Stand My Ground ( Chapter 24 )

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The evening had finally come, but even the cool desert wind couldn't wind Ura's mind down. She felt terrible that Sasuke had seen her on top of Gaara, but she had to redirect her thoughts to the note that Gaara gave her. It said that he had a stack of papers in his master room, and that he needed Ura to get them for him. The master bedroom was the only bedroom no one was allowed in, except Gaara. That room was rarely used due to the fact that Gaara was not used to sleeping on his own will, so he kept useless books and junk in there.

To the reason why Gaara had important papers up there confused Ura, but maybe he was trying to look up that man the Hokage was talking about. Ura found the room and slowly crept inside, she had never been in Gaara's master bedroom before, and she was a little timid to what lay inside. It shocked her to see a huge bed with lavender silk sheets, satin pillows that were a cream color, and the smell of poperi wafting in the room. Was this really Gaara's room? It couldn't be! It was just

Then, Ura sensed a strong chakra approaching her, but instantly pulled out a hari to block a kunai that was going to stab her neck. The kunai was being held tightly by someone behind her, their breath close to the back of her neck.

"What is the meaning of this, Gaara?" Ura growled, why was Gaara attacking her!?

"The feeling of your terror excites me..." Gaara layed his lips against the back of her neck, "Just feeling you tremble against me wants to..."

Ura's eyes widened, he was craving her, wrapping his free arm around her waist to bring her closer to him. Both dropped their weapons, the kunoichi bent a little forward to be released from Gaara's grasp, but it was no use, he pulled her back into his deadly embrace. As much as Ura wanted him to continue, she also wanted Gaara to stop and let her leave. There was so much in her mind that she just wanted to lay down and sleep, but feeling Gaara's teeth biting on her shoulder made Ura lustful.

Gaara managed to get Ura over to his bed, where he layed her down on her back so softly, while taking his own clothes off. He straddled her waist as he pulled off his last bits of clothing, but when he went to remove her own, Gaara noticed she was already finished. The Kazekage stared at the woman before him, she seemed so untouched, deprived of the love that he had not given her. It was then that Gaara would make sure that she never went unloved again. Gaara tasted her lips, biting down on her bottom lip as he pushed her down below him.

It took all of Gaara's will to not screw her brains out, but it gave him enough common sense to take things slowly. His hands roamed her body as his tongue roamed her mouth, Gaara wanted everything from her. Ura, on the other hand, began to have a deep sensation. Sleeping with Kankurou gave her pleasure, but sleeping with Sasuke gave her power. What would sleeping with Gaara do? But...what she was doing was not just sleeping with Gaara. It felt like it was more, like she, too, was giving something to Gaara in return. Yes, Ura and Gaara were making love, the deep kind of love that only a couple could make. Though making love with Sasuke felt nice, it was all one-sided, Ura did not love Sasuke, but she would always care for him.

The fact was true, Ura loved Gaara, and there was nothing that anyone could ever do to make her stop again. Ura snaked her hand to right above his rear end, she pushed down a little on it, signalling Gaara she wanted him fully inside her. Gaara picked her up with his one arm, holding her close to his chest, as he crawled them up to the top of the bed. The Kazekage, pulled the silk sheets over them as Ura spread her legs wide enough for Gaara. He looked down at her, wondering what her thoughts were as she stared back at him.

With shy thrusts, Gaara manuvered himself inside Ura, trying to get a steady pace. Ura tilted her head back a little and yelped out a slight moan, Gaara was much bigger than she had anticipated at first. Her nails dug in the sheets as Gaara thrusted harder, sweat dripping from his brown to Ura's chest as he bit down on cleavage. His hands were at the sides of her head, grasping the sheets as he felt his climax nearer and nearer. Seed burst out all in Ura, Gaara felt the rush of exhaustion come, but when he was about to rest, Ura gave him a stern glare, "Do not end now."

"I'm finished...we ca-"

Ura had grabbed his arms and swapped places with him, firmly placing him against the bed board as she kissed his neck. Gaara was tired, but he could allow her to take control for awhile. Ura placed small kisses on his chest, going lower, and lower...until she reached his erection. She glanced up at him just long enough to see that his own head was tilted upward, gasping as she made him feel desired for more than just power. Snaking her tongue over his member, it was a bit tough to gorge it all at once. For one thing, it was way too big, but nothing ventured nothing gained. The kunoichi nibbled on the sides of his shaft, which sent a wave of pleasure through Gaara, who had flinched for a few seconds.

