North American Secrets

By LuciiPL22

52.4K 1.1K 1K

The Nations like to think of the "New World", or North America, as childish, young, inexperienced even. What... More

Basics of the book.
That Voice
This Book
The first of many
Pain pt.2
Before Colonization.
What it takes to be a god
Playing with Fire
How could we let this happen?
New Talk


4.3K 98 58
By LuciiPL22

"Nope save it!" Diego interrupted. Almost everyone had begun to apologize.

It's too late anyway.

Mathieu looked over at the book. They had barely made any progress. Only a fraction of a fraction was completed. He was hoping there were some entries that book would never possess.


"May I read the next entry?" Russia asked.

Before Germany could pass him the book a loud ringtone was heard throughout the room.

"Ah sorry... sorry..." Canada fished for his phone and looked at the contact name.

He was receiving some hard glares.

He gave a look to his siblings briefly, showing them his phone and began to quietly communicate in some language.

Now referring back to the previous entry this must've been their Ancient Native language, and whatever they were talking about it looked serious. Without warning the four just rushed out of the room causing a sort of riot.


"Why did they just leave?"

"These entries are about them you know..."


Germany was able to reestablish silence once more.

"This might be a private thing. We don't know. Let's just wait here and have a small break until they have sorted themselves out. Alright?" He suggested.

~Time Skip~

"Where the bloody hell are the dang wankers?!" England exclaimed.


France paused.

"It has been 5 minutes..."

"Still too long!"

"I have to agree." Spain joined in, "whatever business they're on shouldn't be that important. They possibly couldn't handle that work..."

"That's it!" England stood up and slammed his hands on the table, "I'm going to go find them. Anyone can join me if they wish to."

The three father countries stood up and headed to where they presumed NA had gone.

It only took a second of consideration for everyone else to follow.

~Time Skip~

Everyone had caught up to France, England, and Spain but with no sign of North America.

Well until they heard some voices.

England took the lead and briskly walked down the hall turning the corner to another meeting room.

The room was similar to their own but only for smaller parties.

With North America:

"But, Daaaad~!" A group of children whined.

"Nope!" Alfred crossed his arms, "not allowed. Too dangerous for you."

They groaned in disappointment.

Alfred's kids, also known as the states, thought that venturing into the forest and summoning one of its spirits was a good idea.

They knew their father would say no but maybe Uncle Mattie won't. Which is why they called Canada instead hoping he was alone.

Canada thought that something might've happened because they never call them during meetings, thus the worried and panicked expressions.

And all that brings us here.

"Why not?"

"Please... no...." Alfred placed his hand on the bridge of his nose.

"The last thing we want to do is anger the spirits." Mathieu added.

A state opened their mouth to argue back when all of a sudden they stopped.

"Uh... Dad?"

"No, I don't want to hear anymore of your excuses..."

"No. It's not that.... who's that behind you?"

"What?" All four sibling's heads snapped around to meet the many group of nations crowding through the small crack in the door.

"Are these the cute states we had heard about?!" Hungary gasped, pushing through the door.

She ran over to the monitor cooing at them.

"What do you mean 'You've heard of us'? Did you tell them?!" A state asked Alfred.

"No it's not like that!" Alfred put his hands up in reassurance, "it's complicated at the moment... and because of that the meeting might take a while...."

"Soooo...." someone started across the monitor, "does that mean we can summon the spirit or not...?"

"NO!" North America shouted in sync.

"Ugh fine." An older looking state said, "Bye Dad, Uncle Mattie, Uncle Diego, and Aunt Maria...."

The monitor was disconnected.

Alfred heavily sighed.

"Knowing your kids they're probably going to do it anyway..." Maria chuckled.

"And knowing our kids," Mathieu pointed to himself, Maria, and Diego, "they're probably going to join..." he unplugged his phone from the monitor and pocketed it.

"Yep..." Maria responded.

"Spirits? Don't tell me your children also have magic...." England groaned.

"Yep they do..." Mathieu said.

"Theirs is limited though. They only know elemental and a little bit of other types. Depending on their region, that is what magic they are the best at." Maria answered.

