The Thief's Stolen Heart

Por Gingerassassin

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Adalynn Caine. The daughter of a rich man. Reece Graves. The con who wants her money. She is his next target... Más

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty

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Por Gingerassassin

The only way Lynn could tell that it was daytime was by the sliver of light coming from the boarded up window at the end of the room.

She tried keeping track of how much time was passing, but it was nearly impossible. She felt useless and stuck as she silently sat there holding Reece. As much as she wanted to escape, she knew that she couldn't unless she left Reece behind. She couldn't do that to him after what he had done for her.

When the door opened after a long time of silence, Lynn tensed as she pulled Reece closer, prepared for the worst. She wouldn't be surprised by whatever Brighten was going to do. He seemed sick enough to do every unspeakable thing.

She melted in relief as she saw that it was Jim.

He walked over to them, holding two bowls of what smelled like soup or stew. "He hasn't woken up yet?" He asked quietly as he set the bowls on the floor next to Lynn.

She shook her head. "No. I'm worried."

"Try waking him. He needs to eat. I got to his wound fast enough that he should be able to wake up at the very least." With that, Jim left once again.

Lynn adjusted so that her legs were stretched out rather than crossed, and she slowly moved Reece upright. "Reece." Her voice was hoarse, but she ignored it. She shook him lightly. "Reece." She repeated, this time, louder.

He slumped forward. "I'm so tired. And sore." He groaned.

Relief washed through her as she kept him upright. "Thank heavens." She breathed. "Jim brought some food. You should really eat."

He rubbed his face tiredly, completely confused as he slowly touched the bandages wrapped around him. "What happened to me?" The last thing he remembered was Lynn carefully cleaning his back after Brighten came down. His whole body was hurting, especially his side.

"Brighten happened." Lynn answered quietly. "I tried getting out to find a phone. While I was searching the house for a phone he did something to you. I think he might have had a knife."

Reece winced as he moved so that he was facing her. "Wouldn't be the first time. Why didn't you leave? You had the chance."

"I couldn't just abandon you. Especially since you were at the mercy of Brighten."

His blood sparked. "Did he touch you?"

Lynn's eyes flicked away. "I'm okay..."

Reece's eyes darkened as he saw the unmistakable bruise on her throat. Fury burned through his body. He was definitely going to kill Brighten now. "He attacked you." It was more of a statement than a question.

Lynn put her hands up. "Yes, but Jim stopped him. It's okay."

"That doesn't change the fact that he attacked you, Lynn! It's not okay."

"Don't. I can already tell that you're blaming yourself. Don't." Lynn grabbed his hands. "I'm okay." When Brighten was attacking her, she was scared out of her mind and she felt utterly helpless. But she didn't want Reece to worry anymore than he already was.

Reece nodded for Lynn's sake. He felt rotten. She wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for him. His side ached and throbbed uncomfortably, and he felt like laying down and falling asleep forever. But he knew that was the last thing he should do.

Lynn grabbed one of the bowls and held it up to Reece. "You need to eat. In your condition, you need it."

He took the food. "You need to eat too. You look like you're starving." He grew more concerned the more he looked at her. Her usually bright eyes were dark, and it could've have been the bad lighting, but she looked pale. She seemed thinner than before and there were tired bags under her eyes.

Lynn almost flinched at the accuracy of his observation. "I'm fine."

"Lynn. Eat."

She looked down at her hands. "I can't." She whispered.

"Yes you can." Reece urged gently. He lifted her face with a finger under her chin and gave her a weak smile. "Can you do that for me?"

Lynn swallowed and then slowly nodded. "Okay. I'll try."

They ate in silence, both grateful for the warm food. Lynn basically had to force herself to eat, but she knew it was for the best.

Reece glanced over at Lynn when he finished. "So you said that Jim helped you. Did he help you get out?"

Lynn set her bowl down. "Sort of. He slipped a razor blade under the door and I used it to cut my ropes off. When Brighten came in I took him by surprise and hit him over the head with the wrench. That's how I got out."

Reece shook his head. "And you still came back in here?"

"I was going to steal Brighten's phone. Turns out I only knocked him dizzy and he was awake. That's when... he attacked me." She looked up at Reece. "Jim saved me in time before I was really hurt."

Reece touched the bruise on Lynn's throat gently. He hated seeing it there. "I'm sorry."

Lynn's body warmed from his touch, and her anxious heart started calming down almost immediately. "It's okay. Especially compared to you. How are you feeling?"

"Heavy. If that makes sense."

Lynn set her hand on his face. "You feel a bit too warm. Does it feel like you have a fever?"

"I don't know. I'm too distracted by the pain to really notice." Reece put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. The movement sent pain jabbing through his body, but he ignored it as she leaned into him.

"I'll think of an escape." Lynn said after a moment of silence. "And we can get you to the hospital.

"Yeah. We'll be alright, Princess."

Lynn smiled at the nickname. "Yeah, we will."

* * *

The two were jerked awake by a slamming door and loud cursing.

Reece immediately pulled Lynn against his chest protectively. Lynn sat up, effectively blocking Reece from sight.

