Beneath Your Beauty (Vmin)

By Vlovers19

165K 11.8K 2.9K

Ten years ago, Jimin formerly a woman Jessica got dumped by her boyfriend Taehyung after exposing her sexuali... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine
Fifty one
Fifty two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight (Final Chapter)

Thirty nine

2.3K 174 33
By Vlovers19

The next time they visited Dr Jin, they had their sessions separately. Jimin was the first to speak with the therapist. This time, Jin didn't have his clip board with him nor did he sit in his usual chair. Instead, he sat freely beside Jimin smiling brightly at him.

"So Jimin, this is still an official session but I'd like you to pretend that it isn't" he began

Jimin was perplexed "What?"

Jin sighed. "I want you to feel free to tell me anything. I promise that whatever we shall discuss here, no one else will know about it"

Jimin nodded his head pondering to himself until he seemed a bit relaxed "okay! so what do you want know?"

Jin started "The one month trial period is nearly over. Within this period, has anything changed? What do you think of Taehyung now?"

There was silence. Jin stared at Jimin sensing the pressure coming from him. His eyes held so much conflict. Finally, he sighed.

"I think he's sad"

Jin watched him silently.

"He thinks i don't know but sometimes I see him popping pills into his mouth. He suffers a lot from insomnia and he has anger issues"

"Are you worried about him?"

"I'm really worried about him" Jimin blurted out but blushed afterwards.

"It's normal right? I mean he's also Mintae's father. It's okay to worry about him from time to time"

He looked nervous and Jin definitely noticed it.

"Jimin, is there something going on between you and Taehyung?"

"Nothing! Nothing!" he muttered but then shook his head vigorously. "Actually, it isn't nothing. I'm confused. I don't know how it happened but I'm feeling something for him"

Jin's eyes widened. "Are you interested in him?"

"I don't know! I already have a boy friend and I can't totally forget so easily what Taehyung did to me ten years ago but still, I feel weird"

Jimin shook his head. "I'm crazy. really crazy"

Jin smiled. "You aren't crazy. Maybe you're a bit confused. You are living alone with your ex and your child. You used to have feelings for him so it's not going to be a surprise if those feelings start to resurface whether you like it or not"

Jimin sighed. "So what do I do? I really don't want to fall for Taehyung. It won't do me any good. I had plans!"

Jin arched an eyebrow. "What plans?"

Jimin froze. He couldn't possibly tell the psychiatrist that he had wanted to cause trouble for Taehyung in other to gain sole custody of Mintae. No, he couldn't tell him that. Instead he sighed.

"Just personal plans"

"Anyway, you're damn right about not falling for him because falling for Taehyung is the biggest mistake you can make right now" Jin murmured in a barely audible voice.

"What did you say?" Jimin asked him but he outwardly smiled at him as if he hadn't said anything.

"Nothing... you just have to keep a distance from him. I can see your relationship is quite good right now but still you have to mantain a little bit of distance"

Jimin thought about it. "I'll try to do that"

Jin smiled "Of course"

Their session ended and Jimin waited outside while Taehyung entered into the office and sat beside Jin on the couch

"So, are you taking your medications well?" Jin asked.

"I'm trying but I'm slipping. I can hardly sleep these days"

Jin heaved "Why don't you get admitted for a while? One month tops so we can monitor your progress"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I keep telling you Jin. I can't get admitted at least not now. I have responsibilities. Mintae.... and Jimin"

Jin stared at him. "I can't tell you the details of our discussion but you should at least know that Jimin is worried about you"

He breathed heavily. "Tae, you suffer from more than five mental issues. You owe him an explanation"

Taehyung shook his head "I can't tell him at least for his safety"

Jin frowned. "Why? It's for this same reason that you left him ten years ago and he ended up hating you"

Taehyung froze for a long time under Jin's hard stare. He continued

"I'm trying to help you Taehyung. I can see that you care about Jimin. Your relationship with him has improved indeed. It's for this reason that you can't keep putting him in the dark"

Taehyung grinded his teeth. "I'll take care of it Jin"

Jin just nodded. He knew better than to pressure Taehyung. He always did whatever he wanted. He finally called them together and sat back in his usual chair with his clip board and pen wearing a professional smile on his face.

"I'm glad to see that you both are getting along very well. I hope you will continue like this from now on till the six months issued by the court is over" he said.

Jimin and Taehyung shared a nervous look before they looked back at Jin and nodded their heads. When they headed back home, they where very quiet even till they reached the mansion.

As soon as Taehyung parked the car and got down with Jimin, Mintae rushed out of the building and ran towards them. Behind him stood Yoongi. Immediately Taehyung saw the other, he felt worse but he managed well to conceal it.

"Hi!" He simply greeted. Yoongi just nodded in response.

Mintae was still hugging Taehyung's leg tightly.

"Papa Yoongi and i went to eat ice cream" he said looking really happy.

Taehyung faked a smile. "That's nice" he muttered.

"Yoongi, what are you doing here? You should have called before coming" Jimin said in a tiny voice.

Yoongi frowned. "Do I always have to call before I see my own boyfriend?"

Jimin said nothing. Yoongi stretched out his arms. "Come here and give me a kiss. I miss you" he added.