"So Hawaii would be good at water and fire magic while a province like Ontario would be more skilled in ice or wind magic." Mathieu informed.

"How do you contain all that magic in one household?" Spain asked, "it must be hectic..."

"We set our rules and expectations, while still giving them their freedom." Alfred explained.

"So today they decided they wanted to summon a forest spirit at America's place. Obviously we said no because that's dangerous for them and we don't want to have any repeated events of-" Mathieu stopped himself.

"Repeated events of what?" France suspiciously asked.

"You know what?" Alfred clapped his hands together, commanding attention while also saving his brother, "we've had a rather long break don't you think?"

"I agree." Germany nodded his head, "let's return to the meeting room and get this over with."

Everyone followed the German out of the room with North America in the back.

"Thanks." Mathieu huffed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah that was a close one..." Diego looked over at his brothers.


Everyone was situated in their seats and the diary entries could continue.

Italy was handed the book next and opened to the next entry.

It is common knowledge that when Land is attacked the personification belonging to it is affected as well.

Well, that applies to the states and provinces.

A visible amount of discomfort was seen in everyone's expressions. Especially people like France, England, and Spain.

Since the children are much younger and represent such a small land mass, a simple bomb or terrorist attack can cause them to go into an immense amount of pain.
In some cases of attacks may result in hospitalization or deep comas.

Italy finished reading with a look of shock. So did everyone else.

North America was awkwardly shuffling in their seats.

America was relieved that there was no memory attached. It would be too hard to relive them.


The book emitted a familiar glow and the group found themselves in the white void where a memory began to play.

At the bottom of the memory showed some sort of caption. It read:

Puebla earthquake;
September 19, 2017

Maria was on the floor holding a limp teenage girl.

The girl looked to be 16 and was badly injured. Cuts and blood running down her face. Her shirt soaked in red.

Maria sobbed into her shoulder muttering prayers in Spanish.

"Don't worry..." she sobbed, "I'll help you... you'll get better."


The scene changed to a bedroom. The girl was in bed sleeping while Maria was at a desk doing paper work.

Maria's phone then rang. In order to prevent her daughter from waking up, Maria quietly exited the room and softly closed the door behind her before answering.


"Maria!" A worried sounded Diego yelled through the speaker, "are you okay?! How is she?!"

"Diego..." she calmed him down. "I'm fine, and she's sleeping. The physical damage is horrible though... homes have been destroyed, we're currently looking for survivors in the rubble."

"Good. I have received word that there is already aid coming from America and Canada. They've sent their Red Cross organizations and there are many charities coming over as we speak to assist."

"Thank you..." Maria whispered, shedding a couple tears.

"I'll be over soon as well. I'm boarding the jet right as we speak. Hang in there for me, Mexica..."

"I'll see you soon..." Maria ended the call and rentered the bedroom.

Maria shuddered at the memory, to which Diego put a comforting arm around her.

Next showed Canada.

War of 1812;

Canada and America were seen in their recognizable revolution attire, except that their once crisp uniforms were covered in ash and soot.

Alfred was patching up a young boy, while Canada was holding his hand whispering encouraging words.

"I'm so-so sorry..." Alfred shakily murmured. "My people... they-"

"No it's no your fault." Mathieu interrupted. "It's England's. Remember we burnt DC."

"But you never meant it."

"Exactly. Neither of us wanted this but we're going to get through this together."

"Right." Alfred quietly said. He continued to wrap the boy's burned-fleshy leg until he began to stir.

"Papa..." he tried to sit up.

Canada immediately engulfed the child in a hug, weeping with happiness.

"Ow..." he silently cried at the sudden action.

Mathieu loosened his grip and wiped soot off of his son's face.

"Papa... it-it hurts..." the boy whined.

"You're okay... you're going to be okay..." Canada's muffled voice sounded.

Alfred left the room to allow them to have some privacy, sadly smiling before closing the door.

Now Alfred and Mathieu were hugging.

December 7, 1941


We love cliffhangers!


Thanks for reading!

_~•*LUCII OUT*•~_

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