It was all going so well, until Gaara hand placed his hands on her shoulders, making her mouth go farther down until she could barely breathe. Ura just sucked and licked harder, but breathing through your nose was only good when the stench of sweat and pubicness was low. Gaara cummed all in her mouth, but the taste wasn't as bitter as it was last time. The Kazekage pulled her off, but held her shoulders as he stared straight into her tan eyes. Some of his seed dripped off of her lip, Ura looked so helpess in front of him. To Gaara, someone putting their guard down to someone else meant that they truly trusted them with every dignity they have left in them.

"Tell me you love me?" Gaara asked firmly.

Ur had been waiting so long to say it...when she opened her mouth, nothing came out. She placed her hands on top of his on her shoulders, then breathed deeply, "Gaara... I love you. I really, really, really love you to the point where it hurts."

Gaara, who has never been told that before, was at a loss to why she would hurt because she loved him. He looked over her body, there were no bruises on her or any scars, so why would she be in any pain? Gaara then kissed the area over her heart, "I don't want you to hurt.."

The Kazekage then went to her face, his breath mingling with her own, "But I love you too."

Ura crashed into his arms, for so long had she waited for him to say that and really mean it as well. That alone sealed the knot that they were a couple, and that nothing will seperate them for long. Gaara held Ura as the two slept peacefully together...

**The Next Day**

Though Ura had enjoyed Gaara last night, washing his seed taste out of her mouth and legs was much harder to enjoy. Gaara was a tidy person and hated disorderly things, but he was a messy lover. After a least a few hours of washing herself, Ura went to find Sasuke to explain how things were going to have to be. Kankurou had found Ura first, and she had told him that they couldn't be friends-with-benefits anymore, and that Gaara never needed to know about them.

"Aw c'mon, i'm sure Gaara wouldn't mind if I joined in your fun," Kankurou teased, "But anyways, i'm happy for you, Ura. It's about time he finally got the nerve to sc-...I mean 'make love' to you."

"Thanks...have you seen Sasuke anywhere?" Ura asked.

"He's in his room..but I wouldn't visit him now, Ura, he's...well..not happy with you," Kankurou gave her a worried look, "Why don't you wait until after he returns with the other ANBU members?"

"That's too long," Ura remembered Gaara's plan, "I have to tell him now."

"Ok...i'll try to keep Gaara busy," Kankurou walked off.

Ura made her way to the visiting hall, where she could feel an angered chakra rise and lower itself from the intense emotions. She had felt so guilty about having Sasuke see her with Gaara like that, Ura never meant to hurt anyone, or at least by accident. Standing outside his door, there was a lot of pressure on Ura to just walk away, never speak to Sasuke again. But...if she didn't, that would make her a foolish person to not say how sorry she was. Placing her hand on the door knob, the door opened with a thrust, Sasuke glared down at her with intense hatred.

"What do you want, woman?" Sasuke snapped at her.

"Sasuke...i'm...i'm sorry," Ura looked up at him with the strength she had in her, "We need to talk.."

Sasuke glared at her for a few moments, he had two choices here: to listen to what she had to say or to stay angry and slam the door in her face. But Sasuke had taught himself to put up with anger and hatred, so he went with his first choice, allowing her inside his room. Ura stepped inside, his room was a total disaster, things on the ground, his bed torn to rags...he had to been pissed off to tear his room apart.

"Get on with it..." Sasuke ordered as he shut his door, "I have to leave tonight."

Ura spun around, "You can't go, Sasuke, if you go, you will die!"

"I doubt it...i'm just going to find some man and come back, there's-"

"Gaara will kill you with an assassin, you have to trust me on this one, Sasuke, I don't lie about things like this," Ura stated urgently, "Please..just listen to me."

Sasuke leaned against the wall, contemplating to whether or not to believe her, "Fine...then where should I go? I can't just leave this village without being chased.."

