Bad Genin ( Chapter 8 )

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"Where's Baki?"

"Don't know...but he left...THIS!"

"Put that away, Kankurou, there's a reason he doesn't allow any of us to drink it," Temari took the cantine away from her brother, "Now i'm going to go put it away, if you try to get it, i'll knock your head off..."

"Aw c'mon Temari, just one sip, just one to loosen us up," Kankurou smirked as he got on his knees, "I won't take anymore than just one, please!!!"

"What's all the fuss about?" Ura came into the living room with a yawn, it was midnight.

"Temari was just to give me the cantine of sake Baki keeps so we can each of one sip," Kankurou snatched away the cantine, "Whaddya say?"

"Well..." Ura was wondering what would happen if she had a sip of sake.

"I said no!" Temari stated, "Even one sip can get us sent back to Sunagakure!"

"You know you wanna have some," Kankurou held the open bottle under her nose, "You had some before, and you loved it...especially when we found that one guy you hated and you basically raped the hell out of him...yeah you remember."

Temari gave Kankurou a dirty look, then sighed, "Fine, but ONE sip each, nothing more."

After she had said 'fine', Kankurou guzzled down 1/3 of the sake bottle, then handed the cantine to Ura. Ura sniffed it, the sake inside had a powerful scent to it, almost burning her nostrils. Kankurou was already red and hyped up to the point he was having trouble standing, so...Ura took a few gulps. The sake had a very flaming taste, burning the back of her throat, but she managed to gag it down. In just one second, the room became dizzy and was swirling around her. Ura managed to get the cantine to Temari, who finished the rest off, soon, the three Genin were laughing their heads for no reason.

"Llllets show these Konohan villagers what der up against," Kankurou put on Karasu, then fell on his back.

" idiot..." Temari punched him upside his head, her face was so red, her eyes hazed.

"Is it meh..or is it hot in here?" Ura began to sweat a little, she went to the window and opened in, then noticed Gaara on a tree far out, "You know...i'm gonna give that bastard a piece of my mind..."

"Who's a bastards?" Kankurou got on his knees, "If you're talkin bout that sensei of ours...then I totally agree."

"'s dat brotherrrr of yours! I spills out everything for *hic* him, and I get dizz..." Ura fumbled out the window, but used her umbrellas to land on the ground.

When she landed on the ground, Kankurou fell on top of her, and Temari landed on top of him. Kankurou then lifted his right fist and head, "Awright a three-some!"

The two girls kicked him off of them, then Ura crookedly put away her umbrellas and staggered to where Gaara was. In her drunkeness, she was not happy in the least bit, she wanted to kick the living hell out of Gaara for some odd reason. Kankurou and Temari scrambled to where Ura was and held her back, "Naw don't do it!"

"I'm gonna rip his head off..." Ura growled as she struggled to be free.

Temari tugged and tugged on Ura until the three Genin fell in the like to Temari's right. To all of their dismay, they were never taught to swim because of the lack of water. Plus with Karasu on Kankurou's back, it carried him down into the water. Temari was able to get back to shore, Ura managed to grab on to Kankurou's headgear, he held his headgear as Ura was helped back to the shore by Temari. Kankurou had huge swirls in his eyes, but Temari managed to slap him hard enough to bring him back.

" more water..." Kankurou gasped for air.

Ura dried her hair, then looked around, "Why are we out here?"

They were all very much still drunk from the sake, but now they were able to be stable enough to forget why they were outside. Kankurou got on his knees, "We's are going to kick some Konohan ass in the Chunin Exams! That's why we'res out herea!"

"So you steal my sake and you soil Konoha's sacred lake as well?"

Ura, Kankurou, and Temari all had a huge sweat drop when they slowly turned to see their sensei glaring down at them. Temari covered her chest when the cold night air surrounded her in her white fighting unform, Kankurou had a nervous laugh at the punishment he was about to recieve, and Ura was still drying her hair, not paying any mind to her sensei.

