21. Hermione's Return

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DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are my own they all belong to the amazing, wonderful J.K Rowling. Also this plot isn't my own it belongs to Neiva.

"Gryffindor is in the lead. Slytherin has the Quaffle and is making their way down the field," commenter Lee Jordon said.

Harry was currently playing cat and mouse with Draco. He couldn't shake him off his tail.


"Oh, that almost got him, but you're got to be faster to hit Harry Potter."

Harry had narrowly avoided a Bludger that was being sent his way. The Slytherins were fighting tooth and nail in this game, it was getting violent.

"Ron Weasley does miraculous save, but OHHHH. Penalty, that has to be a penalty."

The stirred crowd aroused Harry's attention, he turned for only a second. Ron had a bloody nose but was continuing in his position.

One of the Beaters on the Slytherin team elbowed Ron for saving the Quaffle. Oh well he would be alright.

"No penalty shot, that has to be rubbish, it was clear by the way the filth-"

"JORDON," Professor McGonagall said snatching the microphone away.

Pay attention, back to the game. Hurry up and find the Snitch so that this game can be over with already, Harry thought.

He was surprised to see the stands were nearer than he had calculated. He quickly steered his broom up to avoid collision. Circling the stands he was met with Draco to his left.

"Slytherin scores, score 90-100. Gryffindor is still in the lead."

He needed to get away from Draco, but the only thing Harry could do was to complicate his moves.


Harry dropped his head, he had seen that Bludger coming a mile away.

Here goes nothing, Harry thought picking up speed.

Draco did exactly what Harry hoped, copy him. He started at the far end of the field to allow the speed to be at it's maximum.

"And both Seekers are off, did they see the Snitch? Gryffindor takes advantage of this confusion and scored another ten points. Score is now 120-200."


There goes one Bludger, it went right past Harry's ear, he was going to have to be more careful.


Another one, this one scraped his shoulder.


Harry rose, it made contact with his foot. He hadn't even seen the Snitch and already he was being attacked by Bludgers.

He leaned against his Firebolt, watching as Draco did the same. Harry's broom was a little faster so instead of being neck and neck, Harry was riding in front of him.

"Slytherin scores. They only did it because they pushed Mindy the Gryffindor Chaser to get the Quaffle."

"I already gave you a fair warning," McGonagall said reaching for Jordon.

"Look what is Potter doing!"

Harry had done a back flip on his broom. With the speed they were going, Draco went well past him, while he turned around to search for the Snitch.

Draco kept going, being caught off guard he went straight into a pile of sand, near the bottom of the field.

All of the Slytherin had joined to make a block. They didn't look like they were going to let him go anywhere.

Re-post: Always and Forever by neivaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang