20. Follow the Snouper

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DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are my own they all belong to the amazing, wonderful J.K Rowling. Also this plot isn't my own it belongs to Neiva.


Harry stirred by the window where he had been sleeping. He had stayed up until four that morning before sleep consumed him and he fell into a deep slumber.


"Harry wake up." Was that Ron's voice Harry was hearing or was it just a dream.

"Harry, would you be so kind as to join us this morning." Now that definitely had to be Dumbledore's voice. Harry opened his eyes and found the voice's in his head were not from his imagination.

"About time," Ron said with his arms crossed standing next to a tall, long, white bearded man.

"Whatsamatter," Harry said in a mumble. Still disoriented from his sleep, he fixed his glasses and stood up.

"I have something important I want to discuss with the both of you," Dumbledore said calmly.

Harry scratched his head. Why is it that every time Dumbledore has something to say, it isn't good.

"Go on."

"Miss Granger came to me in the wee hours of the night with disturbing news and demanding wishes."

At this point Harry was wide awake. He had completely forgotten the events from last night. Ron penetrated the circle that Harry and Dumbledore had created amongst themselves.

"Where is she, I need to apologise for what I said to her last night," Harry said pleadingly.

"Me too. I went off on her and said some things I regret now." Harry sighed. If Ron let his big fat mouth undone and told her off, she must be really depressed right now.

"Unfortunately she is neither here, nor within reach at this particular moment. She came to me last night with a tale of disturbing news and vocabulary I never thought to hear her say. Apparently you boys gave her a good telling last night, so much that she decided to leave Hogwarts," Dumbledore said.

"Lea-Leave Hogwarts? You let her go?" Harry said beginning to raise his voice.

"Where is she, will she come back," Ron said cutting Harry off.

"I did not let her go anywhere. She is of age and if wishes can discard her education here if she pleases. I could do nothing to stop her, but I did help her to find an acceptable means of continuing her schooling. She asked me not to disclose her whereabouts with you and I will obey her decision. She will be free to return when she pleases, and don't try and send her owls it won't work," Dumbledore said simply.

Oh no what have I done, Harry thought cementing his hands in his face.

"No, tell her we didn't mean what he said, tell her to come back," Ron said taking the words right out of Harry's mouth.

Dumbledore didn't say anything, he shook his head and turned to leave.

"Tell me where she is, I must speak with her," Harry said blocking the exit point.

"Harry, I cannot do more than inform you about her choice."

"That's not good enough," Harry said mightily. His impatience was uncontrollable, and he wasn't trying to push it down.

"Restrain yourself," Dumbledore said losing the calmness of his voice.

"Then tell me where she is."

Dumbledore's figure rose. Harry felt small when Dumbledore stood straight up. He didn't blink and neither did Harry. Ron found his way next Harry and imitated his posture. Both boys stayed blocking the exit.

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