Re-post: Always and Forever b...

By just_a_fangirl_2442

39.8K 862 196

Harry and Hermione start to feel attraction towards each other, even though Hermione is with Ron. One of the... More

2. Reaching the Burrow
3. At the Ministry
4. Questions
5. Explosions Explained
6. A Stolen Kiss
7. Talking
8. Train Rides and Surprises
9. A Prophecy Unknown
10. Curses and Such
11. Loss of control
12. Frights
13. Why?
14. Getting Lost
15. Dancing
16. The Consequences of Firewhiskey
17. A Helping Hand
18. Some Secrets Revealed
19. The Break Up
20. Follow the Snouper
21. Hermione's Return
22. Two Big To Hide
23. The Birth
24. Fights and Lights
25. Shadows in the Dark
26. A Stag of Light
27. The Battle Dedicated to Tired Eyes
28. Unraveling
29. The End of It All

1. A Midnight Hello

3.9K 62 8
By just_a_fangirl_2442

DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are my own they all belong to the amazing, wonderful J.K Rowling. Also this plot isn't my own it belongs to Neiva.

Harry had been turning in his bed trying to find a more comfortable means of falling asleep. Uncle Vernon's snores could be heard from across the hall so Harry was sure that no one would find out if he sent a letter to his friends. It had been so long since he had heard from either of them and he was starting to feel lonely.

It had been a month since he had defeated Voldemort and yet everyone still treated him like he had to stay in the protection of his Aunt Petunia. He was going to go into his seventh and final year at Hogwarts and he was beginning to wonder what a life without the worries of constant threats and evil was going to be like.

Normal for once, he thought to himself

It didn't help much that he had been getting constant owls from every magical newspaper asking for exclusive interviews. He hoped that tomorrow, when he turned seventeen someone would finally come get him and take him to get his Apperation license.

He wondered what Ron and Hermoine were doing; the thought of them soothed him, thinking it would not be long before he saw them again. They had been through so much with him and he was sure that he would have never been able to defeat Voldemort without them; they each played a big part in it one way or another, even if they didn't realise how much.

His mind wondered to the day where so many lives were lost to the hands of the Death Eaters and he almost faded away.

When Voldemort came to him he had been in the Gryffindor dorms asleep. It was a cowardly thing to do, sneaking up on someone when their guard was completely down. He had sent the Death Eaters to find and distract the teachers and any students who dared get in the way. It was Harry's scar that woke him. This time the feeling had been different, almost alerting him to the danger on its way.

Dean had been going to the common room for forgotten homework and happened to spot Voldermort as he headed towards the dormitories. It was his scream that caused everyone to wake up in fright. He wasted no time in yelling "It's him, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is..." Was all he got to say before he was killed with the killing cures, although by this time though Harry had properly gotten his ground.

When Voldemort had entered the dormitory the whole school seemed to be altered with his presence; Order of the Pheonix members could be seen through the windows heading towards the school.

With great difficulty Harry had finally been able to get everyone exept a stubborn Ron out of the room. He and Ron had been close to the door when Hermione had appered with her wand up and ready. When she stood next to him, face full of determination it was then that Harry realised the feeling that he couldn't live without her.

His wand had given him a shock bringing him back to reality and in alarm causing him to drop it. He felt panic and knew the sinking feeling meant that was the end of it. Voldemort had tried to do exactly what he thought he would do, seize the moment. Harry wasn't sure if it had been the laugh or the shock Voldemort had upon realizing the amazing Harry Potter had dropped his wand, but Voldemort hesitated for too long.

It was long enough for Harry to feel Ron's hand on is shoulder and Hermoine's grab his now empty hand. It brought forth an energy that sparked some source of wandless magic to Harry. He remembered feeling that he didn't want Ron, his friend who had been loyal, to end up with the fate that now awaited him. And that he did not want Hermione to see the last of her days here. He wanted her to be happy, to be loved, to be ... his.

