Reincarnation - Story Of A He...

By Cyclone499

56.1K 1.8K 563

Wakaba Yuuki, a girl who had a painful and empty childhood, had her heart broken by the betrayal of her best... More

Chapter 1 - A New World
Chapter 2 - Imagination Magic And A New Familiar?
Chapter 3 - Alchemy? Chemistry? Biology? Medicine?
Chapter 4 - Are Monsters Friendly?
Chapter 5 - I've Got Many 'Neighbours'!
Chapter 6 - A Goddess Visited Me!
Chapter 7 - Two Divine Beings Visit!
Chapter 8 - An Evil God And Wisdom's Determination
Chapter 9 - This Dense Guy....
Chapter 11 - Home
Chapter 12 - The True Leader Of The Beasts
Chapter 13 - Prelude To A Battle
Chapter 14 - Sleep Peacefully, My Strongest Familiar...
Chapter 15 - Revival And Reunion
Chapter 16 - Blessings Of The God Of Life And Death
Chapter 16.5 - A Day With The God Of Life And Death
Chapter 17 - Visiting The Village Again!
Chapter 18 - A Farewell
Chapter 19 - The Past
Chapter 20 - Alone
Chapter 21 - An Elder Sister
Chapter 22 - Divines Visit
Chapter 23 - Listen
Chapter 24 - Her
Chapter 25 - Us

Chapter 10 - A Certain Village And A Blindfolded, Silent Woman

1.8K 75 4
By Cyclone499

Chapter 10 completed. Let's see how our cute heroine socialize with other people in another world...


Third Person POV


One bright morning, the village of  a hundred was greeted by a mysterious masked and blindfolded woman. She had a glossy, black hair which reach her waist and averagely tall for a woman. She seemed to be someone who have just turned into an adult.

A few villagers who noticed her, stared at her with caution as they were unsure if her intention. The woman carried a pencil and a book with her right hand, although it was a mystery why.

As she walked to the entrance, the village's guards stopped her.

"Stop, who are you? Why do you come here?"

One of the two men asked her. His eyes were full of vigilance and he looked like he would act appropriately if things gone south.

The woman was unfazed as she brought up her book and pencil. She opened the book and flipped a blank page while bringing her other hand to write on it.

The guard was confused at first but did not lower his vigilance.

Finished writing, she showed what she wrote to the guards without speaking one word.

The guards read it...

-I apologize for being suspicious. As you can see, I use writings to communicate. I am sorry for causing inconvenience in communicating but please understand. I do not want to show my face for an unsightly and embarrassing reason. I do not know if you will understand me but please do not ask.-

"Ah, I-I'm sorry. Can you tell me who you are?"

The guard was a little shaken as he read it.

The woman wrote again on her book.

-My name is Yuuki. I live in the mountains near this village. Since I have yet to see who my neighbours are, I wish to visit this village to see them. May I?-

"Y-yes, you can. But, please don't cause any commotion alright?"

-Thank you.-

The guards let her in as he did not see any hostility or danger of her. Rather, he felt like she was gonna be a huge benefit for the village.

In addition....

To have her face scarred as a girl of her age, what an unfortunate girl... furthermore, to be mute.... I pity that girl. At least, I should treat her softer after this.

It looked like he misunderstood something...

Yuuki's POV

It was strange to communicate with writing as I thought. However, it was somehow fun to do this.

Technically, I did not lie as I did not say I could not talk. I just said that I need to write to communicate.

By the way, the guards were very kind. They let me in even though I looked very suspicious. But, the looks in their eyes when they looked at me were somehow felt a little wrong. It was like I was a pitiful creature... maybe it was just my imagination.

Anyway, this village really looked like an RPG village. The beginning village of the hero. Their houses were simple and some of them looked like they almost fall onto the earth.

The villagers who noticed me, stared at me like a rare animal in zoo. As I thought, my attires were too conspicuous. Moreover, the blindfold and mask were the most conspicuous part of me.

But, what can I do? I don't want them to see my face nor see me as a perfectly fine human. I would rather be pitiful rather than praised.

Now, where should I go?

«Answer. In this situation, it is best to find the village chief to state you reason to come here. Although talking to the local may help, the best way is to have the trust of the village chief. »

Nice, Wisdom!