**6 A.M.**

"The Hokage is willing to over look your behavior, on the count that you do not go anywhere in Konoha in the night hours," Baki stated to the three Genin before him, their head downs, with huge hang-overs.

"It won't happen again," Temari spoke up, "Never again..."

"The question is: why did it happen in the first place..? I deliberately told you to NEVER go near my sake cantine...but what do you three do?" Baki yelled, worsening their headaches.

"We-" Ura was about to answer.

"THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE AN ANSWER!" Baki smacked her upside her head.

Kankurou was about to say something, but Baki gestured to smack him too, so Kankurou just whimpered and curled into a small ball. Baki also turned to Temari, making the same gesture, she just coward down in fear, not wanting to be whacked too. Gaara watched his teammates show immense fear to their sensei, Baki looked at the cantine, grumbled a few curses, then threw the bottle at them. The bottle landed at their knees, "Now I have to go find the same sake that was specially made by bar in SUNAGAKURE!"

Temari tried speaking up again, but Baki threw a chair at her, it was a good thing she ducked at the last minute because the chair smashed into the wall. None of the Suna Team members has ever seen Baki this angry before, all over some sake? It must've been really good sake to him, though Ura didn't really like the taste that much. Baki rammed his first into the wall, "Do you know how much damage the three of you could've caused?!"

"But we didn't...right?" Ura asked with a nervous laugh, but Baki sent a chair at her as well.

*He's gotta run out of chairs soon...then who knows what he'll throw..* Ura thought to herself.

"I'm grateful you didn't, but if you had...who knows what damage I would put on you.." Baki narrowed his eyes on them, "Now get out of my sight, all four of you!"

Gaara wandered off on his own, they all knew he wouldn't kill anyone important, so they left him alone. Temari, Kankurou, and Ura hung out on the rooftop of a tall building, trying to get rid of their massive hangovers they all shared.

"Have you two ever seen him that mad before?" Ura asked through her pain.

"No... I guess he must have loved that sake that much to go least last night was fun, I know I had a good time," Kankurou smirked.

"Well, unlike you, i'm completely sore, I can't remember anything," Temari rubbed her arms.

"My back hurts really bad, and I think there was something on it this morning, Temari, check my back," Ura turned her back to Temari.

The older kunoichi undid Ura's bandages, but gasped at what she saw, somehow, Ura managed to get a tatoo! Temari gestured for Kankurou to come over, and he had a proud smirk on his face, "Man...we really did go crazy last night."

"What? What is it? Is it bad?" Ura was worried from the look on Kankurou's face.

" can I put this without you freaking out...?" Temari scratched her head, then noticed something about her hair, "No..."

"Aw man...I didn't notice that..." Kankurou looked at Temari like she had six million eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS ON MY BACK!?!?!" Ura screamed, flailing her arms in the air, "AM I GOING TO DIE OR WHAT!?"

"We're all going to die if you don't stop yelling!" Kankurou stated as he covered his ears.

"SOMEONE CUT MY HAIR SHORTER!!!!" Temari screamed even louder, "WHO THE HELL DID THIS!?!?!"

"WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR HAIR, THAT CAN GROW BACK!!! BUT WHAT THE HELL IS ON MY BACK!!!" Ura was about to cut their throats with a huge migrane.


"WWWHHHAAAATTT?? KANKUROU!!!!" Ura brought out both of her umbrellas, "WHY'D YOU PUT A TATTOO ON MY BACK THAT SAYS THAT!!!???"

"I DIDN'T DO IT!!" Kankurou backed up, "I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT!!"

"LIKE HELL YOU DIDN'T!!!" Ura rammed her umbrellas into his stomach, sending him off of the building.

Temari and Ura watched Kankurou fell on his back against the pavement, Ura strapped her umbrellas back on her back. Ura fixed her bandages on her back with Temari's help to cover the tattoo someone had given her last night. When Kankurou had tried to come back up the building, Ura sent a bunch of her hari at him, it was a miracle he was only able to dodge most of them, but got stabbed in his legs with three on each. So Temari and Ura had to go down so Ura could pick up her hari and so Temari had to get out the first aide kit and heal Kankurou.

"You didn't need to try and kill me like that..." Kankurou commented at Ura, who had just finished cleaning the hari off.

"After what you did to my back, you deserved every drop of your blood on the ground," Ura looked at him with narrowed eyes, "I'm just hoping you haven't done anything else."

"I swear-"

"Enough you two!" Temari snapped at them, "We have a lot of more things to worry about than who did what last night."

"Really? Because mr. inscest here could've gotten you pregnant when he wanted a three-some," Ura pointed out with a hint of aggrivation.

Temari shot a dirty glare at Kankurou, who scooted away quickly from his two teammates. It was going to be a long day for all of them, who knows when Baki's temper will cease, Kankurou wad in deep sand with his two female teammates, and Ura had to find some excuse to explain why there was a tattoo on her back that said 'Property of Kankurou of the Sand'. As she finished putting away her clean hari, she noticed how quiet it had gotten, so Ura glanced over at Temari and Kankurou. They were looking at something in front of them, so joined their stare, for it was the Uchiha, approaching them at a normal pace. When he began to come closer, they all realized he was walking towards Ura, who was a bit confused.

His dark eyes lingered to her own, she held her umbrella protectivly, there was something about him that she did not trust. Kankurou and Temari were about to pounce on the intruding on the Uchiha as he stopped only a foot away from her. It felt like forever as they looked at eachother, Ura with a look of strength, Sasuke with a look of calmness. His dark eyes roamed over her, catching every detail of her, like he was analyzing every muscle and curve on her. Ura then noticed why Temari blushed at the sight of Sasuke, he was quite handesome up close. Like her, he was also very pale, almost moon kissed at twilight on his birth. Every inch on this Uchiha reminded her of the golden full moon, enchanted with forbidden beauty, ensnaring her eyes on him. His lips looked as soft as pure cotton and silk entwined, the dark ravenous vortex of his eyes guided her down into his true soul, a soul of vengence.

Ura noticed he was extending something, and her eyes widened at what he was giving her...the two missing hari she had lost. She reached out and barely touched his own hand, even his skin felt like velvet that she had only touched once before.

"It isn't wise to leave such a valuable weapon in the open for the taking," his soft words reminded her of a piano playing with a light rain outside she had heard her mother play at the Kazekage's mansion, with the seasonal rain.

Never has anyone that looked so perfect, yet with so many flaws ever send such a powerful message to her. Ura held the two hari for a few moments longer, then nodded in a appriciative way, "Thank you..."

The same way Sasuke had cooly approached her, he had left with a sway of enchantment over Ura, though not captivating her heart and mind entirely. Ura's head turned the way he had left, she had seen a little of Gaara in him, on the deep pit of aggression in his soul, but that was it. In Sasuke's own way, he had looked warmer than Gaara, like he did not mind having people around him.

"How did he have your two hari?" Kankurou finally broke the silence with his silly question.

"Don't you remember!? She said that she had missed two hari, and here comes Sasuke with the two missing hari! One plus one equals what, Kankurou!?" Temari snapped at him.

"2, I finally got that right for the first time...So...the Uchiha has feelings for little miss Ura," Kankurou glided over to her and poked Ura on the head, "So, when ya gonna ask him out?"

"What!? No way," Ura came back to senses, "I'm not going to date anyone until after the Chunin Exams."

"That's gonna be awhile," Kankurou commented as he sat next to Ura, "Good luck brushing him off, I have a feeling he's not gonna stop here."

"Don't push it Kankurou, we all need to keep our minds on the examination, not on love interests," Temari scoffed.

"You're a girl, you have feelings for guys, so what makes you think you don't look at guys you think are attractive?" Kankurou raised a brow.

"Because they remind me of pigs like you," Temari stood up, "Lets spend about another hour doing nothing then we should start heading back, it's almost noon...anyone hungry?"

