Forced Paradise

By toN_eM_tegroF

103K 2.5K 493

A girl finds herself in paradise. Only she is caged, like a bird, by the secret stranger who seems to know he... More

Unknown Territory
Towards Freedom
Finally free..or not
Scaredy Cat
Radical Honesty
Alone Time
Breakfast revelations
Late Night Snack
Message from the subconscious
A Glint Of Hope
Suggestive clues
House Tour part 1: Interior

Tag, you're it

3.9K 102 12
By toN_eM_tegroF

I was running, running because of frustration. Despite my physical exhaustion, I was running because I needed it. I needed to do something, anything. So I was running through the small field towards the forest, running like I were free. Running home.

But I couldn't get home. I had to find a way past these insane walls. I sprinted through the woods, jumping over roots and moving the branches out of my way, hoping that maybe I was imagining it, maybe the walls weren't there.
The hope shattered, however, as soon as I caught the glimpse of the gray surface.

I approached it and started to analyse it. "Alright, think, think, think! I have to find a door, a weak point, a crack, a ladder, anything!" So I started looking, touching roughly the smooth stone. Yes. Smooth.
"I won't be able to climb this thing easily."
"Tch." I furrowed my brows.

"It's also too high to be climbed by someone who hasn't climbed anything since childhood." I stated.
Then I looked at the trees. Their foliage was slowly shaken by the fresh breeze. It sounded like a whisper.

Maybe the trees wanted to help me? "No, they're most likely telling you how you're not getting out any time soon, smartass." I contradicted myself.

Getting back to the point, the trees didn't reach half of the wall. Sure, there were some tall pine trees here and there, but there were too far away from the wall and it would have been too tricky to climb them. "I'll leave that as a last resort." I told myself scanning the tall plants and sighing.

I decided to continue looking for a door. You can't build 4 walls without a way out and in, right? It must be hidden, a secret door. "But if the door is or was used, there must be a pathway.."

So I looked and looked again, walking along the wall and taking in any relevant details. No pathway and no door so far. "Crap. I need a hint to the location of the door, otherwise I'll lose a lot of time." I thought.

I was starting to get more and more desperate and exhausted. The wall looked the same from whatever angle I would try. I even climbed a tree and sought anything I might have missed. Nothing. "Nada. Niente. Rien. Нечего."  I started entertaining myself with my limited language knowledge.

After some time, I got to the second corner, meaning I walked across two sides of the rectangle or square these walls connected into.

I didn't manage to find anything and my head was starting to hurt. When my legs couldn't hold me anymore, I collapsed down under a tree, breathing heavily.

Negativity started to take over. "I'm never getting out. What about my family? Do they miss me?" But what if the didn't miss me? What if they don't actually love me?

I felt how it was becoming harder to breathe and my vision was getting blurry.
Tears inevitably took over. I could barely see the roots coming out of the grassy ground in front of me as tears blocked my vision and negative thoughts clouded my mind.

I stood there, sitting down, my arms completely relaxed and numb, under the shade of a willow tree. I stared at the ground feeling lost and exhausted. The warm tears were flowing over my bruised and dried cheeks as my mind refused to be of any more aid. That was it, the limit of my physical and mental power.

As fortunately my instincts were still fully awake, I was able to hear steps on the grass and occasional branch cracking coming towards my direction. I had to move.

I thought about getting up, my brain supposedly sending impulses to my legs to move, but, I stood still. My body refused to move.

My heart started beating erratically from the fear of not being able to change my position so with all my power left I jumped on my feet. Then I immediately started debating whether I should flee or wait to see who is disturbing my breakdown.

In the last moment, I decided to dash, but it was too late. A voice let the person known of their presence.

"Emily." A deep, but in an even tone called me. "William. How did he find me?"
I didn't turn around. Maybe I foolishly hoped he wouldn't notice my if I stood still. You know, like that predator instinct.

I heard a sigh, followed by a few more steps. Then he said in an enthusiastic tone "It's beautiful here, isn't it? How the trees silently whisper in the wind... while the sun rays creep through the leaves reflecting in beautiful patterns on the shiny emerald-like grass?"

I didn't say anything. His voice was hypnotic and relaxing to my tired mind and besides, he was right. I didn't have what to reproach.

Then he breathed in. "And the clean air. Finally."
This made me snap my head towards him. He was right, the air was everything I had wanted for a long time. I had wished for a place with no traffic fumes and cigarette smoke for a few years now, but it had been an unreal wish for me.