Let's find the village chief then. How to do that I wonder?

"Hey, onee-chan. Who are you? Why do you wear that mask?"

When I was in my thoughts, a little girl around the age of five pinched my cloth and asked me with upturned eyes. cute.

The girl was adorable. Her actions were making me smile.

I quickly wrote in my book to communicate with her.

-Cute girl, my name is Yuuki. What is your name?-

"My name is Mia. Yuuki-onee-chan, why do you not talk?"

-I need to write to communicate. Don't mind me. May I call you Mia-chan?-


Mia-chan smiled cheerfully as she chatted with me.

Aww, this girl was so cute~! Can I take her home!?

I stopped myself before I seriously thought of kidnapping her.

-Mia-chan, do you know where is the chief's house?-


-Can you bring me there?-

"Okay, let me bring you there!"

Then, Mia-chan held my hand and walked with me to the chief's house.


"Uncle Paul, someone wants to see you!"

Mia-chan shouted adorably with her small voice to call out the chief, Paul-san.

The house was as simple as the other's house but there was a sign which was written there,

Village's Chief — Paul.

We were at the right house.

Then, the door was opened and a man in his thirty came out.

"Oh, it's you Mia. What are you doing here? And who are you, young miss?"

The man was rough and big. His face was a little scary but his eyes contained a strong will. He was clearly a head taller than me since I had to look up to meet his eyes.

Regardless of his appearance, he seemed to be kind especially to children as he talked softly to Mia-chan.

I wrote in my book to introduce myself.

-Good morning, Paul-san. My name is Wakaba Yuuki. I live at the mountain near this village. Please do not inquire why I wear this mask. The reason I had a blindfold is as clear as day so please do not say anything about it. I can see but not all and I need to write to communicate. I am sorry for the inconvenience.-

"Huh, Wakaba Yuuki... Sorry. I don't mind you using writings to communicate but I want to ask something. Are you a noble by any chance?"

-No, I am not. My name is merely Wakaba Yuuki. It is given by my parents. Our hometown does not judge someone from their standing. Almost all have a family name. Therefore, no need for honorific.-

"I see. Then, Miss Wakaba. How may I help you?"

Paul-san did not lower his guard one bit even after I introduced myself. This showed that he had some qualities as a leader. I guess, this was one of the reason he was chosen as the village's chief.

-I just wanted to visit this village since we will be neighbours for the following years. If there's anything you may need, you can ask me. I will try to help if I can.-

"Oh, thank you. Same here. If you need a hand, let us help you."

Paul-san held up his hand for a handshake and I received it with my hand in thin, white glove which extended to my elbow.

I had worn this since a while ago because I took a liking to it. I began knitting and sewing when I have nothing to do in the past and this was one of my favourites.

I like to wear this gloves because it made me feel like I was not touched by any filth whenever I touched something. Sure, Wisdom had a touch during my sewing, so it did have some magic effects that I didn't really know.

"Chief! Emergency!"

Out of the blue, a young man in his twenties shouted loudly in haste. He was anxious of something. Paul-san took notice of him right after he left my hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Carla-san! She was injured and poisoned by a Black Frog!"

"What!? What's her condition right now!?"

"She's in red zone but was able to hold on for awhile after taking the antidote but I'm afraid not for long. Her condition didn't seem to improve at all!"

"Let's go to her right now! Bring all the antidotes and potions that we have!"


All of it took turns too fast. I couldn't follow at all. Paul-san and the young man left me and Mia-chan hanging here. I didn't know what to do since I planned to ask him to show me around. However, it seemed to be an emergency.

I poked Mia-chan to ask her what just happened before.

-Mia-chan, what is happening?-

"....Mom was poisoned? In critical condition?"

.......okay, now I understand. What should I do?

It's obvious that we should follow Paul-san and the young man! Why should we be standing here like an idiot when someone was close to death!

I took Mia-chan's hand and dragged her along with me to follow Paul-san.


"Hang on, Carla-san! We will cure you in a second! Just hold on!"

"Haa, huu....hey, can you find my daughter?....I'm afraid...I don't have...too much time..."


Carla-san looked really pale right now. Her eyes were weak as death was clearly very close yet she seemed not to lose her will. Her attire made me thought of her as an adventurer rather than a mother. She looked quite young despite having a child of that age.

