Together We Fall

By ElleBlane

2M 59.5K 57.5K

Emma's life takes an exciting turn when she moves back to her hometown. Certain circumstances cause her to ru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 46

22.8K 743 1.4K
By ElleBlane

Chapter Forty Six

Trace's POV

"Get off of Dylan's bed! You're going to break it." I shout at Lucas and Mason for the tenth time tonight.

They've been playing a racing game on Dylan's Xbox for the past thirty minutes while sitting on his racecar bed because it 'adds to the mood'. They're both dumbasses though and don't know how to behave so the bed keeps creaking.

It has a weight limit of one hundred pounds and I know Lucas alone almost doubles that weight.

My body gets a familiar feeling creeping down it and I suddenly know exactly how to get them off of Dylan's bed.

I leisurely walk over to stand beside Mason. Neither of them pay me any attention as I subtly place my ass next to their faces.

I let out a loud fart and they both jump up from the bed.

"Gross, dude!" Mason whines and walks to the other side of the room while Lucas plugs his nose.

I pop my knuckles and give them a proud grin.

The bedroom door opens and Josephine and Erica walk inside.

"What's that smell?"

Emma was able to arrange this last minute get together and surprisingly enough none of us already had plans for New Years.

We're still waiting for most people to get here but the fireworks don't start for another two hours so we've got plenty of time.

My doorbell rings and without even opening the front door I know who it is: Emma. Sweet, polite Emma. The only one of our group who actually uses doorbells or knocks before entering.

A smile forms on my face at the thought of her waiting outside and I quickly jog down the stairs to let her in.

As soon as I open the door I'm greeted with her beautiful smile.

"It's freezing out here!" she states and I open the door wider for her to come inside.

She strips off her thick coat and hangs it on the back of the door before looking around the room confused, "Where is everyone?"

She's so beautiful. The way her hair falls down her back so perfectly and her gorgeous eyes that seem to hold so much desire.

"It's just us. I cancelled the plans and forgot to tell you; nobody else is here which means we have the entire house to ourselves." I walk towards her teasingly and she pushes me off.

A smile plays on her lips, "I saw the cars in the driveway Mr. Smooth Moves."

I chuckle at her nickname.

"Everyone is upstairs playing in Dylan's room. Dylan and Olivia are upstairs watching a movie in my room."

Dylan tried to play the xbox but Mason and Lucas wouldn't quit hogging it. I let them go into my room and watch whatever movie they wanted as long as it's appropriate.

The two of us make our way upstairs. Even though she's never been in Dylan's room before she was able to listen to the sounds of the boys shouting and find it easily.

"Emma!" Josephine grins once she sees her friend and runs up to hug her. None of the guys ever get this excited when they see me.

I have fake friends.

"You're lucky you weren't in here a few minutes ago when Trace stunk up the entire room with his ass eruption." Mason jokes as he plays the game.

I can feel my face heat up and I throw a pair of socks at him to make him stop talking. Emma turns around and looks at me innocently.

Her innocent smile almost kills me but the words she says betrays the grin, "He let's them rip in his sleep too. I remember one night when he was sleeping in the bed next to me I woke up thinking something died. Instead, it was just Trace relieving himself."

Did that happen? Why didn't she tell me before now?

Everyone laughs and focuses on the game again. I pull Emma to the side and lean in to whisper.

"That never happened," I state confidently even though I'm not certain I'm right.

She giggles, "I know, but it sure was a funny story to tell."

I shake my head at her and she gives me another innocent smile.

I'm so lucky to have someone like her in my life.

She flips her hair and I can smell the strawberry scent flow from her as she walks away. She always smells so good.

I hear my front door open and everyone else arrives with food.

I call for the kids to come eat and we all begin crowding down the stairs to eat dinner.

When I get to the bottom I see Adalyn got us all hotdogs. She's like the mother of our group. She helps to keep us all in check. I can guarantee that in the next few seconds she's going to be telling Mason and Lucas to wash their hands before touching our food.

For some reason she just trusts that the rest of us have clean hands. Why she doesn't have Ethan wash his, I have no clue.