Mr. Graves stormed into the room, looking angry and frazzled. In his hand was a handgun. Brighten was close behind the old man, a gun in his hand as well.

Fear froze both Lynn and Reece in place. Neither knew what was happening.

Jim was the last to enter the room and Brighten shoved the door closed and threw the lock in place. He then paced in front of the door, running his hands through his hair anxiously. "How did they know to come here?" He hissed.

They? Lynn shared a confused glance with Reece. He shrugged.

Mr. Graves whirled on Jim. "It was you, wasn't it? You brought the police to our doorstep."

"It wasn't me." Jim responded calmly. But Lynn could see his hands shaking. "You already have me chained down, how could I?"

"I know you did it." Brighten moved toward the Jim like a raging bull, his grip on the gun tightening.

Lynn moved before she could think. She jumped in front of Jim, holding out her arms like a shield.

"Lynn-!" Reece protested.

Brighten didn't stop, not caring what he was doing. He raised the gun.

"Bright, stop!" Mr Graves roared. "Hurt her, and things will get worse for us!"

Lynn was trembling but she didn't move, her gaze on Brighten unwavering. He would have to get through her to hurt Jim and Reece.

Reece didn't dare move, afraid that the man would go off like a bomb. Jim was just as shocked as he was at the girl shielding him.

Brighten's gun was aimed at Lynn's head. He looked at Mr. Graves. "We're already in deep shit. We may as well get rid of her and these other rats."

Lynn looked at Reece's grandfather. "You've run out of ground. You have two options. Either you let us go nicely and keep things from getting messy, or you jump off the cliff and take everyone down with you."

Reece was frozen in place. Lynn's green eyes were intense and void of fear. She was terrified moments ago, and now she stood unwavering at the barrel end of a gun.

"Gregor Graves, we have the building surrounded." An authoritative voice came through the door. "There's nowhere to go. Cooperate, and no one needs to get hurt."

Lynn kept her steady gaze on the old man. She wasn't going to back down.

A few tense seconds ticked by.

Mr. Graves dropped his gun angrily. "Alright." He called out. "I'll unlock the door, I surrender." He moved to the door slowly, his hands raised. He unlocked the door.

SWAT members dressed in full gear swarmed into the room, shouting commands for everyone to get on the ground with their hands on their heads.

Brighten suddenly lunged forward, grabbing Lynn and yanking her back to him. His arm circled around her neck and he pressed the gun to her temple. "I am not going to prison!" He yelled, backing away from the police, dragging Lynn back with him.

Reece tried getting up, but an officer pushed him down. "Stay down!"

"Let her go. No one needs to get hurt."

"This bitch ruined everything! I should return the favor." Brighten snarled.

"Bright, back down!" Mr. Graves yelled.

Lynn was tired of being helpless and scared. She threw her weight back, causing Brighten to fall back against the wall. She bit his arm, simultaneously shoving her weight back again. His grip went loose and she jerked free. She turned on him and kicked him hard between the legs.

An officer pulled her back as three others ran over to apprehend Brighten.

Everything else was a blur as they were all escorted out of the basement and outside.

The evening sunlight was blinding and Reece and Lynn supported each other. Questions were thrown their way, but they were too dazed to answer. They were searched and brought over to a SWAT van.

Lynn was pulled away from Reece and she was suddenly locked in a bone crushing hug. She realized it was Mama Sanders and she immediately returned the hug, more than relieved as she buried her face in her Nanny's shoulder.

"Oh, Adalynn, I'm so glad you're safe!" Mama Sanders cried. "I thought the worst."

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Lynn whispered. She pulled back. "Reece." She scanned the crowded scene for him.

Mr. Graves and Brighten were both being pushed into police cars. Jim was surrounded by three officers, seemingly giving explanations. When she finally spotted Reece, emergency responders were surrounding him as they examined his extensive injuries.

Miss Sanders' jacket falling over her shoulders brought Lynn's attention back. "How did you find us?"

Miss Sanders smiled tightly like she was forcing it. "Eva found you."

Lynn's brows furrowed. "Eva? But how?"

"She figured out Mr. Graves was the one to take you because you had mentioned that Reece was a con man targeting you." She shrugged. "I thought it was Reece, but Eva insisted that it was his grandfather or one of his uncles."

"Reece and Jim were just as much a victim as me. They've been controlled by Mr. Graves. Brighten was there willingly." Lynn looked into her Nanny's eyes. "Please don't let them take the fall."

Miss Sanders sighed, putting her arm around Lynn. "I'll do what I can. Let's get you home and cleaned up. The police are going to question you."

Lynn nodded. "I'm well prepared." She looked over her shoulder in time to see Reece ushered into one of the emergency vehicles. His eyes met hers for a moment and he gave a reassuring smile.

He didn't know what was going to happen, but he was just glad that Lynn was okay.

They were both out of harm's way, but they were completely uncertain of the future.


I could be a jerk and end the book right here mwahaha! But I won't. I've been evil enough. Thanks for reading (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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