Her arms was oozing out blood. Moreover, the purple shade on her face made it clear that she was poisoned.

She was dying right now....

"Mia, don't....come will get poisoned too...."

"No! Mom is dying! I want to be with you!"

"Haha....silly girl...Mia, if it was destined...that I will die later..... a life of your own...not what others wanted you to..."

"No, mom will live! You will not die! Am I right, uncle!?"

"...... Mia, stay outside for awhile."

Paul-san said to Mia-chan. His voice carried a peculiar weight yet sounded very calm.

Mia-chan was surprised and refused it. But...

"Nail, take her outside. Make sure to keep her there for awhile."


"No! Let me stay with mom!"

"Sorry Mia....."

"No! No! Please!"

Nail, the young man carried the rampaging Mia-chan outside and closed the door as her voice no longer could be heard inside the house.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Paul-san opened his mouth.

"To think you would go like regretful."

"What could I seemed death really like me..."

Carla-san smiled weakly as she spoke to Paul-san. Not returning her smile, he spoke with grief in his voice.

"Do you...have anything for me to do?"

"...there is one....can you please...take care of Mia....for me...?"

"....Of course. Just, go peacefully. I will take care of everything."


Carla-san muttered quietly. She smiled with satisfaction as she closed her eyes.

The doctor seemed not to give up yet as she was still alive, although not for long.

As for me....

Wisdom, can my antidote cure her by any chance?

«Answer. Affirmative. You antidote can cure almost all abnormal state a living being can have. For the best recovery result, use the antidote first and let her drink your potion. I assure you, she will be completely healed by minute.»

I see....

I poked Paul-san's arm to grab his attention. He faced me with a calm face yet the despair could be seen in his eyes.

"What is it?"

His voice carried no enthusiasm. He seemed to have given up on treating Carla-san.

I wrote something on my book.

-Can I try something?-

"What? What do you want to try?"

-I want to test if my medicines can cure her. Can I?-

"....there's no harm in trying. But, please respect her will..."

Although he said that, he was clearly unwilling since the tone he used to me was saying otherwise.

I should not waste time, so I went beside Carla-san and checked her condition.

....there's not much to be checked since she was already near death. I should hurry up.

-Carla-san, do you want to live?-

"....I do...want to...but, what can I do? already my time."

-Then, it's settled. Please be prepared Carla-san. It might felt strange but do not worry.-

Carla-san showed me a confused face but I paid it no mind since I began to focus on healing her.

Firstly, antidote. Sprinkle or drink? Both.

I pulled out my handmade antidotes from my magic bag and sprinkled some on her body especially the poisoned part.

The others were surprised but I had not time to care about them. I just did my work.

Then, like a wondrous magic, her condition became better. However, her body was still not healed completely since the poison had ruined her body very bad.

I let her finish the antidote by forcing her to drink. Although she refused at first, after realizing that it was sweet, she drank it like water.

Next, potion was it?

Following that, I pulled out my first batch of potion from the magic bag that I created, one of my first completed tools I had made when I was learning alchemy and many other things.

Like before, I sprinkled some of the potion onto Carla-san's body and made her drink the leftover to make sure of her perfect recovery.

I had no doubt that this will be a successful treatment since Wisdom had determined that it was guaranteed to success.

Then, a miracle happened. Or so the others thought but not for me though. Not long after she drunk it, her body gained the colour it should have while her complexion got better.

It was as if she was never poisoned nor sick before.

"W-what? I am healed?"

"What just happened...?"

Carla-san examined her body by standing up an moving her limbs one by one. By the way she was moving, it seemed that my medicines were working very well. I was glad to know that.

"To have such miraculous potion and antidote....not to mention the magic bag....miss, who are you really?"

Paul-san asked me with an incredibly confused face.

I wonder what I should say...

I calmly held my pencil and wrote casually.

-I am Wakaba Yuuki. Just a silent and blindfolded girl with some knowledge.-

I introduced myself as such. I had decided that I would be like that. No matter what people said about me, this would be who I am.

My heroine had met the people from another world for the first time!! I was glad to see her progressing little by little.

Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment. See you later guys!

Cyclone out! Peace~✓✌

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