The Redemption

By user70513038

6.7K 216 136

It's been roughly two months now since Lloyd, Mari, Alya, Nino and Ari have returned from Ninjago and all of... More

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the Family :)
What's going on currently


323 12 14
By user70513038

(A/N " Means characters are talking in english")

Today my friends and I were to go ice skating and I was excited since 1) I like ice skating and 2) I'll hopefully get to meet Hackerextrordinaire.

But I wasn't expecting a group of four guys to come barreling into the shop just as it opened. "Morning" I said from my place while balancing a fresh batch of  criossants in one arm the other holding a batch of apple danishes.

"Morning" the one who looked like the eldest said in english

"Oh american's or english?" I asked in engish

"American" He answered

"Dick focus" A guy with a white streak said to his brother

"Lloyd" Mom called as I placed the trays in their proper places

"Yeah?" I called back closing the glass case

"Your father and I need your help decorating cupcakes for a few minutes then can you man the register" Mom told me

"Coming" I called back leaving Mari to the main store while going to the back to help finish decorating some cupcakes.

Mari's p.o.v.

"Sorry it's just my we just opened and well" I said gesturing to the customers flowing in so Coffee or hot cocoa and pick up some items as well and meet either Lloyd or I at the register" I told Tim and his family in my best attempt of english

"No I understand and two coffees and two hot cocoas please" one told me, "We'll get our baked goods"

"Cool and if you aren't in a rush we do have a few tables at which you can sit at both indoors and outside" I in formed him

"Thanks" he said with a smile

The group grabbed a few trays before going to the baked goods. At which point I'd been called back while Lloyd came forward with flour on his apron. He was making an order of coffee. "F.y.i. the group of four that just came in wants two hot cocoas and two coffees" I teased

"On it" Lloyd smiled

Back to Lloyd

Why does it seem like I know the one with the computer? I thought as I started making a latte for this customer with the machine. "Alright here is your Vanilla Latte with two extra pumps of espresso" I told a customer as she grabbed her Latte

Then the group of four slowly came up to the counter starting with the one that was seemingly I.d. to be Dick, his tray was ladden with all sorts of our more sweet baked good options. This guy does know that he'll get really sick eating all of this, right?

"I'll take this" He smiled like a total idiot

"Your health buddy" I smiled with a light laugh

"By the way my name is Richard Grayson, but call me Dick. the others are my brothers" Dick said

"Nice to meet you"I told him boxing up all of his order.

"My brothers and I will be staying here for several months so figured might as well get to know the workers of where we'll be spending our time" Dick informed me

"Well I look forward to seeing you all more often then, but if I'm not here I'll be at school with my sister this place is actually belongs to my parents who run this place"I explained," Mari and I just help out whenever we can"

"Wow" Dick said

"So did you want one of the coffees or the hot cocoa and how did you want either or done?" I asked

" The hot cocoa and surprise me" Dick told me bringing his wallet out to pay for his pastries and drink

I prepped his hot cocoa on the darker side in terms of chocolate to hopefully take away from his stomach ache I also made sure that it was extra creamy to look over the bitterness of the darker hot cocoa, I then added whipped cream and sprinkled dark chocolate shavings on the whipped cream. "Here you go" I said handing him his complete order

"Thank you" He beamed and I thought I was the child in the adult body now seeing this guy I redact that statement. He then left to go claim a table.

Then another came up he was the one with the streak of white in his hair. "Mornin'" I told him, "Coffee or hot cocoa?" I asked

"Coffee blonde with extra cream and from there I'll let you get creative" He said

"By the way you might want to take a card judging by what your Dick just bought you'll be needing our delivery system to appease his sweets appetite" I suggested while I prepped his coffee.

"Thanks names Jason Todd did golden boy tell you...." Jason said

"That you're all adopted no but it was obvious from how different you all looked from one another. Besides I can't judge I'm also adopted by the Dupain-Cheng's" I told him

"Really how long have you been with them?"Jason asked

"About a year, yeah a year in a week" I answered handing him him his coffee and his pastries he seemed to favor the more savory items in the bakery.

