
By tazzy_17

199 4 0

Illyria thought navigating secondary school would be the hardest thing to do when she turned fifteen years ol... More

I Was Nine And He Was Eighteen
I Feel Like I'm Living His Life
He Made Friends Easily
He Never Had A Girlfriend
His Ability Was To Heal
He Made Me Feel Like A Princess Everyday
On My Ninth Birthday, He Got Me A Locket
He Was Always Tired
His Favourite Colour Was Green
He Loved Chocolate, Spice and Everything Nice
But He Would Always Share With Me
He Was So Much Stronger Than I was
I Would Give Anything In The World...
I Hope He's Happy
He Died
And It Broke My Family
And There's Not A Day That I Don't Think About Him
I miss him
Why did he leave me here...

He Was My First Word

6 0 0
By tazzy_17

The Test was a series of tasks that each student had to undergo to be assessed on their ability. It wasn't easy at all. And it was highly confidential.

Illyria Montrose knocked Oscar C. Clarent off number one on her hit list and firmly wrote Amanah Baten in the blank space as she held a cold compress against the back of her head.

There was an eleven year old boy who wouldn't stop staring at her, "I have plant enhancement."

"Good for you."

"What's yours?"

"None of your business," Illyria said.

"I told you mine!"

"I didn't ask though, did I?"

"It must be a shit power."

"Can't be more shit than plant enhancement though."


"You'll never be a level six without some tutoring from me," A stocky guy was flirting with Felicia; his name was Damien and he thought all the girls were in love with him.

Felicia was going to reply to him but she was distracted by Illyria's appearance in the gym and rolled her eyes, telling the two guys she was actually trying to keep the attention of, "Ugh it's that new girl that sat next to me in English."

Damien leered openly and Illyria pretended didn't see him; maybe if she pretended, he didn't exist, he melt into the floor, "Finally. Some fun."

"Don't bother Damien, she's not one of us," Felicia sneered and then huffing when he didn't listen to her, "Damien, come on. Don't talk to it."

"Do you need-"

"Help? Tutoring? Directions?" Illyria interrupted what would have been a scintillating conversation. "No, I don't."

"Wait a minute-"

"If you think you're going to pick me up with some lame line then let me help you out and tell you that doesn't work," Illyria put her hair up in a ponytail. "We're an evolved species and its not the nineties anymore."

"Listen you stuck up bitch-"

"Just because she told you to stop speaking to her doesn't make her a bitch, Damien," A cold voice cut in behind Illyria and Damien stiffened. "Take a walk or something."

Illyria scowled, "I didn't need your help with him. I had it handled."

"That may be so but Damien is single-minded to his core," The person drawled until Illyria couldn't help but face him, her eyes roving over his chiselled face and tousled blonde hair. "He wasn't going to leave you alone."

His icy blue eyes were stuck on her face and Illyria managed to force out, "I hope you don't think I'm going to thank you for being my knight-in-shining-armour."

The corner of his mouth tugged up, "Knight?"

"I didn't ask for your help."

"You know I'm starting to think maybe Damien was right about you being a bitch."

Illyria took a step closer to him, "What did you just say to me?"

"I said-"

"Alright," A loud and clear voice cut through the rowdy group of teenagers.

Illyria backed off and her breathing was caught short when her eyes landed on the owner of the voice. Was the universe playing a trick on Illyria? A well-groomed man who looked like he was in his mid to late thirties came into her view. His afro hair was cropped short and his dark skin was smooth and free of blemishes, but he had dark circles under his eyes. She knew him. Oh my-

"I want everyone stretching in the next thirty seconds-level fours please go to the atrium; that's where your teacher is waiting for you at the moment," He made a beeline to Illyria and the boy, "Who the hell are you?"

Illyria began sweating, "Um-Illyria Montrose."

"Right. The kid that I'm going to be privately tutoring. I'm John or Mr Callahan. I don't mind either. Miss Baten told me about you, no worries. Illyria, an Ishidilian name-so you're from Ishidil?" He leaned against the wall, chatting casually now. "Miss Baten didn't really tell me anything about you at all besides your ability."

"No, not exactly-I-um." The boy gazed at her, speculatively as she stuttered.

"Gashaek or Chawn then?" He said, looking at me expectedly. "Juste Milieu?"

Illyria replied quietly and the boy stiffened next to her, "I'm from Human World."

"Sorry you're going to have to speak up-couldn't hear you there," John said, waiting patiently.

She breathed in unsteadily and then confidently as possible said, "Human World. I'm from Human World."

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