Right Realm, Wrong World (Boo...

By QueenieCalista

29.2K 1.1K 863

Lloyd makes a wish, and not to y/n's surprise, they end up somewhere other than Earth. They get sent to a dif... More

The Wish
The Streets of Ninjago City
Sensei's got the Munchies
Meeting Lloyd on the Bus
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 1
Chomped on by a Hungry Hippo
Uh, Oh
What a Mess
The Ice Emperor
An Unexpected Return
The Really Bad Idea
Lloyd vs. Garmadon, Take 2
A Painful Aftermath
Bad Dreams
Strangers in Paris
Holding Out For a Hero
Love and Hate
Going Home
Thank You!

Beating the Bully

1.1K 46 66
By QueenieCalista

—————Movie Lloyd's POV———-

I start showing  y/n around the school, and I have to admit, she's really fun to be around. I feel like we've met before, but I don't know where.

My mind drifts for a second, and I start thinking about the homeless girl I met last night. It was dark out, so I never got to see her face, but I can't get her out of my head. I just need to make sure she's okay.

"Bro!" Someone shouts from down the hall. "Hey, give me a hug man! Give me a birthday hug!"

"Hi," I say as Kai crushes me in a hug. "Yeah, that's a good one."

"It's your birthday?" Y/n exclaims. "Why didn't you say anything?!"

"I didn't really think you'd care," I say, scratching the back of my head.

"Of course I do! Happy birthday! I wish I had something to give you, but I'm kinda broke right now."

"Who's this?" Kai asks, leaning his elbow on my shoulder. "She's cute."

Y/n crosses her arms. "Do not. Call me. Cute."

Suddenly, there's the sound of an engine rumbling. Nya drives up to us in her motorbike.

"What kind of school is this?!" Y/n shrieks. "They let motorbikes in here? Awesome!"

"Check out my new paint job," Nya says, pointing to the art on the side of the bike.

"Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday!" Somebody shouts from behind me. I turn around to see Zane bouncing towards us excitedly.

"Yo, who's the penguin dude?" Y/n asks.

Nya snorts. "You know, he kind of does look like a penguin when he walks like that."

"Hey, look, it's Garmadork and his dork squad," somebody says, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, great," I mutter as Chen the cheerleader walks towards us with two girls.

"Wanna hear our new cheer?" Chen asks, then he and the cheerleader girls burst into a chant. "L-l-o-y-d his dad is bad and so his he! Boo Lloyd!"

"Great cheer!" I say sarcastically, putting on a fake smile. "I think you've got a number one hit on your hands."

"Well, I think it's a little flat," y/n says, one hand on her hip. "It could use a little more... I don't know... talent."

Chen walks right up to y/n and stares down at her. "I'll have you know I'm the head cheerleader of Ninjago High."

"Oh, that's too bad... if you're the lead, I'd hate to see the rest of the cheer team."

"Listen up here, new girl. I practically run this school. You don't want to mess with me."

"Hmm, that's odd... nobody told me about you. I guess you're not that important around here."

Kai and Nya snicker, but after receiving a death glare from Chen, they shut up.

"Here's some advice, new girl. You'll soon find out that some squads are better than others. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," he says, glancing towards me. Chen holds his hand out for y/n to shake. "I can help you there."

Y/n looks down at his hand, and then back up at Chen's face. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks."

"Whoever this girl is, I like her!" Jay says as he and Cole join the small crowd gathering around us.

"What, you wanna fight?" Chen threatens, stepping forward at y/n menacingly.

"Whoa, take it easy!" Cole yells at the bully.

"Don't worry, I got this," y/n says, just as Chen winds his fist up for a punch. It doesn't look like she notices, but right as his fist gets close to her face, she grabs his wrist.

"Your first mistake was underestimating me," she tells Chen, who looks baffled at her strength. He tries to wriggle free from her grasp, but then y/n pulls his hand behind his back into an arm lock. "And your second was winding your fist up like Popeye."

"What the hell?!" Chen cries, confused that such a small girl can beat him in a fight.

"Apologize to Lloyd," y/n orders. When he doesn't, she bends his wrist more.

"Okay, okay!" He shouts in pain. "I'm sorry, Garmadork! Now let me go!"

Y/n seems to realize she's not going to get a better apology than that, and lets go of his arm.

"You're gonna be sorry you did that," Chen warns.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," y/n says, glaring at him. "I don't tolerate bullies."

"Kids, kids!" A teacher yells. "Stop fighting and get to class!"

——————-Series Lloyd's POV————

"Yes, queen!" Y/n cheers as we stare through the window into the halls of Ninjago High. Her look-alike just put that bully into an arm lock. "Take him down like a bawse!"

"Argh, this is so embarrassing," I mutter, leaning my back against the bricks covering my face with my hands. I can't believe that my parallel self can't fight properly and needs a girl to defend him.

"Uh oh," y/n suddenly mutters.

"What? Are they okay?"

"They're all going to class, but the cheerleader boy's glaring daggers at Other Lloyd."

I turn around and look through the window. The bully looks like he's going to hurt someone.

"What should we do?" I ask.

"Nothing," y/n says regrettably. "We can't get involved."

"But... we can't just stand here and wait for that poor kid to get beat up!"

Y/n thinks for a minute. "What if... no... that won't work..."


"Forget it, it's a bad idea."

"A bad idea is better than no idea at all."


Thanks for reading! <3

Shout out time! This one goes to SierraFantasies for her story, Defender. Go check it out! That book deserves way more votes!

Bye! New chapter will be up soon. (Maybe)

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