Freaky Friday (Avengers versi...

By fanguurrl167

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What happens when the alien matter left over from multiple Avengers battles is collected? What happens when... More

Copyright and shit
Cast list
Chapter 1 - Failed Attempt
Chapter 2 - Ms Potts!
Chapter 4 - Aunt Hottie
Chapter 5 - Metal arm
Chapter 6 - Mjölnir
Chapter 7 - I'm a GIRL??!!

Chapter 3 - Pop tarts

436 5 1
By fanguurrl167

Thor Odinson's point of view

My mother has called me to come back to Asgard today and so I must get up early and dress appropriately to go back.

My mother says that the All-father has fallen into the Odinsleep and I must return to rule Asgard.

My brother Loki is serving out his sentence for his crimes against Midguard. I have tried on many occasions to shorten his sentence because I suspect he was under the control of another. My baby brother Loki would never such a thing.

I have told mother to give him some of his favourite books and some furniture unlike the other cells and thankfully she agreed, stating he was of royal blood. Of course the citizens of Asgard do not need to know which Royal family but he is of Royal blood.

I have told the All-mother several times that I am not fit to rule but she insisted I go back today due to the Odinsleep.

I wake and find that I am not in my room. This is most strange. I am in Dr. Banner's science lab. How can I be down here? He does not allow anyone to be here apart from Stark.

I make my way to the elevator and ask the elevator to take me to the main floor. She says "Yes, Dr. Banner."

Why is she calling me Dr. Banner. Is she broken? Stark said that she never breaks but I cannot be sure. I have not lived on Midguard long enough to know if technology can break, so I ask her.

"Lady Friday why are you calling me Dr. Banner," I ask her.

"Because that is your name, unless you would like me to change it," she replies.

That's very strange, she must be broken.
I eventually turn to look at one of the mirrors in the elevator and do not see myself.

Oh, that is why everyone was calling me Dr. Banner. We must have interchanged minds.
This must be one of Loki's tricks.

But how, he is serving time in Asgard. I have to find a way to get back to my own body because otherwise I will not be able to return home.

I finally reach the common floor and extend my arm for my hammer but it never comes. I can no longer summon my hammer. Am I no longer worthy just because I am in the body of another?

Loki would play these pranks in the palace but I could always lift my hammer, so why can't I lift it now?

I step out of the elevator and go over to the kitchen to get my Pop tarts, luckily Stark comes over to say hello, but he looks different. He seems very excitable, almost like a puppy.

"Oh my god your Bruce Banner," he says. "I have read all your work and it really interests me. Please could I talk to you about some of the stuff you have discovered." He continued, then out of nowhere he quickly says, "shit, I'm supposed to be Mr. Stark."

"Man of spiders?" I ask but it much sounded like a statement.

"Wait, are you Thor?" He asks me and I simply nod in reply with a small smile. That must have answered his question because he doesn't say anything else.

"When did this happen?" He asks me, referring  to our body exchange predicament.

"It happened was this morning," I say.

"Same for me," He quickly replies.

"How are we going to fix this?" I ask him.

"We have to find Mr. Stark and the real Dr. Banner. They have the best chance of working this out?" He says.

This is very strange. I am used to always being the tallest person in the room, now I am the same height as Stark. He is supposed to be the smallest one among us.

Mother might have to wait a little longer for my return.

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