Last month the kid ate a literal mud pie because his cousin told him it tastes like chocolate. He'd be the last person I'd eat from.

"Where's your relish?" Cameron shouts at me from inside the refrigerator.

"Look in the door."

He grabs it and sets it on the counter while the rest of us prepare our hotdogs.

"Don't put the plastic in the microwave!" Josephine hollers at Ethan, "Are you trying to burn the house down?"

He shakes his head in disappointment, "I'm not."

I shove the last bite of food into my mouth before searching the room for Emma.

She'd normally be talking with Erica but she isn't. Where is she?

I set my plate on the counter and go on a search for her.

The first place I check is the livingroom; it's empty. I continue searching the bathroom and even look in the laundry room but she's no where to be found.

If she isn't downstairs, she has to be up.

I jog up the stairs and begins peaking into each room.

Where could she be?

And then I see her, standing in my bedroom looking at a picture on my nightstand. Without seeing it I know what the photo is down to the last detail; I look at it almost every night before bed.

It's a photo of my mom before she died. All that's in the picture is her with a yellow flower in her hair. She looked so happy that I knew I had to capture the moment and looking back on it now I'm glad I did.

It's one of the last pictures I ever got of her.

Emma sets the picture down, a sad smile on her lips, and turns around. I can tell the exact moment that she realizes I'm standing here because she jumps.

"I'm sorry, I was looking for the bathroom and then I found your room. I've never been in your room before." she says simply with pure curiosity. She loves learning about me and I love that about her.

I love how much interest she shows every time I speak. She's fascinated by me and it's completely amazing.

"The bathroom is a few more feet down the hall." I tell her and she picks at the hem of her sleeve.

That's another lying tick I've picked up on. She wasn't really looking for the bathroom but she came up here to snoop.

Is it twisted that I love that?

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and I find myself wishing I could've done that for her.

She's so beautiful. Every single time I see her all I can think about is how caring and beautiful she is. Emma is the definition of all that is right in my life.

I take a step towards her and the mood seems to change.

Her eyes find mine through those long lashes of hers and she takes a step forwards to meet me.

There's mere inches between us and all I want to do is put an end to the distance. To pull her body against mine and kiss her with everything I have.

I know what I want and my brain screams that it's her. But am I what she wants?

My eyes flicker down to her lips. That's something that seems to be happening a lot lately. I can't keep my eyes off of her soft, pink, perfect lips that yearn to take me to another world.

I take a dangerous step closer but she stands her ground. Our bodies are practically touching but she still isn't close enough.

My hand snakes around her lower back and pulls her to me. She lets out a gasp but doesn't say anything as she watches me, waiting to see my next move.

Her tiny frame feels so good against me, but she still isn't close enough.

I look to her lips one more time and this time they're parted as if welcoming me to them.

There's nothing I want more than to kiss her right now. To hold her in my arms tight and get her as close as she can be to where she'll never let go.

But is that what she wants?

A deep voice breaks us from our position and I turn to see Lucas standing there, "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something."

Yes! My mind screams.

Emma looks at me and clears her throat, "Um..." she's shy, "no."

Her shyness never ceases to amaze me either. It's almost as cute as her constantly looking out for me.

Lucas gives me an apologetic look and points with his thumb back down the stairs, "The fireworks are starting in a few minutes."

I was so lost in the world of Emma that I almost forgot about the fireworks, the whole reason we're here.

Everyone begins gathering blankets and heading outside.

I let the tailgate of my truck down and a few people climb in the back of it while others set out lawn chairs.

Emma, Josephine, Olivia, Cameron and I all crowd in the back of it with a few blankets piled on top of us.

I squeeze myself in between Olivia and Emma, not so subtly, trying to place myself in between the two most important girls around.

Olivia positions herself in my lap and I wrap my arms around her to keep her close and warm.

"Damn, it's cold out here." Cameron states obviously and everyone shivers a nod in agreement.

The first firework shoots into the air and explodes into a million different sparks of color.

"Wow," Emma says in amazement.

Her eyes are fixated on the exploding sparks but my eyes are fixated on her. She grabs my bicep and tucks her hand underneath it before absentmindedly placing her head on my shoulder.