"Thanks" Jason said joining his brother once he took his purchases from me.

The one that came up next was one with Green eyes and black hair styled like spikes I got a weird vibe from him like I should keep my guard up around him and keep a knife on hand just in case. It was so weird the only other times I felt like thins was back on the Dark island and when my father introduced me to Ra's Al Ghual back before I was forcefully enrolled into Darkely's School for Bad Boys. Now that I was thinking about it he kind of reminded me of Ra's by how he held himself and how he walked period. Not to mention he seemed to be around my age biologically not chronologically.

"Hot tea and make it the Earl grey slice of lemon two lumps of sugar." He demanded in French slamming his tray of pastries down.

"Want any of those pastries warmed up?" I asked seeing as how he had taken one of the vegan breakfast croissonts along with one of the brownies we served here.

"No" He growled slamming his money on the counter and grabbing the tea and pastry box from my hands.

Wow rude much? He walked over to his brothers Dick whacked him upside the head as he sat down. I just shrugged my shoulders then finally the last one came up. Mari at that moment came out from the back and his eyes instantly began to follow her around the room.

"Sorry about Damian he's like that to everyone" He said

"It's fine used to it we get a ton of customers like him in here nothing new" I told him

"By the way names Tim Drake and as for my breakfast item can you heat them up please. And I want my coffee as black as you can make it" Tim told me

"Sure so what brings you all here to Paris?" I asked

"Well Bruce is opening a new branch office here in Paris and well he couldn't make it for the grand opening so the four of us will be overseeing the company for several months." Tim explained

"Ouch. Well if you need a place to cater pastries for you I gave Jason our phone number so you can contact us about bringing food over and for your brother Dick he seems like a sugar addict judging by how much he bought" I informed Tim holding out his order out for him

"Thanks you guys do really good service." Tim said taking his order and heading over to his brothers.

Tim's p.o.v.

It took me four hours of interogating Chloe to get this location from her since there there is only two baker's children and only one is adopted and neither of them get along with Chloe well Lloyd does to a degree, but they do really tend to keep their distance from each other. If you figured it out yes I was checking out the person that Cupid's Arrow had set me up with he was the only one I got on my end of the bloody app he admitted that he'd gotten five on his but after flopping out with the local match he decided to branch out. He refused to date anyone from Ninjago for obvious reasons hey he is the master of power I didn't give myself the username Hackerextrordinare for nothing people I tracked down every little detail about Lloyd Dupain-Cheng or Lloyd Garmadon. Rebelled against his father's dark ways and went to his uncle to change for the better. Back in Ninjago he is ridiculed for being the son of a villain but I can't judge look at Damian for crying out loud the only thing that might be against him is the fact that he meet Ra's when he was younger but as I said he's trying to cut ties to the darkness and only three months ago he was possessed by a ghost that forced him to do a lot of evil in his home land but I saw the video feed he did it to protect his friends.

I sat down with my brothers. "So?" I asked pointing at Lloyd who was helping a woman to her car with a macarroon cake in the shape of the Notre Dame.

"He seems like a good guy" Jason told me

"He's annoying" Damian told me, "He doesn't know when to shut up"

"He was doing his job Damian besides he saw you checking out his sister soyou should apologize before you ask her out" Dick told Damian

"Quiet Grayson" Damian growled

"But other than that he seems like a good guy" Dick said as his sister tripped and threw the tray she was carrying into the air.

Lloyd caught her in one arm catching the tray in the other and moving the tray to catch the wayward pastries with ease like this was an everyday occurance.

"He seems a lot like Dick in that he has an acrobats build but from what I can tell similarities end there" Jason added

"Shush Todd he's a combatant like us his Grandfather created the spinjitzu style of martial arts and no one save for an elemental master can master it or even study it, look at how he walks" Damian snarled,"Watch" Damian said before throwing a knife at Lloyd who had his back turned to us since he was filling and order for someone's drink.

