I love you! (BakuDeku Omegave...

By ItsPipiBois

260K 6.9K 4.4K


~1~ First Day
~2~ W-What am i thinking!?
~3~ no title.
~4~ H-Hi Kacchan..!
~5~ Pathetic.
~6~ Midoryia.
~7~ I am worth it!
~8~ K-Kacchan?
~10~ you're lying.
~11~ lost
~12~ Where is he!?
~14~ ah ah ah~
Not a chapter, sorry!
~17~ k....c...cha...n..
~18~ Izuku!
~19~ I-I.............................. do to....
~20~ boyfriends?
~21~ im back!
~22~ yee boiiiiiii-
~24~ hahahahaha-
~25~ Puppy love
~26~ Patience
~27~ Blissful before painful
~28~ Its fluffy, I promise
~29~ Busy as a bee
~30~ Huh?
~31~ Differences

~23~ sore but happy

6.1K 168 61
By ItsPipiBois

Hello, yes, I'm not dead (hopefully by time this comes out I'm not dead) sooo, I'm losing motivation for this story fast, so I'll try to end this story in a couple of chapters so that way it isn't discontinued, anyways, that's all I had to say.

Izuku groaned softly, being in heat sucked, but having an alpha to help was extremely helpful, he was currently sitting on his bed while the alpha cleaned up little pieces of clothing and blankets from his nest that got dirty, the smaller male watched the male in awe, still not believing that katsuki would like him, after years of bullying, maybe that's why he bullied him.

Izuku smiled softly, tapping his fingers on his thighs he hummed a low tune, waiting for the male to get done cleaning, once Katsuki was finished cleaning up the mess that they made, he got dressed again "you just going to sit there or what?" He asked, looking over at the male in a daze "I can't feel my legs.." Izuku mumbled with a blush of embarrassment, looking anywhere than at the taller male, the other sighed softly, shaking his head he went over to him, placing his hands on either side of the other male "And I'm guessing you want to move." he said in an annoyed but soft tone.

the other male nodded in agreement to what the other said, still being a little embarrassed his face definitely shown it, "Alright." Katsuki said, picking the other up by his thighs, which surprised him "Kacchan?" he asked, looking down at him as he was lifted up "What now." he asked with a small glare which made the other laugh softly "Nothing nothing." he hummed as he let the other carry him, a deep red blush covering his face as he went to the door "Kacchan! what if others are still in the dorm!" he said gripping onto the other's shoulders.

"Who the fuck cares." he stated opening the door to head out to the bathrooms "You already have an oversized hoodie on, no one will see you naked." he told the smaller male with a small 'Tsk.' the other sighed and nodded, letting the other carry him. it was true the other gave him a hoodie to wear, and it was oversized, but that meant that his neck was exposed and there were countless bite marks and hickeys all over his neck and down his chest, he just sighed softly and leaned onto the other so he didn't have to use any more energy he had already used getting fucked, he smiled softly and nuzzled into the others neck that had a few marks, he was slowly slipping in and out of a heat state but tried to keep his composure.

for Katsuki it was a complete nightmare, he could smell the others usually cinnamon roll-sugary scent enhanced by his heat, he was surprised by himself that he didn't just fuck the other until he was begging for more, he would most definitely be destroying the others hole this week, he smiled softly which was actually rare for Bakugou, leaving a soft kiss on the other's neck, he walked to the showers and placed the other down on one of the ledges in the showers made for bottles of cleaner, he kissed the omegas cheek and started the water "Can you feel your legs at all?" he asked as he turned back to the smaller male, he shook his head and waited patiently for the other to respond, the other sighed and picked the other back up, by his thighs and bringing him over to the water, standing him up and keeping hold of the other's waist so he didn't fall.

Izuku was extremely grateful for the other, even if it was also the other's fault that he couldn't stand properly, letting himself relax as the water hit him, sighing softly and starting to clean himself off, leaning against the other for support when he felt like he was going to fall, to which Katsuki found extremely annoying and adorable.

After a few minutes of washing himself, he was finished, turning off the water, looking slightly up at the other because of their heights not being to different "I'm done." He hummed, turning back around to face the ledge, grabbing the towel the other had pervaded, praying his heat wouldn't act up right away again, Katsuki huffed in annoyance as he watched the other, making sure he didn't fall, but stifling a laugh when the omega yelped with a small fall before catching himself.

"You're one of a kind, Deku." Katsuki said with a smirk while watching the others face turn a crimson "Is that a compliment or insult?" He asked, turning around so he could see the other while he continued to dry off "that's for you to decide." Katsuki said, his smirk getting even bigger when the other huffed.

"Can we go back to school now?" Izuku asked, drying off his hair to where the other shook his head with a annoyed look on his face "You're still in heat, and can barely move, you're not going today." Izuku picked up on the little details and furrowed his eyebrows "does that mean that you're going?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I am, you got a problem with that?" Katsuki asked with a scowl to where Izuku looked away "i have a problem with you saying you'll take care of me in heat, and then leave for the whole day." He said, even though every step felt like he was going to fall, leaned against the wall for support and headed back to his room and nest, laying down after what felt like forever and nuzzling into the different, less amount, but still clothing and objects, feeling safe and at home his body slipped back into a heat.

Izuku groaned and moaned softly, tears brimming his eyes, he wanted his Alpha, he was starting to regret his disagreement with the other, whimpering as a worse wave of heat hit him, craving the touch of his alpha, he grabbed some of his things that he borrowed for his nest, curling into a ball and bringing it up to his chest and nose, cuddling close with a bright blush as he started to touch himself.


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