2. Reaching the Burrow

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DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are my own they all belong to the amazing, wonderful J.K Rowling. Also this plot isn't my own it belongs to Neiva.

Harry straightened up and dusted off his trousers. He was glad that he had sent Hedwig off on flight. She would not have liked the fall.

He moved out of the way, and as a disturbed Hermione came through with his trunk she was holding something in her hand.

"Harry, you didn't say goodbye to the Dursleys," Hermione stated.

"No... I figured that they wouldn't want to see me go. Why?"

"Well your aunt came down while you were looking for your wand and gave this to me," explained Hermione, handing the package to Harry.

Harry opened it slowly, almost as if it were going to break. He was unsure of the contents inside. A letter fell out; bending down, Harry picked it up:


I know living in my house was not the most pleasent of your experiences, but I hope that one day you will be able to look past that and see that I too lost someone- my sister. You looked nothing like her, and that, at times, frustrated me. The one thing I will give her credit for is that she gave you her eyes. I am fully aware that you are now seventeen years old, happy birthday. I knew you were not going to say goodbye, and I am aware that this is my fault . I hope you have a good life in the adult stage that you are entering. Consider this a present for all the years that have gone by. If you ever end up using it, I would like an invitation.

Petunia Dursley

When he finished reading it a ring fell out with a small note attached to the side.

Hermione instantly picked it up and handed it to Harry; immediatly shocking each other when they touched.

That was weird, Harry thought as he read the note.

This belonged to my mother. She loved Lily very much, it was intended for her. My mother felt that Lily was happier than I at the time, and that I deserved something good for a change. This is how it came into my possession, even though I never used it. It is your grandmother's wedding ring, and it should have been your mother's. I am returning it to you for your use.

P.S. Your mother used to stare at it and watch it sparkle many times. She told me she used to daydream about how beautiful it would look on her finger when it was appropriatly hers. When you put it on Hermayoni's, it will be.

Harry's heart skipped a beat. Even though Aunt Petunia had spelled Hermione's name wrong he still knew she had been talking about her.

He felt himself blush, and Hermione gave him a slap on the arm to bring him back to reality.

"What did it say?"

"Oh nothing... just that she is wishing me a good life, the ring is a birthday present. It was supposed to be my mothers," he said, leaving out the fact that Aunt Petunia had said it was for his use when he was supposedly to marry her.

"Oh, its beautiful," gasped Hermione.

"Where am I sleeping? I'm really tired," said Harry, avoiding looking Hermione directly in the eyes.

She didn't take her eyes off the ring before saying, "There is a bed in Ron's room."

Hermione handed him the ring, and he walked silently up to bed . Ron's familiar snores could be heard outside his room. Harry glanced back down the rickety stairs, half wishing to see Hermione there with the smile she always had reseved for him. The smile that always indicated she was glad to see him. She wasn't though, so he quietly made his way to his respected bed and laid down, finally realising how truly exhausting he really was.

Re-post: Always and Forever by neivaWhere stories live. Discover now