Both Kankurou and Ura raised a regretful hand as all three stomachs growled together. They were able to find a resturant they could afford with the money they had earned with their missions they had done before they left for Konoha. It was just a quick meal, something they could gorge down, pay, then leave.

For hours they wandered around Konoha, looking at monuments and it's past, but none were very impressed. Kankurou gawked at most of the young women at the village, both girls gave him a punch on the head for being so perverted around them. As they walked around, Ura then realized that the next day would be their first exam, "Do you realize what tomorrow is?"

"'s going to be exciting," Kankurou smirked, "I heard the first test was an easy one, so we don't need to worry about a thing."

"But still...we can't be too entirely sure about that," Temari commented, "Plus...I don't trust the people here...they seem too friendly."

"You always think people are too friendly until you get to know them," Kankurou snided, "You thought that of Ura, and here she is now, you two are like sisters."

"That was different," Temari crossed her arms defiantly.

Ura had her own thoughts to ponder though, this time..of Sasuke, "I'm going to go to my training spot by the hotel, see you at the dusk."

As Ura ran off, Kankurou and Temari shared a confused look, their friend wasn't usually so willing to go many places when she was with them. Kankurou then looked back at Ura as she ran off, "Do you think she'll survive the exams?"

Truthfully, Temari didn't really know, sometimes Ura could be brutally strong, but other times...she would get too weak and soft. To Temari, Ura was not cut out to be a ninja, a kunoichi that followed love and her heart was destined for failure, far, Ura was doing alright. But 'alright' wasn't going to cut it, if Ura didn't shape up and quick, Temari's little friend was going to be killed with her own hari. Sure, it'd be nice to see that Ura had her mind off of Gaara, whom she'll never be able to have, and on someone that she could reach, but Ura had better keep her own oath, or Temari wouldn't let Ura hear the end of it...


As mid afternoon came, Ura didn't plan on training on the tall hill-top near the trees, all she wanted to do was ponder her thoughts again. For years she dreamed of her dark prince charming to someday swoon her off of her feet, but instead, she felt a little ping for the one known as Sasuke.

*I didn't want to do this...I didn't want to be in the Chunin Exams...all I wanted to do was prove to everyone that the real me is somene they cannot just mess with...and to be with Gaara... This isn't fair at all, i'm too new to this...* Ura wanted to dig a hole and see if she could hide for a few days without anyone notining.

Truthfully, Ura did not really admire or care about Sasuke, he was her rival, if she had to fight him Ura would go all the way to defeat him. So he was little use for her worries, her main fear was the upcoming first exam. From the rumors she heard in her home village, the first exam was a test, but Ura head no more of it, sadly enough. Would it be that difficult? Or was it mor than just a written test? Ura was about to worry some more on the subject until she saw her flicker of hope on top of the hotel she was staying in. Standing tall and proud, Gaara eyed the village, she knew he was planning everyone's death. From a worried little frown, Ura had a small smile, someday...just someday...she knew he'll finally care...


"Arrhghghg...." Sakura growled angrily as she stomped through the forest.

Naruto scurried close behind, "I'm sure he's somewhere here, he's probably chopping up those two hari things..."

"No...I saw where he was...he gave them to that girl!" Sakura's nose flared up, ready to produce fire if they could.

"He probably knew they were hers!" Naruto tried to reason,

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S JUSTIFIED!" Sakura turned to yell at the blonde, then continued to stomp.

Naruto waited for a few minutes to finally see she had calmed down, and probably denying every single idea that popped in her big head too. He could tell Sakura was distressed by the new team, especially that one girl that didn't look too mean. Sasuke would never go after a girl, it wasn't like him, so why was Sakura so worried. Ok, he gave the girl her hari back, big deal, that didn't mean anything. Maybe Sakura was taking this too far, besides, Sasuke always walked off without them, so why was this time different than before?

"You know...that girl is kinda pretty..." Naruto took his chances of facing death in the face.

Sakura was silent, and Naruto knew he was going to never hear the end of it when Sakura was pissed off at him again.

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now