No sooner had that thought come into his head, than it had left. He then felt hatred like no other towards the man before him. He had every right to, but this had been different. He wanted him to die, to suffer, to feel all he had made him feel for the last sixteen years of his life. He wanted him to feel the feeling that he had bestowed on many before him, and with that, a ball of energy had been conjured from the depth of his anger.

Purple in colour it shielded Harry, Ron and Hermione from the killing curse that was launched towards them. When it hit the ball it used its negative energy to ripple through the room. It left them unharmed but from the moment it reached Voldemort, his wand turned to ash and he screamed in agony. With every ripple he weakened until he was finally blown to pieces. In that instant Harry had an immense amount of pain erupt from his forehead and he fell to his knees with a light departing from him before everything faded to black.

Harry tried not to remember what had happened. He tried to just put it in the past, but the thing was he knew he was lying to himself when he said he could.

They had lost so many that day. Many students that had not gotten to grow up or adults go home to their families.

When he awoke Hermione was by his side but she was holding hands with Ron. His heart dropped and then went back up as he lay in the hospital remembering the events that had just occured. There were many others who were there also but thank Merlin everyone was too busy to notice he had woken up.

He was happy to hear that Draco's father had been one of the Death Eaters caught and was sent to Azkaban for life. Not may escaped but it was at least nice to know that the Order was able to get someone for the blame.

Living with the Durslys had been different this year for Dumbledore had explained to them the situation with Harry and how he had defeated Voldemort. This lead only Aunt Petunia to be nicer to him seeing as she was the only one who really understood the whole concept.

All in all Harry couldn't wait to turn seventeen. He had all his clothes packed and ready to leave for Grimmauld Place, which had been cleaned by Dobby.

The only thing that seemed to be wrong was the fact that Harry had not heard from Hermione or Ron.

Sitting up properly he was about to make his way to Hedwig's cage when he heard a distinct popping sound. It was the familier sound that signaled that someone had just Apperated.

He looked over to the clock and saw it was midnight. What person would Apperate here at midnight... The kind that was up to no good.

Harry hastily began searching for his wand but realized he slept with it under his pillow and it had rolled off into one of the cracks.

He heard the obvious squeak of the first stair and decided wandless magic would be more appropriate. Uncle Vernon could be heard stirring as the doorknob began to twist. Harry's heart began to race and he was about to throw a hex when a familier head of brown hair poked inside

"Hermione," whispered Harry.

"Hello, happy birthday Harry." she said, closing the door behind her and giving him a hug. When she did he felt like he never wanted to let go of her but he knew better.

She's your best friend, he thought.

When she retreated he got a glimpse of her with the moon light. Her hair was brown as ever though not as bushy. She appeared to be wearing muggle clothes instead of her usual wizard robes which brought out her figure.

She looks beautiful, Harry caught himself thinking and tried to shift into friend mode. Then he realised that there were dried tears painted in her cheeks.

"Hermione what are you doing here, are you alright?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I wanted to come and wish you a happy birthday. I knew you were going to want to leave as soon as you turn seventeen... so I decided that I would get here before you left," she said uneasily, clearly avoiding the other question.

"Oh so you've come to take me then?" Harry questioned hopefully.

"Yes... Ron would have come too but... well, I think it should be just me," Hermione said sitting on the edge of Harry's bed.

"Has something happened?"

"Harry, you should get your things packed. The Floo Network temporarily connected this house to The Burrow for only thirty minutes and I think your uncle is starting to wake up."

Harry froze thinking about the scandal that would be made if Petunia, Dudley or Vernon had caught Harry with a girl in his room. Uncle Vernon could be heard muttering something as he was making his way up the hall.

Without thinking Harry grabbed Hermione and threw her on the bed. He got next to her and placed the covers over them pretending to be asleep just as Uncle Vernon opened the door and peered inside.

Harry slowly opened his eyes and tried to look as dazed as possible.

"Is something wrong?" Harry said groggily.

"Huh, oh no I... uh... heard noises..." Uncle Vernon looked at the clock and saw it was twenty minutes past midnight and a look of terror crossed his face.

