Right Realm, Wrong World (Boo...

By QueenieCalista

29.2K 1.1K 863

Lloyd makes a wish, and not to y/n's surprise, they end up somewhere other than Earth. They get sent to a dif... More

The Wish
The Streets of Ninjago City
Sensei's got the Munchies
Meeting Lloyd on the Bus
Beating the Bully
Chomped on by a Hungry Hippo
Uh, Oh
What a Mess
The Ice Emperor
An Unexpected Return
The Really Bad Idea
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 2
A Painful Aftermath
Bad Dreams
Strangers in Paris
Holding Out For a Hero
Love and Hate
Going Home
Thank You!

Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 1

1.1K 48 36
By QueenieCalista

————-Movie y/n's POV————-

So far, class is just as boring as I thought it would be. I think I might like science or art or something, but Ninjago History is just plain stupid. Where is the logic in any of it?! I just listened to an hour-long lecture about how the world was created, but I feel like I lost a million brain cells.

"Are you following any of this?" I ask the girl beside me.

She laughs. "I stoped paying attention. Besides, we've all heard this stuff before."


"Yeah, this is just common knowledge."

"How strange. It seems to lack all common sense."

She giggles again. "You're funny, new kid. What's your name, anyway?"


"That's pretty. I'm Rumi."

Suddenly, a loud crash interrupts the teacher's lesson. Everyone—except me—immediately hides under their desks, including the teacher. A rumble shakes the ground, and it sounds like shots are being fired outside. People are screaming, but I'm just sitting at my desk, really confused.

"Can I have a bathroom pass?!" Six people shout at once. I turn around to see one of them is Lloyd.

"Uh, okay," the teacher calls.

"Seriously?" I ask the teacher as Lloyd and his friends yeet on out of the classroom. "That doesn't look suspicious to you?"

Rumi pulls on the edge of my shirt, trying to get me to hide, but I don't budge. Instead, I just head out of the classroom to follow my new friends as the random crashes continue. The teacher doesn't even stop me.

I head out into the hallway, and look around for the six that left. They aren't there. I look in the girls' bathroom for Nya, and even check the boys' room for the others, but still nothing. I'm about to check down another hall, but then a flash of colours fly by outside the window.

I race to see what it was, and then I realize that the flying colours were the ninja I met just last night. They're all on their mechs heading for this giant black robot being controlled by a four-armed dude.

"That must be Garmadon," I mutter. "He looks like a lunatic."

I run outside, and immediately notice there are sharks being thrown everywhere and other random sea creatures. I decide to ignore the confusing sights, and run towards the danger instead of away from it like the rest of the city's civilians.

I want to get closer to the main fight so I can see what exactly is going on. I've always loved adventure, and I want to experience it outside of a novel. I stain my ears to understand the words the ninja are calling out to each other, and from what I can gather, the other ninja are all taking orders from the green one, who seems to be the leader. They all split up, and go in different directions to try and corner Garmadon.

The lunatic in a black and purple bathrobe is laughing maniacally, completely oblivious to the ninja circling him as he watches all the destruction to the city.

"We've got you surrounded, Garmadon!" The green ninja shouts as he stops in front of him.

I hide behind the side of a building closest to where the confrontation is happening, and listen closely to what the two are saying to each other.

"You're too slow, Green Ninja! You can't catch me," Garmadon taunts as he moves the giant robot around to hide from his opponent. "Where am I? Am I over here? Or over there?"

"You are right behind that building," the green ninja says impatiently, dumbfounded at the villain's stupidity. "I can see your shark tail sticking out!"

"Oh, forgot about that... okay, where is Garmadon now? Am I over here, here, here? Or over there, there, there?"

"Do you think you're hiding right now? Do you actually think I can't see you?"

"Well, if you can see me, why don't you shoot me? Ow!"

I snicker as the green ninja hits Garmadon right in the face with a missile.

"Why do you want to conquer Ninjago so badly?" The green ninja presses.

"Because there is something, very, very special here..."

I'm close enough to see the green ninja's eyes light up. It's kind of odd; it's as if he's been waiting for Garmadon to say that.

"I'm going to let the walls down for a second, Green Ninja..."

"Okay, yeah, go on..."

"About 16 years ago, I lost something that I shouldn't have given up..."

"What is it? Just say it! It's okay, you can say it!"

"I had this guitar in college, and I traded it for a jacket or something. I don't know what I was thinking!"

"That's what you were referring to?"

The green ninja stares at Garmadon in disbelief. It's like he was expecting a different answer. I squint at the ninja's face, trying to make out his expression. Why does he seem so familiar? And why isn't he attacking the guy who was literally just terrorizing the city a second ago? He's got a clear shot!

Garmadon and the green ninja argue for a little bit, and then eventually the green ninja gets fed up and fires a bajillion missiles at his opponent. He looks really mad at him on a personal level.

"If you had done that ten minutes ago, then maybe you wouldn't have to deal with this guy again," I say in a critical tone, even though they can't hear me. "Jeez, somebody should really teach you two how to fight."

——————Series y/n's POV————

"What the hell is wrong with these people?!" Lloyd exclaims. "If Other Lloyd got over his daddy issues and blew Garmadon's head off, then he could save the city a boatload of agony! But noooo, he has to act like a stupid teenager."

"This place has even less logic than the other realm of Ninjago," I say. "Which is saying a lot, considering nothing makes sense in that world."

"Hey, look, Other y/n is watching them."

I peer down at the girl watching the fight. "Huh... that's odd..."


"She's face-palming. That's something I would do in a moment like this."

"Well, that's to be expected. She another version of you."

"Do you think Other Y/n was born here, in Ninjago City, or on Earth?" I ask as the thought suddenly comes to me. "And if she came from another realm, do you think she knows it?"

"Not sure," Lloyd replies. "But look, Garmadon's retreating."

"So is Other Lloyd. Man, he looks upset."

"We better keep an eye on him," Lloyd suggests. "I'm hoping that bully will leave him and the others alone, but if not, we can carry out whatever your plan is."

"Let's cross our fingers it doesn't come to that," I say. "It's a really, really bad idea."

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