He not only caught it but he threw it right back in our direction. Damian barely caught it in his hands.

"You've proven your point Demon spawn" Jason growled grabbing Damian's chair which had threatened to tip over when he caught the knife.

"Well we'll find out more about him at the ice rink later today" Dick sighed

I nodded my head in agreement.

Back to Lloyd

Tim and his brothers left once they finished. Tim seemed to talk to me just like Hackerextrordinare. If he showed up to the ice rink that will confirm my suspicions on his identity. Soon it was one o'clock Mari's and I's shift was over we both grabbed lunch before grabbing some warmer clothes before heading to the ice rink.

"Hey" Alya called to us

Nora, Nino, Ari, Luka, and Kagami where waiting for us at the entrance. "Did we keep you waiting long?" I asked them

"Nope you guys are actually on time to our outings for once." Alya said

I let out a laugh we waited for the rest of the kitty section before entering the building. I got a pair of ice skates before heading the the benches and lacing up skates up. I had just finished one when my phone went off.

Hacker Extrordinare

-look behind you

I looked behind me and saw Tim standing there with a pair of skates in his hand and his phone in the other. "Hey Tim" I smiled placing my foot down from my seat


"Your actions back at the bakery earlier" I answered

"Whoops" Tim said slipping off his shoes and putting his skates on while I finished lacing up my other skate.

"Need help?" I asked pointing to a struggling Tim with his laces

"Please" He sighed

I laced up his skates in no time at all and hauled him up to a standing position. "Gack how can anyone stand on these" Tim said trying to keep his balance and failing

"Find your center of gravity Tim." I said trying not to laugh at Tim

Tim was failing on keeping his balance. "Here" I told him offering him my shoulder to balance himself on.

"Thanks this is embarrassing" Tim mumbled

"Hey I sucked my first time so give it time" I told Tim guiding him to the rink.

I swear once we hit the ice it was like watching a baby deer walk for the first time. It was just that precious. So after a few missteps and slips I finally got Tim to where he could skate without needing to lean on me or grab the railing for support. "See your doing it" I softly smiled at Tim

"Way to go Drake" Damian said

"Nice job Timbo" Dick smiled at his brother as he did a quad flip.

"What I thought you guys where going to be at the mansion?!" Tim shouted

"And miss this Timmy not a chance" Jason laughed as he skated around the rink

Tim groaned in embarrasment. "Hey if it makes you feel any better take a look at my sister she's been recording this the entire time" I told Tim pointing to Mari who was indeed recording this my guess for blackmail for a later date.

"Okay that makes me feel a bit better" Tim mumbled

Then I heard a very loud thud and saw Mari had landed on her back having slipped on the ice. Luka helped her up. "I think we should call it a day. Lloyd enjoy your date" Mari sadly said skating off the ice with a sarrowful expression on her face.

I must have looked hurt or something cause Tim said," Go check on her and make sure she's okay"

"Thanks. I'll be right back" I told Tim skating off the ice

Not ten seconds into trying to see if she was okay the entire rink became encased in ice. Really Hawkmoth just one day would that be to much to ask even if it is just for a date. "Get to cover fast! It's an akuma attack!" I shouted at Tim and his brothers before the rink became sealed off by a wall of ice.

I ran for cover and brought out the blue elixr and gave it to Gong. "Gong power up" I ordered

He drank it and became a more icy version of himself. "Icicle Gong" Gong Said

"Let's roar" I shouted

My outfit changed into a warmer version of my outfit but with skates and icy decals like my hair was now a frosty white instead of it's light blonde color and the colors of my suit were a lot paler than normal.