"That one looked like a star!" Ethan exclaims and I smile at his childishness.

A few more fireworks shoot up, illuminating the night sky with it's explosion of color. I can hear the loud popping noise right before it bursts and then the sizzling it makes as it falls to the ground.

All the different shapes erupt, painting pictures in the sky.

The scene before us is absolutely breathtaking.

The finale of fireworks come on and one after another they shoot into the darkness and explode with tiny pieces of light.

"I'm going to the restroom." Olivia says quietly and I let her off my lap so she can run inside.

A few more fireworks explode but the booming sound becomes faint from all the teeth chattering around me.

Emma is gripping my bicep with shaking hands and Josephine is cuddled into a blanket with shivering... everything.

"I'll be right back," I tell Emma quietly so she'll know to let me go, "I'm going to get a few more blankets."

I pull the blanket off of me and am instantly met with the chilly air against my bare skin.

I quickly jump down from the tailgate of my truck and rush inside to get more supplies so we won't all get sick just trying to watch fireworks.

My linen closet is down the hallway.

I go in there and grab a handful of blankets. This should be enough to keep us a little warmer.

Maybe if we share it'll work easier. That's what I'll tell Emma.

As soon as I step out of the laundry room, smoke fills my nostrils.

It smells like burning BBQ. Ethan is probably trying to make hotdogs again.

I roll my eyes and continue walking towards the kitchen but suddenly come to a halt.

A million emotions flood through my mind as I take in the sight in front of me: a fire spreads from the curtains to the cabinets across my kitchen.

It's like the fireworks I saw just moments ago except this time there's nothing breathtaking about it. This time, it isn't just a beautiful eruption of light in the sky. Now the fire is destroying my home and can possibly hurt someone.

My first instinct is to run to it and try to put it out. But standing here for three seconds I've already witnessed it catch fire to four more objects. At the rate it's spreading, trying to put it out would be hopeless.

I become very aware of the blackness floating through the air. Smoke starts drifting towards me, filling my lungs even more than before.

I want to go back outside but I can't. Olivia is in here trying to use the restroom.

I turn on my heels and begin going as fast as I can to the bathroom. Most people are still outside but I'm not taking any chances. I scan through the rooms on my way, looking for any other stragglers.

The door isn't even shut when I get to the bathroom and see the emptiness.

Is she already finished? Did she go back outside to safety?

I turn around and make my way back towards the kitchen.

If Olivia is still in the house then now is my only chance to get her out. If I go outside to find her then there won't be a coming back inside if she isn't out there. The fire is spreading too fast for me to risk it.

The step stool that I bought her is in the upstairs bathroom. That's probably where she went, right?

But what if she isn't up there?


Think Trace.

She'd only use the bathroom if she were able to reach the sink so she has to be upstairs.

I begin moving as fast as I can, heading upstairs. The smoke is getting worse every second I waste. It's already beginning to weaken me.

Although most of the heat is downstairs I can still feel it clear as day from up here. The smoke is rising which makes it almost twice as bad.

It burns my eyes and blocks off all air to my lungs, causing me to choke.

It's like having your head stuck in a paper bag. The air runs out after every breath and you know before long it'll be gone completely.

I get to the top of the stairs and my balance begins to fail me. My feet start trying to trip over each other and I have to use the wall for support.

The bathroom is at the end of this hallway which means my chances of getting there are slimmer than before.

I fall down onto my stomach and begin army crawling down the hallway, determined to get Olivia out of this house if it's the last thing I do.

I'll throw her out the window if I have to. The worst that can happen is she'll break a few bones but at least she'll be alive.

Last time I checked Dylan and Emma were still outside where it's safe, but there's no way I can be sure they're still out there. If the others realize they're missing they'd run inside to get them. They have to know the house is on fire by now, right?

I finally reach the bathroom and I'm weaker than I was mere seconds ago.

Olivia is laying against the bathroom counter, eyes shut. Her body is limp and lifeless.

I know her lungs are small, but she hasn't even been breathing smoke that long has she? The fire just started. She has to be okay.

I stand up the best I can and stumble to her.

