A Leaf Jonin's Day ( Chapter 22 )

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Weeks had passed, and no sign of how Ura was doing, not a letter, not even a rumor. Sasuke had failed yet another test to be an ANBU Team Captain, and he was not getting anywhere with gaining people's trusts all over again. It seemed time had moved at a much faster pace after Ura had left him alone in his own village, Sasuke had began to come to a routine day-after-day. Train.Study.Go to Bar.Sleep.Eat.Train.Study.Go to Bar. It was a never ending cycle that Sasuke had become accostumed to anymore. Sometimes he would forget to bathe himself because he kept so strongly to his little routine every day, but no one seemed to care, no one seemed to even bother him anymore.

Sasuke had actually taken a bath, and was in his Jonin get-up, but he decided to not even train, something he would've eagerly wanted to do. But no, Naruto's words still haunted his mind, the fact that Gaara will someday find out about Ura's strong feelings for the Kazekage, and he will want to return her love. Sasuke grimanced at that thought, though he was afraid to admit it, even to himself, he was truly falling in love with Ura. He had to see her again, before it was too late, there was something Sasuke could do to go to Sand and show her his feelings for her.

The Uchiha walked to Naruto's mansion, there were millions of missions that were sent to the Hokage, there had to be be at least one that required Sasuke to go to the Sunagakure at least once. Sasuke walked quickly, knowing that each second he was wasting were very precious because they were seconds that Gaara could be finding out about Ura. He managed to get to Naruto's office in less than five minutes, but found the Hokage talking to the past Hokage, Tsunade, about something.

Naruto's attention was directed at Sasuke, "Hey Sasuke, what're you doing here? Did you put in a meeting earlier? I'm kinda bu-"

"I need a mission..now."

Tsunade even quivered for a second at Sasuke's sharp statement, but with a woman's intuition, she felt there was a reason why Sasuke was acting so bitter, "Who came too close to you this time? Was it Sakura or some other girl?"

The Hokage looked through the mission scrolls that were meant for Sasuke's ninja status, then said, "There aren't that many, but-"

"I want one to get to Sand."

Naruto looked a bit annoyed for being cut off by everyone, but he glared at Sasuke as he shifted through the many scrolls, then held one, "I'm really tired of my sentences being cut short by everyone, and I know why you're going. Heed my warning, Sasuke, Gaara will stop at nothing to keep you two away from each other, even if it means killing you. I can't really put a war against him if he kills you, so if you do die, don't be haunting me because I told you so. Your mission is to protect me when I travel to Sand, tomorrow, to talk with Gaara about his little pact with the Land of Waves. Can you at least do that while keeping your pants on?"

"Whatever..." Sasuke took the scroll and left without another word.

Tsunade faced Naruto, "You're just going to let him talk to you like that? With all of the disrespect towards me, I would have his stick cut off."

"I know I should do that, but he's my best friend... If he goes too far with his words I usually give him stupid missions like picking apples for an old lady, or something like that," Naruto gave a playful smile.

"And what about your discussion with him earlier? What did you mean by all of that?" Tsunade eyed Naruto, "Does Sasuke have feelings for someone in Sand?"

Naruto had a solemn face on, staring at his paperwork like it had committed murder, "Yeah..she's the representative of Sand, and...from what Shikamaru heard from Temari, Gaara's love."

"You didn't tell that to Sasuke...why is that?" Tsunade crossed her arms, "You're keeping secrets from your little Uchiha friend, he'll find out sooner or later that Gaara has tender feelings for Ura."

"Believe me, I know that by now, but Sasuke can't just see that one woman he's fond of is going to love him back. He needs his heart broken so he can get bolder, stronger, and he'll actually make the ANBU Captain name. Once he finds out that Ura is protected by Gaara at all times, then he'll back off, coming scurring back here, and will become a better, more experienced Shinobi," Naruto explained, "It's not like I wanted to lie to him, it's in his best interest that I did to that."

Tsunade just shrugged, "Hey, you're the Hokage, so you should know best."

"You'd think so...anyways, tell Sakura to be prepared early, I wanna get in and get out, I don't like the desert," Naruto fixed the mission scrolls back to their tidy order.

"Yes, Lord Hokage," Tsunade took her leave.

Naruto sat for a few moments, was it right to have Sasuke's heart broken so easily? He and Sasuke were always such good friends, even when Naruto dragged his sorry ass back to Konoha, but was it justified to help Sasuke tie the noose around his neck? Naruto sadly looked out the window, he knew all too well about heart break, and he'd never wish that pain upon anyone. But the Uchiha had to learn, and to Naruto's saddened fact, it was the hard way.