I skated to the barrier and saw Tim and his brothers trying and failing to get out. "Stand back!" I ordered my hand encased in flames.

once it turned white hot I punched the ice causing it to shatter. "Is everyone alright?" I asked

"Yeah who are you?" Jason asked

"Drakon did any of you see what happened in there when the akuma appeared?" I asked

"Yes a coach was upset for some reason and then a black almost purple butterfly flew in to his skates and he became whatever caused this" Dick answered

"Did you see Lloyd?" Tim asked

"He was encased in ice lucky for me he was wearing a benstone bracelet or else I'd be keeling over" I lied

"What a moron cancelling out his own power for what?" Damian said

"His powers and my own clash and not in a good way unless he is wearing benstone we cannot be around each other or else our powers with cause both of our bodies to rip itself apart from the inside out." I snapped at Damian

Tim's eye's widened. "But for now all of you to safety let my team and I handle this" I said pulling up a gobal map.

Dang it the ice has already covered Paris and like Syren it was spreading not as fast but we'd be facing the next ice age if nothing was done and soon. "Stay safe" I said skating off

I soon found Ladybug and Chatte on a roof of a building. "We need to set a trap" Ladybug told Chatte

"No we need to observe him to know everything about him." Chatte countered with a growl

"Those are both great ideas but what's with the tension?" I asked suddenly concerned

"Nothing it's not like we are a couple" Chatte grumbled

"Okay let's all calm down Chatte go and observe him but be careful we are dealing with someone who can control ice  and even in the state it's in right now it can become dangerous even deadly" I warned Chatte, "Once you are done come back and find us so we can lay a trap"

"I think it's time that we all went our seprate ways" Chatte growled and ladybug nodded her head in agreement

"Look if I did something please tell me" I told my team

But only the wind listened to my words. Did I do something wrong? Is that why they are acting this way? I shook my head clearing my head of any negative emotions before taking off. "Hey wait" A voice said I looked behind me and nearly did a spit take it was Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Robin.

"Can I help you?" I asked

"Yes please tell us what is going on around here the justice league has been getting calls from the french government about getting someone like Superman here but the Mayor of Paris said that they have it handled now we can see why" Nightwing informed me

I frowned at this new information then nodded my head it was understandable. " Alright but for this akuma please sit out  if you want some questions answered meet me at Mystake's Mystical Tea shop in two hours exactly from when this is over I'll answer what I can there. Tell Mystake I sent for you and she'll point to me" I told them

"Done" Red hood said before I skated off to find Ladybug and Chatte.

I soon came to the Eiffel tower and saw our villain I decided to dub him Frozer since Various other names where already taken by other villains. Then not two seconds later Ladybug and Chatte showed up. Oh boy this is going to get ugly.

Not two seconds later Frozer made his move. He slammed his skates on the ice where Ladybug was standing not a moment before reason she's not there any longer I managed to get her out of the way.

"We got to move" Chatte said skating up to us. Thus began speed skating on the Seine. I continued to observe the guy he was really fast, and yes his power came from his skates, but if he was distracted he'd loose focus on everything around him. "I got what we need let's split" I said

We lost him cause I forced him to over shoot  using my own ice powers  to out up a blockade of ice behind us.  We then hid at behind a bus not far from the Seine. "So his akuma is in his skates that we know for sure, but if we use cataclysm it would have to be in the air otherwise we'll destroy...." I said bringing up my map to see that the ice was now spreading outside of France itself," About a third of Europe" I sighed, "And another thing we got people here from the justice League here because of the akuma attacks I told them to sit this one out and before they began to observe/ help us they'd need to have some basic information about what is going on before they enter the fight"

Ladybug and Chatte paled. "Well good luck then with that, but right now we have a trap to set" Chatte smiled

Ladybug used her Lucky charm which gave us a bag of road salt. "Of course here's the plan Ladybug, Chatte remember the fire truck that was right along the west side of the Seine?" I asked

Ladybug and Chatte caught on. "I'll go buy you two time to get the trap ready I'll lure him to you with a skate off thatwill distract him enough not to notice everything around him." I told them They nodded and raced off to set the trap.

I went to go find Frozer. I soon found him. "Sup frosty" I smirked

"The name is Frozer" Frozer growled

"Whatever you say Lord Snow cone. Come and get me" I said skating off He followed right behind me.