It was hard for Harry to keep in a smile as he realized Uncle Vernon knew what day it was and was aware Harry could now do magic.

"Goodnight." he said briskly and closed the door behind him heading back to his room.

For a few seconds Harry just laid there still completly aware that Hermione was under the blanket and that they were incredibly close.

They had always been close before and Harry couldn't figure out why now it seemed to send goose bumps down his spine.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hernione was now under the covers hiding from Mr Dursley trying hard not to make any movement that would indicate that she was under them. This proved to be hard because she had to be uncomfortably close to Harry. She was so close in fact that she could smell him. He had a smell she knew to be his but never really appreciated until then. It came to her so naturally that even when Mr Dursley closed the door she stayed there wondering what exactly is was about his smell she liked.

She felt his muscles tighten under his shirt and thought briskly, that is why I like Quidditch so much.

Wait you can't be thinking these thoughts, not right now. You're with Ron... even if you two had a fight it still isn't... right, Hermione thought to herself.

She felt Harry's strong hands hold her closer and chose that moment to speak, "Harry we don't have much time." She felt him flinch; it was almost like he had forgotten that she was there at all.

He detangled himself from the blankets and stood up. He quickly helped her out of his bed before she swiftly tried to find everything he needed and throw it into his trunk. Meanwhile he magically arranged it neatly inside but it didn't take them long because he didn't have much to pack. He knew he wasn't going to be ever coming back.

Hermione felt that he was acting different towards her; as soon as she entered his room she could feel it. Maybe it was all the things they had gone through not too long ago... or maybe, she let herself think... he is starting to fancy you like you once did him.

Taking a sideways glance to Harry as they made their way down the stairs she felt like he was feeding her vibrations. They reminded her of when he defeated Voldemort.

The vibes he had sent towards Voldermort had unharmed her but she knew they where out of love.

That was what finished Voldemort off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry felt eyes staring at him and he quickly turned to see a pair of beautiful chocolate brown eyes full of confusion and pondering. He felt she was reading his mind about how he felt about her and made a smile, as friend like as possible, but for some reason her face fell with dissapointment.

No, Harry thought.

She can't like you... you know that there have been things happening beween her and Ron...

Even if she did have feelings for him, he was sure she would never do anything to purposely hurt Ron.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry must have felt her staring at him because he turned to look at her. He seemed to be trying to read the expression on her face. Then out of nowhere he gave her a simple friendly smile.

It was the same lopsided smile she grew to love so much. She had not seen that smile in forever but this smile was the type he gave to his best friend Hermione not his love intrested.

Oh no... you're going on again trying to sort these feelings out, now is NOT the time. Just forget about them and think of how you're going to work things out with Ron.

Harry broke her concentration by putting his hand in the air.

"Oh shit, I forgot my wand," Harry said running back up the stairs and disappearing into his room.

Hermione stood there unsure of what to do. It was quite funny to hear Harry swear because she rarely heard him do it. It was something she doubted she'd ever get used to it.

A shadow shifted into the sitting room where she was waiting for Harry.

He can't have come back that fast, she thought as the figure got closer.

Hermione was just about to reach for her wand when she saw it was only Mrs. Dursley.

After making sure her presence was known she slowly made her way up to Hemione.

They stared at one another waiting for the other to make a move.

When no one did Mrs Dursley opened her mouth to speak.

"I know that Harryis leaving and that you are taking him with you. I am also aware of what you mean to him. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why he keeps so many pictures and letters of a girl who is ... just a 'friend'... around. I wanted you to give Harry this," she said, handing her a package before disappearing as quickly as she had appeared.

Hermione stood there dumbfound not knowing what to think. What was that supposed to mean? Harry had pictures of me but he also had pictures of Ron. Did he have more pictures of me or had she just assumed something because I was the only girl he ever really opened up to? She wondered.

Harry emerged shortly after and made no haste in throwing Floo powder and saying, "The Burrow." He was off in a whirl of emerald green flames.

Hermione looked at the clock and saw there was one minute left before the fireplace would no longer be connected and she too followed Harry out of the fireplace.

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