"I can pursuade Gaara to not let you go, but there is another matter I wish to talk to you about," Ura looked away, "Sasuke...I never meant for you to see what you saw yesterday...I didn't...I.... My heart goes out to you in sorrow, but my love stays with Gaara."

Sasuke flinched at Ura's soft, but harsh words, his own heart was being torn to a million little pieces. Ura then lifted her head up proudly at Sasuke, her eyes refilled with courage that he had seen back in the final rounds in the Chunin Exams. The Uchiha stomped over to her and gripped her upper arms tightly, "Why!? Tell me why you think you can just swoop in and swoop out every time you feel like it!? Are you that much of a bastard!?"

"You can't expect someone to want you that much because they were drunk and stupid! There is no way someone like me would need someone like you! You're the traitorous bastard, Sasuke, and that's why I and no one else can ever trust you!" Ura raised her voice.

His dark eyes were still soft, even though Ura had stabbed him several times in his heart with her hari, there was no more room for pain. He lowered his face to her, all he ever wanted was to love and be loved in return, the end, that was still asking too much from anyone.


The Hokage's voice entered the room in an echo from the silence, Ura's eyes were turned away from the door, but Sasuke's eyes roamed to an ocean blue pair of eyes, and then a frozen, deadly pair of eyes. Naruto and Gaara stepped into the room, Sasuke didn't make an effort to move, Sakura had opened the door, her face told the two Jonin that she was the one that brought the Kage's to this room. Gaara looked the Uchiha up and down, seeing how he held Ura, how his face was only millimeters from her own. The blood of the Kazekage's ran cold at the attempt Sasuke was making on Gaara's lover, he would have to question Ura later, but for now, Gaara had heard Ura's last comment.

"Your Jonin may make his lodgings in the village tonight, the expidition will wait until tomorrow afternoon," Gaara concluded, "Now."

Naruto nodded his head in agreement, "Sasuke...take your leave."

Sasuke released Ura, then left, Gaara's eyes trailing Sasuke in distaste, that was before he then layed his frozen eyes on Ura. The kunoichi was glaring at Sakura in betrayal, Gaara knew the two kunoichis would not be happy together if they continued to live under the same roof together. Gaara had noticed that Naruto was a bit timid about saying something to the two glaring kunoichis, afraid that they might try to kill him. But Gaara could see the anger, hatred, and bitterness from both ends, he had to stop their entrancement, "Leaf Kunoichi, you may go to your lodgings now. As for you, Lord Hokage, you also can make yourself at home in my mansion. There is a sandstorm awaiting outside this village, if you leave tomorrow, you'll be caught up in it. It is best you stay here until the storm heads north."

"My humbleness is to you and your household," Naruto quickly left, but Sakura lagged behind, not wanting to end her glaring battle with Ura.

"Sakura, leave now," Gaara ordered again, stepping near the leaf kunoichi in a threatening way.

Sakura then left, not wanting to quarrell with the Kazekage, but would end up finding Ura later. Gaara turned and faced Ura, who seemed a bit embarressed that he had caught her in such a position, "'Rest easy, I am not thinking that you are his lover."

"It's not that..." Ura looked at his feet, "It's wouldn't understand why I had to do that to him..."

"Is it that important that I need to care?" Gaara commented aggrivatedly.

"He's not our enemy," Ura shot a defiant stare at Gaara, "And hurting him was the only way of saving him. You will never understand why I do what I do, but somehow, I end up doing what has to be done... If you excuse me, I must go and send Leila to a place where someone can watch over her."

Gaara did not stop Ura from leaving, but he really wanted to know what she meant by 'you wouldn't understand why I had to do that to him...'. What did they do in the past that meant she had to hurt Sasuke to save him? Though he had sent the Uchiha out of his home, Gaara was afraid that he had sent Sasuke closer to her heart.

The village hadn't changed much, but it felt like ages since she had last been in the poor side of the village. From what Ura had been told, there was a family that welcomed orphined children, and little Leila could not be cared for by Ura. The Sand Kunoichi had too much going on in her life: being Gaara's lover, going to various missions that required a country to be told what to do, and just putting up with the village. It took up most of Ura's time, and she knew Leila would be happier with a family that needed and wanted her.