"Don't play with fire Drakon" Frozer growled

"Oh please I play with Fire, Earth, Ice and Electricity all the time so that threat doesn't scare me the slightest." I returned  picking up the pace a little bit.

I then saw a bench and began my part of the plan, "Bet you can't do this." I quipped bending backwards to go under the bench. Frozer followed my every flip, spin, turn, etc. "This one's tricky"

I zig-zagged between trees to gain speed before back flipping and spinning four times before landing on a ladder. Once Frozer was on the ladder I flipped the ladder and Chatte cataclysmed his skates. Ladybug purified the akuma then used her miraculous cure to fix everything.

"Pound it" We said fist bumping

I then had to hurry back to the ice rink or else Tim could get worried. I met back up with Tim and his family. ""Tim!" I called out from the  hallway

Tim turned seemingly angry then once he saw me I saw tears on his face before he launched himself at me. He latched on and began to hug my torso. "Is everything alright?"I asked

"No we got trapped in the ice rink by an akuma Cheng and Drake the entire time was worried about you" Damian answered

I hugged Tim lightly. "I'm fine nothing the cure can't undo Tim" I whispered to his ear

Tim just hugged me tighter. Then suddenly I wasn't seeing Tim and more but Red Robin. Oh crud the Wayne's are the Batfamily I'm in so much trouble if my Identity get discovered especially since they come from a family of top notch detectives.

After an hour Tim had to go for a family meeting about shifts at the new building. I ran home and changed into clothes that wouldn't give me away and headed to Mystakes. "Hey Mystake I need your help" I told her

"I saw Lloyd. Use the spare room back here let me guess Truth tea and Serenatea" Mystake said

"Please They'll tell you I as Drakon sent for them" I informed her running to the said room to get it ready to receive them along with prepping myself.

After twenty minutes Gong came out as well. "This is a good. Hawkmoth is getting more and more desperate with the Solar Eclipse in two days all kwamii's will receive a power boost depending on the bond they have with their holder. And you can bet that Hawkmoth's will be in the more deadlier catagory. And Wonder Woman's Mother was a previous Ladybug so if we had her advice we need to and depending on what goes down today." Gong informed me

"Quick question did you have a holder during...." I asked

"Not really I was off an on during that time mainly because everyone at the time was really unstable to handle my powers for to long." Gong answered.

"Noted" I mumbled

I placed on a pair of extremely dark sunglasses as Mystake brought in two bags of tea and a tea pot lighting the fire. "Thank you" I told her sensing the presence of the four brothers only a block away from my location.

I calmed myself down as Mystake brought them to the room. "Welcome" I said in my most even voice that I could muster.

"Your Drakon?" A voice I recognized as Dick said

"Yes Sir Grayson. And before you ask I know everyone that enters and leaves this city so of course I could pin who the Batfamily is, so put away that gun Sir Todd and let's parlay" I said gueasturing for them to sit.

"So you know who we are but do we know who you are?" Damian asked

"Maybe maybe not" I answered taking a sip of my truth teller's tea.

Damian and the others took their cups in their hands. "What is this tea?" Tim asked

"What you have is Serenatea a nerve clamer what I'm drinking  is Truth teller's tea I cannot tell a lie to you from this point forward" I told them.

"Favorite Color?" Jason asked

"Green though I do like red in a few rare cases" I said, "And please no personal questions I'd like to keep my identity a secret for my families sake and a guy I'm dating"

"Your gay?" Dick asked

"No I'm actually bi but hey whatever suits your fancy" I lightly shrugged

"Will you eventually tell us your identity?" Tim asked

"Maybe farther down the road right now let's just get to know one another first before we get to that road block. Now what do you want me to explain I'll explain what I'm aloud to but nothing more" I explained, "Though to be honest there is still much I don't know about the miraculous as I am a guardian in training so I can do my best"