I met his eyes, searching for a hint that he knew anything about this desire of mine. His eyes were soft, but at the same time focused, studying me as he usually did.

I breathed in. "What do you want?" the stupid question flew from my lips. I ignored his poetic descriptions and chose to get to the point of what he was going to do to me now that he was here.

My eyes pierced him and so did his. It was a sight duel. Without dragging the time, he said simply, not taking his eyes off of me "Let's go back. It's time for dinner."

I blinked surprise. "Is it 6 o'clock already? Has it been that long?" I didn't notice how time had flown. The sun had set already.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No way am I going back. I'm going home!" My irrational exhausted mind concluded.

"Don't even think about it, Emily. I will catch you and force you to go back. Better do it willingly." He read my mind or technically stare, and warned me in a cold glare.

I smirked. "Yes, I have to annoy him so he will get rid of me .. hopefully in a way that I will get home alive. " And I turned around, forced my legs to start sprinting.

Behind me I heard in a warning, but amused tone "Alright, if you're going to be like that." followed by rapid steps towards me.

"He's actually doing it!" I panicked. I didn't think he'd actually start chasing me.

I started running faster, my legs feeling like they would detach from my body because of how numb they felt.

Still, I was flying over the ground, taking care not to trip in the state I was in. Over the sound of my rapid breathing, I could hear him closing in on me. "Shit." It was no surprise that I felt like a deer chased by a wolf. His breath was on my back while I desperately tried to escape from his claws.

Suddenly I turned to the left through a narrow set of trees and hid behind a wide oak, desperately trying to calm down my breathing. I stared down at one point and focused on my hearing.

Silence. It was all I could hear, and of course the small whisper of the leaves in the breeze. "Maybe he lost me." I smiled proudly.

"But why didn't I hear him running past my hiding spot?" My heart started racing and my gut feeling told me something was wrong.

Just when I was about to start running again, a whisper behind the tree surprised me with a "Tag, you're it." just before grabbing my forearm.

I screamed terrified and turned around, my eyes staring widely at the culprit's face which showed a small smile, but sympathetic eyes. William said amused "Sorry for startling you, but you asked for it."

Catching my breath, I asked genuinely " did you find me?" But behind this question I wanted to ask "How did you find me in the dark without me hearing your steps?" 

He looked somewhat worried at me and then answered "Footprints. Even though it's not very muddy, I can see your footsteps and the branches you pushed while running."

But it was pretty dark to be able to see footprints. He was becoming more and more mysterious.

"Alright, now that we're done with playing tag, we're going back." He said in a stern voice and still holding my forearm, led me towards the direction of the house.

"No!" I broke from his hold and stared defiantly into his eyes, breaking some distance between us. The slight surprise from his eyes vanished and got replaced by that fire that competed and tried to apprehend my stubbornness.

" "No"? That's not the reasonable answer here, Emily." He said simply in a low tone. "We are going. Back." he finished, emphasising the words.

"I want home. M-my home." I answered in a now smaller voice.

He sighed. "You're tired. Come here." He told me, stretching his hand towards me.
"No." I answered stubbornly. "I am not sleeping in an unknown house and I am not sleeping in the same house with you!" I screamed.

He ignored my outburst and walked towards me, rage obvious from his sturdy steps.

I foolishly tried to get away, but he was right, I was tired. I had been running for the entire day, not even mentioning the situation overwhelming my brain.

He caught my by my waist and lifted me up yet again. I squeaked and tried hitting him, but it made no difference. He already starting walking.

With his left hand holding me by my waist, he pushed my head on his shoulder with his right palm, holding it on my forehead.

Surprised, I started struggling, trying to remove his hands, but he warned me  "Stand still or I promise the situation will get worse for you."
I gulped, frustrated his threats worked. What did he mean by that? I had no idea and frankly, I didn't want to know.

His warm palm cupped my forehead while my head was resting on his shoulder. Engulfed in warmth, I felt getting gradually dizzy and sleepy. With no power left, I  eventually gave in, succumbing to the unconscious state.


The gif source is Hunger Games, I recently rewatched it. Wonderful movie.

Thank you for your wait and I hope you'll like this chapter, might edit some parts in the following days so expect some notifications.

Edit: I added Melanie Martinez's song "Tag You're It" in the header because it plays in my head every time I read the name of this chapter 😂. Not very appropriate to the story, but I absolutely love it.

Thank you for your support and interest in this story. I wish you the best of luck and a great day/night!


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