sasuke held back, pulling his hand away from her own, "I forgot...to thank you...for waking me up when the invasion happened."

"It was the least I could do..I mean...you put up a good fight, I was going to give up until you fell for my trap," Ura joked a little, but when she saw Sasuke put up an invisible wall between them, she began to shut down her own feelings again.

It was a few more moments, they glanced back up at each other, then Ura got off of her chair, balancing against the wall, "I'm going home...it was nice seeing you again Sasuke... I hope we meet again some day soon."

Ura stumbled out the bar door, Temari had left an hour ago to hook up with Shikamaru, but Ura just wanted to go home and go to sleep. When she leaned against the bar's outer walls, a firm hand gripped her wrist, not tightly to intimidate her, but a gentle squeeze to know it was a friend. The kunoichi turned to see Sasuke's hard gaze on her, he was afraid to show human emotions, but when Sasuke's eyes met hers...it was just different. Sasuke could see how hurt she was to not have the one person she wanted for so long, he could see she was still bleeding. Though he only knew her ninja-side, Sasuke couldn't help but feel like he's known her for more than just 4 years.

"What, Sasuke?" Ura was using her own defense of bitterness to drive him away, like so many of the other men had seen her bitter barrior.

Then, the Uchiha pulled her closer, enlocking her into a soft, hungry kiss, a kiss that told both of them they were both wounded and needed healing. Sasuke fed into her mouth, barely scraping his teeth against her own, though Ura was trying to protest, she couldn't help but enjoy the kiss, and kiss back. In a second, Sasuke picked her up, and leaped from roof-top to roof-top until they reached his own little apartment. Once they were inside, Sasuke carried Ura to his room, where he thrusted her down on his bed. He flung off his Jonin vest as Ura took off her top, leaving her upper half bare, but that was not all that Saske wanted...oh no, he wanted it all tonight.

Sasuke crawled on top of her, Ura peered down at his erection, a bulging mass that could devour her woman-hood. She then looked up at Sasuke, his lips so soft...Ura barely kissed him, before he got on his back, allowing Ura to tear off the rest of his clothing, and her own. The kunoichi kissed his naked skin, tracing his muscles with her tongue as Sasuke began to sweat from the heat they were creating. He traced her spine with gentle fingers until he felt the soft skin of her rear-end, Sasuke squeezed the soft cheeks as her mouth went lower. Ura was a bit curious to what she should do with the bulging shaft member, Kankurou never did things like that to her, and she never did that to him...then she decided to give it a try.

Ura lowered her mouth over the shaft, nibbling way down until the shaft was almost down her throat. Sasuke began to manuver his hips, almost like he was humping her head, which was annoying Ura because she couldn't breathe with him doing that. So she gave his thigh a hard pinch, and Sasuke settled own, allowing her to continue. Ura wrapped her tongue on as much as she could, taking heed on how much Sasuke was enjoying her little event. As she continued to nibble at the tip, Sasuke reached down and cupped her breasts, massaging them to the point Ura was devouring his member. Sasuke then climaxed all in her mouth, Ura swallowed as much as she could, but then spat the rest out, it tasted like trash to her.

She wasn't through, oh no, Ura was far from done with Sasuke. He then pushed her over to where he was on top of her, spreading her legs gently, Sasuke began a rythmic motion with his hips as he guided himself into Ura. As he continued the motion, he kissed her neck, on the soft places that made Ura shiver with the rush of excitement...

Then it came to Ura, this was just a hook up...Sasuke was making love to her, something that she and Kankurou did not have, which was scaring Ura. She looked at Sasuke with angered eyes, "Why are you making love to me?"

Sasuke didn't stop, he only continued, but he kissed her mouth, devouring her tongue, tasting his own seed in her mouth, sharing the distaste it had. Ura didn't want the love making Sasuke was giving her, but took it anways, grinding her hips with his own to make it easier on him. She nailed his spine with her nails, creating deep scars as both were at the peak of excitement, Ura was enjoying this after-all...even with the Uchiha that she swore was her enemy...

Then, Sasuke spread his seed all into her, but he did not collapse, he tried to keep going and going, but his body wasn't allowing him to continue. Ura was not finished, she wanted more, the wounds were slowly stitching together, this would not end now! She reached up and grabbed his raven locks, "You're not done yet...."