My legs feel like jello beneath me. It's like I'm trying to walk with sticks that can snap at an moment.

Oxygen is barely able to reach us anymore as the smoke takes over our surroundings. The entire downstairs has to be up in flames by now.

My bones give out and I tumble down beside her. I reach out, placing my hand over her heart. I let out a sigh of relief when I feel a beat. It's getting slow though, too slow.

I've got to get her out of here soon.

I slip my hands under her legs and try to lift. She barely moves. Her thighs stay pressed against the tile floor.

I'm too weak.

The window is only a few feet away, if I can get her up it'd be easy to get her out.

I grab her hands and begin pulling. She falls onto her back and begins sliding slowly across the floor.

I pull back with all of my weight and end up falling against the wall. Her tiny body seems so heavy now.

A shadow storms into the bathroom and I recognize the figure to be Emma.

How the hell did she get back in the house? Last I saw she was outside! She's still standing  though which tells me she's been locked in a room where there wasn't much smoke.

I guess she went inside after I did and I just didn't notice her.

It's great that we were able to find each other and that none of us are alone anymore.

If Emma made it inside the house unnoticed then that means Dylan could've too. My eyes plead to her and I can only hope she understands what I'm asking because we both know I can't voice it.

She nods her head as if to tell me he's safe, she hasn't seem him in the house.

Emma picks up the toothbrush holder and throws it as hard as she can at the window behind Olivia and I. I cover my little sister using my body as a shield to the falling glass.

She stumbles over to us and I grab the edge of the window, feeling the glass slice through my palm but I don't care. I just need the two of them out of this house before we lose all air.

Emma falls to the ground beside me. She beings coughing when her hazel eyes meet mine. Her eyes flicker with emotion, but she recovers quickly.

Only a moment passes before she pulls herself onto the window sill.

She reaches for Olivias hand and I give it to her. She pulls and I push on Olivia to get her up there alongside Emma.

I grab the sill myself and begin pulling, using every ounce of strength I have left to drag myself onto the window next to them.

We all three lean against each other before falling.

I do the best I can to try and keep them close to me but I no longer have any way to move. It took everything I had to get on the window. If we stayed in that house another two seconds I would've passed out along with Olivia.

The three of us have a rough landing. I can feel sticks getting shoved up my pant legs. Leaves are scratching my back.

We landed in a bush.

Lucas, Adalyn, and Erica rush over to help us.

I see the looks on their faces as Lucas wraps my arm around his shoulder. It's a look of pure terror.

"Dyl-" I try to ask but my throat gets foggy. I begin coughing instead.

Erica understands what I'm saying and answers for me, "Dylan is okay. He wanted to come over here and help us get you but Josephine wouldn't let him get that close to the house. She thinks it's about to have a flashover."

I look over to see Erica helping Emma walk. Her hazel eyes are shut as she trips along the field.

Adalyn isn't strong enough to carry Olivia so she's dragging her by her armpits. Her heels are tossing dirt into the air but nobody seems to care as we all rush to get further from the house.

The air outside is fresher than what it was by a thousand, but it's still so hard to breathe. The chilliness in the wind no longer bothers me as it's just a reminder that we made it out of the burning house.

Finally, we get to the others and Lucas sets me down next to Cameron who seems to be in complete shock to see us.

Dylan runs up and throws himself at me. He's crying, "Is Olivia dead?"

I shake my head no, unable to form words. I take him into my arms and hug him tighter than I thought possible.

"Erica called the paramedics and fire department as soon as we noticed the smoke. They should be here soon."

In reality I was probably only in the house for two minutes but it felt like an hour with all that we went through in there. Any longer than two minutes though and we all three could've died.

Emma reaches for my hand and I squeeze it in my own.

How did the night manage to get so messed up?

Authors Note:
Hey guys! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote! Have a great day and stay safe!

I remember writing this chapter and I had so much trouble with it lol. It's difficult to write about the experience of a fire when you've never actually been in one. Hopefully it was still a good chapter and I was able to convey what they were feeling.

This is the last thing many of you expected to happen on New Years. A lot of y'all left comments about how they might kiss so I bet you're a little disappointed right now lol! Sorry!

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