Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker S...

By Kaylakuy

249K 8.2K 2K

Bella Wayne, better known as Bruce Wayne's daughter, has seen her share of crime in Gotham, working at the lo... More

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💎Bella Wayne (Character Profile)💎
🔥Gotham City🔥
🔥Masked Vigilante 🔥
🔥Serious Joker🔥
🔥Agent of Chaos🔥
🔥Crazed City🔥
🔥Everything Burns🔥
🔥Let's Put A Smile On That Face🔥
🔥Boating Fun🔥
🔥Madness As We Know It🔥
🔥Arkham Asylum🔥
🔥The Clowns View (Extras) 🔥
🔥The Beautiful Miss Wayne🔥
🔥Narrow Way (Memories)🔥
🔥Leaving Gotham (Extras)🔥
🔥Little Monsters (Memories)🔥
🔥Mask (Extras)🔥
🔥First Time In A Long Time (Extras)🔥
🔥Familiar Feeling (Extras)🔥
🔥Unexpected Call (Extras)🔥
🔥Mr. Pennyworth (Memories)🔥
🔥Mr. Wayne (Memories)🔥
🔥Scars (Extras)🔥
🔥Coming Back Home🔥
Explaining Bella

🔥Finding Jack🔥

1.5K 44 4
By Kaylakuy

I feel as if I'm right back at Arkham. I'm being watched 24/7. I can barely leave the house without someone freaking out on me. And I just feel so... alone.

Don't get me wrong, I know my dad is only doing this because he cares about me and loves me. And I appreciate it so much, considering he would have every right to hate me for what I have become.

But I can't, or won't change myself. That seems to be something he's accepted. I don't want him hating me. Or turning me away. But I won't change to make anyone love me.

Jack means the world to me. I know I haven't known him all that long. And I went through so much trouble for this man I had recently just met. But there is just something about him. There's more than what he lets people see.

He's a mystery. He's dark. Twisted. Evil. This, I know. But I just am so fascinated by him. He's lured me in. And I don't want to go anywhere. But I just don't understand why he would leave and not say a word about it to me.

"Bella? Are you decent dear?" My eyes went wide upon Alfred's sudden voice coming from outside my bedroom door, surprising me greatly. We haven't really talked since he dropped me off at Arkham to start my treatment. I was afraid he was disappointed in me.

"It's okay Alfred! You can come on in." He gently opened the door, coming into the room and taking in everything it had to offer. Framed pieces I had written lined the walls in perfect order. Some certificates and awards for them hung as well.

I loved my job. And I really missed it. It was my life to be honest. I lived for what it brought. The danger. The fun. Meeting new people. It was unlike anything i'd ever experienced.

"How are you doing miss?" I sighed a little, looking down at my desk i'd had since coming home from college. It was a graduation gift from Dad and Alfred and I treasured it. All my papers and such littered it. And a vase that once was full of beautiful roses sat neatly on the top shelving.

"Better than could be expected. Being home feels wonderful." He softly smiled, coming to stand right in front of me. He looked me over with a gleam in his eyes. He seemed genuinely happy that I was home again. And that made me feel on top of the world.

Of course I was worried what my dad would be thinking. But Alfred? I never wanted to let him down. He was like my other dad. He mentored me in almost everything I know. He helped shape me into the person I am today. He can see the good in me.

"Well I'm very thankful you're back. It feels great with you here again. I truly missed you Bell." I felt the tears stinging my eyes I've been holding in for what felt like days. And before I thought twice, I jumped out of my seat and hugged him so tightly. Hearing those words just made me feel all the better.

"I missed you Alfred. I'm so sorry..." He softly rubbed my back in a comforting manner, hugging me right back. I couldn't believe I was back to be honest. It all felt like a dream. But Jack still lingered in my mind.

"Don't you be sorry. It's all going to be okay." His words rung in my ears with so much hope. I truly do hope he's right. 

All the built up frustration I've been holding since coming home, finally came out once I repeatedly hit the punching bag placed in the Batcave.

I hit and hit and hit, feeling alive for the first time in a long time. I screamed and huffed, letting my anger come out. I couldn't believe he left me like that! He filled my head with all these notions. Made me believe he truly cared. But I was blind. He never did. And what did I expect? He's not capable of such emotions.

"Bell. You hit any harder, that thing will fly." I suddenly stopped, placing my hands on it to brace myself, taking deep breaths, when my dad came into view, his hands sitting on it as well to keep it from swinging.

I loved being down here. Batman's home. The symbol of hope. He reminded me that I shouldn't give up. And keep fighting. My dad is truly my hero.

"Sorry dad. I just.... I just needed to do something." He seemed to understand, seeming a tad bit worried from my angered face. But I think he already knew why. He didn't seem upset about it. And that helped.

"Honey. I know you care about him. But you have to understand something. People like him? They want nothing more than to cause chaos. And he did just that for you. And then left." I nodded my head, knowing it was all true. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less. I felt this stabbing pain in my chest just thinking about it. If he was lying, he was perfect at it. He had me believing every word.

"I know dad. I just.... i just wish I had answers. Was it all just to get to you? A sick game, dragging me in because I'm your daughter? I just want people to see me for me. Not for who I'm related to." He sighed in sadness. I didn't mean anything bad by it. My dad means the world to me. And that wouldn't change. I just want more outside my name. My blood line. And I did have that. But I ruined it. Ruined it for someone who used me and threw me away at his own convince.

"I know honey. But Bell? You're an amazing woman. You've grown into such a beautiful, sweet and caring person. You're head strong. And do just fine without me. Although, that doesn't mean forget your old dad." I laughed, the feeling so odd. But it felt amazing none the less. He seemed happy that I saw the humor. It felt like old times.

"I would never. You know that. But, I think I better get a shower. I feel like I've been swimming." He grinned, softly bringing me in for a hug, leaving a gentle kiss on the top of my head. And i felt like a little girl again. 

I grinned in true happiness from the feeling of such a blissful shower, my hair perfectly placed over my shoulders. And the comforting feeling of my own pajamas on my body.

I walked into my room, flipping my light on and locking my door behind me. I wanted to do some research, put my skills to the test on tracking people down.

There has to be some way I can find Jack. But, I was stopped dead in my tracks from what I saw in front of me. Sitting in the vase so perfectly on my desk, was the most beautiful red roses I had ever seen. So vibrantly red.

And a note. The paper was green and purple with a big smile drawn on the front with my name. I slowly opened the note with baited breath, and the words stopped my heart.

"Hello doll. Miss me? I thought so. Oh don't worry your pretty little head so much. It's not a good look on you! You'll see me soon enough.

Jack. (Your clown prince of crime). Or Joker. Any shall do. Ha!"

The note fell to the ground in what felt like slow motion as I ran to my balcony doors, flinging them open and looking over the edge, seeing no one on the grounds. I wanted to cry and scream. But I felt so.... relieved. So he didn't forget me after all.....

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