Sasuke flipped her onto her back, propping her up on her hands and knees, then crawled onto her back. Slowly, he stuck his shaft into her rear-end, trying to go farther, but Sasuke was too exhausted, until he fell on his back, going straight to sleep. Ura was raged, she wanted more, but she began to feel the effects on her own body, she was sore and bruised from the places Sasuke had squeezed her. She layed next to him, staring at his face...

"Sasuke..." Ura mumured lightly, basically in disbelief that she had sobered up in three hours, and even remembered all that had happened.

Maybe she wasn't that drunk after all...then she did this all on her own, though she said she would give Gaara a second chance. Sleeping with Kankurou was a whole different thing though, that was just for comfort, but with Sasuke...this was much more than just comfort, it was to heal the wounds that Gaara had inflicted upon her with ignoring her feelings for him. And Sasuke...it was to feel acceptance again, that one person could fully trust him without regret.

Ura barely slept, she waited for the sun to rise when she decided to get up and get dressed. She had to leave that day, Ura was ready to face the world all over again, to make amends with everything and everyone. As she brushed her hair with her fingers in front of the mirror, Ura noticed Sasuke sitting up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "Where are you going?"

"I have to go back to my village, my mission is complete, so I can't stay here forever," Ura answered as she faced Sasuke, "If I don't go back, Gaara will come after me, and really, i'd rather just finish out the mission by giving him the pact."

Sasuke gave her a look Ura wasn't used to seeing, sorrow with a mix of confusion, Sasuke looked like he wasn't understanding what Ura was insinuating, "When are you coming back to Konoha?"

Ura knew exactly where he was coming from...Sasuke was thinking a relationship was goint to merge between them, "I wasn't planning on coming back unless I have a mission here or Gaara is coming and needs me to pursuade someone else."

The tired Uchiha sat at the edge of his bed, pulling up his pj pants, he wasn't planning on going anywhere, but Sasuke wasn't stupid. He knew she wasn't going to come back, and of all other things, he didn't want someone he knew trusted him abandoning him as well, "So you're just going to leave? What did that all mean to you?"

Ura felt the anger and bitterness in his tone, she knew he was hurt and confused to why she was up and leaving...after they made love the night before. She felt guilty, truly..deeply..guilty.. There was no reason to hurt Sasuke even more than Gaara had ever hurt her. Ura crossed his arms over herself as she leaned against his wall, unwilling to look him in the eyes. That all ended when Sasuke got up and put his arms on both side of her, trapping her between the wall and Sasuke's body. He made her look at him, Sasuke made her see how she was slowly tearing him up even deeper than most had done before to him. Ura held his face softly, rubbing the pads of her thumbs across his cheek bones, "Oh Sasuke...what am I going to do with you?..."

"Stay here for a few more days..." Sasuke answered, placing his forehead against her own.

"That's not what I mean..." Ura sighed, how was she going to tell him that she didn't want to have a deep relationship with him...

"Most don't trust me, even Naruto has his own doubts about me...all I have right now is your trust," Sasuke murmured softly.

Ura then looked up at his eyes, gazing at him with strength and solemness, "That is what you have to earn on your own, Sasuke, just because I willing to trust you again doesn't mean I have to be the only one. You have to get the others to trust you by staying loyal even longer to your country."

"I've tried that and it's getting me no where," Sasuke growled, giving Ura a fierce glare.

"Then try harder, I won't be someone you constantly need to depend on," Ura stated back at him.

Sasuke eyed Ura even longer, then he placed his lips gently over her own, Ura didn't refuse that kiss though. He pulled away and gave her a sad look of departure, "Say you'll come back...either a mission..or for something else...but say you'll come back."

If Ura had said that, it would be just as good as tying a noose around Sasuke's neck, allowing him to make his own grave. Why did things have to go from complicated to even worse? But...Ura didn't regret making love with Sasuke, she needed it and wanted it from him, so it wasn't just a hook up she'll forget. Though she didn't want to hurt Sasuke, she gave him a reluctant smile, "I will come back."

The look in Sasuke's eyes lightened up a little bit, but his face still remained solemn. He released her from the entrapment he had placed her in, allowing her to brush her hair with his own brush, that he rarely used anymore. Sasuke got dressed, but he walked a little behind Ura as she headed for the gates, Temari was going to leave later, according to the note she was given from Shikamaru. The two walked back to her rental shrine so Ura could pack up, and get everything ready for the five hour trip it would take to get to her village. When Ura stood at the gates, Sasuke gently touched her hand with his fingers, he was just like a little boy trying to say goodbye to a close friend in his own little way. Ura turned and smiled at Sasuke, "It was a pleasure seeing you again, Sasuke, and I can't wait to see you again next time."