Sasuke reread the scroll a few more times to make sure that the scroll was telling the truth, that he really was going to Sand. Though he didn't look it, Sasuke was more than thrilled about seeing Ura again, maybe even being alone with her. It was a new feeling for Sasuke, to feel so strongly for just one person, and hoping that they could love back. That thought brought new hope for the Uchiha, the feeling of acceptance from everyone came from that one woman. Sasuke packed a small sack of some important clothes he'll need, like underwear and his hair gel, and other things he needed. Swiftly, all of the weapons were attached on their rightful places on his uniform, then went for a walk to calm his nerves down.

The cool wind wrapped around his neck, beckoning him to think about the one woman that had haunted his thoughts for a few weeks. His raven locks swayed as the season was threatening cold weather in Konoha, but it didn't matter, Naruto would have to wait out the terrible weather if they had left into the desert, meaning Sasuke had more time with Ura.

"Funny to see you out here, Sasuke."

Ever since Sasuke had returned from being an apprentice to Orochimaru, Sakura had hated Sasuke, though she still had feelings for him. Ino had become insanely jealous when she realized that her lover started to desire Sasuke's touch, meaning Ino was an enemy, and Sakura hated him just because he was Sasuke. The Uchiha turned to the Leaf Kunoichi, "Hey..."

"Naruto told me you're going with him to Sand, i'm coming too," Sakura brushed a piece of hair out of her face, "I know why you're going..."

Sasuke was silent, he continued walking, but Sakura kept following him. He didn't know what to say to her, of course everyone knew why he was going to Sand, even the little academy kids knew why he was going. The Uchiha was just relieved that Kakashi hadn't come to taunt him just yet...

"Well hello there, my former students."

"Good afternoon, Kakashi," Sakura smiled lightly at her old sensei.

"Hn..." Sasuke gave an agitated glare at Kakashi.

"So, Sasuke, I heard you have a new lady friend, and that you banged her too. What was she like? A screamer? Or did-"

"Kakashi, i'm right here ya know," Sakura started annoyingly at Kakashi, "I don't want to hear this, especially from an old man like you."

"Why, i'm not that old, just in my forties, single, no family..." Kakashi rubbed his chin as he looked upward, then smiled, behind his mask, at them, "Life is good."

"Argh!" Sakura stomped off at the man's comment.

Kakashi then turned to Sasuke, "So...tell me."

"There's nothing to tell," Sasuke brushed away from Kakashi, trying to get away from the perverted man.

Though Sasuke tried to get away, but Kakashi gripped his wrist tightly, and there was nothing Sasuke could do to get away. There were too many people around that could get hurt if Sasuke lost control of his temper, so he just decided to give little answers to his former sensei. Kakashi and Sasuke went to a tree area where they could talk alone, and the older Jonin leaned against one of the bigger trees, "Don't try to keep things from me Sasuke, this woman you screwed, i've heard of her. She's the representative of Sand, a master at hari and the umbrellas, and one of the few kunoichis that are as strong as male Jonin here. I wouldn't have dreamt that she would end up in your bed, I heard she was such a noble woman, not a common whore."

"Ura's not a whore," Sasuke stated sharply, "She's nothing like that.."

"And you would know?" Kakashi tilted his head to a the side slightly, "Did she tell you who she was and what she likes?"


"Did she tell you her life story?"



"I get your point," Sasuke snapped at Kakashi again, "Ura didn't tell me a thing about herself, I only know her as the kunoichi I fought years ago...Everything else, is meaningless."

Kakashi eyed Sasuke for a long, long time, not taking his eyes off of the lone Uchiha. The old Jonin knew very well Sasuke was lying out of his teeth, Sasuke was shifting his gaze, moving his feet, toying with his hands behind his back. All of those little movements were unnoticable to the normal eye, but Kakashi had been trained for a longer time than Sasuke, so Kakashi could notice every slight movement that he Uchiha was giving off. With a slight smirk, Kakashi commented, "She's a beast in bed."

Sasuke's eyes revealed it all, he had flashed a hint of astonishment that Kakashi made that comment, but as fast as it came, it ended. That was all that was needed for Kakashi to come to his real conclusion, Sasuke was hopefully in love with this woman. Kakashi walked over to Sasuke and bent down just enough to get into Sasuke's face, "You little horny Jonin, you're banging a representative of a different country."

That statement had flushed Sasuke's face immensely, and he knew that Kakashi had seen the true thoughts that roamed Sasuke's head. Kakashi took a step back, "Well, I wish the best of luck for you to get her, i'd like to meet her someday, and maybe we all can-"

"I don't want to hear it," Sasuke quickly walked off before Kakashi could finish his statement.