Seeing that Jimin was taking his time, Yoongi walked over to him and pulled him into his arms pressing his lips to his. Taehyung knew exactly what Yoongi was doing. He never missed an opportunity to flaunt his affection with Jimin right in front of his face but he didn't care right? It shouldn't bother him yet why did he feel so bitter?

He turned to Mintae and grabbed the boy's hand. "Come on, let's go inside" he whispered unaware that his son's gaze was fixed on the expression on his face and another pair of eyes where fixed on him.

Jimin and Yoongi went out that evening on a date. They went to an expensive restaurant. Try as he might, Jimin couldn't concentrate. He tried really hard but he just couldn't and the guilt was eating him up inside. For some reason he couldn't understand, he wanted to go home to Mintae and....

"Jimin, you're distracted. What's going on?" Yoongi said interrupting his thoughts.

"Nothing....I'm just worried about the Asian fashion show. I still haven't come up with a concept yet"

He was lying and he hated himself for that. Yoongi didn't deserve this at all. He thought to himself and decided that he had to take Jin's advice and keep a distance from Taehyung. He was probably just confused due to the attachment he had grown for him this past month. He had to focus on his relationship.

"Yoongi, take me to your house. I want to spend the night with you" he said.

Yoongi beamed. "Really? That's great babe. It's good to see you taking the initiative for once in this relationship"

Jimin smiled. He hoped he was doing the right thing.

After putting Mintae to bed, Taehyung found himself waiting for Jimin. He was suffering from insomnia so even after downing some sleeping pills, he still couldn't sleep. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost twelve. It seemed Jimin wasn't coming back tonight. He tried not to think about it but he felt something stirring within him. Jealousy? No definitely not. He was only worried about him. Besides, he knew he was fine with his boyfriend so Taehyung resisted the temptation to call him and kept to himself.

He didn't know when he fell asleep but the following morning he was on the couch wrapped in a duvet. An aroma was coming from the kitchen and he thought he recognized the smell of Jimin's cooking. Immediately, he knew how the duvet got wrapped around him. He jumped from the couch and ran towards the kitchen but his smile faded when he saw it was Sunmi, not Jimin.

"Wh... what are you doing here?" He stammered.

Sunmi looked confused. "You gave me a spare key remember? and besides i was worried about you. I kept calling your phone but you didn't pick up so I had to come over here as early as possible"

Taehyung sighed. It must have been the effect of the sleeping pills he took. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was past eight.


"I helped him get ready for school" Sunmi answered sharply with a smile.

She's trying really hard to win me over. Taehyung thought to himself.

"Thank you" He said sincerely. She giggled as if she had been given a huge reward. Taehyung paused and looked around him.

" have you seen Jimin?"

Immediately he said that, he regretted it because Sunmi's body language changed almost immediately.

"Why are you asking me that?" She said in hard tone.

"It's just that he didn't return home yesterday. He should have called...."

Sunmi slammed her hand on the kitchen counter. "Why should you care? Are you dating me or dating Jimin?"

Taehyung swallowed hard. Sunmi scoffed.

"I came to your house early this morning because I was worried about you. I helped your son prepare for school and i'm here cooking a meal for you and you're just standing there looking at me like I'm a stranger and asking me about Jimin when you clearly know how uncomfortable that makes me feel"

She was seething with rage. Taehyung panicked as she took a deep breath.

"Really, I have no personal problem with Jimin. I think he's great. I have always admired him and I admit that I have been envious of him.... He's the kind of person everyone would love to have a taste of which is why I feel so insecure when you're with him. I need to know if I'm just wasting my time here"


She suddenly walked towards him and kissed him. Immediately after that, he heard the sound of something falling onto the floor. He pulled away from Sunmi and turned around to face Jimin. He wasn't looking at them now but his face was red and there was an unmistakable glint of hurt shining in his eyes. He quickly picked up the bag that had fallen from his hand. It was obvious he got shocked seeing them making out this early in the morning and in the middle of the kitchen.

"Sorry to... interrupt you!" He turned to leave but Taehyung suddenly rushed and grabbed him.

"What happened? You didn't come back home yesterday"

Jimin looked at him in disbelief. "I was with Yoongi. We spent the night together"


"I'm sorry I left you to deal with Mintae alone"

"It's okay. Sunmi helped anyway"

Jimin turned to Sunmi. "Thanks Sunmi" he said.

The woman merely nodded. Jimin gradually removed Taehyung's hand from his arm. When the latter realized, he reddened instantly.



"I have to freshen up. I'm heading to the company today. I have a meeting to attend"

"Okay... you do that!"

Jimin turned and finally left the kitchen. Taehyung immediately met Sunmi's hard glare.

"Do you see what I'm talking about? You should have seen yourself the minute Jimin walked in. You looked so guilty as if you where caught cheating" She scoffed.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She demanded.


Sunmi removed the apron she was wearing and dumped it harshly on the kitchen counter.

"You know what, I think we need some space so you can think clearly about what it is you really want. I'll be heading to the office"

She stormed out of the kitchen abandoning the food she had been cooking. Taehyung watched her leave thinking to himself that he was in a dilemma.

Thanks for reading. Love you all

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