"Before you go...do still...love Gaara?" Sasuke asked, looking away from her gaze.

Ura really had to think now, did she or did she not love Gaara?... The only answer she gave him was, "I don't know anymore...."

Sasuke gave out a sigh, Ura saw a small smirk or an attempt to smile on his face, but it faded as fast as it came. Ura then hugged Sasuke, though it surprised him, she squeezed him tighter than before. When she released him, three more hugs came from Lee, Ino, and Naruto that had followed Sasuke and Ura to the gate as well, though Sakura stood beside Sasuke, watching the four say a tearful goodbye.

"You screw her last night, Sasuke?" Sakura asked, she knew fully well that Sasuke wouldn't have followed Ura all the way out if he hadn't.

Sasuke stuck his hands in his pocket, he then murmured, "No..."

"Let me guess then...you made love to her then did didn't you?" Sakura eyed Sasuke through the corner of her eyes, "Is that what happened?"

The Uchiha kicked a small rock, the silenced answered it all, and Sakura felt a bit angry and jealous at the same time. Most of her own childhood she wanted Sasuke, to be his first in everything, to make his life happier each day, but...he didn't allow her... Now he had given himself all to Ura, someone Sakura did not like at all, but...seeing how her lover and her two old friends admired her...Sakura had no other choice. The Leaf Kunoichi approached the crowd and shook Ura's hand, "Good luck on your trip back, make it back safely."

"Sakura..." Ura was shocked, "Thank you..."

Ino hugged Sakura, "Aw, I knew you'd come around! Good for you Sakura!"

"This is a very touching moment," Lee tried to wipe the tears from his eyes, "I wish you could stay longer..."

"Yeah, but she has a mission like the rest of us do," Naruto tried to hold his own tears back, "Please...come back soon... I hate these moments..."

"I will when I get the chance," Ura smiled, she wasn't much into sentimental moments like these, "I might come back in a few months if I can get a mission back here."

"We'll miss you!" Lee and Ino cried out as Ura took off at a steady run.

Sasuke stood at the back, watching the one who trusted him fully leave off, and he couldn't stop her in any way, though he did try. He lingered back to his own home, but he knew he was being followed by a certain Hokage friend. Sasuke stopped, "What do you want.... Naruto-sama?"

"You know fully well that Ura loves Gaara and yet you still want what you can't have," Naruto commented dryly, "She's confused and you took advantage of that...though I did try to get her into you before you did her."

"I didn't 'do' her!" Sasuke snapped at the Hokage, who had a playful grin on his face.

"Then you made love to her? That's a first for the great Uchiha," Naruto giggled a little, "So..you're falling for Ura... Thats news to me."

"I didn't say that," Sasuke leaned against the tree, having that same pouty face like old times.

"You don't have to, it's written all over that face girls seem can't seem to resist," Naruto stated, but then went serious, "But seriously, I may not know Ura like Lee does, but I do know that she's from a different country and that long distant relationships never work out. Plus, she's the representative for Sand, every time Gaara is here, she'll be here, and Ura has a busy schedule with that alone."

"Don't you think I know that by now?" Sasuke snapped at Naruto again, "I don't need to be reminded of everything I already know..."

"Then you do know that Gaara will find out that Ura has loved him for so long? And when he does, from what Temari has told me a few minutes before Ieft Shikamaru's house, he'll treat her like an emperess...so if you want her that badly, you'll be competing against THE Kazekage himself, and Ura has loved him longer compared how long you two made love last night," Naruto explained with his arms crossed.

Sasuke dwelled on those words...he would be competing against a Kage, someone with a higher pay check and able enough to give her much of what she wanted in a heart beat. But the Uchiha blood line was not bred to just give up..Sasuke would wait it out, then strike, but for now...he had people's trust to gain, just like Ura said...he had to earn it all back the long, hard way.

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8.7K 456 24
Hoshiko Akiyama loved Naruto, but he left for three years. When Hoshiko found out she talked to her friend and the saiyan who fixed her to finally jo...
147 2 9
The NINJA This story is about a young man who is always willing to help and love people in anyway necessary. But one day, that all changes. He wakes...
378K 10.3K 31
Y/N is a young talented Kunoichi. She is adored by all of her friends and she is very friendly. One day, she meets a red haired boy whom she know as...
24.8K 677 20
This is my first fanfic that I'm just writing because. Hopefully it's good enough for people to keep reading.Y/n and gaara build up their relationshi...