What was up with everyone wanting to know that he actually cared for someone!? A pouty look was upon his face, his hands dug deep into his pockets, Sasuke didn't want to say anymore than what Kakashi drew frrom him. Besides, why did everyone care so much? Ura was just any other woman, doing what she had to do to get by in this world. And Sasuke was just a man getting by in the world with what he had, plus he was becoming of age to settle down with a wife, restore his clan to it's once powerful glory. Sasuke thought about that, not many women had crossed his mind when he began dating, they all seemed so...plain. They all wanted the same dream, the same life, all of the women were the type to gloat about their men. The Uchiha was not a trophy a woman can just parade around because she had his heart, he wanted a woman that could stand her own ground, a woman that could fight her own battles.

But, Sasuke also wanted a woman that would wait up for him if he came home late, a woman that devoted her heart to him. The Uchiha began to believe that the woman he was searching for had to be Ura, she was strong, and had a good head on her shoulders. Every decision she made had a plan behind it, or that was what Sasuke saw in her. Sasuke looked at the dirt road before him, so many people cared who he wanted, but so many people are against his decision. Naruto thought it would never work, that Gaara will hopelessly win her over, and Sakura just hated the thought that a girl who didn't even try to get Sasuke stole his heart. Then there was Kakashi, who seemed neutral, but he'll later say it would never work out for some odd reason.

He had to learn more about Ura, and there was only one other person who might tell Sasuke what he wanted to know. When he was about to make a turn, a Chunin with a weird hair cut had been showing the little academy students his taijutsu tricks.

"And this is when you are prepared to attack," Lee made a funny pose, "Your enemies will not understand what you are showing them, and will become confused."

Sasuke watched from afar, waiting for the students to go away, but waved his chakra so Lee would know to meet him where Sasuke was waiting. The Uchiha disappeared on top of the Hokage Mountain, looking down upon the village of Konoha. It was only minutes after when Lee joined Sasuke, "Is there something you need, Sasuke?"

"Tell me all you know about Ura," Sasuke turned to Lee, "I need to know everything about her by tomorrow."

Lee looked a bit confused, "I do not understand, why must you know all about her in such little time? Are you looking for her?"

"In a way...just tell me before I ask someone else," Sasuke stated.

Lee crossed his arms, closing his eyes slightly as he began to recall everything he knew about his dear friend, "To begin with...Ura is more of an independent woman who does not like to be taken like any other mere maiden. She is very respected in Gaara's village, and very well known for a ruthless kill when she knows the deed has to be done. Also, Ura has a tendency to drink, and when she does, Ura does some things that she usually ends up regretting..."

The Chunin paused, catching his breath, but noticed that Sasuke was giving him a very serious glare, "Did I anger you?"

"I didn't like that last comment... Continue," Sasuke loosened up and leaned against the railing, "I know there has to be more than just that."

"There is, please allow me to finish," Lee eyed Sasuke, "Ura may act ruthless and cold, but deep down, she cares deeply for her friends, especially Gaara. When she saved me from being killed by Gaara, Naruto and Shikamaru, plus Gai-sensei, to not hold a grudge against Gaara. And, from what Temari had said to me, Ura was nearly killed for protecting me and becoming my friend. Ura has a thing about standing up to people, even when they beat her down to nothing, but Gaara was really going to kill her. Anyways, she also keeps a very secretive life, she does not like it when people constantly ask her where she has been because ever since one mission when she was to kill a Japanese Mafia Leader, she hasn't been able to trust many people in that area."

Sasuke looked elsewhere, taking in the information that he was hearing, "How long did her heart break last?"

"Excuse me?" Lee looked at Sasuke with wide eyes, "Her heart break? Well... I would say years, though we've been writing letters to each other, she seems more upbeat lately. But, Ura is not the type of person to forgive and forget, she holds long grudges that can last a full life time. I think Gaara will get Ura so mad at him, she'll want to hurt him in any way she can, even bring up her times with Kankurou."

"Her times with Kankurou? What are you talking about?" Sasuke's full attention was back on Lee.

"She does not want many people to know, but... For the last three years, she had been Kankurou's unofficial lover, basically friends with benefits," Lee answered, "Ura said it wasn't out of love, she just needed someone there to comfort her heart break."

Sasuke took in that information as well, that was not what Ura felt when she thought about him, no way, it couldn't be. The Uchiha knew to the depth of his soul that Ura had to care for him, even the tiniest of feelings would do, but something! They made love for kami's sake! That had to mean something to her at least! Sasuke glared at the village, why was it so hard to win a woman's heart when all of his boy-hood he was able to swoon every girl off of their feet with just one glance. Lee noticed how silent Sasuke was, then said, "If it means anything to you, Sasuke Uchiha, Ura wrote about you in her letters. She's wondering how you were doing."

"Is that all?" Sasuke grumbled loud enough for Lee to hear.

"Yes...but she also said that she wants to see you again, there is something she'd like to talk about with you. Something about a relationship or something like that..." Lee scratched his head, "I do not really know..."

"That will do," Sasuke left Lee alone, he needed some rest so he can do his mission tomorrow, bright and early.

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now