When the Darkness Comes

By thelostcompanion

243 10 9

Jenny lives in a small town with a long supernatural history. The town is home to two kinds of supernatural b... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

17 1 3
By thelostcompanion

It had been a confusing two weeks since Emma kissed me. I avoided her in the halls and even stopped going to my locker. I was being a coward and I knew it, but as much as I enjoyed the kiss I still wanted to get to know her as a friend first. She called and texted me every day, cute good morning and night texts as well as pleading voice mails. I could hear it in her voice how torn up she was but I didn't give into calling her back. I felt horrible for doing it but my confusion over shadowed my guilt. Nick, of course, was the first to see something was up, for about three days he asked me what was wrong that's when he gave up and asked Maria what was wrong. He talked to me in the impala after hunts, telling me that he couln't help if I didn't talk to him. It became my friends mission to get me to open up after I skipped English the past two days in a row just to avoid seeing her.

"Come to the park tonight, or I'll gag and dump you in the trunk to get you there," Nick said to me after our math class that Friday his blue eyes full of concern.

"Fine, doesn't mean I'll talk," I replied walking out the school doors all my books still in hand. I looked across the lot at my truck and stopped in my tracks, there sitting on my tailgate was Emma. I turned back around going into the school. I lost myself in the crowd of students going to my locker for the first time in days. I dumped all my school books inside and closed it. I walked slowly hoping the longer I took the more likely Emma would give up and go home, if not I was prepared to walk home. I looked over at my Chevy to see her still sitting there waiting as though she had all the time in the world. I turned up my hood and started my walk home only turning the wrong way and heading to the park hours before my friends would show up. I climbed the tall oak, Nick broke his arm falling out of when we were ten. My Dad had nailed in a latter for us to climb as he knew I feared heights and planes but something about trees offered a feeling of being safe. I sat against the tree on the thickest branch I could find and watched the sky. I felt the soft wind blow, my mind clear of everything allowing me to think. Hours flew by and I still didn't know what to do. I looked at the parking lot in time to see the impala pull in my wrist burning a bit. Nick, Raven, and Marie got out and looked around.

"Jenny? Where are you? Come on I know your hear, hunter's mark, remember?" Nick called out hands cupped around his mouth.

"Up here! What took so long?! I've been here hours," I called back waving to them.

"Did you even go home?" Raven asked shocked looking up into the tree. I shook my head moving so I could climb down.

"Where's your truck?" Marie asked her head cocked as my feet hit the ground.

"Still at school. I walked here," I shrugged.

Nick shook his head, "You left your truck at school and walked, just to avoid talking to her? Come on Jen that's low. What's going on?"

"I don't know."

"Talk to us chica, it could help," Marie prompted. We all sat at one of the picnic benches. Nick and I sitting on the table feet on the bench with Raven and Marie sat between us.

"Well... I don't know M, She is a nice girl and all its just, I don't know, I don't want to jump into a relationship with her but I do at the same time, you know?... And I wanted to do things right this time, get to know her, be friends and she went and fucked that up by kissing me. Now I don't know what to say to her or how to act around her. Like where do we stand?" I sigh my friend's eyes on me and heads nodding.

"Talk to her, ask her where you two stand. Jen, she's beating herself up over this and you haven't given her anything to try and reassure her," Nick said putting a hand on my shoulder. He gave me his big brother smirk that seemed to always say I love you and you can do it at the same time.

"Got to say Nick is right on this one Jen. And we all know that doesn't happen very often" Raven smirked and Marie nodded in agreement, trying to hide her soft chuckle. Nick mearly rolled his eyes at the jab.

"It's not that easy though. I mean it is but I don't know I guess for once I'm scared of fucking it all up."

"If you don't fix this soon you will fuck it all up," Nick laughed.

"Nick!" Marie scolded.

"What am I suppose to lie to her?" He said not backing down.

I got up from the table pulling out my cell to call Emma, when it buzzed informing me she was already calling.

"Jen! where are you going?" Raven asked. I held up my hand walking back to the tree to sit back up in it. My cell stopped buzzing halfway up. Once I was settled I called her back.

"So you finally ready to talk to me? Or is this going to be one of those sad calls where you don't talk and I sit here saying sorry?" She asked and my guess, she was pissed.

"I'll talk. You're not still holding my baby hostage are you?" I joked trying to brake the ice, though me being the awkward taco that I am, it didn't work they way I had wished. I had hoped to make her laugh, instead she sighed.

"Yes, I'm still sitting at your car, you can't walk everywhere you know? You could have just told me you didn't like me the way I do when we kissed," She said coldly.

"That's what you think? Of course you do, it is the way I've acted. I'm sorry Emma. Look I don't really know how to talk or interact with you after the kiss. I just wanted to get to know you first and be friends but by the gods you're beautiful and I failed horribly at seeing you as just a friend," I rambled nervously, still being an awkward taco.

I could hear my friends bellow me chuckle and Emma's soft laugh over the phone, "Shut up, you lot! You're not suppose to be listening."

"Course we are suppose to be listening Jen, we got to make sure you don't say something stupid," Nick called up to me.

I stuck my tongue out at him like a five year old.

"Want me to cut that off?" He chuckled.

"No!" I covered my mouth.

"Where are you?" Emma laughed clearly hearing the exchange.

"The park."

"We don't have a park," she stated confused.

"Sure we do, it's just a bit out of everyone's way so no one really comes here. Its on the witch side of town."

"You walked that far!" She screamed surprised and a bit hurt. She really shouldn't be, I may be lazy but I am a hunter, we do a lot of walking.

"Yeah, its not too bad. I used to bike over after my parents died," I shrugged, "I'll be at the school in a second okay? I'll steal the impala."

"I heard that!" Nick yelled.

"You were meant to!" I laughed.

Emma chuckled again, "Okay. See you soon."

the line went dead and I climbed back down with a small smile on my face. This was good, I shouldn't be nervous but somehow just the thought of looking into her green eyes again was something that set off butterflies in my stomach.

"Need a ride to your girlfriend?" Nick teased, elbowing me in the side.

I punched him in the arm, "Not if you're going to do that on the way there."

Raven smiled, "good job working it out with her Jenny, I'd love to join Nick in teasing you but M and I are going to go eat."

We hugged goodbye, Nick and I waiting for them to disappear into the trees before getting into his car. Before he could even start to pick on me I cranked up his radio and sung along to the random Fall out boy song that happened to be playing. Nick shook his head and sung as well a smile on his face. We rocked out until we pulled up next to my truck were Emma still waited. Nick wished me luck as I got out, I smiled and waved at him as he drove off.

I turned to face Emma, "Hey."

Her green eyes looked into mine and I could have sworn they weren't that beautiful the last I saw them. She smiled at me before kissing my cheek, "I've missed those brown eyes of yours."

I smiled, "Glad to know someone likes them."

I unlocked the doors and held open the passenger door for her, "sorry its a bit messy."

"wouldn't expect it to be any other way," she laughed.

I climbed into the driver's side, "Whats that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing," She smirked.

I shook my head and started the engine pulling out onto the street driving to the park.Emma didn't question me, just looked out the window. I put on the radio letting Luke Bryan fill the cab. The silence was nice and didn't feel uncomfortable even after two weeks of not talking.


AN: I really hope you all enjoy this story. please give some feedback, it would be lovely and very helpful. Thanks for reading.

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