Thus began a very long conversation about the history of the miraculous and what's been going on here in Paris. "So let me get this straight a previous holder of the ladybug earrings was Queen Hypopolita of the Amazons of Theymiscira and Hercules" Jason said

"Heracles" I corrected, "his name didn't change till the Roman take over of Greece it was to pay respect to Hera for conceiving him in the first place. Mind you during the time my miraculous was off and on due to the fact that people had an imbalance of emotions and the ear cuffs require that the person have a level head at all times or else the effect will be catastrophic" 

"Give an example" Jason demanded

"The ten plagues of Eygpt, is an example another would be the the last ice age or WW1" I answered honestly

Their jaws went slack. "Don't get me started on WW2 during that time if you had a magical artifact you were sentenced to a mysterious death and your artifact would be taken. I'm glad that the Black Falcon's took all of that to their island over 98% of that was just plain dangerous and should remain out of human hands for the rest of eternity. " I said with a shudder Gong having told me what's in there because his holder at the time was the leader of the Black Falcon's.

I haven't gotten any real sleep in two months from what I've seen in my dream visions and the descriptions Gong gave me. Gong was floating next to me this entire time drinking tea from a tiny egg cup..

"Continuing and this lizard mouse gives you your powers?" Dick said

"Yes and no they can enhance what abilities we already have like speed, strength, stamina, flexibility, you name it on top of powers we might or might not have. Ladybug has the power of creation, Chatte the power of destruction, Carapace protection, Rena Rouge illusions, Queen bee paralasis, and the butterfly trandenance. Mine under normal circumstances keeps them all in check and from gaining to much power over the others. But the circumstances right now are far from normal sadly. And that's for all miraculous both here in Paris and the rest. You see the Miraculous are tied to the folklore of each continent. The one's in Africa pertain a more war like manner and the ones in America north not south are more about defense and putting the fight on the terms of the wielders. Then the ones in South America are extremely blood thirsty and you should just avoid period though a few are okay I suppose. " I said thoughtfully.

"Do the others....?" Tim asked

"I'm the only one aloud to converse with any of the other miraculous users on other continents. Clash of cultures plus that's kind of how the cold war started" I answered

I saw all four brothers shiver in unison. "Ra's Al Ghual  even feared the power of the miraculous and did whatever he could not to provoke any of the branches of the Miraculous users we could have turned his Lazarus pit into a pit of death without him knowing and yes Jason and Damian I know that you two are people brought back to life through the pit." I answered taking another sip of the truth teller's tea."Gong told me after our little chat earlier on the roof top" I answered their unasked question

"Thanks we'll discuss what you have told us what time do you patrol?" Damian asked

I looked at my watch," We start patrol at eight for family reasons our parents don't know we do this. At the end of patrol we met up at the Eiffel tower to discuss what is going on around Paris and if there was an akuma like today we discuss what caused it and our approach to it and where we need improvements. " I explained

"Wait so you guys don't even...?"

"No" I answered in a dead voice

I cleaned-up the area we used. "What are you doing?" Dick asked

"I need to get home for dinner in forty minutes. If I'm late there will be no way that I'll be able to go on patrol tonight." I answered, "And the last thing we need is Ladybug and Chatte confusing you guys for akuma's since I get the feeling that you guys want to meet them tonight during patrol"

"Yes" Tim said

"Nice meeting you. See you in a few hours" I said shacking their hands instantly feeling Jason put a tracker in my sleeve.

I left Mystake's after giving her the tracker to give back to the guys. The other trackers I put on cars or in garbage bins heck I even put on on a bus. Once I reached home I'd taken off a total of fifteen trackers that they'd placed on me throughout the meeting. Yeesh are they over board, than again trained by Batman what else can you expect.

Patrol went smoothly enough and I introduced Chatte and Ladybug to  Nightwing, Red hood, Red Robin (Ladybug critisized his name cause he named himself after a burger reasturant), and Robin. Looking at the two I can certainly tell that the two will hit it off maybe not now but sometime on the not to distant future. And I definately was not going to like it that was a sure thing.


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