When Ura and Leila stopped in front of a small house, Ura knocked on the door, but all she heard were footsteps quickly rushing to the door. A woman, around 40 years old, opened the door, but had a shocked expression on her face, "Oh dear're a kunoichi!"

"I need this child to be cared for, she is-"


Leila flung her arms around the woman, "Mommy!! You're alive!"

"You're her...mother?" Ura had a confused look on her face, "I thought...she said you were dead."

"Come in...i'll explain what happened," the woman picked up Leila and walked into the house.

The woman made Ura some old-fashioned tea and told how she and Leila were seperated. When Leila was just 3 years old, a near fatal disease nearly killed the woman, but killed her husband. The woman had sent for a slave-trader to take Leila away so the child would not get the disease. As time went on, the woman did not get Leila out of the slave-trade, she knew Leila was working in the Kazekage's shrine, and knew Leila would be much safer there under the Kazekage's roof. When the woman had heard that Leila was being cared for by Ura, the woman took the thought that she would not see Leila again, so she stopped hearing about how her daughter was doing.

"So that's why Leila was working there? I see..." Ura looked around the room, "Who was your husband?"

"A working man... Gonkui was an honest man, true to the heart, and always put the labor first and liesure later. It broke his heart when we lost our first child, I believed he just died of a broken heart, and the disease helped," the woman had a sad face, "It's hard to believe she's been gone this long, each day I forget a little more about her. Sometimes I wish I could restart time and hold my first born child all over again."

"My condolence to you and your lost daughter, ma'am, I do hope you and your daughter will be reunited," Ura sipped her tea, "Losing a loved one is never easy, not to anyone."

"I am ever so greatful to hear that from a well-known kunoichi," the woman smiled, "But refresh me, what is your name again?"

"Ura, Kunoichi of the Sand," Ura said pride, she felt proud to be so honored by the people.

There was a long pause, which made Ura a little nervous. Did she say something that she shouldn't have said? Or did this woman not really like her afterall. Leila entered the room, holding a picture of a girl that looked like Leila, but with very pale skin, "Mommy, who is this?"

The woman turned slowly, not taking her eyes off of Ura, "Why...this is your sister...Ura, around your age."

"Ura....Ura-san, is this you?" Leila handed Ura the picture.

Ura took the picture, her eyes widened, this...this picture was of her, as a girl around Leila's age. Tears welled in her eyes, this woman, Leila...they were her family. Her real blood-related family, they were under her nose the entire time. Reality hit her like a brick wall, Gonkui, her father, was dead... Ura held the picture closer to her heart, "I'm...I'm sorry...I must go."

The kunoichi quickly stood up, but the woman nearly threw the table to the side to just grab Ura's hand, "No! You can't go! I've been looking everywhere to find you, you cannot just leave me here alone again!"

Leila grabbed Ura's other wrist, "Sister, do not go! I ne-"

"Get off!" Ura pulled out a hari and stabbed the woman's wrist, throwing the old wench off of her.

Tears poured out of her eyes as she watched the woman hold her hand where the hari was struck into her, she pulled out with gentle care. Leila ran over to her mother, "Mommy! Are you alright!?"

"Why?...My little Ura, why did you hurt me? I'm your mother, I love you, why would you hurt me?" the woman's voice croaked from the tears that ran down her face, "Why are you leaving us alone again?"

Ura looked over at her mother and sister, too much emotion had come in that one day, too much had happened at once. When she was growing up, she did not rely on her family to be there for her, Ura had grown independent from the world. Fighting in the Chunin Exams, Ura did not need her family to win. Becoming a successful Jonin, Ura did not need her family to gain. So much had happened on her own to the point Ura no longer felt need from her blood family.

"I don't want you in my life again....i've gone so far without you, and if you come back... I fear you will destroy all that I have gained," Ura stated, holding another hari tightly, "If you, mother, interfier with my life again, I will be forced to kill you."

"Ura...don't do this," her mother sobbed, "I love you...Leila needs you...i'm too old..."

"Sister...Sister..." Leila began to cry as well, "Don't hurt Mommy again."

Seeing Leila cry stabbed Ura in her heart, she put her hari back in her bag, and quickly left...not wanting to see them both ever again...

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now